
How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

author:Pillow poetry and books are idle

Hello friends, today I came to learn the Chinese character → how to pronounce the "霁" of Qiu Ji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean? Let's find out!

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

1. The pronunciation of the word "Ji".

霁, the second-level Chinese character, is pronounced as 霁 (jì) ~ shape sound. From the rain, in unison.

The homophone of 霁: jì 書 Ji

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

Second, the basic information of the word "Ji".

Chinese: 霁

Traditional: 霽


Phonetic: ㄐㄧˋ

Radical: Rain

Total strokes 14

Extramural strokes 6

Five strokes: FYJJ

Stroke order: 一、乛丨 、 、 、

Stroke order writing: horizontal point horizontal apostropic/horizontal hook vertical point point horizontal apostrophe vertical apostrophe vertical

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

3. What is the meaning of the word "Ji"?

It means that the rain has stopped, and in particular, it means that the rain (snow) has stopped, and the sky has cleared, which is also a metaphor for the dissipation of anger.

(1) The sky will be clear after rain or snow.

(2) The anger dissipates and the expression becomes pleasant.

(3) Haruro; Cheerfulness.

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

4. Interpretation of ancient books


How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

Explain the words

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

5. Etymological glyphs

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?

What does Qiu Ji mean?

秋霁拼音:qiū jì

Meaning: The weather is sunny after the autumn rain. Extension: The matter is resolved satisfactorily, and the mood is comfortable.

Autumn Ji depicts the sunny weather after autumn, and at the same time, it also contains the joy and satisfaction of people's hearts.

How to pronounce the "Ji" of Qiuji? What do you mean? What does Qiu Ji mean?