
Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Speaking of hawthorn, everyone may think of that sweet and sour taste, and many people like to use it to make jam, or buy some hawthorn slices directly to eat. But you know what? For those with stomach problems, hawthorn, although delicious, can be a "double-edged sword".

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Hawthorn does have quite a few benefits. It is rich in a variety of organic acids, such as citric acid and malic acid, which are natural food additives that can help us improve digestion, especially after eating greasy or indigestible foods.

So, if you are the kind of person who feels dull in the stomach and indigestion after eating, it is quite helpful to eat some hawthorn in moderation.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Hawthorn is a real test for our stomachs. If your stomach is constantly "grumpy" and you have too much acid, then you may have to say "no" to hawthorn.

The organic acids in hawthorn are no joke, and once they enter the stomach, they may cause your stomach acid to secrete more violently, which is like adding fuel to the fire and making the already sensitive stomach more uncomfortable. If you eat hawthorn for a long time, annoying problems such as stomach pain and heartburn may come to your door.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

But everyone's situation is different, and it depends on the individual's physique. Each of us reacts to food very differently, so the most reliable way is to listen to the doctor's advice. Under the guidance of a doctor, it is a wise choice to decide whether to eat hawthorn and how much to eat in combination with your specific health conditions.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

For people with stomach problems, a change in their daily diet is also crucial. Pay special attention to foods that can "burn" your stomach: foods that are too spicy, too sour, or heavy in fat can cause stomach upset.

It's also important to keep your diet regular and avoid fasting for too long or overeating, these basic eating disciplines can help keep your stomach in a more stable state and avoid unnecessary pain.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Hawthorn is good, but it's not for everyone. Especially for patients with stomach problems, while enjoying the delicious taste brought by hawthorn, they should also pay special attention to the control of quantity, and if necessary, they should listen to the doctor's advice and do some necessary examinations. In this way, the quality of life can be guaranteed without harming the body. After all, health is the most important thing, right?

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

People are becoming more and more health-conscious, especially eating healthy. It is often widely spread that "certain foods cannot be eaten every day", especially for people with chronic diseases, such as stomach problems. However, some foods that were previously considered harmful are not only harmless but may also have health benefits in moderate amounts.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Coffee. Many people think that coffee is a stimulant drink, especially for people with stomach problems, and it is an absolute taboo. In fact, drinking coffee in moderation is safe for most people and can even bring some health benefits, such as boosting energy levels and improving mood. Of course, for patients with hyperacidity, coffee may aggravate the condition, but the key is "moderation".

Moderate consumption of decaffeinated coffee or appropriate adjustments under the guidance of a doctor is acceptable for people with a healthy stomach.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is also a stimulant food that may stimulate stomach acid secretion and exacerbate stomach symptoms. However, if it's a high-quality, cocoa-rich dark chocolate, and only in small amounts, it can actually provide antioxidants to the body without causing much of an impact on the stomach.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Cayenne peppers, which are rich in vitamin C and capsaicin, the latter of which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Many people think that chili peppers are contraindicated for people with stomach problems, but in fact, it is not impossible to consume chili peppers in moderation.

The irritation of chili peppers is mainly caused by capsaicin, which can help improve the body's metabolism when consumed in moderation, and even capsaicin helps in the protection and repair of the gastric mucosa.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Patients with gastric diseases should communicate more with their doctors in their daily diet management and develop a personalized diet plan according to their physical condition. Rather than simply following certain established dietary taboos, which may have become obsolete.

We can see that a reasonable diet should be varied, not simply excluded. Adjusting your eating habits in a scientific way will not only avoid the worsening of stomach problems, but also promote overall health by providing the necessary nutrients.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

A healthy lifestyle is not limited to food choices, but also includes moderate exercise, adequate rest, and a positive attitude towards life. These are all important aspects to help people with stomach problems stay healthy. Therefore, when we discuss the diet of people with stomach problems, the overall adjustment of lifestyle cannot be ignored either.

When we talk about dietary considerations for people with stomach problems, there are also some dietary principles and practices that may not be so obvious but are very critical that can promote overall nutritional balance while protecting stomach health.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

The importance of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is often recommended for people who want to improve their digestive health, but people tend to be cautious about people with stomach problems, fearing that crude fiber can irritate the stomach lining. However, the correct point should be to distinguish between different types of dietary fiber.

Soluble fiber, such as those found in oats and apples, can help slow down the digestive process, which helps to moderate stomach acid irritation. Insoluble fiber, such as whole-grain bread and corn, can indeed irritate the sensitive stomach lining, so it should be reduced.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

A balance of acidic and alkaline foods in the diet. Traditionally, there is often an emphasis on avoiding excessively acidic foods to reduce acid secretion and stomach upset.

In fact, the stomach environment itself is highly acidic, and moderate amounts of alkaline foods, such as green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits, can help neutralize stomach acid and reduce the burden on the stomach. The key here is "in moderation", too much alkaline food can also cause other digestive problems.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

Pay attention to the temperature of your diet. Hot food can irritate the stomach lining and cause discomfort, while cold food can also cause stomach cramps. The ideal food temperature should be "lukewarm", i.e. slightly below body temperature, so that it can avoid over-irritating the stomach lining. Foods with the right temperature are more easily accepted by the stomach and reduce stomach discomfort.

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

In real life, patients with gastric problems should pay more attention to their eating habits and improve their symptoms through careful adjustment of their daily diet. Adjustments to each food and eating habit should be made based on the individual's specific health condition and the doctor's recommendations. What is suitable for others may not be suitable for oneself, and appropriate dietary adjustments can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with stomach problems.

(All names have been changed)

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Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day



[1] Ying Jing, Sun Lili. Prevention of Stomach Diseases Starts with Improving Indigestion, Family Life Guide, 2024-1

Should people with stomach problems stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat a few things every day

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