
The Buddha can't climb high! In private, he knelt down and begged for a kiss

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

The night view of Beijing is always beautiful, especially from the height of the 30th floor.

But some people don't want to appreciate it.

In front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

The scrambled breathing made the glass seem to be fogged up.


The man's deep and sexy voice rang in his ears.

Figures reflected in the glass windows are scattered.

The handsome man behind him has indifferent eyebrows and eyes, and his neat suit is not messy at all, which is in extreme contrast with the girl with disordered breath.

The girl seemed to notice that Bei Yan bit her red lips tightly, and raised her chin to look at the man in the glass, provocatively.

Just as she was about to say something, a pain came from her knee.

"When is it time for you to sleep?"

Xia Lan's irritable voice came.

Lin Zhiyang opened his eyes suddenly, and his cloudy fox eyes were misty for a moment before he realized that he was now in the nanny car.

Next to her are her agents and assistants.

The problem of sleeping in the car really needs to be changed.

And it's okay to just sleep, why did you still have an inexplicable dream!

It's still that kind of dream!

Lin Zhiyang's cheeks were slightly red, his eyes fell on his lap knee, and he cast a resentful look at Xia Lan, "Sister Lan, why are you beating me?" It hurts! ”

The beauty's voice is hoarse, with the tiredness of just waking up, and it sounds good for no reason.

Even Xia Lan, the female agent, was a little moved when she heard this, and when she looked at her white and tender knees again, there was an obvious red slap print.

Xia Lan's face was wrinkled, God knows that she didn't exert any force at all.

This little ancestor is also too delicate.

The weak heart no longer looked at her knees, but at the face of the beauty.

It's been almost two years since Lin Zhiyang was brought to her, and Xia Lan was still often amazed by her beauty.

The girl's face is thick, and her fox eyes are incomparably sparkling, and when she is slightly upturned, she looks like a little goblin that leads people to fall.

The slightly curly long hair is casually put on the shoulders, a natural stunner, and when he is not smiling, he is extremely cold and glamorous, full of aggression.

At this moment, she is lazy and tired with one hand supporting her chin, her fox eyes are half-squinted, and she can't see that she is experiencing being scolded on the hot search.

Xia Lan no longer admired her appearance, and said helplessly: "Little ancestor, you can have a snack!" Do you know who Qi Yanchen is? You dare to pounce on other people's arms, just pounce, you even tease others! ”

Who is Qi Yanchen?

The youngest nine-gold actor in the history of Huaguo, a mythical figure in the entertainment industry.

has never had any scandals in the ten years since his debut, and the abstinent and noble is known as the flower of kaolin in the entertainment industry.

And since two years ago, in addition to filming, he often wears a string of black Buddhist beads on his wrist.

It is rumored that he has taken refuge in Buddhism.

In this way, the name of the Buddha in the world spread.

About two years ago, inexplicably there was a picture of Qi Yanchen's shirt buttoned and the collarbone was half exposed.

Let the whole network know that this noble and ascetic man has a small red mole on his delicate and cold white right collarbone.

The source of this picture is unknown, but the composition and shooting skills pull Qi Yanchen's sexual tension to the extreme.

Because of this, he won the first place in "Asia's Most Sleepy Man" for two consecutive years.

Abstinence and indulgence, this extreme sense of contrast has made countless fans offer him to the altar, only so that the admiration must not be touched.

So despite his unprecedented influence, almost no female artists dare to rub his popularity.

His fans have the most faults on the whole network, and his combat effectiveness is super strong.

There were female artists who were boycotted by the whole network before, and finally had to withdraw from the circle.

And Lin Zhiyang jumped directly on the thunder point of Qi Yanchen's fans this time, not only throwing himself into his arms to rub the heat, but also teasing him!

Lin Zhiyang's porcelain-white wrist still lightly supported his chin, and his eyelashes lifted slightly, "Of course I know him." ”

Abandoning those glorious names in the entertainment industry doesn't count, he is still the plastic husband of her business marriage!

The actor who had that inexplicable dream just now!

"You know how dare you?" Xia Lan was so angry that she wanted to jump out of the car.

"I really didn't mean to, I stepped on the hem of my skirt while walking, and I threw myself on him." Lin Zhiyang's eyes were hooked, and he said in a low and lazy voice.

Who knew that this dog man wouldn't say a word to her when he came back!

Today I went to participate in a fashion event, and when I walked the red carpet, I suddenly saw Qi Yanchen.

The man is tall and long-legged, and he wears a delicately tailored black haute couture suit, which is elegant and cold.

Bing Mu Jade Bone still wears the string of black Buddha beads on his wrist, and his abstinence is extreme.

He's been away on business for months, and the two of them hardly keep in touch.

She almost forgot that she still had a plastic husband, and when she saw it, she felt like he was suddenly cheating the corpse.

So when Lin Zhiyang met that picturesque face, the shocked fox eyes widened.

Without paying attention, he stepped on the hem of his skirt, and the whole person pounced forward.

But at the scene, it seemed that she was staring at Qi Yanchen with straight eyes, and then pounced on him like a hungry wolf.

Xia Lan took a deep breath, "Okay, even if you didn't mean this, but what do you mean when you say that people have a good waist!" Aren't you blatant flirtation? That's a Buddha in the world who doesn't have seven emotions and six desires! ”

Speaking of this, Lin Zhiyang blinked his eyes a little weakly, and his long eyelashes followed like butterfly wings.

"I'll just say it casually."

At that time, she stumbled forward and fell on top of him, and in order not to fall to the ground, her hands naturally hugged the man's lean waist.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still.

And when she raised her chin to meet the man's ruthless black eyes, she slashed at her toes in embarrassment.

When she stood up, she subconsciously wanted to ask, "Why are you here?" ”

When the words came to her lips and realized that this was a public place, her brain was hot, and she said, "You...... The waist is good. ”

The media gathered at this fashion event, and Qi Yanchen had not participated in a public event for about two years.

Except for being able to see him on the big screen in the cinema, other times it seems to be hidden.

So when the media saw Qi Yanchen appear, their eyes were about to fall to the ground.

The long guns and short guns were all aimed at Qi Yanchen, and then these media filmed the scene where Lin Zhiyang pounced on Qi Yanchen.

The phrase "your waist is good" was also clearly recorded by all the radio equipment.

The tone of the beauty is always lazy and wanton.

The whole picture looks like a amorous female goblin flirting with a male Buddha who has fallen into the empty door.

Within a moment, a large number of media posted the video on the Internet, causing a sensation on the whole network.

Lin Zhiyang was scolded on the hot search.

Now, two full hours have passed, and the heat is still rising.

When you open Weibo, you can see that the hot search is hanging high is #Lin Zhiyang flirting with Qi Yanchen #burst





Xia Lan rubbed her temples with a headache, "Hey, looking at the entire entertainment industry, it's easy to say who you rub anyone's popularity, but Qi Yanchen, you can't touch the edge." ”

It's also strange that she didn't remind her, mainly because in her eyes, Lin Zhiyang is not the kind of person who will rub the heat.

She was seen at Lin Zhiyang at a fashion magazine shoot two years ago.

At that time, Lin Zhiyang was sitting there with a camera, looking at the photos in the camera with his head down.

The long hair is tied casually with a ball, lazy and casual, and the shoulder and neck lines are thin and delicate.

A beauty is a beauty, even if she only wears a simple shirt and jeans, her figure and demeanor are still eye-catching.

Originally, Xia Lan just took one more look.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhiyang seemed to notice that someone was looking at her, and as soon as she raised her eyes, she met her.

Xia Lan has not forgotten that when she first saw her, her fox eyes were pure and beautiful, as if any impurities in the world were incompatible with her.

The beauty is in the bones and not in the skin, but Lin Zhiyang just accounts for both.

Xia Lan felt at that time that her face would definitely be popular in the entertainment industry.

That day, she took the initiative to talk to Lin Zhiyang and found out that she was a young photographer who had just returned to China not long ago.

She asked her if she was interested in entering the entertainment industry.

Lin Zhiyang hesitated a little and didn't agree immediately.

Xia Lan gave her her her contact information.

Unexpectedly, one day, she took the initiative to contact her.

After signing Lin Zhiyang, she originally wanted her to take the traffic route and participate in the draft debut.

But she has her own ideas, so she wants to hone her acting skills and be a good actor.

Being a good actor is the hardest, she is not from a professional background, nor does she have any qualifications, and she is unwilling to accept the unspoken rules in the circle. From the smallest role to the beginning, every step is very difficult.

She came to this fashion event to meet a director after the end, but who knew it would be like this.

Lin Zhiyang looked at Xia Lan, and the fox blinked innocently, "Hey, bad luck, the fairy sighed." Sister Lan, what should I do now? ”

At this time, assistant Xiao Ran looked at the hot search on his mobile phone and muttered, "If Emperor Qi came out to say something by himself, his fans wouldn't be so ruthless!" ”

Xia Lan shook her head when she heard this, "Impossible, it's impossible for Qi Yanchen to come out and speak." He has never dealt with artists who rub his popularity, and Weibo is only open when it should be open, and he has never made personal remarks. ”

"Besides, a Buddha was molested by a little goblin, and it's not bad if you don't retaliate!"

Xiao Ran flattened his mouth, "It seems that this is really the case." ”

Xia Lan frowned and said, "But now it seems that there is some hope for this method, but the problem is that we don't know him, and we don't even have the opportunity to ask him." ”

Everyone in the circle knows that in the past two years, Qi Yanchen has been in simple terms, and it is even more difficult to get in touch with him than to ascend to the sky.

Lin Zhiyang's fox eyes, who heard the conversation between the two people, rolled, "Then what if you know?" ”

Xia Lan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Zhiyang in shock, "You know Qi Yanchen?" ”

Lin Zhiyang's eyes paused slightly, and his jade white hand touched the tip of his nose.

How is the mouth faster than the brain every time!

She married Qi Yanchen before she met Xia Lan.

She didn't think about setting up a single character to attract male fans, and this kind of plastic marriage was unreliable, maybe she would leave one day, and she didn't tell Xia Lan about her marriage.

It was even more impossible for Xia Lan to guess that her husband was Qi Yanchen.

More is better than less, Lin Zhiyang's fox eyes blinked, "I almost know him, he is my distant relative." ”

Xia Lan was a little excited when she heard this, "Hello relatives!" What relatives exactly? ”

Lin Zhiyang's red lips pursed slightly, and he said nonsense, "He is the younger brother of the son of the third aunt of my second uncle's family." ”

Xia Yue: "......"

Xia Lan scratched her short hair.

"Then you can contact your second uncle...... Let's see if he can help you contact Qi Yanchen. ”

Now there is no choice but to be a dead horse as a live horse doctor.

Anyway, it is impossible to get a reply from the team that contacted him, and it is possible that I will do a favor with my relatives.

But this relative is really "distant".

Xia Lan replied to the message on her mobile phone while talking, and as soon as this incident came out, many jobs that had been determined were swaying.

Several partners sent messages to cancel the cooperation.

The entertainment industry is like this, praising high and stepping on low.

During the reply to the message, Weibo suddenly pushed a blog post to her.

Xia Lan glanced at it, and blurted out a beautiful quintessence.

"! Some paparazzi photographed Li Wen going to contact Director Ning of "Lou Yin Biography" tonight! ”

It is this director that Lin Zhiyang is going to contact tonight.

Director Ning Wujia is a well-deserved ghost director in the TV drama industry now, he doesn't buy IP, he has always created and filmed by himself.

He doesn't cater to the market and has his own ideas, but every time a TV series comes out, it's a big hit.

This has successfully made his drama a resource for major artists to compete for, even if it is just a supporting role, it has made countless first-line people rush to it.

Because his big hit is the kind of explosion that all the members explode, and every character is very outstanding.

This time, "Lou Yin Biography" is a script that he has carefully polished for two years, and it has attracted wide attention as soon as the project is established.

Lin Zhiyang's mobile phone also received this push, the tails of his eyes were slightly upturned, and he smiled lightly: "6!" She's really good at grabbing! ”

The two of them are old rivals.

At that time, Lin Zhiyang had just debuted and auditioned for a movie with Li Wen.

Li Wen made a campus love movie when she was eighteen years old.

Because of his pure and beautiful appearance, he became the first love of the people of the year in one fell swoop.

But she belongs to the kind of person who is at the peak of her debut, and the movies she made later are tepid.

But because she has the aura of a national first love, every time she auditions for a role, the director will choose her.

But that time, the director chose Lin Zhiyang, who had just debuted.

Li Wen began to hate Lin Zhiyang at that time.

But in the end, the movie was not released at all, because the actor went in and stepped on the sewing machine.

Later, Lin Zhiyang's resources were robbed, and they all had something to do with Li Wen.

Xia Lan was so angry, "She will really take advantage of people's danger, you must contact your relative, if the hot search turmoil subsides, we may still have a chance." ”

Lin Zhiyang didn't answer, and looked out the window with one hand on his chin.

The side face printed on the window glass is delicate and gorgeous, but it can be vaguely seen that the bottom of the beauty's eyes is a little gloomy.

Really beg him?

Will he be able to say yes?

The two of them said that it was a commercial marriage on the surface, but only Lin Zhiyang himself knew that Qi Yanchen married her in order to repay her kindness.

The good thing about being married for two years is that they respect each other like guests.

It's not nice to say that it's no different from strangers, except for the occasional conversation in bed.

Not only does this man look ruthless and desireless in life, but he is also similar in bed, and sometimes he doesn't even have a lot of breath when he does it.

Lin Zhiyang often even felt that it didn't matter to Qi Yanchen who the person on the bed was, it was just to solve his physiological needs.

He had no affection for her, but she had mentioned divorce several times, and he disagreed.

I seem to remember that the last time she mentioned divorce was the night before he went on a business trip.

A few months passed, and she couldn't remember why she asked him for divorce that time.

Anyway, he didn't agree, and left the country the next day.

Lin Zhiyang looked out the window, leaving Xia Lan and Xiao Ran with a slender and beautiful silhouette.

The beauty is still wearing the gilt gold dress that participated in the event, and the long skirt is a mopping design.

The back is almost completely hollowed out, down to the psoas muscles, and the delicate butterfly bone and back line are exposed.

The makeup artist also specially pasted a row of sparkling diamonds on the midline of Lin Zhiyang's back, which shone in the light and made people unable to take their eyes off.

At this time, Xiao Ran picked up his mobile phone and prepared to take a photo of Lin Zhiyang.

Suddenly, she found that Lin Zhiyang's hairstyle had changed, and she was originally coiled in her hair in order to wear this dress.

And now the long curly hair is casually placed on the shoulders, just enough to cover the stunning back when you stand up.

Xiao Ran asked curiously, "Teacher Lin, didn't you have your hair coiled when you went in?" ”

Lin Zhiyang was angry when he thought of this.

Qi Yanchen seemed to have a serious illness, and after the red carpet came down, the two of them met again.

He only greeted her coldly, then raised his arm, and with a slight hook of his bony fingers, he dragged away the headband that had coiled her hair.

She was about to ask him what he was doing, but someone passed by, so she could only stare at him and leave.

I don't know if he has some unknown habits.

The beauty stroked her long hair and said angrily: "I met a dog backstage and messed up my hairstyle." ”

Xiao Ran was shocked, "Huh? Can dogs go in this fashion event? ”

Lin Zhiyang: "......"


The box on the second floor of Yunwa Tea House.

Ning Wujia touched the top of his slightly sparse head, and said again: "Yanchen, you should consider this script, a cameo will not delay you much." ”

has a crazy villain role, and he especially wants Qi Yanchen to play it.

He has played a positive image since his debut, of course, not all of the one-sided roles of Wei Guangzheng, and he has also played complex personalities.

Back then, he played a hexagonal movie by himself, which made him sweep the gold medals at film festivals at home and abroad that year.

But he really didn't act that kind of outright crazy criticism.

I don't know why, Ning Wujia thinks he is suitable.

If it is acted, even if it is just a cameo, it can leave a strong mark in the history of TV dramas.

The man sitting in front of him was dressed in a black suit, and a long finger with clear joints was unhurriedly playing with the black Buddha bead on his left wrist.

Naturally, it reveals an unattainable cold aura.

Hearing this, the man raised his eyelids, his eyebrows and eyes were cold and detached, as if there were no gods and Buddhas with seven emotions and six desires, "There is no time." ”

If it weren't for what Ning Wujia said at the beginning to invite him to have tea and chat, he wouldn't have come.

The two of them are old acquaintances, and they met when Ning Wujia was still in the film industry.

There is a wall in the film circle and the TV drama circle, and it turns out that Ning Wujia is more suitable for making TV series.

Ning Wujia was accustomed to Qi Yanchen's ruthless tone and expression, and pouted and continued: "I know you have never appeared in a TV series, but for the sake of our friendship, do me a favor." ”

Ning Wujia's tone can be called coquettish, if he didn't know that Qi Yanchen had a habit of cleanliness, he would have to hold his arm and beg him.

Qi Yanchen's long eyelashes drooped, and his gaze fell on the black headband on the same left wrist.

If you look closely at the black headband, you can see that it is dotted with a black rose, which is charming and dangerous.

He twirled the rose twice with his fingertips, and said lightly: "I really don't have time." ”

And at this moment, outside the box, there was a woman in a white dress squatting in the corner.

And a girl who looked like an assistant was standing, looking at the door of Ning Wujia's box.

"Sister Wen, Sister Wen, Ning is here."

Li Wen quickly stood up, straightened her skirt and hairstyle, and her trademark pure smile hung on her face.

In fact, she didn't make an appointment with Ning Wujia at all.

It's just that in the backstage of tonight's LS event, I overheard Ning Wujia going to Yunwa Tea House to drink tea.

She secretly followed, and arranged for the paparazzi to secretly photograph their front and back feet into the tea house.

Release the news first, and let some people who are beyond their power retreat, especially Lin Zhiyang.

Then she pretended to meet Ning Wujia by chance, left an impression on him, and by the way, expressed her idea of wanting to play the heroine of his TV series.

She has made a lot of theatrical movies in the past two years, and now she deigns to make a TV series, can Ning Wujia refuse?

With that in mind, she walked around the corner.

However, when she raised her head and wanted to pretend to see Ning Wujia inadvertently, she was stunned.

Ning Wujia is not very old, in her early thirties, but because of lack of body management, her head is a little bald and her belly is big.

And the man standing next to him was tall and long-legged, broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted, and had a face like the Creator's showmanship.

And the most eye-catching thing is the string of black Buddha beads on the wrist of the man's ice muscle and jade bone, which is ascetic and mysterious.

It turned out to be Qi Yanchen!

Her first movie "Xia Cicada" was with Qi Yanchen, and as soon as this movie was released, she became the first love of the people.

That was eight years ago, and Qi Yanchen also won a trophy for the actor through this movie.

Their first love CP also made countless fans stunned at that time.

However, they only communicated in the play at that time, and the current WeChat was not popular at that time, and they didn't even leave each other's contact information.

After that, Qi Yanchen's career was in full swing, and they never cooperated again.

The careers of the two people have no intersection, and they don't even have the opportunity to meet each other.

At the beginning, she could still get dividends by marketing the CP of two people.

But because Qi Yanchen never cooperated, his team and fans also rejected him, and he slowly couldn't eat any dividends.

She tried to add his WeChat through others, but did not add.

But this time, by chance, Li Wen felt that this was destined by God.

The corridor of Yunwa Tea House is quiet and the decoration is high-end.

When you come out of the box, you can see a simple style of landscape painting, with bamboo forests and distant mountains, indifferent and quiet.

Ning Wujia took a deep breath, ready to persuade Qi Yanchen in what he was talking about.

A gentle female voice sounded, "Yanchen, long time no see." ”

Ning Wujia turned her head and saw Li Wen in a white dress.

When Qi Yanchen heard the voice, his eyes almost only glanced at Li Wen, and he responded detachedly, "Hmm." ”

Ning Wujia looked at Qi Yanchen with a smile on her face.

Qi Yanchen opened the tails of his eyes and glanced at Ning Wujia, his eyes were cold and warm.

Ning Wujia immediately realized that he was not familiar with this at all.

The entertainment industry is like this, when you are hot, you are full of friends, and everyone comes to say hello when you see it.

And people like Qi Yanchen who have always been on the top of the clouds, there are countless "friends".

Li Wen was a little embarrassed, she felt a little different from when she was watching Qi Yanchen through the screen before.

But face to face, her feelings were clearer, and he had changed a lot.

Seven years ago, he was twenty years old, and he could only be regarded as clean and self-conscious, deliberately keeping a distance from female artists.

But now, almost instinctively, he exudes an aura of nobility and indifference, which makes people dare not approach.

It seems that something important has changed in him, but it is elusive.

Li Wen's face turned a little white in an instant, and she turned her head to look at Ning Wujia, "Yanchen's personality is still so cold, this is Director Ning, hello." ”

Li Wen stretched out her hand.

Ning Wujia is not the kind of person who is cold, she shook her hand shallowly and responded politely: "Hello." ”

Li Wen smiled quietly, "Director Ning, I ......"

Qi Yanchen's voice was cold and interrupted Li Wen's words, "You talk." ”

The words fell, and the superior long legs stepped forward and walked forward.

Ning Wujia didn't know Li Wen at all, so she hurriedly followed behind Qi Yanchen, "Eh, you wait for me, I don't know her, what is there to talk to her." ”

Li Wen: "......"

Something, even she doesn't know!

Li Wen looked at Qi Yanchen's back and stomped her feet angrily.

However, at this time, her eyes flashed, and she saw Qi Yanchen wearing Buddha beads on her wrist, as if she was wearing more than just a string of Buddha beads.

Li Wen's eyes flashed slightly, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and took a photo.


Parking lot.

As soon as the man with a long figure bent down into the nanny car, the assistant Nan Zhibai said eagerly: "Brother, my wife has been scolded on the hot search." ”

Qi Yanchen's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he said in a cold voice: "Didn't you let you deal with it?" ”

Sitting down in the back seat, the man's bony hand took out his mobile phone, looked at Weibo, and his already lukewarm eyes became cold.

Nan Zhibai lowered his head, "It's too late for us to deal with it, too many media have sent it, mainly because the sentence that my wife said is too strong, and it directly rushed to the first place in the hot search, if it is forcibly removed, I am afraid that it will be even more unfavorable to my wife." ”

Qi Yanchen's eyelashes drooped slightly, leaving a small shadow on his eyelids, and his long fingers lightly twisted the Buddha beads on his wrist.

Nan Zhibai was one of the few people who knew that Qi Yanchen was married, and when he first found out, he was shocked and didn't sleep for three days.

He has followed Qi Yanchen since his debut, and then Qi Yanchen focused on the management company, and the assistant was still him.

He always thought that his boss would definitely be lonely and widowed for the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, one day I suddenly told him to find a women's bag.

He was shocked at the time, thinking that his boss had opened up and fell in love with a woman to start pursuing.

He casually asked, "For whom?" ”

He still can't forget the three words that Qi Yanchen said lightly that day, "My wife." ”

Of course, he didn't dare to ask more about the boss, so he started a trip to help his wife buy various things.

But he also saw that his boss shouldn't have paid much attention to that wife, and he only spent money and never brought it out anyway.

So he never saw Mrs. Qi.

Until today, in the backstage, he saw Qi Yanchen and Lin Zhiyang say hello first.

This made him particularly strange.

Qi Yanchen has never taken the initiative to talk to a female artist, and he is slandering in his heart whether Lin Zhiyang is too beautiful, and that flutter makes Qi Yanchen tempted.

Then he saw Qi Yanchen take off Lin Zhiyang's head rope and put it on his wrist, and his brows were wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

Where there was no one, he asked, "Brother, what are you ......" and want to tie your hair?

The latter words were not spoken, Qi Yanchen looked at him coldly, "Deal with what happened on the red carpet just now, and let the media not break out." ”

Nan Zhibai blinked, "Why?" That little artist seems to have bad intentions and is molesting you. ”

Then, he heard Qi Yanchen say in a deep voice: "Husband and wife." ”

Nan Shibai: "......"

No one expected it to turn out like this.

Qi Yanchen's clear finger bones knocked on his knees, and he looked out the window, his black pupils were bottomless, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.


The No. 1 villa area in the middle of the mountain is a wealthy area in the entire Jinghai area.

Xia Lan knew that Lin Zhiyang lived here, but it was not surprising.

Because she was born with a kind of pride and the temperament of a wealthy lady.

Sometimes she worked hard for two months to film, and the salary was not worth her clutch, but she was still conscientious.

At first, she thought she was some kind of wealthy little princess, chasing her dreams in the entertainment industry.

Later, I learned that her father had passed away and left her an inheritance.

The car stopped, Xia Lan didn't get out of the car, only said: "You must think of a way to go back, whether you can continue to stay in the entertainment industry depends on whether you can ask Qi Yanchen to help you say something on Weibo." ”

Lin Zhiyang smiled and gave Xia Lan an OK gesture, but the corners of his lips pursed at the moment he turned around.

Will he be able to say yes?

And she once told him that she would never borrow her background and his strength when she entered the entertainment industry, and now she is letting people post on Weibo!

Ahhh What a shame!

Lin Zhiyang's red lips opened slightly, and he let out a long sigh.

But is face more important or is the effort of the past two years important?

Thinking of this, Lin Zhiyang clenched his small fist.

No way! She'll have to give it a try.

Stepping into the living room, Lin Zhiyang kicked off the high heels on his feet, and stepped on a pair of pink plush slippers with his white and tender ankles.

She looked around the black-and-white minimalist living room.

Didn't see anyone.

He often sleeps in the company when he's busy, and he doesn't know if he'll be back tonight.

Lin Zhiyang took out his mobile phone and sent WeChat to Qi Yanchen as he walked to the second floor.

Qi Yanchen's WeChat avatar is the string of black Buddhist beads in his hand that he can't understand Sanskrit, which looks very pure-hearted and has little desire, making people have no interest in chatting with him.

The slender jade finger clicks on the phone screen to open the chat interface.

The chat between the two of them was still stuck in the purchasing pictures she sent him a month and a half ago.

Many bags and jewelry could not be bought in China, so she had to let him buy them abroad.

Every time he sends it, he will reply with a "received", especially like a real purchasing agent!

Aunt Zhang, the live-in aunt, greeted her, "Madam, do you still want dinner?" ”

Lin Zhiyang shook his head, "No. ”

Lin Zhiyang didn't seem to be in a very high mood.

Aunt Zhang's sentence "Mr. is also back" stuck in her throat and did not say it.

The second floor of the villa has a large separate bathroom equipped with a Jacuzzi.

Lin Zhiyang sent a message to Qi Yanchen: "Teacher Qi, are you going home tonight?"

I went into the big bathroom to take a bath.

The steaming hot water faded Lin Zhiyang's fatigue all day, and his mood was much better.

The beauty's slender arms are full of white bubbles, and when you blow it gently, it is bright and dazzling.

After playing for a while, the beauty suddenly realized that more than ten minutes had passed, and Qi Yanchen did not reply to WeChat.

Lin Zhiyang's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and her teeth bit the soft flesh on her lips.

Why didn't he reply to her?

Is he angry?

She just said casually at the time that she really wasn't teasing him.

Although Qi Yanchen never makes any jokes on weekdays.

It's really like a ruthless and desireless Buddha.

But it's not enough to be angry because of the phrase "your waist is good"!

couldn't figure it out, and Lin Zhiyang didn't bother to continue thinking about it.

She has a request today, if he doesn't come back, how can she beg? WeChat didn't reply for half a day.

But what was she going to say before he came back?

Lin Zhiyang had no experience, so he had to send a message to his best friend, Yang Yangyang.

"Help! How can I get my husband who doesn't come home at night?"

Yang Yangyang was taken aback when he saw the news, "My mother! Qi Yanchen derailed?"

Yang Yangyang is one of the few people who knows that Lin Zhiyang is married, and the marriage partner is still Qi Yanchen.

Yang Yangyang is also half of the entertainment industry, they met when they studied photography abroad, and she is now a well-known photographer in the entertainment industry.

Lin Zhiyang's eyes fell on the screen of his mobile phone, and his red lips raised a shallow arc, "I still wish he was cheating!" It's a pity that there is no such good thing, he must be working, and I have something to ask him for."

Yang Yangyang quickly replied, "Isn't this simple? If you say something, no man can resist a woman's words."

Lin Zhiyang's eyes lit up slightly, "Try that fairy."

After getting the guidance of the master, Lin Zhiyang began to bite his fingers and say what to say first.

She didn't type until she was about to be bitten bald by a piece of her nail she had just done two days ago.

"Teacher Qi, can you go home tonight? I miss you."

As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Zhiyang's face immediately turned red.

Shame on you!

She'd never said anything like that before!

After sending it, her heart beat faster.

The heat in the bathtub was steaming, and her pale and delicate ketones were dyed pink.

Enthusiastic and fast-heartbeat, the beauty's red lips opened slightly, and she gasped twice, and she didn't have the heart to continue bathing, and stood up from the bathtub.

After drying it, she took a cyan nightdress and put it on, and the beauty walked barefoot to the bedroom.

The large bathroom is right next door to the bedroom.

However, the moment she opened the bedroom door, she smelled something in the room that didn't belong to her.

It was a very light woody cedar scent.

Lin Zhiyang's footsteps immediately paused.

When she looked up, she saw a tall man sitting on the couch next to the bed.

The man seemed to have just taken a shower, and his slightly wet hair was on his forehead.

An ice-skinned wrist is wiping his hair with a towel.

He was wearing a light gray lounge suit, with a slightly open neckline, and under the warm light, the small red mole on the delicate cold white collarbone was particularly obvious, and he felt sexually in his bones.

Hearing the movement at the door of the room, the man also lifted his eyelids and looked this way.

Caught off guard by the pair of cold and desireless black eyes, Lin Zhiyang's heart suddenly tightened.

Qi Yanchen's eyes are good-looking, hooked inside and turned out, and his pupils are rare pure black, and he can't see them at a glance.

I have known Qi Yanchen for more than ten years, and every time she can be impressed by his appearance, the beauty of the prosperous world that has just been soaked in water at this moment is even more beautiful.

The air seemed to be silent for a moment.

Lin Zhiyang bit his red lip with his teeth, and his eyes fell on the mobile phone he casually placed on the sofa.

No wonder he didn't reply to the message, it turned out that he went to take a shower!

Then he shouldn't have seen what she said!

is suspected of flirting and complaining, then her image as a little fairy is really going to be ruined!

Now facing the handsome and cold man, Lin Zhiyang grabbed his toes when he thought of what she said, and felt even more ashamed!

It should be too late for her to delete his phone now, right?

Lin Zhiyang's fox eyes blinked, and he walked to his side as he spoke, "Qi ...... Teacher Qi...... You're back. ”

Qi Yanchen stopped wiping his hair, and his eyes fell on the beauty faintly.

Beauty has always had skin like clotted fat, but today I don't know why, the complexion is a faint light pink, like a full and juicy peach.

It's a bit of a bite to be desired.

Qi Yanchen's eyes were slightly hot, her Adam's apple rolled lightly twice, and her eyes fell on her snow-white and tender feet.

The white and tender feet stepped on the ground and the edges were slightly red.

When he looked up into the beauty's eyes, he found that the beauty standing in front of him did not look at him at all, but looked directly at his side.

Following her gaze, Qi Yanchen saw his mobile phone.

The handsome man's eyes flashed slightly, and his long fingers with clear joints picked up the phone.

Lin Zhiyang: "......"

Ahh What does this make her do?

And at this moment, the handsome man was about to unlock the phone with his phone.

Lin Zhiyang's heart thumped, and he subconsciously pounced forward, wanting to reach out and grab his mobile phone.

However, she didn't touch his phone, but fell into the man's arms unexpectedly.

The girl with a soft waist with jade bones suddenly rushed forward, and Qi Yanchen naturally opened her arms.

Let the warm fragrant nephrite fall into your arms.

The unique fragrance of the girl's body instantly filled the tip of her nose, and the man's eyes dimmed slightly.

At this moment, she is still gasping slightly, her chest is constantly rising and falling, and the transparent material of her pajamas outlines a delicate outline, seducting people without knowing it.

Qi Yanchen's sexy Adam's apple rolled up and down twice, as if asking, "Huh?" ”

The man's deep voice sounded in his ears, and Lin Zhiyang realized what situation he was in now.

As she threw herself forward, one knee naturally fell on the couch, between the man's legs.

And the entire upper body is now attached to the man's solid chest.

A slender arm naturally wrapped around the man's neck.

The other hand was raised high, but it didn't catch the phone.

The whole posture is very much like throwing a hug!

Embarrassed! It's so embarrassing!

Twice a day, I hit him, and I don't know how she is for him!

Lin Zhiyang's scalp was instantly numb with embarrassment, and he quickly stood up and bit his lip, "That, the ground is slippery, the ground is slippery." ”

Qi Yanchen: "......"

Crisp wooden floors: "......"

Lin Zhiyang didn't dare to look at Qi Yanchen, so he quickly climbed onto the bed and covered the whole person in the quilt.

But in the next second, she poked out a small head again, and her fox eyes blinked, "Teacher Qi, it's so late, let's rest early!" ”

Since it is impossible to snatch the phone, let him not have time to look at the phone and fall asleep early.

This way she can sneak it down.

The beauty in her arms ran to the quilt in an instant, and her two soft hands pinched the quilt and talked to him, cute like a little milk cat.

Qi Yanchen's dark eyes flashed with a smile, but his voice was still cold and indifferent, "You sleep first." ”

After speaking, the handsome man stood up, took the towel in his hand, and continued to wipe his hair slowly.

The man's short hair is slightly messy, which is a little different from the usual noble and cold image, an unprovoked Gu person.

The string of black Buddha beads on his wrist seemed to grow on his body, and he wore it on his white wrist just after taking a bath.

The extreme contrast between black and white collides with a boundless sense of abstinence.

Although Lin Zhiyang is admiring the beauty of the prosperous world, his heart is still holding on to it.

was afraid that someone would send Qi Yanchen WeChat at night, and when he looked at WeChat, he happened to see the two messages she sent.

However, no one sent WeChat to Qi Yanchen, and Lin Zhiyang's mobile phone "Ding Dong Ding Dong" received several messages.

When I opened it, it was all sent by Xia Lan.

"How's it going?"

"Are you connected?"

"What are you doing? You won't forget, will you?"

After reading WeChat, the corners of Lin Zhiyang's mouth straightened again.

Xia Lan didn't remind her, she really almost forgot, her main task tonight seemed to be begging for someone!

The secondary task is to delete that.

When Qi Yanchen's hair was about to dry, Lin Zhiyang didn't think about how to ask for someone.

She kept sneaking at him, and for the first time she found that he didn't seem to have any dependence on the phone, and he was very focused when he wiped his hair, unlike when she brushed her teeth and wanted to look at the phone.

Lin Zhiyang was just peeking, but then he directly lay on the bed and stared at him with his hands on his cheeks.

Qi Yanchen put down the towel, and as soon as he looked up, he met the girl's clear and beautiful fox eyes.

The girl is born with demon bones, charming but not vulgar, and when she stares at people, she seems to be silently seducing.

"Teacher Lin, is there something?" The cold man asked in a low voice.

Seeing it too fascinated, Lin Zhiyang felt a sense of embarrassment of being caught, she immediately looked away and turned over, "No...... Oh no, too. ”

The mattress next to him was sunk down, and Lin Zhiyang's red lips pursed slightly, not knowing how to speak.

If it was really like Xia Lan said, he had never posted any personal remarks on Weibo, then why would he make an exception for her?

After thinking for a moment, when Lin Zhiyang was mentally ready to speak, he saw a beautiful man half-leaning on the bed and picking up his mobile phone.

Lin Zhiyang: "......"

Lin Zhiyang's fox eyes were round, and he subconsciously reached out to grab his mobile phone.

But Qi Yanchen's reaction was very fast, and with a slight movement of his wrist, he dodged her.

As if puzzled, the cold and handsome man looked at her sideways, and his voice was clear, "Teacher Lin, what's wrong?" ”

Lin Zhiyang met his ruthless and desireless gaze, and he was very angry in an instant!

She is such a beautiful little fairy lying next to him, he still has the heart to play with his mobile phone?

Is he a man?

Isn't he okay?

But today there is something to ask him, and he can't turn his face! Can't turn your face!

Lin Zhiyang blinked, and his red lips hooked up a far-fetched arc, "Teacher Qi, stop playing with your phone, let's turn off the lights and go to sleep." ”

With the lights off, she couldn't see his face and spoke better.

The light is on the left, that is, the side where Qi Yanchen sleeps.

Lin Zhiyang leaned out of the quilt with his upper body, stepped over Qi Yanchen, and stretched out a slender arm to turn off the light.

The neckline of the nightdress on the delicate girl's body was originally low, but now she half-probed her body, and looked at it from the direction of Qi Yanchen, and the snow-white arc was clear at a glance.

The sweet scent of roses that belonged to the girl swept over again.

The man's throat was slightly dry, and the temperature at the bottom of his eyes, which had always been cold and lukewarm, gradually rose, spreading to all his limbs.

Lin Zhiyang didn't notice anything abnormal, but the moment she turned off the light, she felt a big palm fall on her soft waist.

The palm of her hand was extremely hot, falling on her waist, and it seemed to carry an electric current, and the crispy numb feeling quickly rushed all over her body.

Lin Zhiyang's breathing tightened, and he just wanted to speak.

The man's clear and sexy voice sounded in the dark, and he couldn't hear any emotion.

"Teacher Lin, you said you miss me, where do you think?"

Lin Zhiyang: "......"

Lin Zhiyang's body froze a little.

Ahhh It turned out that he had already seen that WeChat.

But what does this mean?

Where to think?

Inexplicably thought of something, Lin Zhiyang's little face turned yellow.

Isn't this man a Buddha? How do you say such a thing?

Was it a deliberate reply to what she said on the red carpet?

Although the beauty has a request for others, her posture is still a little unbearable, and she raised her chin arrogantly and did not admit it, "I'll just talk about it casually." ”

As soon as the words came out, Lin Zhiyang regretted it again!

She should have said a few nice things!

Lin Zhiyang's beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he bit his lip.

In the next second, she took a deep breath, raised her little face, and said in a low voice, "Teacher Qi...... Meet ......"

The beauty's words were all blocked in her lips.

The man's thin lips were slightly cool, and the kiss was restrained.

Between lips and teeth, the man's clear and magnetic voice sounded, as if with a hook.

"Teacher Lin, if you want to, just do it."


Next day.

The sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains on the pink mattresses, and it is warm and beautiful.

The slender beauty breathed long and slowly, until the silence was broken by the ringing of the phone.

The ringtone was harsh, the beauty's red lips opened slightly, and she stretched out her arm to touch her mobile phone on the bed with a coquettish sound.

opened a blurry fox eye and saw that the caller ID was the agent Xia Lan.

Jade Finger clicked on.

Xia Lan's overjoyed emotions seemed to overflow her phone.

"Lin Zhiyang, you can do it! Qi Yanchen really posted on Weibo! Now the abuse on the Internet is not so strong! ”

This sentence successfully woke Lin Zhiyang up from his sleepiness.

She turned over, only to realize that her whole back was sore, as if she had been crushed by something.

A few scenes from last night flashed back to Lin Zhiyang's mind.

In a moment, Lin Zhiyang's face was so red that he didn't even have his ears.

Ahhh Dog man!

I haven't seen each other for two months, how did my physical strength become so good?

Lin Zhiyang couldn't remember the specific times, but before she went to bed, she vaguely saw some light in the curtains.

It should be sunrise then!

Lin Zhiyang rolled his eyes at the air.

Because the culprit is long gone.

Xiao Ran's excited voice came from the phone again, "Teacher Lin, you are too powerful!" ”

Lin Zhiyang snorted softly.

Xiao Young didn't understand at all, what kind of price she paid last night!

But thinking of this, Lin Zhiyang's beautiful eyes wrinkled slightly.

What did she say last night? When did you say that?

I can't remember it at all, anyway, she should have said that she wanted him to post a Weibo.

"Okay, that's good."

The beauty just woke up, and her voice was a little lazy and tired, which was very good.

Xia Lan sighed twice, "Now it's all blown up on the Internet!" Your relatives are pretty reliable.! ”

Lin Zhiyang blinked his eyes and said tentatively: "Rounding is that I am very reliable, so can I eat a bucket of ice cream today?" ”

Female celebrities have to keep in shape, and everything she eats is taken care of.

Xia Lan smiled, "Dear, no." ”

Lin Zhiyang: "......"

Xia Lan said again: "You hurry up and reply on Weibo, although maybe Emperor Qi doesn't know who you are, just for the sake of your relatives, but you can't be rude, otherwise netizens will find fault again." ”

hung up the phone, Lin Zhiyang opened Weibo and looked at it, and now the hot searches are all about Qi Yanchen.




clicked into Qi Yanchen's Weibo, and Lin Zhiyang saw the Weibo he posted.

Qi Yanchen v: [Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your appreciation. 】

There are only eight simple words, no pictures, and no superfluous embellishments.

But everyone who saw this Weibo knew that he was replying to Lin Zhiyang's statement yesterday that he had a good waist.

If Qi Yanchen regarded that sentence as a kind of appreciation, then his fans couldn't force it to be a flirtation.

The time was posted at 6 o'clock in the morning, and now it is more than 10 o'clock in the morning, and there are as many as 300,000 comments and more than 1 million likes.

- "Ahh Emperor Qi posted on Weibo! (crawls forward with a twist) (roars) (hideous) (tries to get up) (runs forward) (falls to the ground)"

- "! Do you know that you have only posted two Weibo posts promoting movies in the past two years! The third one was actually sent for a woman who was molesting you!"

- "Woooooooooo Yanshen, you're too good! She's not admiring you, she's teasing you!"

- "Emperor Qi, if you are coerced, you will blink!"

- "I can only say that Lin Zhiyang, you can be regarded as shit luck!"

- "Emperor Qi's first time was given to Lin Zhiyang like this!"

- "Weibo: I hate the Qi Yingdi who has no sense of proportion!"

- "Speechless! Lin Zhiyang's eighteenth line is really rude! So far, there hasn't been a reply!"

- "It's not easy for a newcomer actor, it's just an unintentional word, don't maliciously interpret it! Let's pay attention to the works of Emperor Qi!"

This comment was sent by Qi Yanchen's big fan [The Dust Settled], and the likes are very high, which is the result of the guidance of Qi Yanchen's team.

[The Dust Has Settled] also sent messages in major fan groups, asking everyone to stop chasing this matter.

But having said that, [The Dust Settled] himself was shocked.

When did Qi Yanchen post on Weibo for a female star, and he was an eighteenth-tier female star.

She asked Qi Yanchen's team, and the people in the team were also in a state of confusion.

Qi Yanchen went abroad, and the matter was explained by the assistant.

The people in the team could only reply: "Emperor Qi believes in Buddhism now, treats others leniently, and can't do evil."

[The Dust Settles]: "......"


Regarding how to reply to Qi Yanchen's Weibo, Lin Zhiyang thought about it seriously.

She doesn't have many Weibo fans, only more than two million, all of whom are Yan fans.

Because of yesterday's incident, the number of fans increased by 500,000, and you don't have to think about it to know that most of them are black fans.

She hasn't posted on Weibo for a long time after she has been busy with work recently, and many fans have urged her to post selfies online.

Lin Zhiyang got up from the bed, stepped on the carpet with his slender ankles, and walked into the bathroom.

The girl in the mirror is as white as snow, her face is beautiful, her eyes are bright, and she is still impeccable despite her lack of makeup.

Lin Zhiyang admired his fairy appearance, and his eyes turned to see a black head rope on the washstand.

This is a headband she really likes, especially the black rose on it.

If you don't look closely, you can't see it at all, there is a kind of low-key beauty.

He took it away last night, and he thought he wouldn't be able to get it back!

Lin Zhiyang had a kind of joy of regain, and the tails of his eyes were slightly upturned in a rippling arc.

Without much thought, she casually tied a high ponytail, revealing her slender and smooth swan neck, and took a selfie.

At this time, she didn't know that Li Wen hadn't slept all night because of what happened last night.

With a dark circle under his eyes, he saw Qi Yanchen's Weibo again.

She was so angry that she vomited blood.

She never expected that Lin Zhiyang would be so lucky, not only rubbing Qi Yanchen's popularity, but also getting Qi Yanchen's reply!

Didn't he never bother with these things?

Since he is so tolerant of the matter of rubbing the heat now, then she can also rest assured and boldly rub it.

Li Wen turned her head to look at the assistant, "I'll send you a picture, you go and hand it over to the marketing account and send it out." ”

The assistant nodded.

Li Wen looked down at the box in front of her, and there was a head rope that was exactly the same as the one Qi Yanchen wore on her wrist, and a smile rose on the corner of her lips.

If the first love CP appears again, then CP fans will definitely be ecstatic!

Her movie was mentioned again, and the national first love was on the hot search again, so didn't she win Ning Wujia's TV series?

And it seems that Ning Wujia wants to invite Qi Yanchen to also star in that TV series.

If they have a chance to work together again, she will never let Qi Yanchen slip out of her hands again!

As for who the lady's headband was, Li Wen didn't care.

Which star in the entertainment industry doesn't have a few bed partners? I accidentally put it on my hand and forgot to pick it up.

Even if Qi Yanchen is known as the Buddha of the world, it is not surprising that he is also a normal man with physical needs.

And there is a breakthrough to overcome the possibility.

Li Wen picked up the same headband and played with it in her hand, thinking about how to inadvertently reveal that she also had this.


Lin Zhiyang carefully took a selfie for half an hour and carefully selected one, and when he posted it on Weibo, he didn't notice that the number one hot search on Weibo had changed.

In less than ten minutes, Lin Zhiyang was scolded again on the hot search!




The reason is that a big marketing account sent a photo of Qi Yanchen's back, and also circled Qi Yanchen's wrist not only has a string of Buddhist beads, but also a lady's head rope.

As soon as this photo came out, Weibo boiled again.

But basically all netizens think that the lady's head rope on Qi Yanchen's wrist is from the marketing account, and no one takes it seriously.

After all, there are not a few marketing accounts in the entertainment industry that maliciously rush to KPIs.

Then, in less than an hour, Lin Zhiyang posted a Weibo.

[Teacher Qi, there are still many things in you that are worthy of appreciation by our juniors, and I will learn from you in the future. @祁砚尘. 】

Originally, this sentence was decent.

However, Lin Zhiyang was accompanied by a picture.

This picture is Lin Zhiyang's side face tied to a neat high ponytail and taking a selfie in the mirror.

And the head rope on the horse's tail is exactly the same as the one on Qi Yanchen's wrist.

- "I've never seen such a disgusting person! Emperor Qi has posted a Weibo for you, are you still rubbing?"

- "It's not easy, I bought that headband in less than an hour!"

- "So Lin means that the head rope on Emperor Qi's wrist is actually hers?"

- "It's really embarrassing! Emperor Qi only helped her in the morning, and she actually took a bite back!"

- "So whose head rope is in Emperor Qi's hand?"

- "It must have been the marketing account! But Lin immediately bought a selfie, which the marketing account didn't expect at all!"

- ", Lin, you better get out of the entertainment industry, thank you!"

When Xia Lan opened her mobile phone to read Weibo again, she almost didn't catch her breath.

She seriously doubted that Lin Zhiyang was too old this year!

When the phone rang again, Lin Zhiyang was humming a song while brushing his teeth.

She glanced at her phone and found that it was Xia Lan calling again.

Presumably complimented her.

Lin Zhiyang connected the phone with crooked eyebrows.

Who knows, it was Xia Lan's angry voice that came from the phone.

"Lin Zhiyang!! What the hell are you doing! ”

Lin Zhiyang blinked a little confused, because there was still foam in his mouth, and his voice was milky, "I'm brushing my teeth." ”

Xia Yue: "......"

"Very good, the cooperation that was still suspended now has all stopped."

Xia Lansheng, who was dressed in a neat white suit, had no love.

As soon as Lin Zhiyang sat down in Xia Lan's office, he heard the bad news today.

She already knows what is going on Weibo, how to say it, she thinks it's outrageous!

The head rope was originally hers, but now it has become her rubbing Qi Yanchen again.

The beauty supported her chin with one hand, and sighed lazily, "Qi Yanchen may be my nemesis!" ”

Xia Lan felt the same, "You stay away from him in the future, and see how far you can run!" ”

It's really a wave of unevenness.

The flirting incident can also be clarified, there is no room for clarification in this matter, can netizens believe it if it is a coincidence?

"We also contacted the marketing number, and the other party insisted that it was not a P map! Just say it's a real picture, I'm also convinced, and the marketing account is not afraid of being accused of bankruptcy. ”

"It is indeed a true picture" Lin Zhiyang did not say it.

In the final analysis, this matter is to blame Qi Yanchen for that dog man.

If he hadn't taken off her headband, there wouldn't have been so much of a problem.

Now in this situation, it is impossible for him to come out and speak again.

Can he still directly announce his hidden marriage?

It's impossible!

Besides, this result is not what she wants to see.

Xia Lan looked at the bright and delicate beauty in front of her, and sighed again, "According to the current situation, you have to take a break for at least a year and a half, and you can only appear again when netizens almost forget about this matter." ”

When Lin Zhiyang heard this, her beautiful eyebrows frowned together, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at Xia Lan with her eyes open.

"Sister Lan, if you think about it again, you are the best agent in the entertainment industry in my heart, and I believe you will definitely be able to arrange a job for me."

After a year and a half of rest, can she still get the play?

And grandma has recently urged her to have a child with Qi Yanchen, and she has always said that she is busy with work.

Now that I'm really resting, Grandma shouldn't do everything she can to give birth to her?

It is impossible for a little fairy to have a child so early!

Xia Lan was stunned by Lin Zhiyang's clear and beautiful fox eyes.

She can even understand now that those faint kings in ancient times were bewitched by the demon concubine.

Such a beautiful woman begs you, what request can you refuse?

Xia Lan scratched her short hair, "In this way, I'll go out and make a call first." ”

Lin Zhiyang's red lips curled, and his bright face melted away, and he was unbelievably beautiful.

"Okay, thank you Sister Lan, Bixin!"

Xia Lan glared at her with a smile and walked out of the office door.

At this time, Lin Zhiyang reacted a little, and the tail of his eyes turned up in a playful arc.

Why does Sister Lan have to call behind her back when she makes a call?

She and Xia Lan have gotten along very well for two years and can be regarded as close friends.

She now wondered if Xia Lan had some little secrets!

Curiosity arose, and she cautiously walked to the door of the office.

The snow-white side face was pressed against the door, listening to Xia Lan calling outside the door.

I didn't hear anything else, I only vaguely heard Xia Lan say domineeringly, "If the space is not enough, you can also make room for me, otherwise you will wait for me to go to your house in the middle of the night, dark shark you!" ”

After Xia Lan said this, she hung up the phone and turned back.

Lin Zhiyang hurriedly sat back on the stool, with two jade-white hands on his knees, not behaving well.

Seeing Xia Lan enter the door, Lin Zhiyang blinked his eyes and asked in a lazy voice, "Sister Lan, how is it?" ”

Xia Lan sat down in the office chair, opened the file received on her phone, and pushed it in front of Lin Zhiyang.

"I don't even want to have a face, I found a love variety show for you who is willing to accept you, look at it, the name is "Adult Love Code". You go and record this first, and I'll think of other ways to do it later. ”

Lin Zhiyang picked up his mobile phone, swiped his slender long fingers on the screen, and browsed the electronic files, "Love variety show?" ”

Since her debut, she has not recorded a variety show, let alone a love variety show.

But she is already married, although it is almost the same as not married.

For a moment she hesitated, but soon she convinced herself.

If Qi Yanchen asked her, she said that it was because of him that she was cornered.

Stand on the moral high ground and condemn him!

If he can't stand it and mentions divorce, so much the better!

"Okay." Lin Zhiyang put the phone back on the table.

Xia Lan took back her mobile phone and continued: "This director is well-known in the circle for playing, and the specific situation of this variety show is still being kept secret." ”

"But I've already asked, and I said that a real couple will be arranged among the guests, so that netizens can speculate."

Lin Zhiyang supported his chin with one hand, his brows furrowed slightly, "Huh...... This director is also a bit perverted, so that couples can watch each other fall in love with other guests, and this kind of thing can be done. I like it, though. ”

Xia Yue: "......"

Xia Lan hesitated for a while, but still pointed out the key point, "The Code of Adult Love is not small, can you accept it?" ”

Lin Zhiyang's eyes were slightly upturned, and he said lazily: "I'll just treat it as acting, it just so happens that I haven't acted in an intimate scene yet." ”

Xia Lan glanced at her, "It's okay if you don't act yourself, you have shown you a script with a lot of intimate scenes before, and you have turned it down." ”

"Is there one?"

Lin Zhiyang's beautiful eyes frowned slightly, remembering that there was indeed such a thing.

That is, the night before Qi Yanchen went on a business trip, she read the script on the sofa and saw that there were kiss scenes and bed scenes in the script.

Just when Qi Yanchen came back, he still glanced at her with that faint gaze.

She was a little angry in her heart instantly, such a beautiful wife didn't know how to look twice?

Then she deliberately showed him the script, pretending to ask him for advice on how to act.

He gave some advice, but he didn't seem to care about the content of the script at all, it was a bed scene.

Who doesn't care about his wife acting in such an intimate scene?

She couldn't sleep at night when she was angry, and Qi Yanchen worked in the study until late that night and didn't return to the bedroom.

Then she sent him a WeChat message, "Divorce." ”

It was a long time before he replied, "What? ”

Can she admit that she said divorce because he was angry at her indifference to her intimate scenes?

It seemed like she cared about him, and that certainly wouldn't work.

So she replied, "I'm so young, marriage has imprisoned my free soul!" ”

After a long time, Qi Yanchen replied, "Go to bed early." ”

It is clear that he is refusing to divorce.

She thought a lot that night, and he didn't make any mistakes of principle, and after marriage, he responded to her requests and gave her whatever she wanted.

Suing for divorce also seems quite troublesome.

After thinking about it, she thought it was better to forget it, not to be angry with him, just treat him as an ATM.

As for the script of that intimate scene, she thought about it later, but she still didn't accept it.

Because the rival actor revealed that his artistic virtue was not good in the circle, he often harassed the actresses in the same crew.

Xia Lan didn't dwell too much on this issue, but only reminded: "Don't move your true feelings, there are few reliable men in the entertainment industry." ”

Lin Zhiyang's red lips hooked slightly, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in men, and I'll keep my distance from male guests." ”

As we all know, there is such a little transparent in every love series, from beginning to end, she will become that kind of person.

However, Lin Zhiyang later learned that there were some men, and she was destined to not escape.


"Adult Love Code" officially announced the female guests a week later, and it immediately became a hot search.

"Walking through the youth of ignorance and temptation, towards a mature love with a blushing heartbeat, the fierce collision of hormones is the love code of our adult world, the female guests are in place, @林之漾@黎雯@曲荔荔, there are more mysterious surprises waiting for you to unlock, this Saturday at eight o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast of Tomato TV will be opened, let's blush and heartbeat together!"

- "Ah! Director Zhang Da, who understands the audience, has a new variety show! It's still a live broadcast of Lianzong, and I'm looking forward to it!"

- "Lin Zhiyang participates in Lian Zong? I laughed, what was she doing?"

- "! Does the internet have no memory? Why is she still in the entertainment industry?"

- "Director Zhang, you understand suspense, why didn't the male guest make an official announcement?"

- "Am I the only one who has paid attention to Director Zhang's mysterious rules? The mysterious surprise of Lianzong will not be a betrayal! Damn! I don't have morals, I love to watch!"

- "It's not that he can't do it, old fans know that he directed a love variety show abroad before, all of them are a group of forty or fifty aunts and young and strong young men, and then I found out that these young men are the sons of those aunts!"

- "! Is this exciting variety show directed by him? I'm done chasing! It's outrageous!"

- "Wenwen also participated in a love variety show? I burst into tears! My first love!"

- "My wife Lin Zhiyang didn't also participate! My husband has left the house alone, what did I say?"

- "Lin Zhiyang still has so many husband fans? Do you have my big husband in your eyes?"

- "Don't watch it, boycott the variety show that Lin participates in!"

- "Don't Look at ➕1"

The hate on the Internet is very intense, and there are many people who boycott Lin Zhiyang, but the program team has not expressed anything.

Zhang He's variety show has a good reputation, no matter which variety show is a hit, it belongs to the type with its own traffic, so it can withstand the pressure.

And he is a director who has mastered the traffic password.

When Xia Lan contacted him, in fact, the guests were not confirmed, but Lin Zhiyang was not on the list of proposed invites.

But since Lin Zhiyang is here, then he will take advantage of this person's characteristics.

He knew that Lin Zhiyang had been very controversial recently, and he and Li Wen were old rivals.

Then he invited Li Wen in order to make the show more interesting.

Lin Zhiyang also watched the hot search and found out that Li Wen also participated in this love show, but she didn't care.

She also thinks that if Li Wen likes any male guest, she will try to match it as much as possible.

Falling in love can also be regarded as finding something for her to do, don't keep staring at her!

I thought so, but later facts proved that it is impossible to match, and it is impossible to match in this life.


The top floor office of a building in country D.

It was already late at the moment, Nan Zhibai yawned, rubbed his eyes, and glanced up at Qi Yanchen's desk.

The man in the suit and leather shoes is still in a video conference, speaking fluent foreign languages, and his deep, magnetic voice is especially nice in the quiet office.

But obviously Nan Zhibai didn't have the heart to appreciate it, he was really sleepy.

He didn't even know how his boss was so energetic.

In the past, when I was filming, I could shoot for 18 hours a day, but now I put most of my energy on the company, and the same is true.

After only one day back home, he came out again, and he didn't even know what he was doing when he went back.

However, there is indeed a big project that needs to be promoted in country D, and it will be difficult to deal with it completely for a while and a half.

Nan Zhibai shook his neck left and right, took out his mobile phone and prepared to swipe Weibo, sober and sober.

A minute later.

Nan Zhibai was completely sober, and looked at Qi Yanchen with wide eyes, "Mr. Qi, the big thing is not good, you are green!" ”

The time was fast approaching Saturday.

The first episode of the program was recorded in the domestic Qingdao market.

Qingshi is a coastal city, and now it is the transition of spring and summer, both the scenery and the temperature are very pleasant.

When night was about to fall, Lin Zhiyang got off the plane.

The beauty's long curly hair hung down to her waist casually, and the dark green long skirt wrapped around the soft waist and could not be grasped.

A wide pair of sunglasses hung on her palm-sized little face, revealing only a jade-like chin and delicate red lips.

Xiao Ran's round little face is full of smiles, and her boss is too good-looking!

It's another day when I want to marry my boss!

got into the car sent by the program team.

Xiao Ran approached Lin Zhiyang and whispered: "Mr. Lin, I just read Weibo and found that Qi Nanyu's IP is also in Qingshi, do you think he will also come to participate in Lian Zong?" ”

Lin Zhiyang's slender long fingers pressed down his glasses, revealing those sparkling fox eyes, and said lazily: "Xiao Ran, if you eat anything, it will only hurt you." ”

She has been in the entertainment industry for two years, and she has kept a distance from almost all male artists, and there have been no scandals.

I met Qi Nanyu at a dinner, and after Qi Nanyu added her WeChat, she often shared some funny videos of sand sculptures with her.

She is not narcissistic to the extent that every man who adds her to WeChat feels that he likes her, and she doesn't think much about it at all, she only treats him as a friend.

But after Xiao Ran knew about it, he silently knocked on it, thinking that Qi Nanyu definitely liked her.

She said it was impossible, Qi Nanyu was two years younger than her.

I didn't expect Xiao Ran to be even happier, and the best thing to say is sister and brother love.

I have to say that she doesn't know much about the happiness of knocking cp.

Xiao Ran was accustomed to Lin Zhiyang's attitude of resistance, and said, "I know, I know." ”

In fact, I still have a little expectation in my heart.

Qi Nanyu is a new generation of singers, with short silver hair and unruly.

She feels like a super match for her boss!


The other side.

Zhang He was at the recording base while setting up the scene while waiting for the guests to arrive.

He lit a cigarette and took a puff, looked at the blue sea level with deep eyes, and chatted with the assistant director casually, "Do you think I went to the temple to worship the Buddha and played a role?" ”

The assistant director is his long-time partner and good friend, and he glanced at him when he heard the words, "How can there be, the marriage you went to ask for, I didn't see you find a girlfriend." ”

Which pot is not opened, Zhang He turned his head and glared at the assistant director, "What?" I can't ask for two? What I said at the time was that I hoped to have a sweet relationship, and if I couldn't, my career could grow by leaps and bounds. ”

The assistant director smiled, "I don't see a trend of rapid improvement in your career." ”

Zhang He took a puff of cigarette and pretended to be deep: "You don't understand, you don't know what happened last night." ”

Last night, he received a phone call, and it turned out to be Qi Yanchen.

Qi Yanchen, the Buddha of the world, said that he wanted to come to participate in his love variety show!

He was stunned at the time, you must know that Qi Yanchen has never participated in any variety shows.

Although the two of them have known each other for a long time, he never thought of inviting Qi Yanchen to a variety show.

Because it is clear that he will refuse!

"Do you know what our variety show is called? "Adult Love Code", are you sure you want to participate? He was stunned for a moment before asking.

After all, Qi Yanchen has never filmed any intimate scenes, can he accept the scale of adult love?

Who knows, Qi Yanchen's indifferent voice came from the phone, "I'm an adult." ”

Zhang He: "......"

Is this what he said?

Originally, he wanted to point out the problem of scale, but he frowned.

Damn it! Why should you turn down such a good opportunity?

With Qi Yanchen's participation, is he still worried about this variety show?

And he reminded him that if he couldn't accept it later, he couldn't be blamed.

He couldn't figure out why he was here, but he didn't ask.

If you catch Qi Yanchen, you don't immediately catch it, and there is a problem with your brain.

"Okay, then I'll send you the electronic contract, and you can sign it now."

Zhang He tried his best to suppress his emotions and didn't let Qi Yanchen hear his ecstasy.

The announcement fee or anything is not a problem, originally the post-recording was to add new guests, and the new guests are still in contact with the undetermined.

Then let's open directly with three female guests and four male guests, it's more exciting!

"So what happened last night?" The assistant director asked curiously.

Zhang He looked at the assistant director and grinned, "V I'm fifty, tell you." ”

Assistant Director: "......"


The time came to eight o'clock, and the live broadcast began.

The first scene is when the female guests get out of the car.

Li Wen was the first to get off the bus.

Dressed in a white dress, she is as pure as water, and her signature shallow face hangs on her face, "Hello everyone, I'm Li Wen." ”

In an instant, the fans on the barrage were touted.

- "Sister Li Wen is so beautiful! Heartbeat!"

- "This national first love face is really amazing! I never dreamed of such innocence."

- "The first love of the people is about to fall in love, and my youth is over."

Then the second car came down to Qu Lili.

Qu Lili's popular girl group members became popular because of their sweet smiles and cute people.

She was wearing a powder blue dress with puff sleeves, smiled slightly, revealing two small pear vortices, which instantly sweetened the hearts of fans.

- "My twelve-point sweet milk tea is not as sweet as Little Lychee!"

- "Little Lychee, my female goose! Woooooo Mom won't allow you to fall in love!"

- "I suddenly have the feeling that an old father is looking for a boyfriend for his daughter, and the male guests want to get the little lychee, they have to pass me first!"

The moment Lin Zhiyang got out of the car, the first thing netizens saw was a pair of white and slender legs.

Then what came into view was the thick face, the bridge of the nose was high, and the skin was as white as snow.

Jade Finger slowly took off her sunglasses, revealing her sparkling fox eyes, which were beautiful and seductive.

Under the shooting of the high-definition camera, the impact of Qin Yan's facial features was instantly maximized.

Many viewers in front of the screen saw Lin Zhiyang for the first time, and they were instantly carried away by her beauty.

- "Ahhhh Who is this? There is still this kind of look in the entertainment industry???

- "I can't say too much about the arrival of the god of beauty, right?"

- "My youth is gone, love is coming. Wife, wife!"

Lin Zhiyang participated in a variety show for the first time, and it took a while to find the main shot of the live broadcast.

Her beautiful fox eyes looked at the camera, her red lips were upturned, and her voice was lazy and nice to say hello to the audience.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lin Zhiyang."

- "Lin Zhiyang? It's a familiar name."

- "Don't guess, it's her, the female artist who rubbed the popularity of Qi Yingdi before!"

- "Ahhh I didn't even see what she looked like when I scolded her, I didn't expect her to be so good-looking."

- "A vase with no appearance, but in fact people are very bad."

- "I'm sorry, I'm Yan Gou, I'll climb the wall for a while."

Three female guests sit down in the recording room.

Zhang He appeared in the live broadcast room in a riotous pink suit, and he said with a smile: "Hello three female guests." We haven't arrived yet, so let's do a little pre-picking. ”

"The questions are very simple, I want to ask why you came to participate in our love variety show? Teacher Li Wen, you say it first. ”

Li Wen smiled shallowly, and her voice was full of pure taste.

"Of course I sincerely want to be in a relationship."

Having said this, she glanced at Lin Zhiyang next to her with a vague look in her eyes, and the disgust in her eyes flashed.

You don't have to think about it to know that Lin Zhiyang just wants to take advantage of the previous black and red to go to the next level!

And her plan that day was actually preempted by her!

She thought about it for a long time and decided to start a live broadcast.

It took some time to put on makeup and styling, and she took the time to arrange for someone to deliberately guide her in the live broadcast room, and the head rope in Qi Yanchen's hand was the same.

But as soon as she was about to start broadcasting, the assistant showed her Lin Zhiyang's hot search.

Angry, she dropped her assistant's mobile phone on the spot!

Lin Zhiyang is really annoying!

Popularity is a matter that depends on timing, Lin Zhiyang took the lead and was scolded.

The consequences of her reappearance are difficult to predict.

So she gave up live streaming.

But she will definitely find a good opportunity later!

Because everyone thinks that Lin Zhiyang is rubbing the heat.

But she is different, she and Qi Yanchen are the first love cp!

She wasn't going to agree when this Lian Zong was looking for her, after all, she still needed the aura of the first love of the people.

But when she saw that the female guest had Lin Zhiyang, she decided to come.

She must crush Lin Zhiyang!

Zhang You likes to stir up trouble the most, he followed Li Wen's gaze at Lin Zhiyang, and said, "You mean that some people don't really want to fall in love when they come to our show?" ”

Li Wen smiled slightly, "Director, I'll talk about it casually, after all, everyone's thoughts are different." ”

- "Laugh and make a fortune! Zhang and you are worthy of being the most favorite of directors!"

- "Isn't that obvious? Lin Zhiyang came to Lianzong just to attract attention!"

- "First rubbed the Qi actor, and then came to participate in the love variety show, the bad trick of eyeballs can be regarded as being played by Lin!"

- "Lin has no lower limit!"

Zhang You can hear the meaning of Li Wen's words, and Lin Zhiyang can certainly hear it.

And after Li Wen finished speaking, she suddenly said to her, "What do you think, Teacher Lin Zhiyang?" ”

Lin Zhiyang's eyelashes were raised slightly, and he glanced at Li Wen, his voice was low and lazy, "It's okay to eat less salt, see for you to be idle." ”

Li Wen's face paused slightly, but she didn't expect Lin Zhiyang to slap her directly.

But she still smiled innocently, as if she was still a little surprised, "Teacher Lin, what do you mean by that?" ”

Lin Zhiyang raised his chin slightly, "I mean, you don't care what I think." ”

Li Wen: "......"

- "Mom, I'm a little chilled for no reason."

- "This sister is a little dragged!"

- "Did Lin Zhiyang take gun medicine? Sister Wenwen sees that she is a newcomer, so she wants her to have more shots."

- "Get used to it, this person never knows gratitude and likes to bite back."

Zhang You knew that these two people didn't deal with each other, but he didn't expect Lin Zhiyang's personality to be so rigid, and he was scared when he came up, and he didn't react a little.

After a while, he asked, "Then Teacher Lin Zhiyang, why did you come to participate in our love variety show?" ”

Lin Zhiyang stroked his long hair, his red lips opened slightly, and he said lightly: "Because there are no other programs for me." ”

Zhang He: "......"

- "Hahahahaha

- "! This sister is a bit of a tiger!"

- "Is that what can be said? Laugh at the trend."

- "I suddenly like this sister a little! She's so sincere! It seems that she has indeed been boycotted by the whole network, and many of the official announcement materials have been withdrawn."

- "Woo woo, wife, you are so sincere, I feel a little sorry for you."

- "There is a saying that sincerity is nirvana."

- "So, why does Zhang He want her?"

Lin Zhiyang's words shocked Zhang He for three thousand years!

Can you say that?

Xia Lan didn't teach her what she could say and what she couldn't say on variety shows?

It's easy to misunderstand!

The corners of Zhang He's mouth twitched, not wanting to continue asking, and turned to look at Qu Lili, "What about you?" Teacher Qu Lili. ”

Qu Lili smiled, "I just haven't been in a relationship before, I want to try it." ”

- "The secret of Little Lychee's mother's singleness can't be hidden."

- "I feel that among the three female guests, Lin Zhiyang is the one who has talked about the most, she looks so charming, and she must be very in private!"

- "What sewer upstairs didn't close for you to climb out?"

Zhang He glanced at Qu Lili with satisfaction, and then asked the second question, "Then tell me what the criteria for finding a boyfriend are." ”

The camera is given to Li Wen.

Li Wen seemed to think for a while, and then said with a smile: "I like filial piety, self-motivated, and the rest depends on fate." ”

This answer can be called a standard answer, and there is no limit to anyone, that is, everyone has a chance.

Li Wen came to this show on the one hand to suppress Lin Zhiyang, and on the other hand, of course, she also wanted to fry CP!

After all, CP is the easiest to attract traffic these days.

- "Sister, look at me! I'm a mom boy, and I'm very filial, do you think I'm suitable?"

- "Sister Wenwen is so pure and refined even the standard of finding a boyfriend, she really loves it!"

When the camera showed Qu Lili, she touched her nose and said a little shyly: "I prefer the kind of ruffian handsome, preferably more than 1.8 meters tall and with abdominal muscles." ”

- "Hahaha, Lili's criteria for finding a boyfriend are exactly the same as mine!"

- "To tell you the truth, I'm good for nothing but 1.85 meters and 8-pack abs."

- "It should be too late to start practicing today, right?"

In the end, the camera was given to Lin Zhiyang.

But Lin Zhiyang hasn't spoken yet.

Zhang He added, "Teacher Lin Zhiyang, are you looking for the kind of Emperor Qi?" ”

Lin Zhiyang: "......"

A smile flashed in Li Wen's eyes, and she looked at Lin Zhiyang with a playful expression.

Those who are familiar with Zhang He's directing style know that only if Zhang He doesn't want to ask, there is nothing Zhang He doesn't dare to ask.

He is still the kind of person who can't say anything, doesn't like to say anything, and is not afraid of offending people.

Lin Zhiyang really didn't expect Zhang You's style to be so sharp.

After a while, she shook her head lightly, lifted her long eyelashes, and said with a light smile: "No, Emperor Qi is not what my ideal boyfriend looks like." ”

I thought Zhang You was going to ask, "Then what is your ideal boyfriend?" ”

Lin Zhiyang thought about it and wanted to talk a few nonsense casually.


Zhang He turned the conversation around and asked, "Then there is another question, I am very curious, how does Emperor Qi's waist feel?" ”

Lin Zhiyang: "............"

- "Hahahahahahahaha! I didn't expect to watch a love show, and the first thing I fell in love with was the director."

- "Zhang Youke is a treasure director, everyone is a fan, because according to his style of speaking, he may have been a dark shark."

- "Lin Zhiyang's own words about Emperor Qi are not her ideal boyfriend, so I'm waiting for her to return to reality and slap her face!"

- "I said so on the show, but when I got off the show, I started to rub again, speechless."

- "Director Zhang is simply my mouth, and I'm curious about how it feels!"

Lin Zhiyang's eyes paused slightly, and his slender five fingers unconsciously pinched the hem of his skirt.

If Qi Yanchen's body is the sexiest thing about his collarbone, which is dotted with a small red mole.

Then in second place is his lean and tight waist.

Every time her hand was covered, she couldn't help but pinch it.

It feels so good!

But can this be said?

For a moment, Lin Zhiyang's eyes flowed, a shallow arc rose on his red lips, and he said with a clear conscience: "It's okay." ”

——「????? Is it cheap or good? I don't believe it's just okay!"

- "Seriously, if I touched Qi Yanchen's waist, I would definitely not wash my hands for a year!"

- "There's nothing to say, anyway, Emperor Qi is not married yet, I still have a chance!"

- "Emperor Qi is not on this show, but he seems to be everywhere."

- "Director Zhang, please don't cue our Qi Movie Emperor anymore! When I heard Emperor Qi from Lin Zhiyang's mouth, I felt unlucky."

- "It's hard to imagine what Emperor Qi's expression would be if he saw this!"

Zhang He couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought that Qi Yanchen was waiting in the backstage room at this moment, watching Lin Zhiyang's hand give him such a low evaluation of his waist.

He and Qi Yanchen are college roommates.

In his senior year, the school privately selected what was the sexiest male dog waist, and Qi Yanchen was ranked first.

With a photo of him playing in the school playground and jumping to shoot.

The beautiful teenager is dressed in a white sportswear with perfect and smooth arm muscle lines.

As the sun set, the young man jumped against the light, and his strong waist was half exposed.

Youthful hormones are about to overflow from the photo.

This photo is similar to the collarbone photos that have exploded on the Internet in the past two years.

It's all about sex in the bones, and it makes people crazy and want to get involved!

However, he was not as famous in the entertainment industry at that time as he is now, and the photos were not widely circulated.

But it's still collected by countless juniors and disciples, and it has become the material for dreams!

Unexpectedly, his waist was just understated by Lin Zhiyang today, "It's okay".

This made Zhang He deeply doubt, is Qi Yanchen not good?

The show has not been broadcast for half an hour.

It has successfully been on several hot searches.


#林之漾: I don't have any other shows#




Qi Yanchen's big fan [dust settled] saw that Qi Yanchen was on the hot search again for no reason, and he was speechless.

Lian Zong and Qi Yanchen have nothing to do with each other, how can they always cue!

Many fans of Qi Yanchen began to get a little angry and went to the live broadcast room to brush the barrage.

There are also many fans who have begun to scold on the official Weibo of the program group.

However, the staff silently held up a sign to remind Zhang He not to mention Qi Yanchen again.

Zhang He had an expression of deep merit and fame, and did not pay attention.

But because he was afraid that Qi Yanchen would hammer him for a while, Zhang You didn't ask more about his waist.

Zhang He tidied up his pink suit, stood in front of the camera, and began to announce with a smile: "

"Now that our show has officially started recording, there are two little surprises to announce."

"The first surprise is that there will be a mysterious celebrity today, the kind you can't imagine!"

"The second surprise was that among our guests, there were real couples. The real couple will be announced at the end of the show, and during the recording period, they will record and pair up like ordinary guests, so that everyone can capture clues and find them. ”

"You can vote for the CP who you think is a real couple in the official Weibo of our program group, and when the results are announced, we will select two lucky viewers among the netizens who guess correctly to give a mysterious gift."

As soon as Zhang He's few words came out, the barrage boiled directly!

- "Mystery Guy? How mysterious is it? Say your name first, and I'll hear it!"

——「??? Have a real couple? Is it really that exciting?"

- "! What a pervert! I love it!"

- "It doesn't matter, my CP radar will take action! I can tell at a glance which one is the real couple!"

- "Real couples are secretly jealous, secretly rubbing and stumbling, these are what I want to see!"

- "Director Zhang understands some of the ups and downs in love!"

- "You have all found hidden couples in the entertainment industry? Can there be a few children in the entertainment industry, let us guess?"

- "Hahahahaha, the sequel to this variety show is here, "The Code of Raising Babies in the Entertainment Industry"

- "Good, you've managed to get my attention! I'll bring over with a magnifying glass right now!"

"Adult Love Code" successfully became a hot search again.



Some of the specifics of this show have been kept under wraps.

When it came to the mysterious celebrity, the faces of the three female guests changed.

Qu Lili was sitting in the middle of the sofa, she looked left and right a little excitedly, wanting to say something to someone.

glanced at Li Wen and found that although Li Wen had a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, her eyes were very cold, and it seemed difficult to get close.

She glanced at Lin Zhiyang cautiously again.

Lin Zhiyang held his delicate chin with one hand, and his long eyelashes followed one by one in the blink of an eye, beautiful like a delicate doll.

Qu Lili was amazed by her again, and regardless of whether she got along well or not, she leaned towards her side and whispered, "Ahhh I don't know which big name it is, I'm kind of looking forward to it! ”

Lin Zhiyang was also thinking about this problem, she knew that Xia Lan had a good relationship with Zhang You, but she didn't hear Xia Lan say that there were any big names coming.

Qu Lili suddenly approached her to speak, she looked at her sideways, her red lips were slightly curled, and she whispered: "Zhang You's mouth is a deceitful ghost, don't believe him." ”

When Lin Zhiyang is not smiling, he looks extremely cold, like a flower blooming on the top of a snowy mountain.

But when I laugh, I feel like a little goblin, and my beauty is moving.

When she turned her head sideways to speak, the beautiful and clear fox eyes were still staring directly at her, and Qu Lili's face instantly turned a little red.

"Hey, too." Qu Lili's eyes were bright and she smiled.

- "Report! Report! I found out about Tachibanabe!"

- "! What did Lin Zhiyang and Qu Lili say! Look at Qu Lili smiling, like an idiot!"

- "Sister Drag vs Sweet Girl! Who doesn't love it!"

- "It's not like a real couple, it's a bit too much to say, right?"

- "Everyone! It can be outrageous, but not so outrageous!"

Li Wen heard the whispers of the two people next to her, and she swept her eyes and didn't speak.

She only cares who the mysterious celebrity is!

Zhang He announced the end of the surprise and began the cue process.

"Now our female guests will have a first impression choice, and we will announce the WeChat avatars of the four male guests later."

"Since the avatar can give very little information, everyone still has two more opportunities to see the male guests."

Qu Lili said a little puzzled: "Then just look at the face and choose it." ”

Zhang He shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not like this, each person has two chances, and you can only look at one part, and you can't see the part of your face." ”

Qu Lili subconsciously asked, "If you can't look at your face, what else can you see?" ”

Zhang He answered seriously, "You can see any hand, waist, whatever." ”

As soon as this sentence came out, Qu Lili didn't know what she thought of, her round little face turned red again, and her two hands unconsciously climbed up Lin Zhiyang's smooth jade-like arms.

- "it! I knew this variety show wasn't easy."

- "Sister Lychee, someone has told you that the happiness of adult love is not just about looking at the face!"

- "Shh Is it true that you can watch all the other parts? I'd like to see that size?"

- "Let's put on some pants upstairs!" The Internet is not a place outside the law!"

- "I'm talking about shoe sizes! What are you thinking upstairs?"

- "Little face sallow, I really don't want to be a girl who understands in seconds."

Soon, on a large screen in the room, the WeChat avatars of four male guests appeared.

Lin Zhiyang sat lazily on the sofa, a jade-white elbow resting on the armrest of the sofa, his palm supporting his delicate jade-like chin, and his rippling eyes fell on the big screen.

She didn't think too much about the rules just announced, anyway, she wasn't interested in men, so she just picked one.

WeChat avatars appeared one by one, and the first one that appeared was a crayon Xiaoxin with a pouting butt.

Qu Lili couldn't help but smile when she saw this avatar: "This avatar is a bit of a sand sculpture." ”

Then the second head was like a gray wolf roaring in the sky.

Li Wen commented, "This avatar gives people a very calm feeling. ”

Li Wen has participated in many variety shows and understands the rules of variety show recording.

If the camera is given to you, you have to say something or react.

Qu Lili's talent show debut, and I also understand.

Although Lin Zhiyang participated in a variety show for the first time, Xia Lan also taught her some basic things before coming.

The third avatar is a starry sky, which looks very meaningful.

Qu Lili's eyes flashed, "I like this avatar." ”

When the fourth avatar came out, the camera just happened to give Lin Zhiyang.

Lin Zhiyang looked at the screen, but his mind was thinking about when dinner would start.

She was hungry.

The delicate and touching beauty is a little distracted.

Qu Lili saw her distracted, reached out and gently poked her waist.

As soon as she poked it, Qu Lili couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice, "Oh my God! It's so soft! ”

- "Woooooooooo Suddenly, I want to experience the happiness of Qu Lili!"

- "One thing to say, Lin Zhiyang's sister's waist really grows on my heart!"

Lin Zhiyang came back to her senses and realized that the main camera was facing her.

She quickly raised her chin and looked at the fourth avatar, and said casually: "This avatar looks very old." ”

Because this avatar is a string of black Buddha beads.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, Lin Zhiyang's fox eyes that fell on the big screen suddenly widened.

In the next second, the beauty's jade-white arm slipped off the armrest of the sofa, and a silent quintessence blurted out.


How this avatar becomes more and more familiar the more you look at it.

Without thinking, in just a second, Qi Yanchen's avatar that made people have no desire to chat appeared in her mind.

It's so similar!

Not sure, look again!

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
