
The rebellious pregnant wife frowned, and the abstinent president instigated him into a dog

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

The six-star hotel in Vikes Harbor City

In the lavishly decorated banquet hall, soft saxophone music fills the entire venue, and the crowd is staggered and lively.

On the terrace leading to the back garden, a woman in a red evening dress exclaimed, "Did you just notice Mr. Shang's hand holding a wine glass?" Oh my God, it's amazing, I can't wait to dig him up in situ and bring him to my company as a hand model! ”

The woman in the green evening dress rolled her eyes, "Make a hand model for you?" That's Mr. Shang, what do you want! ”

"Yes, but let me tell you, do you think that Mr. Shang and the eldest lady of the Qin family are quite compatible?"

Her words made the eyes of the woman in the green evening dress widen, "Eldest sister, the two of them are notoriously mismatched, don't you really know?" ”

"I don't know, I just came back from abroad."

All right! He who does not know is not guilty.

At this moment, the male protagonist in their mouths, wearing a dark private suit, is staring down at the tips of his shoes.

There was a lot of dust on the tips of the brand-new cowhide shoes...... No, to be exact, that's a footprint.

Just a minute ago, the heroine in their mouth was stepped on.

Shang Sheng slowly raised his head and looked at the girl in the red dress who was chatting and laughing with friends not far away, sometimes smiling like a flower, sometimes with apricot eyes wide open.

His eyes were dark, and there was a deep cold chill in his eyes, and his gaze with dark fire seemed to burn her.

When the secretary found his stained shoes, she immediately took out a handkerchief from her bag, and she squatted on the ground to wipe the dust off the uppers of the shoes, ignoring everyone's eyes.

There were all kinds of delicate desserts on the long table, and Qin Yige picked up a piece of tiramisu and took a bite.

While eating, she listened to Tang Anruo talk about her and Shang Sheng, which was called a relish.

Tang Anruo pulled the long hair that was scattered on his shoulders behind his back, and behaved in a variety of styles: "Shang Sheng hinted that I would open a room with him, but I refused, although I like him very much, but I also have to love myself, right?" ”

Qin Yige agreed with her last sentence very much, and nodded like pounding garlic.

Tang Anruo: "Although he is rich and beautiful, but so what? Whether or not to give him this opportunity, I still have to think carefully. ”

It just so happens that Qin Yige also thinks so, Shang Sheng is rich and rich, but so what? can't hide the cold-bloodedness and hatefulness in his bones.

She finished a quick tiramisu, she didn't eat before she came in the evening, and she was dying of hunger.

"If you want me to say, if I were you, I would quietly conceive his baby and amaze the world." Qin Yige touched the blueberry-flavored pudding on the table as he spoke.

A figure approached, unaware of it.

Tang Anruo looked at her vigilantly: "Why do you think so?" Do you also like Shangsheng? ”

Qin Yige sneered: "I like him? Oh, when he comes to lift my shoes, I won't even look at him more! ”

She wanted to pick up the pudding, but she didn't.

She didn't look back, just pressed slightly, and the pudding remained motionless.

Qin Yige looked back in wonder, only to see that there were two more men's fingers on the pudding she was holding, and they were pressing the edge of the pudding package at the moment.

Looking up with their fingers, the male protagonist in their mouth was looking at her with heavy eyes.

He wore a privately customized handmade dark suit, holding red wine in one hand, and his temperament was noble and domineering.

Qin Yige was startled by his eyes, and remembering what she had just said, she immediately changed the topic with a weak heart: "Didn't I just step on you?" I apologized too, will you chase after me again? ”

I saw Shang Sheng answering the phone just now, and when she passed by him, she 'accidentally' stepped on the tip of his shoe.

Retracting his hand, Shang Sheng ignored her questioning and asked lightly, "I heard, you want to conceive my child?" ”

Qin Yige: "??? ”

She, pregnant with his child? Does he match this stinky mulberry?

Also, he is a big president of a multinational group, distorting the facts, reversing black and white, isn't he afraid that the Shang Group will be buried in the hands of people like him?

Ignoring the girl's cute face and shaking the red wine in the glass, Shang Sheng continued with a smile on his face: "Everyone is great if they have dreams, but it's not good to be delusional. ”

There was contempt and mockery in the tone that could not be concealed.

His tone aroused Qin Yige's desire to win, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm delusional? Shang Sheng, believe it or not, I will give you eight sons and divide your family property. ”

Qin Yige's clothes were suddenly ripped off, and Tang Anruo reminded her in a whisper: "Yige, you change to another man." ”

A change of man? How can a different man be angry with Shang Sheng?

Marry Shang Sheng's father, will you become his stepmother? No, Uncle Shang and Aunt Shang have a good relationship, she can't destroy it!

I didn't know that the corners of Shang Sheng's lips, which were twisted in her mind, were slightly hooked, and the mocking smile became more and more obvious: "Qin Yige, I still say that, anyone with a dream is amazing!" ”

After saying that, he ignored the girl who was so angry with him that his cheeks bulged, and turned around and left in a dashing manner.

"Shang Sheng, you stop for me!" Qin Yige is going to be angry with him, and he still wants to leave? No way!

However, the man ignored her orders in the slightest, and his steps did not stop in the slightest.

Qin Yige bit his lower lip, ignoring Tang Anruo's dissuasion, he lifted his skirt with both hands and chased after him.

The people in the entire banquet hall saw that Qin chased after Shang Sheng angrily all the way to the back garden of the hotel.

There was a lot of talking.

"This Qin family's eldest lady and the general manager of the Shang family are on the bar again?"

"How normal, they often pinch each other, we are used to it."

"Normal? It's not normal at all, right? Do you dare to pinch each other with Mr. Shang? ”

“…… Can't. ”

The garden was dimly lit, and Shang Sheng disappeared at a bend.

Qin Yige raised his head and swept around a few times, but he didn't see his figure, and secretly scolded himself in his heart for being a big fool, a big living person can be lost.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Stinky mulberry, I'll let you go this time, and next time I see you, Miss Ben will definitely not spare you!" ”

With that, she prepared to return to the banquet hall.

It's just that as soon as she turned around, a black shadow flashed out from the side and suddenly came into view.


Qin Yige screamed loudly.

Looking at her face turned pale with fright, her voice changed tone, and the corners of the man's lips were slightly hooked without a trace: "Qin Yige, are you looking for me?" ”

Seeing that it was him, no, to be precise, seeing that it was a person, Qin Yige clutched his chest, suppressed his violently beating heart, and gasped for breath.

"Shang Sheng, I'm going to fight with you!" Qin Yige was about to be mad by him.

She raised her hand and was about to hit it.

However, the moment before her hand waved, Shang Sheng's wrist was tightly controlled.

"You let go of me!"

"Let go of you?"

Shang Sheng not only did not let go of her, but with a slight force, the girl staggered and threw herself into his arms.

Because he was wearing high heels, Qin Yige was afraid that he would fall, so he reflexively hugged his waist.

The mint fragrance on the man's body came to his nose, Qin Yige was a little confused, how could it smell so good......

A man's low, indifferent voice overhead interrupted her train of thought.

"Qin Yige, throw yourself into your arms?"


What a joke!

Qin Yige helped him to stand firm, raised his chin and looked at the man proudly: "Are you worthy?" ”

Displeasure crossed the man's eyes, and he tidied up his sleeve with blue diamond cufflinks, and said lightly: "Unreasonable!" ”

"You don't need to pay attention to me, Miss Ben has someone to pay attention to!"


A pair of enemies broke up unhappily for the Nth time.

What they didn't know was that in some dark corner of the back garden, there was a pair of grandparents and grandchildren who could hear their conversation clearly.

Mrs. Shang withdrew her gossipy gaze, looked back at the little grandson next to her, and suddenly smiled meaningfully.

Shang Yu, who was forced to accompany the old lady to the banquet, was stunned for a moment when he touched her eyes: "Grandma, why are you smiling so ......?"


"What do you think of your eldest brother and Yige?"

"How's that?" Goodwill is a little confused.

"What if they're together?" The old lady spoke in astonishment, and her eyes sparkled.

His eldest brother and Yige?

Shangyu shuddered and reminded: "Grandma, it's okay for us to take CP, and it's okay for unpopular CP, but ...... Can't be evil! ”

The old lady smiled and looked at her little grandson without speaking.

She was thinking about something.

Her eldest grandson and the girl, one ice and one fire.

Will the fire melt the ice, or will the ice extinguish the fire?

"Baby grandson, don't you want to swallow this CP?"

Shangyu tried to put the two people together in his mind, and his appearance was quite compatible, with a handsome man and a beautiful woman, like a golden boy and a girl.

is Qin Yige's fiery character...... Can the silent big brother hold it?

Mrs. Shang said: "This is not an evil family for CP at all, why didn't I think of it before?" Goodwill, what are you thinking? Tell grandma what you really think! ”

Shang Yu hesitated for a moment and replied honestly: "Grandma, I'm worried. ”

"Worried about singing? You don't have to worry, if she can marry into our business, I will support her. ”

"It's not grandma, I'm worried about big brother."


"You may not know that the only person in this world who can be angry with the eldest brother is Qin Yige, which is unprecedented."

Actually, Shang Sheng was also very good to Qin Yige before, everyone is a person in the same circle, and she is a little sister.

But I don't know when it started, these two people fought when they met, so that they haven't been in contact with each other for a long time.

"That little girl of the Qin family is quite capable of tossing, but it doesn't matter, as long as she is kind-hearted, filial to her elders, and gives birth to a baby early, the rest doesn't matter!" Mrs. Shang thought about her great-grandson and couldn't sleep at night, thinking about introducing her grandson to someone every day.

As long as Shang Sheng can get married, he will marry the woman's family upside down, and she is willing to be a grandmother.


Qin Yige was angry with Shang Sheng for two days without dinner, and his mind was full of how to retaliate and go back.

It wasn't until one night three days later that she was called into the study by her parents.

Qin's father, Qin Shirao, was the first to speak: "Yige, my parents want to discuss something with you. ”


Qin's mother, Xia Lanqing, asked her cautiously, "Daughter, what do you think of Shang Sheng?" ”

Hearing this name, Qin Yige didn't fight in one place: "It's not good, I don't have any gentlemanly demeanor at all, I have a dark belly, selfish and domineering, and I know how to calculate and attack a girl all day long!" ”

The smiles on the couple's faces suddenly disappeared.


Xia Lanqing still stubbornly asked, "If, mom said if...... If you were asked to marry Shang Sheng, would you be willing? ”

"Who are you talking about?!" Qin Yige's eyes widened, looking at his biological parents in disbelief.

"Shang Sheng."

"You actually want your baby daughter to marry that old fox in Shang Sheng? Dad, have you been busy lately? ”

"I didn't want to sing, and Dad didn't want to, but, hey, it's a ......long story," Qin Shirao's wrinkled face showed distress.

Qin Yige took several deep breaths before adjusting her emotions, and she said calmly: "Dad, if you are threatened by Shang Sheng, tell me, and I will go to him." ”

"What are you doing with him?"

"Dare to threaten my dad, I'll go and remove his heavenly spirit cover!"

Qin Shipao stretched out his hand to comfort her: "Okay, okay, do you think Shang Sheng is still the previous Shang Sheng?" Tear down his heavenly spirit cover? Go wash and sleep. ”

"I know, isn't he the president of the Shang Group, hmph, Miss Ben, I'm still not afraid of him!"

Qin Shipao secretly pondered his emotions and sighed heavily.

"Dad, what are you sighing for?"

"Dad sighed because ...... There was a major crisis in the company, and I originally wanted you to marry Shang Sheng, marry the merchant, and save our Qin family. Seeing you resist like this, Dad won't force you. "Knowing the daughter Mo Ruo's father, Qin Shirao takes retreat as advance.

Qin Yige asked suspiciously: "Is there a crisis in the company?" How did I not know? ”

"Of course you don't know, Dad didn't let anyone tell you. The company is now having difficulty in cash flow and is facing bankruptcy at any time. I'm not sad that the company is gone, and I'm sad that my baby daughter will never be able to live a superior life in the future. Even buying a bag for 10,000 yuan has to be considered for days......"

Can't afford a bag of 10,000 yuan? Is it so miserable? Qin Yige's heart hurt a little.

"With songs, I don't need to talk about the wealth of merchants, you know better than me. Shang Sheng is now not only the pillar of the Shang Group, but also a figure who covers the sky with one hand in our Hong Kong market, if you marry it, at least you will not have any worries about the economy. ”

What Qin Shipao said was so reasonable, Qin Yige didn't think about Shang Sheng himself, she was happy just thinking about the wealth of the businessman.

But, "Dad, you declare bankruptcy, I'll support you when I have no money in the future!" Doesn't Shang Sheng have a few stinky money? Miss Ben is not uncommon! "It's not like she can't earn it.

Declaring bankruptcy?

Qin Sarao clutched his chest, and almost didn't come up in one breath.

Qin's mother, Xia Lanqing, gave Qin Shirao a look, and she comforted her daughter softly: "Yige, don't worry, Mom knows that you and Shang Sheng have a little contradiction." But think about it differently, if you marry Shang Sheng and become his wife, will he have to coax you and let you in the future? You can also spend his money, live in his house, and divide his property. ”

She knew that Yige didn't care about Shang Sheng's money, and the Qin family didn't care either, but the Qin family cared about Shang Sheng's son-in-law!

"He's going to let me? Mom, do you have any misunderstanding about that stinky mulberry? ”

Xia Lanqing said: "No misunderstanding, the old lady of the merchant said that if you marry into the merchant in the future, with her to support you, Shang Sheng will let you everywhere for the sake of the old lady's face." ”

Qin Shirao: "Baby daughter, in fact, my father doesn't want you to marry so early." ”

Qin Yige was really touched by him, "Dad-"

"However, Dad's company has recently faced an economic crisis, and your uncles' salaries are almost out of order. Dad's company bankruptcy is a small matter, if you follow Dad in debt in the future and make my baby daughter so miserable, Dad might as well jump from here now! ”

Qin Yige: "......"

She wanted to say, "Dad, this is the second floor."

"But if you marry Shang Sheng, then Dad doesn't have to jump, he will definitely help."

The girl bit her lower lip and said indignantly after a while: "You don't have to persuade me, Shang Sheng will definitely not agree to this marriage!" He's got a sweetheart! ”

If Tang An has paranoia, she only believes half a word of what she said two days ago.

Shang Sheng's sweetheart won't be her, but it won't be her Qin Yige!

Also, she said that she gave birth to eight sons to Shang Sheng, how could she give birth to him, she just deliberately disgusted him.

Qin Shirao: "What if Shang Sheng agrees?" ”

Qin Yige patted his chest proudly and promised: "If he agrees, I will also agree, my parents will let me marry tomorrow, I will never marry the day after tomorrow!" ”

She was sure that Shang Sheng disagreed.

Soon, the news of the marriage between the merchant and the Qin family exploded in Hong Kong City, and at the same time, Qin Yige himself exploded.

Shangshi Group

A red convertible supercar braked sharply at the door of the company, and a young girl got out of it.

When the security personnel saw her, they immediately greeted her: "Miss Qin." ”

Qin Yige took the bag and walked towards the company angrily: "I want to see that stinky mulberry...... You are the general manager of business! ”

The security guard had a moment of suspicion, he seemed to hear some stinky mulberry? Did he hear it wrong?

Soon, he came back to his senses and made a gesture of please: "Miss Qin, please inside." ”

The security personnel took her to the front desk, intending to ask the staff at the front desk to take Qin Yige upstairs.

The secretary said politely: "Miss Qin, please wait a moment, I'll ask Mr. Shang first what floor is there." ”

This was originally an aunt, and now she is going to marry Mr. Shang, and she will be their boss lady in the future, so she must be treated carefully.

"You ask."

The phone was quickly connected, and the secretary asked, "Secretary Chen, please ask what floor Mr. Shang is on now?" Miss Qin came over. ”

After a while, the secretary hung up the phone and said to Qin Yige with an embarrassed face: "Miss Qin, Mr. Shang said-"

"What did he say?" Qin Yige's eyes widened, knowing that it would not be a good word.

Sure enough—

"Mr. Shang said that if there is nothing important, let you meet him according to the normal process."

The normal process?

Isn't that just an appointment in advance?

Qin Yige suppressed the temper in his heart and tried to calm down: "How far in advance does it take to see him?" ”

The secretary flipped through the appointment papers, and after a while, she gave her an accurate time: "One month and 27 days later." ”

The girl didn't laugh angrily, "Mr. Shang is really busy." ”

The secretary was frightened and embarrassed, so he could only echo: "Yes, after all, such a big company, Miss Qin will be the president's wife in the future......"

Mrs. President?

Qin Yige didn't embarrass the secretary, took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

She took a deep breath, and at the moment when the phone was connected, she successfully adjusted her emotions, and she said sweetly: "Hey, Grandma Shang, it's me, Yige." ”

Hearing that it was her, Mrs. Shang was happy: "Yige? Good boy, is there something wrong with calling grandma? ”

"Grandma, there's something going on." Qin Yige said aggrievedly: "I came to Shang Sheng to discuss marriage, and he asked me to make an appointment, it's not impossible." But his appointments were scheduled for two months later. ”

Mrs. Shang's face changed when she heard this, her eyes were full of anger, but she still kindly comforted the girl: "It's okay, grandma called Shang Sheng, don't worry with songs." ”

"Okay, grandma, that's for you." She said obediently.

"Hey, it's all a family soon, or what's not troublesome, you wait, don't go anywhere."

"Got it, thank you grandma."

A few minutes after hanging up the phone, a man in a white shirt with a cold and noble temperament walked out of the elevator room with a cold face.

He was followed by the female secretary Chen Ling, and her sharp and indifferent eyes swept around, and finally fixed on the girl sitting in the reception area.

The girl wore a limited-edition waist-cinching goose yellow knee-length dress today, which looked slim and plump.

The receptionist brought her a cup of coffee, and after she thanked her, she picked up the freshly ground coffee and smelled the fragrance.

Shang Sheng sat down directly opposite her, Erlang's legs wrapped in suit pants were elegantly overlapped, and his eyes were not salty and indifferent, looking at the girl opposite.

As if he hadn't seen him, Qin Yige slowly took a sip of coffee under the gaze of everyone.

has elegant and noble manners, worthy of being the little eldest sister of the Qin family.

Five minutes passed like this, and Chen Ling had to remind: "Miss Qin, there is an important meeting in ten minutes......

Qin Yige lifted his eyes, glanced at her, and said with a smile: "He has an important meeting, I'll just wait for him here, let him get busy!" ”

Chen Ling had to look at the silent man, she wanted to speak again, but when she came into contact with his gloomy face, she closed her mouth again.

After a while, Shang Sheng finally spoke: "Go upstairs!" ”

Qin Yige continued to drink coffee leisurely as if he hadn't heard it.

Knowing what kind of person she was, Shang Sheng got up from the sofa without getting a response from her.

When the two women thought he was going to leave directly, the man walked up to Qin Yige and took away half a cup of coffee from her hand.

Not only that, but he also bent down and hugged the girl who was about to speak.

Realizing his movements, Qin Yige's face turned red in an instant, suppressed the scream that was about to blurt out, and kept slapping his arm.

As if he didn't feel anything, the man adjusted his posture and strode towards the elevator.

Shang Sheng clearly knew that he had to be like this to treat Qin Yige, otherwise she would not admit defeat if she could stalemate with him until the evening.

Even Chen Ling didn't expect Shang Sheng to do this, she looked at the man holding the girl in front of her in shock, and finally came back to her senses and immediately trotted to keep up with him.

Qin Yige, who kept receiving everyone's doubts and surprises, protested to no avail, simply covered her face with one hand and hid in Shang Sheng's arms to prevent everyone from seeing her face.

However, her action is too redundant, and everyone has already seen who she is.

In the president's exclusive elevator, Qin Yige was sure that there was no one else, and she struggled to get down: "Shang Sheng, you let go of me!" ”

The man ignored her, his arms clasped tightly around her body like chains.

He is like this all day long, except for the zombie face, he talks like he charges a fee, and he can't get a word out of a hundred sticks, Qin Yige is almost angry.

"I said you let me down! Shang Sheng, you are deaf! ”

Miss Qin's voice echoed in the elevator.

Chen Ling, who was standing in front of them on the right, looked back at the presumptuous girl in Shang Sheng's arms, frowned slightly, and a touch of disgust crossed his eyes.

When the elevator reached the 66th floor, Shang Sheng finally spoke: "Don't you want to see me?" Wait for me in the office or come with me to the conference room? ”

is a normal person who knows that he should not disturb other people's normal work, of course Qin Yige knows this truth.

But she was angry, and she wanted to face him, she gritted her teeth and stretched out her arms to climb his neck, and said indignantly: "If you have a meeting, you are not my leader, and you are afraid that you will not succeed?" ”

Shang Sheng returned to the elevator without changing his face and ordered, "29th floor." ”

The meeting room is located on the 29th floor.

Chen Ling gasped and reminded: "Mr. Shang, the next thing is a high-level meeting, how can you bring outsiders——"

Shang Sheng glanced at her coldly and did not speak.

Chen Ling said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. ”

Press the number button on the 29th floor immediately.

In the conference room, the executives looked at the man who walked in amazement, especially when they saw that he was holding a woman in his arms.

Shang Sheng put the woman in his arms in the position that originally belonged to the secretary Chen Ling, and he himself sat down on the main seat.

Several people in the high-level recognized Qin Yige and nodded to her silently.

Qin Yige clearly heard someone talking in a low voice: "Is the future Mrs. Shang planning to listen to politics?" ”

She silently replied in her heart: No, only listen to politics, not hang the curtain.

"This marriage is confirmed."

Qin Yige: No, she is here to get out of the marriage.

In the face of everyone's constant stares, she had to adjust her sitting posture and posture, and greeted everyone with a smile and generously: "Hello leaders, I didn't mean to disturb your meeting, everything is what he meant, but you can be my non-existent, please work normally." ”

The person in her mouth is, of course, Shang Sheng.

Qin Yige didn't carry this pot, she threw the pot to Shang Sheng as soon as possible.

And the man who was dumped opened his mouth expressionlessly: "Meeting!" ”

In a rigorous and awkward atmosphere, the meeting quickly got to the point.

Qin Yige suddenly regretted it, she sat here like an ornamental monkey, and from time to time she had to accept the baptism of everyone's eyes.

Since this was the case, she set her eyes on Shang Sheng next to her.

In fact, putting aside all the unpleasantness, Qin Yige has always known that Shang Sheng is very handsome, and she has known this fact for more than 20 years.

I don't know when it began, Shang Sheng, who was always dressed in casual clothes in his memory, gradually changed to a suit with mature colors and styles, wearing a tie, and casual shoes were replaced by expensive leather shoes.

He was only more than three years older than her and Goodwill, but in terms of personality and dress, he was at least ten years more mature than them.

Qin Yige's gaze moved to the hands that were flipping through the documents, slender and white, with distinct bones, comparable to hand models.

She smiled maliciously, such a beautiful hand should be done with a manicure, and red nail polish should be applied-

When she withdrew her gaze, she inadvertently met those indifferent and sharp eyes, and her evil smile instantly froze at the corner of her lips.

I saw the man's thin lips open slightly, and a deep and cold voice immediately came into his ears: "The meeting is over!" ”

The company's top brass came out and disappeared in two minutes.

There were only three people left in the conference room, Shang Sheng, Qin Yige, and secretary Chen Ling.

Shang Sheng opened his mouth first: "What is the matter with finding the company?" ”

Qin Yige slandered in his heart for a moment, and threw a question at him like a cannon: "Shang Sheng, why did you agree to our marriage?" Why are you marrying me? Don't you hate me very much? Aren't you afraid of marrying me and having nightmares every day? ”

Shang Sheng: "Marrying you is just to cope with your family, that's all." ”

"Use me as a pawn?"

"You can think so."

Qin Yige was laughed at by him, "Mr. Shang is worthy of being one of the top ten good young people in Hong Kong City, what a filial piety!" ”

"Passing the prize."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to marry you, not at all!" She only wanted to marry him because of the water in her brain.

What others don't know, she knows.

Shang Sheng is a black and domineering person, with a bad stomach and a desire to control.

If she marries him, it's like having an extra father, or the kind of father who can even manage her eating a few grains of rice at a meal!

Facing her gaze, Shang Shengyun said lightly: "This marriage is not up to you!" ”

Qin Yige was so angry that his cheeks bulged, like a bulging little frog.

She threatened: "If you insist on marrying me, I will elope with a man tomorrow and cuckold you." ”

In the face of such a threat, other people have already begun to get angry.

But Shang Sheng didn't, and asked calmly: "Do you think in Hong Kong City, who can escape the palm of my Shang Sheng?" ”

"......" Qin Yige hates his arrogance to death, but there is no way, who makes the family have this strength?

It doesn't matter, she has other moves!

"Okay, since that's the case, I will tell you clearly, if you want to marry me Qin Yige, you must have three books, six ceremonies, three media, six appointments, and ten miles of red makeup."

Did he think that was the end of it? Of course not!

"There are at least ten sets of real estate, one set of jewelry red, green, blue and aquamarine, Paraiba tourmaline, red, green, blue, black and purple tourmaline, and three listed profitable companies...... There is no dowry! ”

Shang Sheng didn't speak.

She deliberately opened her mouth, wanting him to think that she was a material girl now, and let him give up on his own initiative.

Chen Ling couldn't help but speak: "Miss Qin, this is a bit excessive, you also know that Mr. Shang married you under pressure from Mrs. Shang." ”

Qin Yige glanced at her and scolded: "I talk to my fiancé about the wedding gift, how can you have a secretary to intervene?" ”

"Miss Qin, you-" Chen Ling was so embarrassed that his face turned red.

More is better than less, not to mention that in Shang Sheng's view, things that can be solved with money are not things.

In order to stop Qin Yige's mouth, he also added a few other dowries: "Two yachts worth more than one billion, two open-top supercars, six tens of millions of supercars, two private aircraft, one billion cash savings cards, and two unlimited credit cards." ”

Qin Yige was so shocked by him that his eyes widened, and he didn't have the heart to care about the annoying secretary anymore.

She resisted the urge to slap the table, and kindly reminded: "Shang Sheng, are you in the water in your brain?" Wake up, I'm Qin Yige! Qin Yige, the one you hate the most! Not your white moonshine! ”

The man's sharp eyes swept over the girl's face: "I'm not blind!" ”


Qin Yige swallowed his saliva: "Why do you give so many dowries?" ”

She has neither talent nor more than 100 million assets...... Well, there is, there is, that's her family, not her.

At most, she has a good-looking skin, and her figure is okay, but the problem is that her soul is not interesting, what is Shang Sheng's picture?

"I give you so much, I only have one request, to give me an An'an share to be the wife of a nominee."

Isn't that simple? It's not just simple, it's just right in the way! Qin Yige began to get excited, and a question came out casually: "Separation? ”

Shang Sheng glanced at her coldly: "Thinking too much." ”

The girl sat back in her seat with a look of despair.

She knew that this stinky mulberry was not so easy to talk to.


Since it is three books, six ceremonies, three mediators and six appointments, in addition to other ceremonies, engagement ceremonies are also required.

Half a month later, Shang Sheng and Qin Yige's engagement banquet was held at the six-star hotel in Vikes, Hong Kong City.

At the engagement banquet, the fair-skinned bride-to-be wore a burgundy dress, stepped on crystal high heels, and obediently held the groom-to-be Shang Sheng.

A pair of newcomers are a perfect match, talented and beautiful, and they envy everyone.

Shang Yu and the old lady Shang with a kind smile gave a thumbs up: "Grandma, you can actually get these two people together, Jiang is still old and spicy!" Grandson admires admire! ”

Ten days ago, his eldest brother's attitude towards marrying the Qin family was still very decisive, of course, it was decisive in refusal.

The father and mother of the merchant took turns to do the ideological work of their son.

Shang Changqing: "This is all what your grandmother meant, she thinks that Yige is a good match for you." ”

Shang Sheng didn't seem to hear it: "Is there anything else?" I'll have another meeting later. ”

Receiving her husband's eyes, Kou Juqing understood in seconds: "Xiaosheng, in fact, my mother doesn't want you to get married so early." ”

After all, his son is not yet 27, which is the age of struggle for his career.

"But what?" She changed her painting style: "If there is a suitable one, the other party still uses a song, in fact, it is not impossible for you to order it first." ”

Shang Sheng lifted his eyes: "Do you think Qin Yige is suitable?" ”

"Suitable!" Kou Juqing nodded heavily, and her tone was very serious.

"Although this child is a little silly, at least she is a childhood sweetheart with Xiaoyu, we watched her grow up, and there is no mess in her mind."

"Since it is a childhood sweetheart with goodwill, and they are of the same age, is it a better match for goodwill? It is not impossible for goodwill to get married at this time. ”

His words fell, and Shang Yu, who was hiding in a corner and eavesdropping, came down from the second floor: "No, no, big brother, Qin Yige and I are good brothers, we don't call at all, or you and her, cough, it's more compatible." ”

These two are a good match...... Scary.

The tall man stood up from the sofa, sorted out his clothes and said, "You can generate electricity if you don't call, you are my Shangsheng's younger brother, I can give you whatever you want." ”

His words didn't make Shangyu feel a little happy, but shivered, "Brother, please let go, this matter has nothing to do with me!" ”

Shang Sheng ignored him, turned around and strode towards the door.

The moment before he left, he was stopped by an old voice: "Xiao Sheng, wait! ”

He turned around, and the white-haired old man slowly walked out of the room.

Thinking of this, Shang Yu pulled back his thoughts and asked Mrs. Shang: "Grandma, what did you say to your eldest brother that day?" Can he happily agree to this family business? ”

The smile on the old man's face was meaningful, "I didn't say anything, it's your eldest brother who is filial and obedient." ”

His eldest brother is filial and obedient? Goodwill is a question mark, is that really just the case?

On the other side, Qin Yige finally found a chance to rest, wearing high heels all night, maintaining a smirk and cooperating with Shang Sheng to receive guests, she was almost tired!

She had just sat down in the rest area when a hula gathered around her, both men and women.

These people say they are friends, but seven out of ten are plastic friendships.

The first to speak was the little son of the Chu family in Hong Kong City, Chu Rang, one of the four young people in Hong Kong City.

He is a mutual friend of Qin Yige and Shang Sheng, but obviously, he has a better relationship with Shang Sheng, after all, his classmates have studied hard for ten years.

Chu Xiaogongzi had just dyed his short hair yellow, and he was wearing a diamond stud earring on his right ear, which looked like someone else's son.

"Yige, if you are threatened by Shang Sheng, blink your eyes, and I will save you.

Qin Yige didn't speak, just blinked.

"Are you really threatened? Yige, don't be afraid, my brother will go to Shang Sheng to duel! ”

The second one to open her mouth was a purple-haired woman, a little sister who often went shopping abroad with Qin Yige, she pushed the decorative frame on the bridge of her nose and asked her tentatively: "Yige, didn't you tell me that you were going to learn nursing and let Mr. Shang live in the most expensive ICU?" ”

Moreover, she also said that the person she hates the most in her life is Shang Sheng.

Qin Yige said this.

As soon as she spoke, another woman in a white dress followed closely and said: "Qin Yige, you also said that you want to study journalism, and in the future, Mr. Shang will be corrupt, and you will put him on the news headlines!" ”

Why did Qin Yige marry Shang Sheng? She is not worthy of the general manager at all.

Qin Yige also said this.

But they don't have to say it so loudly, do they?

Tang Anruo put away his sad thoughts because of Shang Sheng and Qin Yige's engagement, and asked suspiciously, "Did I remember wrong?" Yi Ge clearly said that she wanted to study law, and she also said that she would send the general manager in! ”

Without waiting for Qin Yige to answer their questions, Chu Rang's assistant showed an elegant but polite smile: "Everyone, please turn back!" ”

Everyone turned around at the same time, and the male protagonist in their mouth was standing behind them, with one hand in his pocket and a glass of red wine in the other. stared at today's heroine - Qin Yige expressionlessly.

A group of people changed their faces and reacted very quickly.

Chu Rang: "Yige, you and Shang Sheng are really a natural pair, golden and jade, talented and beautiful, unparalleled in the world!" I wish you all a good moon and a full moon! ”

Qin Yige: ?

What about the duel with Shangsheng?

Purple-haired little sister: "With songs, I wish you and Mr. Shang a hundred years of good together, give birth to a noble son early, every year has today, and every year has today." ”

Qin Yige doesn't want to have today every year.

Seeing Shang Sheng, the woman in the white dress deliberately showed herself: "The bride is like a wonderful red wine, the groom is like a red wine glass, and the wine and the glass are inseparable from now on!" I wish you all happiness and grow old together. ”

Qin Yige: "......"

There was no one else in Shang Sheng's eyes, he took a few steps forward, and his eyes staring at the girl revealed danger: "You want to send me to the ICU?" ”

Qin Yige smiled awkwardly, and was about to open his mouth to quibble, when the people around him dispersed in a hurry.

"You still want to make the headlines?"


"Send me in at the end?"


It turned out that he listened to it.

Qin Yige raised his red lips and denied with a smile: "You heard it wrong. ”

"Are you dreaming a little too much?"

Qin Yige lost her confidence in an instant, but she still cheered for herself: "It will be realized!" ”

"Then make the first dream come true? I'll help you. ”

Admitted to the ICU?

Qin Yige was a little confused: "How can you help me?" ”

Shang Sheng: "Without my participation, you wouldn't have been able to have eight sons alone." ”


No, what about going to the ICU?

Qin Yige bit his lower lip, and scolded in a low voice with a slightly red face: "Shang Sheng, don't think that you are about to marry me, and you have a little stinky money, you can sleep with me!" ”

"With so many women out there, where do you get the confidence to think that I have to be you?"

The girl's heart sank slightly, and she replied unconvinced: "Isn't it? Do you Shangsheng have anyone else to ask for besides me? Let me see who else can't think of it as much as I do. ”

Shang Sheng didn't want to argue with her more, so he stretched out his arm to her: "Don't worry, the woman who wants to climb my Shang Sheng's bed can be lined up from Hong Kong City to Antarctica." Mrs. Shang, have you rested enough? It's time to drop off the guests. ”

Mrs. Shang called her blushing and her heart beating, and she said stiffly: "Don't call me Mrs. Shang, I'm not married yet, and I'm not your wife yet." ”

The man obediently changed his words for the first time: "Miss Qin." ”

Miss Qin snorted coldly and raised her chin arrogantly: "It's pretty much the same!" ”

She took him by the arm and let him lead her to the entrance of the banquet hall.

Halfway through, she muttered in a low voice: "Don't wear this brand of high heels in the future, my heel hurts!" ”

Shang Sheng silently took out his mobile phone and dialed a call: "Send a pair of flat shoes, size 37." ”

"I don't want to wear flats, stand next to you like a dwarf."

He was too tall, 1.88 meters, nearly 1.9 meters, and she was barely 1.7 meters.

"Send me a pair of comfy high heels."

Qin Yige: "I'm wearing high heels now, don't bother, it's almost over." ”

At the end of the mobile phone call, Shang Sheng said lightly: "It must be sent to prevent you from finding a reason to leave the venue early." ”

If you don't see something, it's not her Qin Yige.

......: "Does he know how to read minds?"

She really planned to leave the venue early on the grounds that her feet were uncomfortable, leaving him alone to see off the guests here.

In less than twenty minutes, Chen Ling walked over briskly with a pair of shoes, and she greeted the two people: "Mr. Shang, Miss Qin." ”

Qin Yige was annoyed when he saw her, grabbed Shang Sheng's arm, and ordered arrogantly: "Trouble Secretary Chen to call me Mrs. Shang in the future, from today onwards I am no longer Miss Qin!" ”

Hearing this, Shang Sheng glanced at Qin Yige and raised his eyebrows.

That look seemed to be asking her, who asked him to call her Miss Qin last second?

Chen Ling was a little embarrassed, she glanced at the man.

Shang Sheng didn't speak, just took the shoebox in her hand and opened it, and took out the high heels inside.

She had to nod and say, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Shang." ”

The heels are dark blue, and both the style and color are old-fashioned for a girl in her early twenties.

"Go change your shoes." Shang Sheng said lightly.

Qin Yige lifted the hem of his skirt with one hand and followed him to the side.

The waiter brought a chair, and Qin Yige sat on it.

Only then did she see the style of the shoes, frowned slightly and complained: "It's so ugly!" ”

"This style of heels doesn't look good, but it's more comfortable to wear." Chen Ling explained.

Qin Yige: "There are so many good-looking and comfortable high heels, Shang Sheng, is this how your secretary works?" ”

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, I'll pay attention to it in the future."

Shang Sheng half-squatted in front of the girl, looking like he was going to change her shoes.

Realizing his actions, Chen Ling immediately squatted down and said anxiously: "Mr. Shang, let me do this kind of thing!" ”


Shang Sheng took off the sandals on the girl's feet directly.

Qin Yige willfully retracted his white feet: "I don't wear it, Shang Sheng, didn't you hear?" Ugly! ”

"Mr. Shang has already condescended to put on your shoes, why are you so willful?" Chen Ling was distressed for Shang Sheng.

"Does my willfulness have anything to do with you? Are you talking a little too much? ”

"Secretary Chen!" Shang Sheng said lightly.

Sensing the warning in his tone, Chen Ling immediately shut up and took a step back with his grievances.

The man got up, bent down to pick up Qin Yige, and strode out of the hotel.

"Where are you taking me?" Qin Yige asked with a red face.

Why is this man like this now? Hug her at every turn, isn't she disabled?

"Since your feet are uncomfortable, go back and rest first."

"So what about here?"

"I'm here."

Qin Yige was carried by him to a Bentley, and when she sat down, he instructed the driver: "Send Miss Qin back." ”

"Yes, Mr. Shang."

The car started slowly, and Shang Sheng's figure gradually disappeared from Qin Yige's sight.

Retracting her gaze, she was a little confused, Shang Sheng seemed to be a little better than before, I don't know if it was her delusion......

Inside the hotel

Shang Sheng, who had already finished sending off the guests, snuffed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and listened to Chen Ling's report on the work content, but he didn't say anything.

just said lightly: "Don't spoil my business." ”

Chen Ling was stunned for a moment, and then understood what he meant: "Mr. Shang, Qin Yige is not worthy of you at all, and the object of your original marriage is not her, why do you want to connive at her presumptuous in front of you again and again?" ”

"I have my own plans." The man replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, Mr. Shang." Chen Ling didn't dare to say more, so he could only respond first.

"Don't provoke her in the future, that girl will sue!"

Otherwise, how could he have personally gone downstairs to pick her up that day?

It's not the first time this kind of thing has happened, Qin Yige always complained to his mother before, but now with his grandmother's stronger and tougher backer, she is indeed becoming more and more presumptuous.

And he, who hates trouble the most, can only temporarily indulge her in order to avoid trouble, as well as the nagging of his elders.

After Qin Yige arrived home, he received an unprecedented greeting from the general manager.


"Oh, it's here." She threw herself and her bag on the sofa at the same time, and her half-sitting and half-lying posture had no image to speak of.

"Well, rest early, hang up."

"Wait a minute!" Qin Yige hurriedly stopped.

Didn't say anything over there.

"You called me just to ask if I'm home?" She earnestly confirmed it to him.

"Or else?"

yes, or not? What else could happen?

Ending the call, Qin Yige stared at the ceiling and thought wildly.

Did she get water in her brain? would have thought that Shang Sheng was not bad to her.

No, Shang Sheng obeys her in everything, there must be a cat, she has to watch out for him, and she can't fall into the trap he dug.

The phone rang again to bring back her thoughts, and the caller ID was Tang Anruo.


Half an hour later, Qin Yige's figure appeared in the largest bar in Hong Kong City-ROCK.

At the moment, her long skirt was replaced by a black sexy suspender belt and a knee-length skirt, and a pair of strappy sandals were on her feet.

It's just that the next moment, she met the eye with an extremely familiar man.

Qin Yige blinked.

That person was none other than Shang Sheng, who had spoken to her on the phone half an hour ago, and she told him that she was at home, and he told her to go to bed early.

He was surrounded by Chu Rang and several other friends.

Chu Rang raised his eyebrows: "Yige, are you here to find Shang Sheng?" ”

Qin Yige: "No! ”

Shang Sheng walked towards her with long legs, and finally stood still in front of her, glanced at her dress, he frowned slightly, "Didn't you rest early?" ”

"Mr. Shang, we are just engaged, and we are not married yet, so you have no right to care what I do wherever I am."

Shang Sheng glanced at her coldly when he heard this, didn't speak again, and walked upstairs to the VIP private room with a few friends.

Chu Rang patted her on the shoulder before leaving: "If you want to drink, drink some, we'll be upstairs." ”

Qin Yige understood what he meant: "Thank you!" ”

"What's polite to my brother? Let's go! ”

Qin Yige sent the group away, then sat down next to Tang Anruo and pulled her up: "Tang Anruo, I'm here!" ”

When the drunken woman saw her, she burst into tears.

Fortunately, it was deafening in the bar, and few people could hear Tang Anruo's high decibels.

"We sisters for many years, why are you robbing my man? You said! ”

Qin Yige: "Sister, wake up, he's not your man." ”

Tang Anruo's paranoia of love is getting more and more serious, and if she continues to talk about it, she will have the illusion of being a junior.

"He is, how can he betray our love? Marry my good sister! This scumbag! Tang Anruo picked up a glass of wine and poured it into his stomach.

Qin Yige wanted to persuade her not to drink anymore, but Tang Anruo poured her a glass of wine: "Qin Yige, do you really treat me as a good sister?" ”

"No, we're plastic sisters." Qin Yige rolled his eyes.

"If you really think of me as a sister, drink it! Cheers! ”

Looking at the glass of liquor, Qin Yige didn't hesitate for too long, picked it up and touched a glass with her, and drank a third of it in one go.

Tang Anruo hugged her shoulders with a smile and a smile: "Yige, I know that you treat me as a good sister, and my sister will not pursue the matter of you and me robbing men." ”

Qin Yige smiled, his head was a little dizzy, and the whole person was a little floating.

It didn't take long for her to get drunk.

The topic of the two women originally revolved around the things of their college days, but I don't know how it changed, so it turned to Shang Sheng.

Tang Anruo tilted his head and immersed himself in the fantasy he had concocted: "The night before your engagement, Shang Sheng came to me and told me that he didn't actually love you, he loved me, but he had to marry you for the sake of the family business. ”

Qin Yige: "I believe you when you say this, how can Shang Sheng love me?" ”

"I knew he loved me, woo-woo." Tang Anruo cried a mess.

Qin Yige staggered into her ear, desperately trying to lower his voice: "I'll tell you a secret ......"

"Shang Sheng is just a little cabbage!"

As her words fell, the two women laughed at the same time.

"Qin Yige." A calm male voice suddenly sounded.

Qin Yige thought it was Tang Anruo calling her: "Why are you suddenly so serious in your voice?" I thought it was the stinky mulberry calling me! ”

"Stinky mulberry?"

"That's right, the nickname I gave Shang Sheng is Mulberry. Shang Sheng, Mulberry - shhh, don't tell him! ”

The two women laughed at the same time again.

Qin Yige was originally holding Tang Anruo's shoulders, but because she was drunk, her arms drooped and slipped weakly, and her whole body had no support point, and her upper body fell backwards.

A pair of powerful palms supported her slender waist in time to prevent her from falling to the ground.

However, Qin Yige's elbow accidentally hit the man's stomach.

She herself knew, looking at the stomach in front of her, she stretched out her hand to cover it and rubbed it, and said softly: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, my sister gives you a call, my sister didn't mean it." ”

"Qin Yige!" This time, there was a clear anger in his voice.

Qin Yige climbed his arms to the waist in front of him, like rock climbing, and his hands gradually went up.

"Hey, this guy is in good shape, and he has chest muscles, which is quite strong......"

In the end, Qin Yige, who was squinting, met a pair of sharp eyes that burst out of anger.

"Hiccup~" She burped.

Qin Yige seemed to have seen Shang Sheng, or Shang Sheng who was getting angry.

She frowned, and snorted dissatisfiedly: "Stinky mulberry, what are you fierce?" ”

Don't think that if he hugs her twice, he can hug her and have a grudge, dreaming!

The man's face was already terrifyingly blue, and the bodyguards and assistants around him hung their heads, and none of them dared to raise their heads.

But this fiancée didn't know it, not only that, but she also hugged Shang Sheng's neck and rubbed her face in his arms, she seemed to recognize Shang Sheng again.

"What did you do? Why does it smell so good? Smells better than a woman like me, good sissy! ”


When Chu Rang went downstairs, he happened to hear Qin Yige's death quotations, and his heart was shocked, his legs were weak, and he almost didn't fall to the ground.

He coughed lightly and quietly poked the drunk Qin Yige, trying to wake her up.

It is clear that nothing works.

Not only that, Qin Yige also howled loudly in Shang Sheng's ear: "Whoever poked my arm, it hurts!" ”

Chu Rang: "......"

The kid is hopeless.

Shang Sheng suppressed his emotions, picked up the woman horizontally, and prepared to leave here.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yige struggled in his arms, and finally hung on him like a koala. Not only that, but he also put half of his face on his shoulder.

Chu Rang covered his eyes.

The posture was so ambiguous that I couldn't see it.

He quietly took out his mobile phone and took a photo, planning to wait until Qin Yige woke up to show her how he was embarrassed.

Shang Sheng gritted his teeth: "Qin Yige!" ”

"I'm a little sleepy, send me back!" Qin Yige closed his eyes after speaking, and he was quite in a posture of planning to sleep in his arms.

Shang Sheng decisively let go of his hand and wanted to throw the woman to the ground. But she clinged to his neck with her hands and wrapped her legs around his waist, and even when he let go of her hands, she didn't fall to the ground.

In the end, after some tossing, Shang Sheng still had a calm face, supported her hip with one hand, and strode out.

The deep cold chill emanating from the man's body made no one dare to approach.

Chu Rang didn't keep up, and he didn't get involved with the affairs of the two outsiders, so he sent the photos he took to a group.

There are more than a dozen people in the group, among which Shang Sheng and Qin Yige are all there.

Seeing the photo, the jaws of the others almost dropped.

I am Chu Rang's sister: "Chu Rang, why don't you tell me to go down and watch a good show?" ”

Chu Rang: "It's too late. ”

I'm Chu Rang's sister: "When did you say these two people secretly got along?" Not only is he going to get married, but Shang Sheng will also hold Qin Yige and leave? ”

Chu Rang: "I don't know much about the marriage, but I can see it very clearly tonight, it's all Qin Yige holding on to Shang Sheng and not letting go." ”

I'm Chu Rang's sister: "Everyone disperse, don't keep honking in the group, delaying the Spring Festival of the young couple." ”

These two people finally got along, and they couldn't be dragged back.

Then the group fell silent.

Shang Sheng didn't have the heart to care about what they were talking about now, Qin Yige kept tugging at his clothes tightly.

She doesn't let go, and she doesn't let him go.

He was forced to sit in the back seat of the car, at first next to her, but then she somehow tossed and simply sat on his lap.

She opened her eyes slightly, and the two of them stared at each other in a narrow space.

Qin Yige and his foreheads touched each other, and the aroma of wine overflowed as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Shang Sheng, what are you doing?"

Shang Sheng: ???

She was drunk, she was the one who held him and didn't let go, and she was the one who sat on his lap.

She was still asking him what he was doing?

"Why don't you speak? Look down on Miss Ben, don't you? ”

"Go down!" He commanded in a cold voice.

"Why do you let me go down, and I'll go down? Miss Ben just can't go down! Qin Yige not only didn't go down, but also began to wriggle around him.

In addition to the fragrance of wine, there is also a fragrance that originally belonged to her, and the fragrance is sweet and sweet.

The smell of her snort was all hers, Shang Sheng's eyes suddenly deepened, one arm tightly wrapped around her slender waist, and his breathing was a little shorter.

"Shang Sheng, what is hidden in your pocket, it has hit me!"

"Let me touch it and see what kind of treasure it is!"

The girl grunted her little hand and reached into his pocket.

Shang Sheng suddenly grabbed her hand, waving wildly, and clasped it behind her back.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Qin Yige, if you move again, I will throw you down!" ”

"I've always known that you don't like me, and you deliberately behave very well to me in front of outsiders, but in fact, you are doing face work."

"If you know, it's good." He did not deny it.

"Of course I know, you'd better be kind to me in the future, or I'll tell your grandma this secret, so you can't eat and walk around, hahaha." Qin Yige laughed out loud.

Shang Sheng pulled the girl off his body with a force, and he in turn pressed her into the corner and bullied her.

The distance between the two was only a few millimeters, and he squeezed her jaw and warned: "Give me presumptuous again, and I will lock you up!" ”

When Qin Yige was normal, she might be afraid of him, but now that she is drunk, she is not afraid of him at all.

Not only was he not frightened, but he also asked him with a smile, "Where are you holding me?" Shut up in your ...... In the heart? ”

After saying that, she laughed herself.

Shang Sheng's heart was stimulated by her words.

"Miss Ben doesn't go to your heart, it's too dark."

"Black heart, black liver, Shang Sheng even has black lungs."


The car finally arrived at the Qin family's house, and the driver got out of the car to ring the doorbell.

The two people in the back seat of the car were still entangled, Shang Sheng pulled Qin Yige away with force, and straightened out his wrinkled clothes with a dark face.

After a while, the driver trotted back and stood outside the car and reported in a low voice: "Mr. Shang, there is no one in the Qin family." ”

Shang Sheng looked out the window, and Qin's house was pitch black inside and out, and it really didn't look like a human being.

He moved his gaze to the woman next to him: "Qin Yige, what is the password of your door?" ”

"Password." Qin Yige adjusted his sitting posture: "1...... 4…… 3……”

Shang Sheng's hearing is better, and he sat upright and listened to her count with her fingers: "8." ”

"Four figures?"


Shang Sheng: "Did you hear that?" ”

The driver outside was stunned for a moment, "Ah, this ......"


The driver didn't dare to say more, so he ran to the door to try the password with a smile.

As he expected, the password was wrong.

"Mr. Shang, the password is wrong."

Shang Sheng had already lost all his patience, and his tone was three points sharper: "How many passwords are there, don't say anything, I'll throw you down from here!" ”

“143…… 8, hahaha, you are a three-eight ......"


At this moment, Shang Sheng finally understood why the driver reacted that way just now.

He pinched his aching brow to ease his emotions.

Qin Yige sat up and hugged his arm: "An Ruo, let's go to the movies, shall we?" ”

"Horror?" He still remembers the way they watched a horror movie together a long time ago, and she was so scared that she cried.

"That's not good, why are you as annoying as Shang Sheng? Do you have to take someone to watch a horror movie? Let's watch a romance movie! ”


"Yes, let me tell you, my idol's first kiss on the screen has been dedicated, and I haven't had time to watch it yet!" The girl closed her eyes and smiled silly.

"First kiss?" Shang Sheng's gaze fell on the girl's cherry lips with lip gloss, and a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, my idol's first kiss on the screen is gone, hehe, my first kiss is still there!" Qin Yige completely regarded the people around him as Tang Anruo.

Shang Sheng gradually lowered his head.

After a moment, a wicked smile rose on the corner of his lips, and he announced in a low voice: "Qin Yige, your first kiss is gone!" ”

His words fell, and the thin and cool lips grabbed her cherry lips with unmistakable accuracy.

Qin Yige lost his voice in an instant.

Her lips were so sweet that they surprised him, and Shang Sheng pinched her jaw to keep her from moving, her lips pressed tightly together, tossing and turning.

It was dark outside, and the ambiguous atmosphere inside the car messed up the breathing of the two people.


The next morning, because I dreamed of Shang Sheng's face, not only that, but also dreamed that he was kissing himself...... scared Qin Yige so much that he woke up directly from his dream.

She sat up abruptly from the bed and stared at her surroundings in bewilderment.

This is the hotel, and this is the presidential suite.

She was the only one in the room, and as if she had thought of something, she immediately looked down at what she was wearing.

Fortunately, she was still wearing the same clothes as last night.

Qin Yige tried hard to remember what happened last night, and she didn't think of any important information when she thought of her splitting headache.

In her memory, there were only Tang Anruo and Chu Rang, Shang Sheng's face crossed her mind, Qin Yige didn't think about it, and threw his face off again.

She took out her mobile phone and was about to contact Tang Anruo, only to find that there were a lot of unread messages on her phone.

When she saw the chat records of Chu Rang and several people in the group, as well as the photo, she remembered some clips about Shang Sheng.

After a while, she bit her lower lip and typed a few words unconvinced: "Chu Rang, don't I want to lose face?" ”

"Why are you talking nonsense?"

"Obviously, it was Shang Sheng who took the initiative to hug me, but I was drunk and didn't have the strength to pull him away."

Chu Rang: "Yes, yes, what you said is right." ”

Shang Sheng, who hadn't spoken in the group for three months: "Chu Rang." ”

Seeing him suddenly pop out, Chu Rang almost didn't throw away his phone.

He immediately typed three words and sent them out: "Mr. Shang is good." ”

Subsequently, a long list of business owners swiped the screen in their small group.

Shang Sheng: "Don't I want to lose face?" ”

Without waiting for Chu Rang to answer, Qin Yige quickly typed a few words: "Shang Sheng, does the eldest husband dare to do it?" ”

When Chu Rang saw her talking, he immediately deleted all the words that he had beaten halfway through.

Shang Sheng glanced at the message on his phone, and didn't want to deal with Qin Yige, so he directly locked the phone screen.

After a long time in the group, there was movement.

It's Chu Rang's sister.

"Mr. Shang seems to be a little ...... Wife discipline tendency? ”

Qin Yige: "Sister Chu, you may have misunderstood him a little. ”

Sister Chu Rang: "Maybe." ”

She really couldn't connect his wife Guan Yan with Shang Sheng.

Qin Yige was quiet for a moment, except for a little headache, nothing else seemed to be uncomfortable, and it didn't look like he had been done like that.

Yes, definitely not.

It's not that Shang Sheng doesn't have the guts, it's that he won't take advantage of others!

Most importantly, he shouldn't be interested in her, just as she wasn't interested in him.

Thinking of this, she lifted the thin quilt and happily went into the bathroom to wash.

Qin Yige returned to the apartment where he lived with his bag wilted, and when he was about to catch up on sleep, the small group belonging to a few of them blew up again.

She didn't want to see it, but someone loved her, so she had to click on the group message.

It was Chu Rang Aite's her: "You are so fierce with songs!" ”

She's fierce? Qin Yige looked down at the chat history in confusion.

Chu asked her sister about the doubts in her heart.

"What's wrong with the song? Let's talk about it. ”

Chu Rang: "I saw the tooth marks on Shang Sheng's lips just now, Yige, you are a good cow, dare to leave traces on Shang Ye's mouth." ”

Chu Rang's sister: ", with songs, I will call you sister in the future." ”

Chu Rang: "Who said that this is an evil CP sect in the first place?" It's not very sweet, goodwill comes out and gets beaten! ”

Goodwill had always been silent, he had drunk too much yesterday afternoon, and he hadn't woken up yet.

Tooth marks???

Qin Yige tilted his head and thought for a while, and the calm Aite Chu replied to him: "It's not me." ”

What are you kidding, her first kiss is still there, okay?

Who knows where Shang Sheng and the other women went last night to be merry and happy, she doesn't carry this pot!

The group fell silent in an instant.

Shang Sheng didn't explain anything as if he hadn't seen the news, as if they weren't talking about him.

An hour later, Chu Rang threw out a sentence dryly in the group: "Yige, I went to Shang Sheng to take a look again, but I was mistaken, it was not a tooth mark, it seems to have been accidentally touched." ”

It's a pity that it's too late, in Qin Yige's heart, she has already decided that after Shang Sheng left her in the hotel last night, she was alone and happy outside.

The President's Office of Shangshi Group

After talking about things with Shang Sheng, Mrs. Shang followed up with Chen Ling, who came to report the itinerary, and explained: "Secretary Chen, don't arrange Xiao Sheng's business trip recently. ”

Chen Ling smiled: "Grandma Shang, the trip to France is more important, so I can only go to the general manager." ”

"Then let his dad go! It doesn't matter if my son is old, I also have a grandson, just 24, and I can also go on a business trip. ”

Chen Ling looked at the man at the desk speechlessly.

Shang Sheng closed the document in his hand: "Grandma, I can promise you what you just said, but you still don't interfere in the work matter." ”

Mrs. Shang said slowly: "I don't interfere, I just want to say that whoever arranges for you to go on a business trip is against me, an old woman!" ”


Isn't this still meddling?

"Secretary Chen, the news is conveyed, my grandson is mainly family during this time, and if he needs to go on a business trip, let my son go."

Chen Ling didn't dare to refute, so he took a deep breath and responded: "Yes." ”

At night, Qin Yige was chasing dramas at home, and the doorbell of the apartment rang suddenly.

She paused the TV series and looked at the door in wonder, who could it be so late?

She didn't order takeout either.

The door opened, and outside the door stood a man with a noble temperament and an impatient expression.

He was wearing a white shirt and carrying a suitcase in his hand, and when he saw her, he said with an unkind face: "Grandma asked me to move here." ”


Qin Yige was so stunned that his head was crooked.

Qin Yige was wearing pink pajamas with cartoon patterns, his long hair was tied back casually, and there was a suspicious sesame seed at the corner of his lips.

That sesame seed...... It's hilarious.

At the same time, the smell of cooked meat wafted to Shang Sheng's nose.

"Moving in with me? What do you want? Qin Yige thinks he is very funny, and he still wants to live with her, dreaming?

Shang Sheng took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to her: "You tell grandma." ”

"Say what?"

"You don't agree with me living here."

Qin Yige glared at him: "Shang Sheng, you're a ghost all day long, aren't you tired?" Why don't you do this kind of offending thing yourself? Besides, that's your grandmother, not my grandmother, of course. ”

"Don't say it?"

"Don't say it!"

Shang Sheng put away his phone and walked straight inside.

Realizing his movements, Qin Yige immediately closed half of the door, and at the same time straightened his stomach without thinking about it, blocking the man's attack.

The two bodies pressed together without warning, and Shang Sheng paused.

Qin Yige hugged his waist nervously, and pushed him out with the power of the wilderness: "Get out and get out!" Don't come in, this is my place! ”

It's a pity that she was allowed to squeeze in various ways, and the people at the door stood still at all.

"Qin Yige." After a few moments, the man suddenly spoke.

"Don't call me!" I don't know if it's her delusion, Shang Sheng's voice seems to have changed a little......

"If you move again, you won't be able to celebrate Children's Day next year!"

Qin Yige raised his head: ???

Facing the question mark on her face, he said lightly: "As far as I know, Chu asked them to give you a gift on Children's Day this year." ”

"yes, what? You don't send it yourself, and you want to prevent others from sending it? Shang Sheng, what kind of heart do you have? ”

Chu asked a few of them to accidentally see their parents giving her Children's Day gifts, and they coaxed her in the group to give her.

Then, it was really delivered.

Since they were willing to give it, in the face of the temptation of luxury, she accepted it happily.

The man glanced at the girl in his arms, the sesame seeds still stubbornly sticking to the corners of her lips.

He quietly changed the subject, "If I were you, I would go look in the mirror and wipe the sesame seeds off my mouth!" ”


Qin Yige wiped the corners of his lower lip with the back of his hand without any pretentiousness, and there was nothing on the back of his hand except for shiny oil stains.

She wiped the corner of her lip with her other hand.

In front of Shang Sheng, she didn't have to maintain her image at all, after all, she had made hundreds of troubles in front of him more than ten years ago.

There is really a sesame seed on the back of the hand...... No, it's food!

Her face was slightly red, and she turned around to wash it off, and just after taking two steps, there was a 'click' behind her.


Qin Yige turned around, and Shang Sheng not only walked in, but also saw her messy apartment, and then frowned.

Qin Yige had a feeling that all her privacy was exposed in front of him, and what made her even more devastated was that she had just taken off her black underwear and casually threw it into the pile of clothes on the sofa.

Coincidentally, Shang Sheng's gaze just fell on the clothes on the sofa......

It's embarrassing!

She was so ashamed that she was about to cry, and she didn't bother to wash her hands, Qin Yi rushed over, stood on tiptoe, and tried to cover his eyes: "Don't look at it!" ”

"Shang Sheng, who let you in!"

Qin Yige is really about to cry, so-well, the 'unbearable' side is exposed in the eyes of the sworn enemy, and no one can calm down!

More than underwear, what he couldn't see was the portion on the table - roast chicken.

Shang Sheng grabbed the little hand that wanted to cover his eyes, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "If the Qin family can't afford to hire a servant, you are now my Shang Sheng's fiancée, and I will pay for this money!" ”

"Who scarces your stinky money!" Qin Yige gritted her teeth, she invited a servant, but she came to clean up her room at a fixed point.

She pulled her hand back and ran to the side to scramble to put the lid on the roast chicken she had just ordered.

Then he carried all the clothes he had taken off in the past two days into the dirty basket in the bathroom.

When she came out, the man who was originally standing in the living room was already sitting on her sofa, facing the roast chicken she had just eaten a few bites of, looking thoughtful.

Qin Yige ran over, and she immediately picked up the roast chicken, and warned angrily: "If you dare to laugh at me again, we will divorce ......."

No, they're just engaged, they're not married, there's no divorce.

"I'll go to your house to get out of the marriage with gongs and drums, and let everyone in Hong Kong City know that you Shang Sheng is the man I don't want Qin Yige!"

She was angry because Shang Sheng had laughed at her a long time ago, saying that she was a little cabbage who loved to eat roast chicken.

Then, many people followed and ridiculed Qin Yige for knowing that he was holding a roast chicken all day long, and he was not afraid of eating roast chicken himself.

Since then, Qin Yige has never eaten roast chicken in front of outsiders.

I order takeout like tonight and eat it secretly.

Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by Shang Sheng again tonight.

Shang Sheng loosened his tie and glanced at her: "Go clean up the room!" ”

He saved her some face, after all, the living room was so messy, and the bedroom was ...... I guess it's more exciting, right?

She glared at her, "Go yourself!" Why should I listen to you? ”

Shang Sheng didn't speak, got up and walked to her bedroom.

"Eh, aren't you ashamed to go straight to the girl's boudoir like this?" She hugged the roast chicken and blocked the bedroom door.

"If I'm not mistaken, you took the initiative to let me in just three seconds ago."

Qin Yige remembered the words he had just casually thrown out, and was refuted to the point of speechlessness.

She took a deep breath and freed a hand: "Wait! ”

Shang Sheng looked at her with doubts in his eyes.

The girl raised her chin slightly and snorted coldly, "I'll let my dad clean you up!" ”

Qin Yige is sure that no parent is willing to let their daughter live with a man in advance, even if they are already an unmarried couple.


Qin Yige put the roast chicken on the table first, took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Shirao's number.

The phone was quickly connected: "Baby girl, is there something wrong with calling so late?" ”

"Dad! Shang Sheng wants to live with me, come and get rid of him!" ”

Qin Yige said menacingly.

Qin Shirao's reaction didn't disappoint her either, "What? Cohabit? Dare to take advantage of my daughter?! ”

"Yes, Dad!" Qin Yige looked proudly at the man who was holding his cuffs unhurriedly.

Touching the smugness in her eyes, Shang Sheng didn't react.

"Baby, you're waiting for Dad—" Qin Shirao's voice stopped abruptly.

Qin Yige heard it with his own ears, and Qin's mother's voice came from there: "Husband, Mrs. Shang's phone." ”

"Yige, you wait a while, Dad will answer the phone."


The call ended temporarily, and Qin Yige told Shang Sheng angrily: "Wait for my father to throw you out of here with his bodyguards!" ”

"Well, I'll wait!"

After speaking, Shang Sheng leaned lazily in front of the table, staring at her wide-eyed.

A few minutes later, Qin Sarao called.


Qin Shipao coughed lightly and said, "With a song—"

"Dad, what did you say?" Qin Yige's smile froze at the corner of his lips, suspecting that he had misheard.

"Don't you have two bedrooms? Ahem...... It's good for you and Xiao Sheng to be in one room. ”

"No, Dad—"

"Get along well with Xiao Sheng."

"I believe that Xiao Sheng is a righteous man and a gentleman. If he accidentally made a mistake...... In fact, it can be forgiven, after all, your marriage is already a sure thing. "The invitation has been sent out, and the wedding venue is being set up.

Qin's mother interjected over there: "Yige, remember to protect yourself." ”


End of call.

"I'm going to take a shower." After a delay of more than ten minutes, the man in front of him was obviously a little impatient.

Pulling back his thoughts from the shock, Qin Yige rolled his eyes: "What does it matter to me that you want to take a bath?" ”

Shang Sheng nodded, unbuttoned his shirt, and walked to her bathroom.

"Hey, that's my bathroom!"

The man looked back: "Or else?" ”

"How can you just go into the girls' bathroom? Shang Sheng, why are you still so ungentlemanly? ”

He put his hands in his pockets and stood in place: "Then I won't wash it?" It stinks like this? ”


That, that, that...... Forget it.

Qin Yige was deflated and said reluctantly: "Remember to clean up for me after washing." ”

The bathroom door was closed from the inside, and she withdrew her gaze and began to slowly tidy up her bedroom.

When Shang Sheng came out of the bathroom, it was already half an hour later.

The door of the bathroom was opened, and Qin Yige, who was sitting on the bed waiting for him, couldn't wait to open his mouth without seeing him: "If you want to live in—ah——"

High-decibel screams rang out in the room, and those who didn't know thought that a tragedy had happened in the middle of the night.

The screams fell, and Shang Sheng closed the bathroom door again.

Qin Yige sat paralyzed on the bed, the whole person seemed to be stupid, what did she see just now?

Men's, no, Shang Sheng's fruit body??

She has seen everything that should be seen and what should not be seen, and it is also deeply imprinted in her mind.

After a while, a man's deep voice came from the bathroom: "Qin Yige, bath towel." ”

Shang Sheng was about to go out just now and was about to ask her for a bath towel, he thought that Qin Yige was in the living room, but he didn't expect her to sit well on the bed in the bedroom.

Bath towel? Bath towel......

The girl, still in shock, climbed out of bed and began to look around for her bath towel.

Oh, she just ran out and threw it in the washing machine.

Turning the bath towel out of the washing machine, Qin Yige trotted to the bathroom door.

The moment before knocking on the door, she took a deep breath, adjusted her breathing and emotions, and yelled fiercely: "Open the door!" ”

The glass door opens slightly from the inside, and a large bony palm sticks out.

Resisting the urge to touch that hand, she slapped it on it and scolded: "Shang Sheng, are you polite? ”

"If you don't give it to me, I'll be even more rude for you to see."

Qin Yige was unconvinced, stuffed the bath towel into his hand, and left the bedroom in broken thoughts.

"Such a big president, you have to squeeze in my small house, squeeze it, don't bring a bath towel, it's really slamming the door."

After changing into pajamas, Shang Sheng came to the living room with a slightly messy short hair, and he looked at the girl who buttoned his mobile phone: "Where do I sleep?" ”

"Sleep wherever you like."

Shang Sheng didn't speak, turned around and wanted to go back to her bedroom.

Qin Yige hurriedly spoke: "Wait, you go sleep next door." ”

Fortunately, there is also a vacant guest room here.

It's just that when she opened the door of her so-called guest room, Shang Sheng frowned slightly.

The only big bed in it was all occupied by her clothes.

Qin Yige swiped Weibo and said, "If you want to sleep, clean up by yourself, if you don't want to sleep, Miss Ben will send you downstairs." ”

The man silently walked into the room and opened several closets, each filled with her clothes and shoe bags.

Qin Yige is 31 days a month, and his clothes are not the same every day, which is really not a rumor.

"Don't want to clean up?"

Shang Sheng turned around, Qin Yige leaned crookedly against the door, her eyes facing each other, and there was smugness in her eyes.

Ignoring the smugness in her eyes, he took out his mobile phone from his pajama pocket and dialed a call: "Now come to Building 9 of Chanson Phase I." ”

"Who are you calling?" She asked warily.

Shang Sheng lightly threw two words at her: "Assistant." ”

"What are you asking your assistant to do?"

"Clean up the room." He put away his phone.

"No, this is my private domain, no one can come!" She doesn't like people coming to her house, especially strangers.

"I can respect your opinion. Since this is the case, then please trouble the future Mrs. Shang to clean up the room. ”

"You have to live here, shouldn't you clean it up? Besides, Shang Sheng, even if I marry you one day, I won't be a nanny in the past. Qin Yige glared at him and retorted.

"Your clothes, your room, who do you don't do?"

Looking at his deep eyes, Qin Yige affirmed and affirmed: "You! ”

This time she didn't wait for him to speak, she continued: "You agreed to this marriage first, if you hadn't promised me, how would I have fallen into my parents' trap and married you?" Therefore, from now on, you have to do a good job as 'Qin Yige's fiancé'. As a husband, you have to take care of everything, including the little things like packing up your fiancée's clothes without a servant! ”

After saying some justified words, Shang Sheng was shocked by her theory.

In the end, he was laughed at directly.

"Qin Yige, did you misunderstand? First, it was you who agreed to get married first, and I fell into my grandmother's trap. Second, it's true that I'm Qin Yige's fiancé, but as your fiancé, should I take care of all the housework? "What kind of fallacy is this?

"That's right! You should take care of all the housework, and if you are willing to marry me, you should bear all my demands. ”

Shang Sheng nodded in admiration: "The two of us, who is the domineering?" ”

She always said that he was domineering before, and he hadn't been together for a long time, why did he think she was a hundred times more domineering than him?

"Of course it's you, you Shang Sheng is domineering and black-bellied, selfish and arrogant, cold and ruthless, do you want to deny it?"

"Qin Yige, who is the person who is said to be domineering and willful?"

Qin Yige bit his lower lip and retorted indignantly: "That's why no one dares to say anything about you, they think I'm a soft persimmon, so they pick on me and pinch me, what are you proud of?" ”

"You soft persimmons?" Shang Sheng thought it was funny, the person who dared to be arrogant in front of him to take off actually said that he was a soft persimmon?

After a few disputes, Qin Yige knew that he couldn't talk about him, so he took out his mobile phone and began to threaten: "If you say it again, I will call Grandma Shang to complain!" ”

Shang Sheng was silent.

Seeing this trick, Qin Yige ordered arrogantly: "Don't let the assistant come over, you clean up the room by yourself, if you don't want to clean up, then sleep on the sofa." ”

Shang Sheng: "Qin Yige, it's best not to be quick to speak." One more piece of advice to you, leave a line in everything, and see you in the future. ”

"Then I'll tell you, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and people like you who take the initiative to come and send people under the fence must understand this truth!"


When did he Shang Sheng suffer this kind of anger?

If it weren't for what grandma had to say, let them cultivate their feelings. also said that the girl who lived on his side had a bad reputation for Yige, so he had to take the initiative to come and live, otherwise how could he be so reluctant to run over and endure Qin Yige's torture?

In the next time, Qin Yige stood at the door and watched the president of Shangda clean up her room.

She got cheap and behaved: "It's hard work, this kind of trivial matter shouldn't have bothered you, who made you unlucky and became my fiancé?" ”

However, she was even more unlucky and became Shang Sheng's fiancée.

Hey, don't talk about it, it's all tears when you talk too much.

Not to mention, Mr. Shang is worthy of being Mr. Shang, he has a hand in packing things, much faster than her, and he is still very neat.

Hey, this guy is pretty good.

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
