
The ugly concubine became more and more coquettish, and the emperor called himself blind

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

It's been two days.

Looking at the unfamiliar face in the bronze mirror, Cui Jiayi finally accepted the fact that he had crossed over.

Two days ago, she was still a small actor in the 22nd century, an eighteenth-line actor.

And now, she has become an unknown dynasty, an unheard of emperor's harem, a Cui Jiayi who has been named a seven-grade beauty, and has the same name and surname as her.

The original Cui Jiayi was just an abandoned orphan girl, who was fortunate to be picked up by Mrs. Cui who was scavenging and raised as an adult.

finally survived until she graduated from high school, and Cui Jiayi was also admitted to a good university, but Mrs. Cui suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized.

The doctor told Cui Jiayi that Mrs. Cui needed surgery, and the cost of surgery was not low.

In order to take care of Mrs. Cui and make up the surgery fee, Cui Jiayi gave up the opportunity to go to college, and finally made up the operation fee for Mrs. Cui by working as a group performer and doing odd jobs in Hengdian.

It's a pity that Mrs. Cui finally passed away due to surgical complications.

At this time, Cui Jiayi, because of her outstanding appearance, strong learning ability, and excellent acting talent, has become a small actor in the eighteenth line, and she is constantly playing.

Although Cui Jiayi has no chance to play the main role because she has no background and no capital, this is already very satisfying for her, at least she can be regarded as relying on herself step by step to become well-off.

But just as the days were getting better and better, she died, and she died so unjustly.

A TV series in which Cui Jiayi participated is on the air.

I don't know what's going on, as the female N number in this drama, Cui Jiayi suddenly came out of the circle because of her acting skills!

Originally, this was a good thing, but some people compared her with the pictures and videos of the heroine in the play, so the heroine's appearance and acting skills were ridiculed by passers-by.

So the fans of the heroine couldn't sit still, and began to cyberbully Cui Jiayi, all kinds of ugly words were endless, and even crazy fans dug up her address, sent her bloody blades, and sent her longevity clothes.

Cui Jiayi was tortured by all this to the point of a nervous breakdown.

One day, when she opened the door to get the courier, the courier suddenly pulled out a knife and said that he was going to ruin her face!

Cui Jiayi only then knew that this person was not a courier at all, but a perverted fan of the heroine pretending!

In Cui Jiayi's desperate resistance, this perverted fan accidentally plunged the knife into her body, and then Cui Jiayi lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she was in the world she was in.

Alas, Cui Jiayi sighed, she died too unjustly!

Cui Jiayi remembered the day she first wore it.

At that time, Cui Jiayi looked at the antique room, and thought that she was on the set of a play.

【Ding Dong!】 Congratulations, you have won the jackpot and become one of the lucky ones who have died unjustly today! 】

Cui Jiayi: ......

What an unlucky lucky one this is, she would rather not die!

Who's talking, though?

[Host, I am a wishing system, which can help you survive to a natural death in the new world. 】

From the introduction of the system, Cui Jiayi knew that the system would randomly select one person from among the many people who died in vain every day to give him a chance to live again.

As for which world to be reborn in, and which system is around you, it's all random.

Cui Jiayi thought for a moment and asked, "If I live to a natural death in this world, will I get any reward?" ”

Like going back to the original world or something.

[Nope.] 】

Cui Jiayi: ......

[Host, if you can live again, it is already a great reward.] If you don't want this reward, the system suggests that you can die now~]

Cui Jiayi: ......

After getting in touch with acting, Cui Jiayi has not read a lot of novels, and this is the first system she has seen, suggesting that the host can die.

Yes, it's better to die than to live, she won't be so unthinkable.

However, Cui Jiayi thought of another question.

"What do you mean when you say you're a 'wishing system'?"

Cui Jiayi felt that she should at least know what kind of help this system could bring her.

【This system can make your wishes come true!】 Can be used once a month! 】

Cui Jiayi: ......

Only once a month? What kind of door slamming system is this?!

And I only work once a month, this system is too cool!

"Is it any wish? Can I make a wish to return to the original world? Cui Jiayi asked expectantly.


Doesn't this host have a brain?

[No, you can't.] Besides, you in the original world are estimated to have become a handful of ashes now, what are you going to do back? Do you sweep your own grave? 】

Cui Jiayi: ......

This mouth of the system is really poisonous!

[The wish can only be the wish about this world, otherwise the wish is invalid.] 】

[Also, if you let everyone die and you become a queen, you don't have to think about it. 】

Cui Jiayi was surprised: "How do you know, I think so?!" ”


It has to wonder if its host will survive to the end, and it's a matter of performance!

[Okay, if you're ready to make a wish, call me, remember, this system only fulfills a wish once a month.] 】

"Wait a minute, I still have a question!"


Why is there so much going on with this host!

However, the responsibilities of the system still have to be fulfilled.

"You should at least tell me about this era and who I am now, right?"

Cui Jiayi thought, she can't have a black eye, she doesn't know anything.

[This is Yan Guo, the emperor's name is Li Sheng, and you are the daughter of the Qipin County Commander, Cui Shun, named Cui Jiayi. She is also one of the emperor's concubines, and her rank is a seven-rank beauty. 】

Good guys, seven-pin county orders, seven-pin beauties, it sounds like cannon fodder in the novel.

Cui Jiayi waited for the system to continue, but unexpectedly, only silence remained.


[It's gone.] 】

Cui Jiayi: ......

Wouldn't you need to introduce her to what was going on inside the palace?

[Cui Jiayi only passed the draft yesterday and was canonized as a seven-grade beauty, but at night because she was too scared, she was directly scared to death, and then the host you came. So Cui Jiayi doesn't know what the situation is in this palace, everything depends on the host. 】

[As for what happened before the original owner entered the palace, there is nothing to say. 】

Cui Jiayi understands that as soon as she enters the palace gate, it is estimated that she is a seven-grade beauty, and she has no chance to meet her former family.

[Do you have any other questions about the host?] 】

Cui Jiayi thought about it and shook her head: "No." ”

[Then I'm leaving!] 】

After saying this, the system is gone.

Cui Jiayi: ......

You don't have to slip away so fast!

It took two days for Cui Jiayi to finally figure out how she should survive in this world.

As the emperor's concubine, Cui Jiayi can only survive in this place where she sees the dishes and eats people without spitting out bones.

As for wanting to live a better life, she can only rely on herself and strive to be able to climb to a higher position.

And what Cui Jiayi has to do now is to treat this as a job, and treat the emperor as her boss and friend.

Make him feel refreshed both physically and mentally!

The big deal is that she is acting in a real-life costume drama, anyway, this is her job.

The most important person in this play is related to whether he plays the leading role or a supporting role as cannon fodder, of course, it is the emperor of Yan - Li Sheng.

Then, Cui Jiayi's first step is naturally to attract the emperor's attention.

Looking at the ordinary face in the bronze mirror, Cui Jiayi sighed.

She couldn't help but be a little suspicious, the original body had no family background, and she wanted to have no face, why did she pass the draft and become the emperor's woman?

Cui Jiayi couldn't figure it out.

However, Cui Jiayi did not dwell on it for a long time.

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to, the top priority now is to become beautiful, otherwise it is estimated that even if she sees the emperor, the emperor will not have the heart to climb her bed!

After thinking about it, Cui Jiayi immediately called the system in her heart.

【Ding Dong!】 Host: Have you figured out what you want to wish for? 】

Cui Jiayi nodded: "I hope I am getting more and more beautiful!" ”

【Okay!】 A wish come true! 】

Cui Jiayi immediately looked at the bronze mirror.




Cui Jiayi wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes, or something was wrong with the system?

Isn't this still the same ordinary face just now? Not the slightest change......

The system can't be playing tricks on her, right?!

Cui Jiayi asked her own questions.


[Host, your wish is to become more and more beautiful, not to become beautiful immediately.] 】

Increasingly, of course, it is explained that there is a process of becoming pretty.

Cui Jiayi: ......

It turns out that you have to use precise words to make a wish!

Well, that's her own problem.

However, Cui Jiayi thought about it carefully, and this is not a bad thing.

Although Cui Jiayi has only been in the palace for a few days, many people have seen her.

If she suddenly becomes too different from before, it is estimated that she will be pulled out and cut down as a monster!

With the question of appearance solved, the next thing is, of course, to understand the situation in the palace.

In the past two days, Cui Jiayi has been staying in her room and has never gone out, and there are two palace maids who are responsible for Cui Jiayi's food, clothing and daily life.

One of these two palace maids is called Lanyue, and the other is called Picking Stars.

In the past two days, although Cui Jiayi didn't say anything to these two palace maids, she was quietly observing them in secret.

The palace maid named Lanyue is more responsible, and she doesn't talk much, so she can't see any messy thoughts, but she just honestly does what she should do.

As for picking stars, people are more clever and have more thoughts.

Ordinary palace maids can be assigned to serve by the new master of the palace, which is a great thing in itself!

If the masters who serve are favored, then they are one of them who has attained the Tao and ascended to heaven.

Therefore, as soon as he came to Cui Jiayi, he kept talking to Cui Jiayi with great interest, wanting to see if this master could be favored.

However, Cui Jiayi only answered her with simple words such as "um", "good", "can", and "no" every time, and she really didn't see any ambition, and gradually stopped thinking about picking stars.

Through Cui Jiayi's observation in the past two days, it was determined that these two people were temporarily available.

So, Cui Jiayi called Lanyue and Xingxing over.

The two leaned over and gave Cui Jiayi a salute, and Lanyue asked, "May I ask the beauty, call the slaves and maids, but what are the orders?" ”

Although she knew that Lanyue was just a title to call her, Cui Jiayi was still a little embarrassed to be called "beauty" by others, after all, her face was really mediocre.

"I called you here, I do have something I want to tell you."

"Please beauties, just ask."

The reply was still Lanyue, and the star picker kept his head down, not knowing what he was thinking.

Cui Jiayi guessed that she probably didn't have any expectations for her new master.

However, Cui Jiayi is not in a hurry, she knows that if she is smart, she can naturally understand what she means by what she is going to say later.

"Since the two of you have been assigned to serve this little master, you should know that no matter what the two of you think in your hearts, in the eyes of outsiders, in the future, our master and servant will be one, one will be prosperous, and the other will be lost."

Lan Yue's head hung lower, "The slave knows. ”

Picking Stars still didn't speak.

Cui Jiayi didn't care, but continued: "In the past few days, this little master has figured it out, since I have entered the palace now, then in the future, there is only one and only way for me to go. ”

Hearing Cui Jiayi say this, Xingxing raised his head suddenly, and then Lanyue also raised his head.

Cui Jiayi looked at the two of them, with a resolute look in their eyes.

"This little master is going to ascend to the position below one person and above ten thousand people!"

Picking the stars and taking the moon both looked at Cui Jiayi in surprise.

It's not that they haven't seen concubines who are arrogant and have hearts higher than the sky, but even if they have this kind of thought in their hearts, none of them dare to "speak wildly" like Cui Jiayi!

So the shock of the two can be imagined.

Cui Jiayi stared at Lanyue and picked up the stars and then said, "This little master naturally knows that this road will not be so easy, and I am ready to fail." What I want to say is that now this little Lord is giving you a choice. ”

After being surprised, Lan Yue's expression returned to her previous calm, and Cui Jiayi couldn't guess her thoughts.

But the expression of the star picker brightened up significantly.

"If you are willing to follow me, I can't guarantee that you will be able to achieve what you want, but I will do my best. But there must be hardships in between, and there may even be life-threatening situations. ”

"If you have any scruples, or if you don't believe that I have this ability, then you can speak up now, and I will let you go back to the palace maid immediately!"

"But, if you are willing to stay, then you must be 100% loyal to me in the future, if anyone betrays me, even if I die, I will definitely pull you to back me!"

As soon as these words came out, Lanyue and Xingxing couldn't help but shudder.

The ruthlessness that Cui Jiayi exuded when she said this didn't seem to be just talking......

"It's okay, you still have time to think about it."

Cui Jiayi walked to the Eight Immortals table and sat down, poured herself a cup of tea, and drank it slowly.

In her previous life, she tried hard to be a good person, but she didn't expect to die so miserably.

In this life, in this feudal society that is itself a cannibal, Cui Jiayi knows that she can only have a chance to survive if she is ruthless!

Cui Jiayi drank tea unhurriedly, and glanced at the two people standing on the side.

Lanyue seemed to be in deep thought, and the star picking sometimes pursed her lips, sometimes frowned.

Cui Jiayi did not rush them.

After all, it's a matter of life and death!

After about a cup of tea, I saw Lanyue kneeling on the ground with a "poof".

"The slave is willing to follow the little master, and the slave is willing to go to the soup for the little master, and never give up!"

Seeing this, Picking Star gritted his teeth, and then knelt on the ground as well, "The slave is also willing!" ”

Cui Jiayi didn't know if what the two said was true, but at least at this moment, Cui Jiayi was willing to believe them.

"Get up."

"Thank you, little master!"

"Thank you, little master!"

After the two stood up, Cui Jiayi spoke: "Now, you can introduce to me what the situation in the palace is!" ”

Since he has shown his loyalty, of course now is the time to show it, and Picking Stars immediately asked: "I don't know, what does the little master want to know?" ”

Cui Jiayi took a sip of tea and raised her eyes to pick up the stars, "All, the more the merrier." ”

So, the stars immediately began to talk.

From this, Cui Jiayi also probably knew the basic situation in the palace.

The queen died early due to illness, and the throne was vacant.

Now the highest ranking in the harem is the lady concubine who gave birth to the eldest princess. In addition, there is a concubine Niangniang, who is jointly managed by the two of them.

There were originally twenty-four other concubines of various grades in the palace, plus the eight people who were newly elected to the palace by Cui Jiayi this time, there are now a total of thirty-two concubines of various grades in the palace.

As for the emperor's other women who have no rank, the specific number of stars is not clear.

Hearing this, Cui Jiayi couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach, stallion scumbag!

Among the thirty-two high-grade concubines, in addition to the eldest princess's biological mother, Concubine Shu, there are also Concubine Yuan Niangniang, who gave birth to the third princess and the fourth princess, Ye Zhaoyi, who gave birth to the fifth princess, Lin Guifei, who gave birth to the sixth princess, and Liu Gong, who gave birth to the seventh princess.

Except for Liu Wei, the other masters who had princesses were all concubines who were more favored by the emperor.

The seventh princess was born to the emperor and the palace maid after drinking and sex, so she was not favored.

Although the palace maid surnamed Liu was named a promise because she was pregnant, because of her low status, she was not qualified to raise a princess, so now the seventh princess is raised under Ye Zhaoyi's name.

There is also a second princess, which was born by Concubine De, but it was just gone the year before last.

Hearing this, Cui Jiayi was a little puzzled, why did Xingxing only introduce the concubines who gave birth to the princess? So she asked, "What about the prince?" ”

Hearing Cui Jiayi's question, Picking Stars and Lan Yue looked at each other.

Xingxing swallowed his saliva and said, "Little master, don't you know? ”

Cui Jiayi blinked her eyes, what should she know?

Seeing that Cui Jiayi's expression didn't look like a joke, although she felt a little strange, she still whispered: "There is no prince in the palace." ”

Hearing this, Cui Jiayi's eyes lit up, there was such a good thing!

Originally, Cui Jiayi was worried that her road to the top would be difficult and rugged, but she didn't expect it to be solved now.

Then as long as she gives birth to a prince, won't she be able to ascend to the sky in one step?!

Cui Jiayi suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Did all the princes die young, and none of them survived?" ”

I saw that Xingxing shook his head and said softly: "It's not that he died young, it's that the prince has never been born at all!" ”

The current emperor Li Sheng, since he got married, has been married for 16 years, and a total of 12 babies have been born, and these 12 are all female babies without exception. Of the twelve, only six survived.

Cui Jiayi knows, it's the few people who picked up the stars just now!

But this is too strange, how can all the girls be born?

The odds are comparable to winning the lottery!

"Why is this happening?"

Picking Star shook his head again, "No one knows why. However, the royal family has always had difficult heirs, and His Majesty is a single heir of nine generations, but in His Majesty's generation, it is even more difficult, and no prince has been born until now. If no one among these newly elected masters of the palace can give birth to a prince, it is estimated that His Majesty will have to succeed him from somewhere else. ”

After all, the emperor is thirty-two years old this year, and the eldest princess is already fifteen years old. If this is a prince, he is old enough to ascend the throne.

After listening to the words of picking stars, Cui Jiayi guessed that if this is the case, it is likely that there is something wrong with the man's genes.

Cui Jiayi said with a smile: "Then as long as the little master can give birth to the prince, won't everything be at your fingertips?" ”

Although she didn't want to hit Cui Jiayi, she still had to say: "Little master, it's not so easy, the palace concubines have tried all the methods they can think of, if they can give birth, it is estimated that others would have given birth a long time ago, alas~"

Cui Jiayi smiled, she didn't refute picking stars, others can't give birth, it doesn't mean that she can't give birth!

She has a wishing system, just wait for the wish to give birth to a boy, so easy!

"By the way, you mentioned the draft ......"

As far as Cui Jiayi understands, she can't understand how a woman like her, who has an ordinary family background and a more ordinary appearance, can enter the emperor's eyes and enter the palace as a concubine?

Picking stars didn't react for a while, what did Cui Jiayi want to say, but Lanyue thought for a moment and asked, "Does the little master want to know what is the basis for this draft?" ”

Cui Jiayi nodded hurriedly.

Could it be that this is a smart palace maid who understands the master's meaning without the master's explanation?

Cui Jiayi was a little surprised.

At this time, Xingxing remembered that his little master was only the daughter of the Qipin County Order, and his appearance was not outstanding......

Xingxing couldn't help but wonder, can such Cui Jiayi really get the emperor's favor?

Also, why did she show her loyalty just now? Is it because the momentum on Cui Jiayi's body at that time really doesn't look like the daughter of a seven-rank county order can have?

Cui Jiayi didn't pay attention to what she thought about picking stars at this time, she listened carefully to Lanyue and said: "I heard that this draft may be the emperor's last draft." Therefore, the daughters of all officials of Yan State, regardless of their concubines, do not have any other requirements, as long as they are old enough, they can be sent to the palace and participate in the draft. ”

"The slave and maid also heard, heard that ......"

Seeing that Lanyue was a little hesitant, Cui Jiayi urged impatiently: "I heard something, hurry up and say it, I won't blame you!" ”

Seeing Cui Jiayi say this, Lanyue no longer hesitated, "I heard that this draft was decided by the Queen Mother, regardless of family background, not about appearance, regardless of talent, the only thing to look at is the figure of the show girl." ”

Cui Jiayi: ??


Cui Jiayi stood up, walked to the bronze mirror, lifted the wide skirt on her body, exposed her waist and abdomen, and pulled the overly loose pants tightly to make it close to her body.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yue and Xing Xing hurriedly lowered their heads and blushed embarrassedly.

Is their little master so arrogant??

At this time.

Cui Jiayi: ⊙ o⊙

In the past two days, Cui Jiayi has been thinking about the crossing, except for her face, she hasn't paid attention to her figure at all.

At this point, she stared wide-eyed and opened her mouth wide, looking at the image of the woman in the mirror.

This is an ancient version of Kardashian!

Especially that buttocks, it's like two balls!

Rao is well-informed Cui Jiayi couldn't help but blush a little when he saw it.

She hurriedly put her clothes down and put them in order.

For a while, Cui Jiayi was embarrassed to continue asking, so she asked Xingxing and Lanyue to retreat.

Cui Jiayi was lying on the bed, digesting what she had learned today, and thinking about how to turn the emperor into her bed.

How can you get pregnant without going to bed?

How can you have a son without getting pregnant?

How can she be in a high position without giving birth to a son?

Thinking about it, Cui Jiayi fell asleep......

At the same time.


Emperor Li Sheng came to greet the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother left him to eat together.

"Emperor, I heard that the mourning family has already spoiled a few newly selected show girls in the palace?"

Li Sheng took the chopsticks and smacked his hand.

As soon as he thought of those mediocre newcomers, he suddenly felt that he had no appetite.

In this draft, because I don't like my appearance at all, the people selected are very different from the show girls selected in previous drafts.

Li Sheng even felt that most of the palace maids in the palace were much better looking than these newcomers.

However, in order to live up to the queen mother's kindness, Li Sheng had to reluctantly pick out four of them that could still be seen and gave them a favor.

"After returning to my mother, yes."

"Oh, the mourning family remembers, there is a newcomer surnamed Cui, who was named the seven-grade beauty, I don't know if the emperor is favored?"

Li Sheng: ......

If he just didn't have an appetite just now, now he has an appetite.

There is no other reason, just because the one named Cui Jiayi is the ugliest among the eight newcomers!

The reason why Li Sheng can still remember Cui Jiayi is also because he has been in the palace for so many years, and he has never seen a more ugly woman named Cui Jiayi!

In addition, she was already the last show girl at that time, Li Sheng was already impatient, and she was an "ugly girl", so he left after just one look, and the queen mother finally made the decision to stay.

The reason why Li Sheng named Cui Jiayi a seven-grade beauty was just to satirize her.

Cui Jiayi's appearance is indeed mediocre, but she is not ugly.

If it is really an ugly girl without salt, not to mention that it is impossible for those officials to send this kind of daughter into the palace, even if they are sent to the palace, they will not be able to pass the first test.

The reason why Li Sheng thinks Cui Jiayi is ugly is only because he is surrounded by stunning beauties.

Compared with these women, it is not difficult to understand that the emperor thinks Cui Jiayi is ugly.

's own son, the queen mother naturally knows what kind of virtue it is.

So the Queen Mother said: "The mourning family knows that you don't look down on Cui Meiren, but the emperor's heirs are the most important!" The mourning family has seen it, among all the new people entering the palace, Cui Meiren is the most likely to give birth to a son! ”

The Queen Mother has lived for more than 50 years, and she has never seen a woman bigger than Cui Jiayi's ass. Even through loose clothing, you can see that her buttocks are significantly more upright than others.

It is said that this kind of woman has a better chance of giving birth to a son!

Seeing that Li Shengwei did not respond, the Queen Mother continued: "The mourning family knows that Cui Meiren's appearance may indeed not be outstanding, but women, blowing out the candles and lying on the bed, are actually the same!" ”

This means that no one else was present, otherwise she, as the queen mother, would not have said such a thing.

"Emperor, you are thirty-two years old this year, some people have become grandfathers at your age, and the mourning family is also anxious for you! Do you really want to succeed a child who is not related to you by blood and become the emperor of the Yan Kingdom? Just for the sake of mourning the family, for the sake of the Li family, the emperor, you will be wronged again! ”

Speaking of this, the Queen Mother's face also showed a trace of bitterness, and she didn't understand why the Li family, who was the emperor's family, would have such a difficult time!

"If, if you can't give birth to a prince, the mourning family will never force you again......"

After listening to the Queen Mother's heartfelt words, Li Sheng was naturally shaken.

"Queen Mother, the sons know ......"


The next day, when Cui Jiayi was still thinking about how to turn the emperor to bed, he saw Xingxing running in in a hurry, and said excitedly: "Little master, just now the father-in-law of the respectful room said that Your Majesty turned over your sign today, so that you can prepare well to welcome the arrival of the emperor!" ”


Is this just dozing off, and someone handed a pillow?

Cui Jiayi hadn't figured out how to attract the emperor to him, but he didn't expect the emperor to send it to the door himself!

Cui Jiayi, who was stunned with the star, happily went to fetch water, ready to serve Cui Jiayi to bathe and change clothes.

Cui Jiayi took a bath by herself two times before, but this time, she was going to dedicate herself to the emperor, and Cui Jiayi didn't dare to wash herself casually like before.

In case the emperor has any taboos that she doesn't know, and accidentally angers Long Yan, then she will be miserable.

Cui Jiayi didn't want to die before he left the school.

Similarly, this is also the first time that Xingxing and Lanyue have served Cui Jiayi to bathe.

When Cui Jiayi was picking up her clothes yesterday, they didn't dare to take a closer look, and at this time, when they saw Cui Jiayi who was stripped naked, they were also shocked to pick up the stars and take the moon.

They had never seen a woman with such a voluptuous body!

Picking up stars unconsciously looked down at her chest, then at Lanyue, and finally at Cui Jiayi, and finally, she swallowed her saliva.

Good guy, she and Lanyue combined, it is estimated that she is not as big as her little master.

Cui Jiayi not only has a bewitching and plump figure, but more importantly, she also has a skin like snow, which is white and transparent, without the slightest flaw.

Such a Cui Jiayi looks, even her plain-looking face, makes people feel three points better.

Xingxing looked at Cui Jiayi's body, and suddenly had confidence in Cui Jiayi's previous "bold words"!

Cui Jiayi's hot body, let alone a man, she can't stand it as a woman!

Even Lan Yue, who has always been calm, couldn't help but praise at this time: "Little master, you are so beautiful!" ”

Cui Jiayi was also a little embarrassed for a while, and her body tensed slightly.

has grown so big, and she has never exposed her breasts in front of others!

But soon, Cui Jiayi relaxed.

Because the stars and the moon serve her so comfortably!

Cui Jiayi finally knew how good the ancients were at enjoying it!

It took almost an hour to take a bath before it was completely washed.

After Cui Jiayi put on her belly pocket and obscene pants, she put on a red gauze dress on the outside.

This gauze can't stop anything, and even adds a touch of hazy beauty.

Helped Cui Jiayi to sit on the bed, picked up the stars and retreated with Lanyue.

What Cui Jiayi has to do now is to wait for the emperor's arrival.

Cui Jiayi feels that she is now like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the board.

But the only thing that makes Cui Jiayi happy is that this is not like the Qing palace drama on TV, where the concubines are stripped naked, rolled into the quilt, and the eunuchs are carried to the dragon bed.

What's the difference between this and carrying a pig?

That's simply an insult to a woman!

Cui Jiayi thought wildly, feeling that a long time had passed, but the emperor's figure was still missing.

Just when Cui Jiayi wondered if the emperor was forgetful, the eunuch's announcement finally came from outside the door.

"The emperor has arrived—"


Li Sheng listened to the Queen Mother's words, and in a bunch of green-headed cards, he reluctantly flipped over Cui Jiayi's brand.

But he didn't go to Cui Jiayi's palace early, but kept criticizing the heart palace, in order to arrive as late as possible, talk less if he can talk to Cui Jiayi, it's best to go to bed and do things directly!

Therefore, it wasn't until Wang Defu, the great eunuch beside Li Sheng, reminded him that it was not too early, that Li Sheng went to Cui Jiayi's palace with Shi Shiran.

The palace maids and eunuchs stayed in the outer hall, waiting for the master's orders.

Li Sheng walked into the inner sanctum alone.

As soon as he walked into the bedroom, Li Sheng saw the woman in a red gauze dress sitting next to the bed at a glance.

Although the key parts could not be seen, through the red gauze that was almost nothing, Li Sheng saw Cui Jiayi's exposed snow-white.

Li Sheng has seen so many women, but he has never seen one who can have such fair skin of the woman in front of him.

It's blindingly white.

Li Sheng felt that his eyes were slightly hot.

When Cui Jiayi saw someone coming in, she immediately stood up and gave a salute to the visitor.

"The concubine has seen the emperor, and the emperor is blessed."

Don't think about it, the man in the dragon robe in front of him should be Li Sheng, the emperor of Yan Kingdom.

Li Sheng is a little different from what Cui Jiayi imagined.

She thought that Li Sheng, who had read countless women, would be a middle-aged man who was sluggish, thin and frail.

But I didn't expect that the man in front of him looked energetic, strong and mighty, not at all like a thirty-two-year-old, even if he was in his twenties, Cui Jiayi believed it.

Let's talk about Li Sheng's face, tsk, handsome and tough, not losing to the various male stars Cui Jiayi has seen before.

Cui Jiayi gave Li Sheng's appearance a score of nine in her heart.

Although this man is not very "clean", at least he looks pleasing to the eye and will not make people "unpalatable".

The woman beside the bed stood up, and at this time, Li Sheng also saw the person opposite more comprehensively.

As Cui Jiayi's body stretched, a pair of straight long legs met Li Sheng's eyes.

Looking upward, there is a bewitching curve like a gourd.

Li Sheng's throat moved slightly.

Don't look at the face, this body is already the best of the best.

Then slowly moved his gaze up to the face in Li Sheng's memory.

Obviously, the facial features still seem to be the same, but Li Sheng just feels that Cui Jiayi seems to have become a little better looking than he remembers.

However, if he had to tell him what had changed, Li Sheng would not be able to say clearly.

Is it because her figure is too angry, so even that face is a lot more pleasing to the eye?

Li Sheng guessed that this should be the case.

"Let's be flat."

"Your Majesty."

Cui Jiayi straightened up, not knowing what to do next for a while?

Do you do it directly?

However, this kind of thing shouldn't be taken by a woman alone, right?

Cui Jiayi used to be in the entertainment industry, although she stuck to her bottom line and resolutely refused to do illegal and immoral things, she was not a simple white rabbit and didn't understand anything.

Cui Jiayi has also had several boyfriends, both inside and outside the circle, and they have all experienced things that should be experienced, so Cui Jiayi is not afraid.

Seeing that the woman opposite was motionless, Li Sheng frowned.

But when I think about it, this is the first time for a little girl after all, maybe because she is too scared, that's normal.

Cui Jiayi is only sixteen years old this year, only one year older than his Princess An Le.

Thinking of this, Li Sheng's brows furrowed.

"Why don't you come and change my clothes?"

"Huh? Oh, the concubines obey. ”

Cui Jiayi obediently stepped forward.

Sure enough, in ancient times, even if you dress as a master, you can't do less work to serve people!

Cui Jiayi walked in front of Li Sheng, only to find that the two had a huge height difference!

She actually just reached Li Sheng's chest!

It is estimated that as soon as Li Sheng lowered his head, he could see the top of her head!

Cui Jiayi wailed in her heart, she also forgot to observe the top of her head, there should be no baldness, right?

Cui Jiayi has not seen it before, a female star who is glamorous to the outside world, returns to the dressing room, takes off the fake hood, and reveals the top of her head with sparse hair, even if she has a beautiful face, it will be greatly discounted.

So Cui Jiayi, who is a big beauty, does not allow herself to have any imperfections!

As Cui Jiayi walked over, getting closer and closer to Li Sheng, a faint fragrance also drifted into Li Sheng's nose.

Li Sheng couldn't help but sniff hard.

Unlike other palace concubines, the smell of fat powder with different fragrances, Cui Jiayi's fragrance is faintly sweet, and it is not like any kind of floral fragrance or incense.

Could it be her body fragrance?

Li Sheng raised his eyebrows.

He loved the taste.

Li Sheng's good impression of Cui Jiayi has increased again.

When Cui Jiayi walked in front of him, Li Sheng realized that compared to himself, she was so petite!

As soon as Li Sheng lowered his head, he could see the small hair on Cui Jiayi's head.

It looks delicate and cute.

Li Sheng: ......

Li Sheng wondered if there was something wrong with him, otherwise why would he think a woman's hair was cute??

Li Sheng shook his head twice and shook off the messy thoughts in his head.

Seeing that Cui Jiayi hadn't moved yet, he said again: "Why don't you take it off?" ”

Hearing Li Sheng speak, Cui Jiayi came back to his senses.

"Oh, don't worry, your majesty, the concubine will take it off for you!"

As he spoke, Cui Jiayi began to untie Li Sheng's belt.

Li Sheng: ......

Is he in a hurry?

Cui Jiayi untied Li Sheng's belt while complaining in her heart.

She has never untied a man's belt in her life!

The previous boyfriend, which one didn't she stripped naked before she could react!

The emperor is worthy of being the emperor's uncle, and at this time, he does not forget to put his majesty on the shelf!

But what the hell is this, why is it so hard to understand?!

Cui Jiayi finally untied Li Sheng's belt and threw it on the ground casually.

Li Sheng: ......

Just when Li Sheng was thinking about whether to scold her for being bold, Cui Jiayi's small hands climbed into his collar again.

Cui Jiayi inadvertently wiped Li Sheng's neck with one hand, and touched it away, but Li Sheng felt that it seemed to be a piece of fine silk just now, and it slid over.

Although Cui Jiayi's original body was only the daughter of the seven-pin county order, looking at this little hand, which was as white and tender as a freshly plucked egg, she knew that she must be the master who came to reach out for clothes, opened her mouth for food, and was pampered at home!

Therefore, Cui Jiayi struggled to pick the buckle on the dragon robe, and it took a long time to pick one open, but her fingers were red and painful.

Cui Jiayi: ......

At this time, Li Sheng only felt that those little hands were touching his body. After touching it for a long time, I didn't see Cui Jiayi take off the clothes on his body, but he touched a burst of evil fire!

Li Sheng looked down, she had just unbuttoned the two buttons??

Suppressing the evil fire in his heart, Li Sheng spoke as if he was gritting his teeth: "When will you be able to untie it?!" ”

I saw that the little girl with her head hanging suddenly stopped moving.

Just when Li Sheng wondered if the tone of what he had just said was too heavy and scared Cui Jiayi, he saw Cui Jiayi slowly raise his head......

I saw that the little girl in front of me had a hint of blush on her originally white and tender little face, her eyes were full of tears, but they did not fall, and her lips trembled slightly.

is obviously not good-looking face, but at this time, Li Sheng's heart is slightly touched.

It seems that the tone of his speech just now is not very good, which is about to scare Cui Jiayi into tears!

Just when Li Sheng thought about how he was going to open his mouth to coax her, he cried when he heard Cui Jiayi's wow!

"Woo woo, it's not that the concubine doesn't want to untie it quickly, it's that the buttons of the emperor's dragon robe are too hard for the concubine to untie, ...... emperor," Cui Jiayi raised his two hands.

"People's fingers hurt so much, woo woo woo~"

Li Sheng: ......

Li Sheng looked at Cui Jiayi's raised fingers, indeed, on the snow-white jade fingers that were like peeling onion roots, the red mark was very conspicuous.

Thinking about it again, the touch when Cui Jiayi accidentally slid across his neck just now, Li Sheng also had to sigh, this hand is inevitably too tender, right?!

Li Shenggang wanted to look away, but accidentally saw something that shouldn't be seen.

Li Sheng's breath stagnated.

Depend on! This is not his first woman, he has given birth to several children, why does he seem to have become a hairy boy who has never seen a woman at this time?!

Looking at Cui Jiayi who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, the evil fire in Li Sheng's heart burned even more.

However, the little girl cried pitifully, Li Sheng tried his best to maintain his prestige, and said, "Okay, you don't need to serve, you go to bed and wait!" ”

"Woo, the concubine thanked the emperor."

Looking at Cui Jiayi's "pitiful" back, Li Sheng shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, the untrained little girl is no different from his delicate Princess Anle.

As soon as Cui Jiayi turned around, she immediately put away the expression on her face and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

NND, my fingers really hurt!

Sure enough, acting was the easiest for her.

Li Sheng originally wanted to call Wang Defu to come in and serve, but his eyes caught a glimpse of the small red mass on the bed, and the words stopped when he came to his lips.

Although he felt a little incredible, Li Sheng had to admit that he didn't want other men to see Cui Jiayi's appearance, even if it was a eunuch!

Therefore, Li Sheng, who has lived for thirty-two years, took off his clothes for the first time......

Li Sheng, who took off his robe, just wanted to hand over the clothes, when he suddenly shook his hand.

Before, either the palace concubine hung clothes for him, or he was a slave under his hands, Li Sheng really didn't know where to hang his clothes......

Look at Cui Jiayi sitting on the bed with her head down.

Well, she shouldn't be able to count on it.

Li Sheng looked left and right, and really couldn't see where to hang clothes in this room, and then he caught a glimpse of the belt thrown on the ground by Cui Jiayi......

Li Sheng: ......

Never mind.

As soon as he let go of his hand, the dragon robe fell in love with the belt on the ground.

At this time, Cui Jiayi had already sorted out her emotions.

Seeing Li Sheng walking towards her, Cui Jiayi climbed into bed and lay down.

Li Sheng: ......

Although he had already thought about a quick victory before he came, why did he think that Cui Jiayi was more "fast" than him?

The beauties all lay down automatically, and Li Sheng no longer hesitated, and he hesitated to see if he was a man!

Originally, he was worried about scaring Cui Jiayi, Li Sheng was ready to take his time, but now he doesn't need to, Li Sheng directly took off his obscene clothes and pants, went to bed naked.

Cui Jiayi, who has seen many men's bodies, has eyes shining at this time!

Good guy, the emperor's figure is really not covered! Standard inverted triangle body, dressed thin, undressed with flesh.

The wheat-colored skin is smooth and smooth, the muscle lines are smooth and obvious, and there are even eight-pack abs?!

Cui Jiayi's gaze continued to look down......


Cui Jiayi, who was a little excited and blushing at this time, in Li Sheng's opinion, was a little girl who saw a man's body for the first time, with a shy and curious expression.

Li Sheng has always been proud of his body and ability.

Although he has a large number of people in his harem, he is not obsessed, except for solving physical needs, more just for the sake of heirs.

In addition, Li Sheng has been practicing martial arts all year round, and his body is strong, and his health is naturally very good.

Looking at Cui Jiayi, who was "curious and ignorant", Li Sheng secretly said that even if she regretted it now, it would be too late!

Li Sheng leaned down and made contact with Cui Jiayi's skin, the smooth and soft touch made his heart beat faster.

Removing the obstructive clothes on Cui Jiayi's body, Li Sheng's eyes straightened.

Sure enough, it is a stunner in the world, and it is rare.

So, he no longer restrained himself and turned into a wolf......

Although Cui Jiayi is not the first time, this body is the first time after all.

It hurts!

Cui Jiayi once again realized that her current body was really afraid of pain!

But fortunately, the pain passed, and it became very comfortable.

Cui Jiayi secretly raised his eyebrows, the emperor's skill is quite good!

Soon, Cui Jiayi couldn't think......

In this way, they made it to dawn!

Although tired, Cui Jiayi has to admit that she is really happy!

Although the scum emperor is not clean, but the ability is really nothing to say, that is called a bar!

Whether it is speed or durability, it is a hundred times better than her ex-boyfriends!

Cui Jiayi decided to treat Li Sheng as a superb duck!

Li Sheng was also a little shocked, he was not lustful, he was so indulgent for the first time in his life!

Although he experienced a night, he did not feel tired at the moment, but was full of energy!

If it weren't for the time of the early dynasty, Li Sheng felt that he could continue!

Li Sheng never expected that the woman lying on the bed, her body, would be so attractive to him!

It's really unprecedented......

The star picker and Wang Defu who were keeping vigil outside the door, one was ecstatic and the other was dumbfounded.

Star Picking Ecstasy!

Sure enough, as she expected, her little master really made His Majesty the Emperor want to stop, and this night, the voices of the two never stopped, and they blushed and heartbeat when they heard the stars.

As for the dumbfounded, it is naturally Wang Defu.

He has been serving Li Sheng since he was a child, and he thinks that no one in this world knows Li Sheng better than him.

However, now Wang Defu began to suspect that the one inside was really the serious and restrained Emperor His Majesty whom he had known for nearly thirty years.

Don't want to come when you come, and don't want to leave when it's time to go??

Just when Wang Defu was thinking about whether he should open his mouth to urge, Li Sheng's voice finally came from inside.

"Come on, prepare water!"

Li Sheng stepped out of bed and didn't forget to put down the bed curtain.

Cui Jiayi was so tired that she fell asleep at this time.

Li Sheng unconsciously curled the corners of his lips.

As he walked towards the bathing room, he said, "Don't disturb Cui Meiren's rest." ”

“嗻。 ”

Looking at the dragon robe thrown on the ground, Wang Defu hurriedly picked it up.

Wang Defu glanced at the big bed, where he couldn't see anything.

secretly said in his heart: It seems that this Cui beauty will have a great creation!


Cui Jiayi slept directly into the afternoon.

After waking up, Cui Jiayi was hazy, and the first thing that came to mind was to make a wish! Son!

Soon, though, she came to her senses.

This month's wish she has already used to become pretty.

Cui Jiayi: ......

If she had known, she didn't have to think of a way, Li Sheng would have sent it to the door by herself, and she wouldn't have to rush to use up the number of wishes!

Alas, what a pity!

It seems that we will have to wait for the next opportunity.

Cui Jiayi sat up.

Luckily, there was no discomfort other than a little soreness.

But when Cui Jiayi lowered his head, he was dumbfounded.

On her white skin, there were large bruises.

"This beast, isn't it three thousand beauties in the harem?? How can it be like never seeing a woman?! ”

Just when Cui Jiayi whispered about Li Sheng, the sound of the moon came from outside the bed curtain.

"Little Lord, are you awake? Before leaving, the emperor specially instructed not to disturb you, and also sent someone to send a good 'white jade paste', and instructed the slaves and maids to be sure to apply it to you as soon as you wake up. ”

Cui Jiayi raised his eyebrows, even if he still has a little conscience!

"Well, wake up, you come in."

Anyway, she took a bath with Xingxing before, and she had seen everything that should be seen and what should not be seen, so Cui Jiayi has nothing to be ashamed of.

Lanyue, who opened the curtain, was startled.

This, how intense is the emperor and the little master! The emperor inevitably doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, right?!

But this kind of thing, Lanyue only dares to say it in his heart.

After sleeping all day, Cui Jiayi, who was already hungry, hurriedly ordered Xingxing to prepare something to eat for her.

Lanyue, who gave Cui Jiayi medicine, suddenly remembered something, so she gently drugged Cui Jiayi and said: "Little master, the little noble son said that he wanted to give you a greeting, and let the slave and maid inform you." ”

Cui Jiayi frowned, "Who?" ”

It turned out that Li Sheng thought that Cui Jiayi was too ugly and didn't want to see Cui Jiayi when he didn't want to go to other palace concubines, so he assigned her to the vacant Zhongcui Palace in the main hall and let her live in the Yalan Hall in the east side hall.

In other words, Cui Jiayi was actually the only one living in the entire Zhong Cui Palace.

And Xiao Guizi is the father-in-law who is responsible for managing Zhong Cui Palace.

Because Cui Jiayi is not the lord, she is only a seven-grade beauty, plus she is just a small daughter of the county order, and she is mediocre in appearance. Therefore, Xiao Guizi naturally did not take Cui Jiayi in his eyes, after all, the palace is stronger than Cui Jiayi, but there are still more women who are left out in the cold.

But yesterday, I saw that the emperor favored Cui Jiayi, so today the little noble son came to see him.

Even if he heard Lanyue say that Cui Jiayi hadn't gotten up, Xiao Guizi smiled and said that it didn't matter, he just waited.

In the palace, it is customary to praise the high and the low, and Cui Jiayi has long been prepared for this.

But this is called a "little devil", it doesn't sound like a good thing when it sounds like a name.

"Then let him keep waiting."

Thousands of big, the biggest eat.

"Yes, little lord."

After Cui Jiayi finished eating, she rested for a while before asking Lanyue to call people in.

After all, her position is too low now, and even a small eunuch can't afford to offend easily.

I saw a man with a sharp beak and monkey cheeks hunched over and walked in and gave Cui Jiayi a salute.

"The little nobleman of the slave has seen the little master Cui."

"Your father-in-law is exempt."

"Thank you, little master!"

The little nobleman got up and smiled flatteringly, "Little Master Cui, the Internal Affairs Office asked the servants to renovate the palace, these days, the slaves are really busy with their feet on the ground, and they are not free until today!" No, the minions came non-stop to greet the little master! So please don't blame the minions! ”

Looking at the little nobleman with thief eyebrows and rat eyes, Cui Jiayi snorted coldly in her heart, please take a few minutes, she really thinks she is a sixteen-year-old girl who doesn't know anything!

But Cui Jiayi smiled kindly on the surface.

"Your father-in-law has worked hard, you are also working hard for our Zhongcui Palace, this little master is not such an ignorant person, and you will need to work a lot more for your father-in-law in the future! Lanyue~"

Cui Jiayi glanced at Lan Yue, and Lan Yue immediately took out a purse from her body and stuffed it into Xiao Guizi's hand.

"Your father-in-law, this is a little bit of my little master's heart, and I ask your father-in-law not to dislike it."

Seeing this, the little noble son smiled, and he didn't shirk it, and directly accepted the purse.

"Then the slave will be rewarded by the little master Cui, if there is nothing else, the slave will retire first."

"Take the moon and send your father-in-law out."

"Yes, little lord."

When he arrived at the gate of the Yalan Palace, Lanyue stopped.

"Your father-in-law, go slowly."


When Lanyue turned around, Xiao Guizi weighed the purse in his hand and pouted.

"Cut! Poor barehead! ”

The little nobleman also saw that Cui Jiayi was favored, so he reluctantly came over to ask for a goodbye.

But as long as the concubines enter the palace, any one will be favored, but those who are favored are rare.

In his opinion, if this Cui beauty wants to be favored, it is impossible!

Gotta take this money and go find other little eunuchs to drink!"

The little noble son swaggered away.

When Lanyue sent the little nobleman out and came back, he picked the stars and said angrily: "This little nobleman has a really big face, and he came to ask for peace at this time, and he even dared to accept the little master's 'noble father-in-law', I bah!" He doesn't look at how many pounds and taels he has! ”

"Little master, you too, that dead eunuch didn't take you as a master in his eyes at all, why are you still so polite to him!" Even gave him back his purse? Why is he?!

Just think about picking stars!

Cui Jiayi glanced at the star picking, and said lightly: "Haven't you heard of it, since ancient times, the king of Hades has been easy to provoke, and the little ghost is difficult." After all, he is now in charge of Zhong Cui Palace, if he wants to add some trouble to this little master, it will not be very easy! Why should I have nothing to do! ”

Speaking of this, Cui Jiayi paused for a moment.

"However, if he divides the land in An'an, it will be fine, if he really does something unfavorable to this little master, and is discovered by this little master, he will naturally not let him go easily......"

The ruthlessness in Cui Jiayi's eyes flashed, and then returned to its original state.

She looked at the star and quipped: "Are you angry because you saw that the little master gave him a silver reward, but didn't give it to you?" Don't worry, how could this little master forget to pick up the star for you! ”

Hearing Cui Jiayi say this, Xingxing hurriedly leaned over and said, "Little master, the slave doesn't mean this, the slave doesn't dare!" ”

"Well, this little master didn't mean to blame you. Lanyue~"

Hearing Cui Jiayi speak, Lanyue walked to the side of the star, took out a purse that was obviously much heavier than just now, and stuffed it into the hand of the star.

"The master even gave a reward to the palace maids and eunuchs who swept the courtyard, and you and I naturally have it, and it is much more than everyone else's."

Picking Star knew that he had gone wrong, and there was a hint of shame on his face.

Lanyue tugged on the sleeve of the star and whispered, "Don't hurry up and thank you!" ”

Picking up the stars, he hurriedly leaned over and gave Cui Jiayi a salute: "Slave and maid, thank the little master for the reward!" ”

"Get up. This little master said that as long as you are loyal to me, this little master will naturally not treat you badly. ”

"The slave knows, thank you, little master!" Picking up the stars and Lanyue said in unison.

Although, Cui Jiayi looks casual on the surface, in fact, her heart is dripping blood!

No money!


The original body is nothing more than the daughter of a seven-rank county order.

Qipin County Order, how much is a month? Therefore, there is not much to Cui Jiayi.

paid a "salary" to the people working in his palace, and the silver money that Cui Jiayi brought into the palace was one-third less.

This is just in the Yalan Palace, and so much money has been used! She hasn't touched the rest of the palace yet!

Cui Jiayi wailed in her heart: Oh my God, this money is really not enough!!

It seems that I have to make a wish with the wishing system, and make a wish that there will be an endless amount of silver taels!

As soon as she thought of this, Cui Jiayi couldn't help but scold herself for this dog system.

Other systems, which do not meet the various needs of the host! She's so good, she can only satisfy her once a month!

Cui Jiayi felt that she was too aggrieved!

After this pass, it will soon be evening again, and it is time for dinner.

However, Cui Jiayi had only eaten in the afternoon, and now she was not hungry at all, so she only asked Lanyue and them to bring some fruit back to eat.

Seeing Cui Jiayi holding a big apple and gnawing unscrupulously, Lan Yue said: "Little master, you eat a little less, it's time to go to bed in a while, eating too much is not conducive to rest." ”

Unexpectedly, Cui Jiayi didn't care at all.

"It's okay, your little master slept too much today, and I'm going to sleep later at night~"

Cui Jiayi guessed, I don't know if I will stay up all night or something.

Hearing this, Lanyue immediately took away most of the apples that Cui Jiayi had eaten.

"No, little lord! Tomorrow is the day to say goodbye to the Queen Mother, and you have to get up early, so you must go to bed early tonight! "If you doze off when you say hello to the Queen Mother, it will be a shame!

Cui Jiayi was stunned, uh, is there such a thing?

Lanyue carefully told Cui Jiayi what she knew.

Because the back seat is vacant, the concubines do not need to go to the queen every day to ask for peace, but on the first day of the new month and the fifteenth day of the month, it is indispensable to ask the queen mother to say goodbye.

The queen mother usually asks Concubine Shu and Concubine De about the current situation of the harem, and then knocks on the other concubines in the harem to ask them to work hard for the birth of a dragon heir.

And tomorrow, it will be fifteen.

"Little master, tomorrow is the first time you have officially met the Queen Mother, so you must be extremely cautious, and nothing can go wrong! If you leave a bad impression on the Queen Mother, it will be troublesome! Lan Yue persuaded bitterly.

Isn't the Queen Mother the one who called the shots and left her?

Since this is the case, Cui Jiayi guessed that the Queen Mother should be satisfied with her.

In other words, she is satisfied that she has a relatively high probability of being able to give birth to a son!

So as long as she doesn't make a big mistake, the Queen Mother shouldn't be able to give up a woman who can give birth to a son so easily.

Therefore, Cui Jiayi was not too worried.

However, she still listened to Lanyue's words and did not continue to eat.

Tomorrow is the first time to meet the scumbag's little wives, she really has to cheer up and see what kind of people this is.

After all, just listening to the dictation of Xingxing and Lanyue can't completely form the specific image of this group of people in Cui Jiayi's mind.

Cui Jiayi, who figured it out, finished bathing, Lanyue and Xingxing rubbed her medicine again, and she went to bed to rest.

Cui Jiayi, who originally thought that she slept too much during the day and might not be able to sleep at night, did not expect that not long after lying in bed, she fell asleep again in a daze.

Cui Jiayi had a dream, dreaming that she had crossed the mountains and mountains, and finally met a golden mountain, she was ecstatic, this time it is not bad money!

Unexpectedly, as soon as she was about to start digging, she was woken up by Lanyue and Xingxing.

Cui Jiayi: ......

Well, it seems that it is really a day and a night.

Cui Jiayi sat at the dressing table, yawned, closed her eyes and recuperated, and let Lanyue and Xingxing pinch herself.

I don't know how long it took, Cui Jiayi finally heard the star pick say: "Little master, it's okay!" ”

So, Cui Jiayi opened her eyes.

Cui Jiayi looked at the person in the bronze mirror, and was in a trance for a while.

Is this really her?

The skin is like clotted fat, and the face is like a peach blossom.

Looking at it alone, it is obviously the same facial features as before, but when combined together, coupled with the change in makeup, Cui Jiayi looks like a different person.

It's more than a little better than her previous appearance.

It seems that her wish is slowly taking effect.

"Lanyue, I didn't expect you to have this craft, and I painted your little master much more beautifully!"

Hearing Cui Jiayi's appreciation, Lanyue looked at the person in the mirror and was also in a trance. It's true that the little master of her family looks a little different from before, but Lanyue can't tell what's different.

The little lord praised it. The little master originally belonged to the durable type, maybe it was just that the previous makeup was not suitable for you, and it did not highlight the advantages of your facial features, so as long as you change it slightly, you can immediately shine brightly! ”

"Lanyue is right, especially with this set of pink and green skirts, it can look more cute and cute." As he spoke, Xingxing helped Cui Jiayi up and began to change her clothes.

Cui Jiayi is a newcomer who has just entered the palace, and she is not very old, so Lanyue combed her with a somewhat playful and cute double hanging bun.

Therefore, Picking Star chose a green shirt with a long skirt of the same color, and then chose a pink tunic embroidered with lotus flowers.

Finally, a long pale pink shawl is draped.

Cui Jiayi looked down, she still liked this outfit. It's just that it seems that her already developed, overly good breasts, are more full and prominent.

It gives people a sense of temptation that a girl is combined with a mature woman.

A few days after coming here, Cui Jiayi also discovered that the dress style here is similar to that of the Tang Dynasty. Dressed more openly, it was already conservative in terms of her outfit.

Well, it's better to blame her for being too congenitally superior!

"Well, since we're ready, let's go to Yongshou Palace to say hello to the Queen Mother."

Not long after Cui Jiayi took Lanyue and Xingxing out of Zhongcui Palace, she saw two people dressed as concubines not far in front of her.

Although the two dressed differently, they looked almost identical.

Picking stars followed behind Cui Jiayi and whispered: "Little master, it's An Guiren and An Chang who are here." ”

Oh, it turned out to be them.

Lanyue and Xingxing told Cui Jiayi before that of the eight new people who entered the palace this time, the highest ranking was Zhao Jieyu, whose real name is Zhao Ying, and she was the daughter of the head of the household.

followed by An Guiren and Qin Guiren, followed by Cui Jiayi.

Four others were made permanent presence.

They are An Changzai, Ning Changzai, Wang Changzai and Sun Changzai.

Interestingly, there is a pair of twin sisters here, who are An Ruowei and An Ruoxin in front of them.

The reason why Cui Jiayi thinks it is interesting is because the two of them look the same, why is her sister An Ruowei named a noble, but her sister An Ruoxin is named a permanent presence?

At the same time, An Ruowei and An Ruoyu naturally saw Cui Jiayi who was walking in their direction.

An Ruoxin stared at Cui Jiayi, twisting her wide sleeves fiercely.

"Hmph, Cui Jiayi wants to have a family background without a family background, and if she wants to look without a look, why was she named a seven-grade beauty!"

An Ruowei and An Ruoxing's father is the Liupin Taifu Temple. In terms of appearance, An Ruoxin thinks that she is much better looking than Cui Jiayi, so she is naturally full of unconvinced.

It's just that her grade is lower than Cui Jiayi, why is this ugly girl even ahead of her?!

That's right, An Ruoxin hasn't been turned over by Li Sheng yet.

An Ruowei glanced at her sister and said lightly: "The emperor does this, naturally there is a reason to do this, and my sister is still cautious." ”

"Hmph, sister, you have been named a nobleman, and you have already been favored, so naturally you don't have a backache when you stand and talk!"

An Ruoxin's attitude towards An Ruowei was not much better.

An Ruowei was blocked, so naturally she didn't bother to continue to pay attention to her sister.

In fact, what An Ruowei doesn't understand the most is that she and An Ruowei obviously look exactly the same, but when she is a child, An Ruowei is more loved by her elders than her.

Unexpectedly, this entered the palace, and it was still the same. Why was An Ruowei able to be named a noble and favored by the emperor, but she was behind her in everything?!

Just when An Ruoxin was indignant, Cui Jiayi had already walked up to the two sisters.

"The concubine has seen An Guiren." Cui Jiayi curtsied her knees and gave An Ruowei a salute.

Although the two sisters of the An family look the same, it is easy to tell who is who, just look at the hairpin on their heads.

The number of jewelry flowers on the head of each grade is fixed, the queen is the most, it is 12 Tian, and the first product is 9 Tian, and then it decreases in turn, and the sixth grade nobleman is 4 Tian.

"Sister Cui, don't be polite."

An Ruowei smiled and bowed her head towards Cui Jiayi.

And An Ruoxin glared at Cui Jiayi in disbelief.

Is this really the ugly girl Cui Jiayi who entered the palace with them at the beginning? Why does she seem to be so much better-looking?

It wasn't until An Ruowei pulled her sleeves that An Ruoxin came back to her senses and gave Cui Jiayi a perfunctory salute, "I've seen Cui Meiren!" ”

An Ruowei probably felt that her sister was too rude, so she hurriedly said: "Since we met, then Sister Cui will go with the two of us sisters and go to Yongshou Palace together!" ”

Cui Jiayi smiled: "My sister can't ask for it. ”

When she got closer, Cui Jiayi noticed that although An Ruowei and An Ruowei looked almost the same, there was a small tear mole in the corner of An Ruowei's right eye, which added a unique touch to her face.

And the two sisters have very different personalities. My sister is graceful and generous, and my sister is impulsive and domineering.

As for whether An Ruowei is really as harmless as she appears, Cui Jiayi can't see it for the time being.

But An Ruoxin, Cui Jiayi doesn't need to think about it to know that this kind of person generally doesn't live long in palace fighting dramas.

Sure enough, An Ruoxin soon began to look for trouble.

"Cui Meiren, this grace is different, your whole person is radiant!"

Cui Jiayi naturally knew that An Ruoxin was mocking her.

However, Cui Jiayi didn't plan to endure it, just a higher rank than her, and a lower rank than her dared to stumble around here!

If my sister doesn't teach you how to be a man, I'm sorry for you!

"I don't dare to compare with An Changzai, even if I don't bathe in the holy grace for the rest of my life, An Changzai is as beautiful as a flower!"

Xingxing Qiang held back the smile on her face, her little master's mouth was really powerful.

An Ruoxin's brows furrowed, and her eyes widened even more, as if she was about to spew fire!


Cui Jiayi's eyes blinked, and she said innocently: "What's wrong?" I don't like this little master to praise you like a flower, then the little master retracts this sentence~"

An Ruoxin was so angry that the top of her head was about to smoke, and she pointed at Cui Jiayi speechless.

Is this the point? Cui Jiayi, a slut, dared to curse her for the rest of her life!

At this time, Cui Jiayi's face also turned cold, she looked at An Ruoxin and said: "This little master suggests that An Changzai put his hand down, otherwise this little master will go to the Queen Mother to file a complaint, and you will be punished for the crime of disrespect!" ”

An Ruoxin gritted her teeth and shook her hand down forcefully, turning her face to the side at the same time.

One day, she will double the humiliation she suffered today and let Cui Jiayi double it!

Cui Jiayi didn't care what An Ruowei was thinking, she curtsied her knees and saluted An Ruowei, and said: "It seems that An Changzai is not willing to go with the concubine, so the concubine will take the first step, and An Guiren will walk slowly." ”

An Ruowei nodded, with an apologetic expression: "My sister is used to being pampered by the family, she has just entered the palace, and she has not yet been converted, if there is anything that offends Sister Cui, please have a lot of sisters, don't worry about her." ”

Cui Jiayi pulled the corners of her lips and turned to leave.

"Damn it! When we first entered the palace, Cui Jiayi was still submissive and timid as a mouse. This is just a blessing from God, and she has become so bold that she even dares to scold me?! ”

"Hmph, villain has a good will! What is she rampant, isn't she just a little beauty?! Sooner or later, I will make her kneel on the ground and beg me for mercy! ”

Ignoring the angry An Ruoxin, An Ruowei just looked at the direction Cui Jiayi left thoughtfully......


"Sister Cui, Sister Cui, wait for me!"

Cui Jiayi didn't go far when she heard a girl's shout.

Are you calling her?

Cui Jiayi looked back and saw a girl wearing a goose-yellow skirt, combing a double bun, a round face, and a somewhat round figure, running towards her with a snort.

Qin Yuan gasped and stopped in front of Cui Jiayi.

"I said, Sister Cui, you're walking too fast, I can't catch up with you!"

Cui Jiayi has no memory of the original owner, of course she doesn't know the girl in front of her, like a "custard bun".

Cui Jiayi looked at the four jewelry flowers on the custard bun.

Well, this is also a nobleman.

However, Cui Jiayi had just entered the palace and had not had time to meet Li Sheng's concubines, so this person must be a newcomer who entered the palace with her.

So there was only one person.

Cui Jiayi was ready to curtsy.

She sighed in her heart, low rank is not good! The emperor's little wives, nine times out of ten, she has to salute when she meets them, and it seems that she still has to work hard to climb up.

"The concubine has seen Qin Guiren."

Before Cui Jiayi's legs could be bent, Qin Yuan grabbed her arm, and while continuing to walk forward, she said, "Sister Cui, there is no one else here, don't come with me politely, go politely!" ”

Qin Yuan is like a chirping bird, and her mouth doesn't stop for a moment.

"Sister Cui, I saw it on the side just now, you made An Ruoxing's face blue with anger, hahaha, I was so happy to see it! Let her always bully the two of us when she was in Chuxiu Palace before, but now it's okay, both of us are higher than her, look at how proud she is! ”

"But Sister Cui, why do you seem to have suddenly changed as a person?"

"You were obviously like me before, even if you were bullied, you just secretly hid to the side and shed tears, and never dared to clash with them head-on."

"Now you dare to open your mouth to scold, Sister Cui, why have you become so powerful?"

Seeing that Qin Yuan's mouth finally stopped, and her eyes were shining at her, Cui Jiayi did not answer Qin Yuan's words, but asked rhetorically, "Then do you like this change in me?" ”

Qin Yuan nodded hurriedly: "Of course!" Although Sister Cui was also very good before, she was just too timid. Although you are two months older than me, who knows, you are even less daring than me, so the two of us will be bullied by An Ruoxin! ”

Cui Jiayi agreed, just looking at the appearance of custard buns, she looks like a cutie who will be bullied.

Besides, isn't the original owner cowardly, so cowardly that he directly scared himself to death!

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to come to this place.

Cui Jiayi breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Hey, I also figured it out suddenly." The more scared you are, the more others dare to bully you, and only when you become strong will others be afraid of you. ”

"Although the palace is hierarchical, many people and many things, we have to bow our heads. However, within the scope of our own ability, of course, we must make ourselves comfortable, after all, our life is only a few decades. ”

Qin Yuan felt that what Cui Jiayi said was very reasonable.

"Sister Cui is right, then I have to learn from you, so that others don't dare to bully me!"


The two talked and laughed, and soon arrived at Yongshou Palace.

"Qin Guiren has arrived—"

"Cui Meiren has arrived-"

As soon as Cui Jiayi and Qin Yuan walked in, they saw that it was already full of people, and there were four people standing in the middle of the hall. Cui Jiayi guessed that these should be the other four people who entered the palace at the same time as her.


Cui Jiayi and Qin Yuan saluted the Queen Mother sitting above at the same time.

The Queen Mother looks like she is in her early fifties, wearing a black dress embroidered with intricate patterns with gold thread, looking solemn and majestic.

"No courtesy."

The Queen Mother looked at Cui Jiayi and Qin Yuan with a smile, these two were the two people she was most optimistic about among the eight people who had just entered the palace.

Looking at the figure, it looks like it can give birth to a son!

Especially when I heard that this Cui Meiren could make the emperor, who had never been very interested in the affairs of men and women, fight with her in the room until dawn, and the Queen Mother was even more satisfied!

It seems that her imperial grandson is coming soon!

If this were someone else, he would definitely say that Cui Jiayi was a concubine who brought disaster to the country, but on the contrary, the current emperor is Li Sheng, a man with very low desire, so the Queen Mother is only happy!

At this moment, the An family sisters also arrived.

"An nobleman, An Chang is here-"

Then they saw two women who looked exactly the same walk in.

"The concubine has seen the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother is blessed with Jin'an."

"No courtesy."

An Ruoxin stood up straight directly, but An Ruowei still maintained a saluting posture and said: "The concubines and sisters are late, let the Queen Mother wait with you for a long time, and ask the Queen Mother to punish you!" ”

At this time, An Ruowei was dumbfounded, why didn't An Ruowei tell her? And after she got up, she said these words?!

An Ruoxin glanced at An Ruowei without a trace.

Sure enough, her good sister is still the same, and if she is fake all day long, she will try her best to highlight herself!!

Hearing An Ruowei's words, the Queen Mother laughed even more.

"An Guiren is too worried, it's not that you're late, it's that your sisters came too early, I guess they all want to meet you newcomers earlier, hehehe, hurry up!"

"Concubine Xie Empress Dowager."

An Ruowei stood up at this time.

At this time, sitting at the top position, a woman dressed up in a fancy way, revealing half of her breasts, smiled and said: "Isn't it just as the Queen Mother said!" There have been no newcomers in the palace for a long time, but I didn't expect that there would be eight at once! We don't want to come early to see what kind of demeanor these eight sisters are, so that the Queen Mother and Your Majesty can choose a few sisters among so many show girls! ”

"Look at Concubine Yuan's words, no matter how beautiful she is, it is estimated that there will be no second one in the world, who is as fairy and beautiful as you!"

The person who said this was Concubine Qian, who lived in Qixiang Palace with Concubine Yuan.

Concubine Yuan smiled even more proudly.

She looked at the eight people standing below, their appearance was mediocre, and they were not even as good-looking as Liu Yu, who was born as a palace maid!

The only thing that stood out was the plump breasts of those eight people.

In addition to her beauty, Concubine Yuan is most proud of her crisp breasts.

But I didn't expect that these eight people, one of them was bigger than the other!

Especially that Cui Meiren, the clothes can't cover the two lumps in front of her!

Hmph, a group of ugly women who are not ashamed or ashamed!

When the Queen Mother and the concubines looked at Cui Jiayi and others, Cui Jiayi was also observing them.

It turned out that the first person to speak was Concubine Yuan, who gave birth to the third princess and the fourth princess.

Concubine Yuan is indeed outstanding, even in the modern entertainment industry, this appearance can be regarded as the first beauty.

No wonder she is the only one who gave birth to two children, and she does have the capital to attract men!

Hmph, the man is really a womanizer!

Cui Jiayi scolded Li Sheng again in her heart, scumbag!

But Cui Jiayi has to admit that the scumbag's glamorous fortune is not shallow!

His little wives are indeed more beautiful than the other, just like a hundred flowers blooming in a garden, each with its own characteristics, and all of them are extraordinary.

And the eight of them who have just entered the palace look ...... It can only be said that the facial features are good, all of them, well, very average.

Sure enough, as Lanyue said, there is only one criterion for the selection of these show girls.

Big breasts and big butts, suitable for birth!

Everyone is wearing loose long skirts, and the buttocks are not big, Cui Jiayi doesn't know, but this chest is ......

Well, the eight people standing with the smallest chest are estimated to be 84E.

As for her this.

Cui Jiayi: ......

Probably G or H?

"Okay, since these sisters have entered the palace, they are our sisters, what is the comparison between our sisters, harmony is the most important thing."

Sitting closest to the Queen Mother, a gorgeously dressed woman spoke.

"If a few new sisters have any needs, they can come to this palace, as long as it is reasonable, what this palace can do, it will naturally meet the needs of several sisters."

Cui Jiayi glanced at the person who spoke.

If Concubine Yuan is a beautiful and enchanting flower, then this one is more like a graceful and luxurious peony flower, but it has a bit of a queen's temperament.

It's a pity that the scumbag's wife died early, and the queen's seat has been vacant. I don't know if the scumbag is obsessed with his wife, or if he hasn't found a suitable candidate for this position so far.

Then this one who looks like a queen and is not a queen must be the lady concubine with the highest ranking in the harem now.

Sure enough, I heard the Queen Mother say with a smile: "It's still Concubine Shu who speaks, the mourning family loves to listen, and the harem is handed over to you to manage, and the mourning family is much more relieved!" ”

"Empress Dowager Xie praised, this is what a concubine should do."

The Queen Mother looked at Concubine Shu and nodded with satisfaction.

The queen mother also came from when she was a concubine, and she naturally knew that the women in the harem wanted to climb up.

Concubine Shu's heart is naturally high, but at least she won't show it, let alone let people catch anything wrong.

But Concubine Yuan is different.

Concubine Yuan's unrestrained and domineering personality has always been very disliked, but the emperor likes it!

The Queen Mother knew that Concubine Yuan was so "confident", but she was just favored and gave birth to two princesses to the royal family.

But well......

The Queen Mother glanced at Cui Jiayi, who was standing "obediently" below, and then looked at Concubine Yuan.

Concubine Yuan's breasts are not small, of course, they can't be compared with Cui Meiren.

But that ass is as flat as a table!

With her ass, she can give birth to two princesses, and that's not because the emperor goes so much!

After all, Concubine Yuan is indeed a rare beauty.

And the virtue of her son, the Queen Mother is also very clear.

However, with Cui Jiayi, I believe it will be a different situation in the future.

After eating the good, who can go back and eat the bad?

As she once said to the emperor, if the candle is extinguished, what difference does it make to look?

The emperor didn't know the benefits of certain women before, and he should know now.

Besides, the Queen Mother saw Cui Jiayi today, and felt that her makeup was at least a beautiful woman, not ugly at all!

Hmph, she wants to see if Concubine Yuan can still laugh so openly in the future!

The Queen Mother saw that it was almost the same, so she said: "This time the main thing is to let you recognize each other, since you know each other almost, then disperse, and the mourning family is also lacking." ”

As she spoke, she motioned to Mama Gao to help her up.

Seeing this, all the concubines stood up and curtsied.

"The Empress of the Heavens!"

When the Queen Mother left, Concubine Yuan was even more unscrupulous.

"Hmph, some people just love to be in the limelight, don't they also manage the harem together, why don't you see so much talk from others?"

Who in the palace doesn't know that Concubine De is a name, and the actual palace power is all in the hands of Concubine Shu.

Concubine Yuan glanced at Concubine Shu, "This palace will go first, you can continue to have 'deep sisterhood' here!" ”

It stands to reason that Concubine Shu and Concubine De have titles, half a level higher than Concubine Yuan, and Concubine Yuan should salute the two, but Concubine Yuan seems to have no such thing at all, so she just turned her head and left.

Concubine Qian bowed to Concubine Shu and hurriedly followed.

Concubine Yuan passed by Cui Jiayi's eight people, paused, snorted coldly, and then walked away.

Cui Jiayi was surprised that Concubine Yuan was bold, and at the same time, she admired even more, at least on the surface, she still looked calm and calm.

There is really an undercurrent in the harem.

In addition, the favored ones are awesome!

Just when Cui Jiayi sighed in her heart, she heard Concubine Shu speak again: "A few sisters who have just entered the palace, this palace hopes that you can abide by the palace rules, be cautious in your words and deeds, and open up branches and leaves for the emperor as soon as possible." ”

"Follow the teachings of the lady."

"The rest, just like what Bengong just said, if you have anything to do, you can come to Changchun Palace to find Bengong." After speaking, Concubine Shu also lifted her feet and left.

She was followed by Concubine De.

"If you sisters are idle, you can also come to Jingren Palace to have tea and chat with the palace."

Cui Jiayi curtsied, thinking to herself, this concubine looks quite kind.

On the way back to the palace, Cui Jiayi talked to Qin Yuan all the way, of course, it was mainly Qin Yuan who was talking.

The two made an appointment, and after they had nothing to do, they went to play with each other, and then they separated.

As soon as Cui Jiayi returned to the Yalan Palace, she threw herself directly on the big bed.

Oh, my God! After walking for half a day, and standing in Yongshou Palace for half a day, her heels and legs were very sore!

Lanyue naturally knew where Cui Jiayi was uncomfortable, so she hurriedly said: "Little master, wait a minute, the slave maid will go and make you a basin of hot water and soak your feet, it will be more comfortable." ”

"Uh-huh, hurry up!"

Fortunately, there is no queen in this harem, so there is no need to go to the queen every day to say goodbye, otherwise, Cui Jiayi's two legs are estimated to be abolished sooner or later!

At this time, Cui Jiayi was envious of Zhao Jieyu.

Obviously, if they enter the palace together, they can be sealed as Jieyu and are eligible to take the chariot. And she's a little beauty, just worthy of walking!

Alas! Wretched! It's really the same life.

From saluting to riding the chariot, all this tells Cui Jiayi that she has to work hard!

Come on, Sao Nian!

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
