
My mother-in-law wants to give my man a concubine, and I will leave the cub

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

"Grandpa Guo, look at the eldest lady's head, it is all injured like this, that hairpin is so deep and has shed so much blood, I guess I will be a fool if I survive!

Why don't you let our Yan'er marry the eldest lady to the prince of war? ”

A slightly cold male voice: "Get out!" What do you say?

If you dare to make a fuss in my town's mansion, I'll break your legs!

Three days later, the concubine of the Zhenguo Mansion will marry to the War King Mansion, which is determined by His Majesty, and no one can change it!

Let's all go out, I want to be quiet for a while! ”

Li Mingyue really heard someone talking, and she secretly complained in her heart: Phew! That woman doesn't speak well, and she wants her daughter to marry Gaomen, right? The man is also cold and has no temperature, that eldest lady is quite pitiful, what kind of broken family is this!

After Li Mingyue ate melons in her heart, a spirit thought of her own spiritual spring and space, she was given a grenade by a scumbag and a, it should have been blown to pieces, right? Is the space and the spiritual spring finished?

Consciousness probes into space, in! The space is still there! The spiritual spring is still there! That's great!

Li Mingyue cried with joy, as long as there is space and spiritual spring, no matter where she is, she can have no worries about food and clothing, and she is really not afraid of death!

Suddenly, a man's warm voice came: "My father knows the unwillingness in your heart, you were born to be a mother, just because your life is hard, your mother is dead, and this is something that my father can't let go of for the rest of his life!"

Your life is not good, it is best to keep a low profile when you marry the war king's mansion in the future, and don't cause trouble for the prince.

The concubine is not easy to mess with, and she must be respectful in front of the concubine Niangniang, saving herself from suffering.

Before your mother died, my father promised her to marry you a good husband, and the current war king is the best!

It was for your father to design that you marry the feudal territory, and your cousin is not the one who can give you happiness!

Your mother wants you to be happy for your good, and Fengjiang is the most likely person to ascend to that position, and you will also be above 10,000 people......

Okay, take good care of your body for the past two days, and your wedding with the king of war will be held as scheduled in three days!

Tomorrow, my father will invite the old lady Jin from the palace to come to the house to show you! ”

Li Mingyue......

What do you mean? Your daughter-in-law died, was it your daughter-in-law? Your daughter-in-law told you to find a good family for your daughter, and you designed to marry your daughter to the future emperor?

What kind of brain circuit scumbag is this? It's speechless!

The scumbag father probably went out, and the sound of closing the door came, and he could still be heard outside the door reprimanding the maid, saying that if the young lady had a good one, they would all have to be buried together.

Li Mingyue's consciousness held the spiritual spring in the space and drank a few sips, it was too comfortable!

With the nourishment of the spiritual spring, her consciousness went out of the space and wanted to see where this place was.

Hiss! The head was in a sharp pain, as if it was about to explode, and her body was still fluttering, Li Mingyue struggled to get up, looked at the antique room, and looked down at a pair of white and tender little hands.

Li Mingyue grinned: "Well, I took the last train to cross over, and I have traveled to ancient times, hahaha, I finally left the end of the world, my luck is really amazing!" ”

Rumble! The mind is like a slide replay, it is the memory of the original owner!

The original body is the daughter of a dead mother in the Guogong Mansion, also named Li Mingyue, who is seventeen years old this year!

His father was Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo of the Dafeng Dynasty, and his mother was Wen Yun'er, the sister of the late queen.

The parents are talented and the girl is very affectionate, and the mother was pregnant in October, and once she gave birth, but like the late queen, she unfortunately had a difficult birth and collapsed!

His father, Li Anqun, collapsed, and he hugged his wife, who was covered in blood, and was in tears and grief-stricken!

The dying mother used her last breath to explain to her husband that she must marry their daughter to a good husband in the future and live the happiest life!

My mother died, and my father was grief-stricken, and he was seriously ill, lingering on the sickbed for months, and almost got cold!

I didn't expect my father to be as cold as he recovered! He is paranoid and infatuated with his wife's death, and his temperament has changed drastically, thinking that his daughter is a natural mother, and he doesn't want to see his daughter!

Until the daughter was six years old, she had a serious illness, and the subordinates did not dare to call the shots, so she reported to her father, who was the head of the family.

Li Mingyue's appearance since she was a child has followed her mother, which is exactly the same.

Although Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, is a father, it is the first time he has seen his daughter, and when he sees eyebrows and eyes similar to his wife, his cold heart softened, after all, his daughter is the only blood left to him by his wife!

Li Mingyue looks more and more like her mother as she grows, and she looks better and better, but the original owner has not been loved by her relatives for a long time, and her personality is withdrawn and she doesn't like to talk.

Several aunts have children, and they are all jealous of Li Mingyue's beauty, as well as the huge dowry left by her mother Wen, so they secretly ruined her reputation everywhere, saying that she was an ominous mother, so everyone in the capital knew that the original owner was an ominous person!

Although his father Li Anqun doesn't like his daughter, he is a man who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, and after learning that someone has ruined his daughter's reputation, he found out and beat the aunts and concubines in the house half to death!

Li Mingyue is seventeen years old this year, and because of her mother's ominous reputation, she didn't come to the door to propose!

Father Li Anqun couldn't sit still, because he promised his deceased wife to marry their daughter to a good family, he hit the idea of the current war king Fengjiang!

War King Fengjiang is the third son of Emperor Wantong and his youngest son, who has been able to fight well since he was a child, and his ability is more prominent than his two elder brothers.

Due to the perennial war, the war king Fengjiang has not yet married a concubine, but there are rumors in the market that the two nieces of Fengjiang's mother, Yu Guifei, are all reserved for Fengjiang!

Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, is a thief with a lot of eyes, he thought of a way to design his daughter and Fengjiang raw rice to cook mature rice, and he decided on the marriage of his daughter and Fengjiang as he wished!

Li Mingyue sat on the bed, connected everything together, and basically understood the bad life experience of the original owner, hey! This scumbag is really enough!

According to the memory of the original owner, Li Mingyue has always liked her cousin Wen Sheng in her cousin's family, because she was confused with the king of war and had a skin-to-skin relationship.

It is estimated that I haven't eaten much for three days, so I accidentally fell and was pierced by a hairpin, and I was completely relieved!

Hey, hey, hey! Li Mingyue said that she was very satisfied with wearing it here! There should be no zombies here, and there should be sunshine and rain!

Li Mingyue's head hurt so badly that she took out a glass of spiritual spring water from the space and drank it, and her body instantly felt a lot more comfortable.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside: "Is the eldest sister awake?" The bird's nest porridge made by my aunt asked me to send it over to my eldest sister to replenish her body! ”

A maid reluctantly said: "Back to Miss Yan'er's words, the eldest lady doesn't know if she is awake or not, Grandpa Guo has gone out, let us guard!" ”

Crunch! The door was opened, and a fragrant wind wafted in, and the irritated Li Mingyue sneezed, and her head hurt even more!

Li Mingyue looked up and saw that it was an ancient version of a little girl, holding a square plate, she was not ugly, but her eyes were not kind!

followed by two little maids, who followed up with some crampedness, as if they were a little worried about her.

The little girl named Li Yan'er looked at Li Mingyue's eyes with a slightly cold face, she piled up a smile with a little weakness, put the square plate on the round table, and leaned over and said, "Eldest sister, are you okay?" This strip of cloth is so ugly wrapped around your head, how can you marry the war lord in three days?

Alas! Eldest sister, don't you like the Wen family's cousin?

I just met the Wen cousin today, I told him that your head was broken, and he said that he would come to see you tomorrow night, and when the time comes, you ask the maid to open the door, and he will come in and see you! ”

Li Mingyue looked at this little girl with unkind eyes, and said in her heart: What a little femme fatale, this is going to ruin her reputation, let her open the door in the middle of the night and let a man into the house.

She is so scheming, she actually has a connection with the Wen family's cousin, which shows that the Wen family's cousin is not a good one!

It is estimated that the original owner is a loveless person, so he was coaxed by them, this little goblin is planning to take away her fiancé!

Li Mingyue's heart turned a thousand times, and she probably guessed about it, and she had a plan in her heart, hehe! If you want to play, let's play, you have to have fun when you're idle, don't you?

Li Mingyue: "Is it true? Well, it's up to you.

I heard that you also brought me bird's nest porridge, which was made by your aunt? ”

Li Yan'er's heart was overjoyed: "Okay, I'll inform Cousin Wen right away, and he can come over tomorrow night!"

Eldest sister, can you come down? The bird's nest porridge that my aunt stewed for you is all blood bird's nest! ”

Li Mingyue drank the spiritual spring water, and her body was much better, but her head still hurt a little, and the back of her head was probably pierced by a hairpin, and it still hurt when she moved!

Li Mingyue got off the bed and put on her shoes, she sadly found that the height of her body was not high, and that Li Yan'er was half a head taller than her.

Li Yan'er was in front of her attentively, and walked to the round table upside down, the corners of Li Mingyue's lips curled, calculated the distance, and a weak leg fell forward, Li Mingyue's shoulder slammed into Li Yan'er!

The unsuspecting scheming little white flower is tragic, the body that was hit by a strong force instantly lost its balance, and the body slammed forward, it was so coincidental and inch, her face snapped! It was smashed on the small casserole with bird's nest porridge!


Li Mingyue's scream like a pig was so shocked that her brain was buzzing, and the back of her head began to hurt again, so she simply pretended to faint and fell on the maid who hugged her!

In an instant, Li Mingyue's house was chaotic, and the concubine Li Yan'er was crying wolf, and her voice could simply resound through the sky! Li Mingyue's two maids were also screaming!

Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, who was sitting in the old lady's house, was talking to the old lady about his daughter's wedding, when he heard the housekeeper come to report: Miss Shu Yan'er had an accident in the eldest lady's house, and her face was full of blood!

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun gasped, rushed into his daughter's yard, and when he entered the house, he saw Aunt Han, the concubine, sitting on the ground with her daughter Li Yan'er in her arms, crying to death!

At this time, Li Yan'er had passed out in pain, her face was covered with blood, and her body was also bloody!

Ignoring Aunt Han and her concubine, Li Anqun strode to the bed and saw Li Mingyue lying there sleeping quietly.

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun didn't know why, but when he saw his daughter lying on the bed safe and sound, he actually breathed a long sigh of relief.

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun turned his head and looked at Aunt Han with an unkind look: "What's the matter?" Han, what are Yan'er doing in Yue'er's house? ”

Aunt Han was so frightened that she only knew how to cry, Li Mingyue's two maids, Chunhua and Qiushi, both rushed to say, Chunhua: "If you return to China, Miss Yan'er said that Aunt Han stewed blood swallows for my young lady, and she sent it over to make up for the eldest lady!" ”

Qiushi: "Miss Yan'er came in by herself, and after a few words with Miss, she said that she would let Miss come down and drink bird's nest porridge, and that this was the best blood bird's nest.

My young lady's head was injured, and she stumbled out of bed and fainted all at once!

When the eldest lady fainted, she bumped into Miss Yan'er, and Miss Yan'er's head happened to hit the casserole containing bird's nest porridge! ”

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun closed his eyes, couldn't hide the killing intent in his eyes, and looked at Aunt Han who was sitting on the ground holding her daughter and crying.

"Han, you forgot what I just said, I said that whoever dares to do it, I will chop off someone's hand, and now you are reaping the consequences of your own evil and ruining your daughter's appearance.

Take her back to the yard, and if you don't have me in the future, your mother and daughter will not be allowed to leave the yard!" ”

Aunt Han looked at the man in disbelief, and she said with a crazy expression: "Grandpa Guo! You're too biased, aren't you?

Yan'er's life and death are uncertain now, shouldn't you invite her to Langzhong and take a good look? How important is the face of my daughter's family!

For so many years, Grandpa Guo, you have never loved Yan'er and Ming'er, you know that the eldest lady is an ominous mother, and you still protect her so much, what is this for?

Madame has been dead for so many years, can't you share a little bit of love and give us mother and son? ”

The man looked at Aunt Han with a cold gaze: "Han, let me tell you again, if you want to stay in the Zhenguo Mansion, just stay well, if you don't want to stay, I will give you a letter of concubine, you can take your children and leave the Zhenguo Mansion."

Don't talk about whether I have a heart or not, if I can love you, when you entered the Guogong Mansion, I had already made it clear.

I don't want to hear anything ominous about Yue'er Kemu in the future, otherwise I wouldn't mind killing someone! ”

After a moment of silence, I heard the sound of chaotic footsteps, and it was estimated that Aunt Han was disheartened and took her daughter out.

Li Anqun sat in front of the bed, looked at his daughter who was the same as his wife with a stupid look, and muttered to himself: "I know that you killed Yun'er, but as a father, I still can't help but protect you......"

Li Mingyue suddenly opened her beautiful big eyes, and looked at her scumbag Li Anqun coldly.

Li Mingyue couldn't help but slander in her heart: Tsk! The scumbag dad is not bad, he belongs to the jade-faced scholar type, but it's a pity that he has a sick brain!

Li Mingyue: "Don't let others say that my mother is ominous, but you say that I am my mother? ”

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun frowned: "Yes! I will never be able to forgive you for the rest of my life because you have ...... Killed Yun'er! ”

It is estimated that there are still emotional remnants of the original owner in her body, tears appeared in Li Mingyue's beautiful big eyes, and she sneered: "Say that I am my mother?" Are you stupid? Is it you who came first, or me who came first?

If my mother doesn't marry you, will she get pregnant and have children? You're the one who killed her!

And what's in your head? Your wife gave birth to a child and died, and you have been snubbing and resenting your daughter for so many years?

Don't you understand Aiwu and Wu? You keep saying you love her, what do you love her? Love her body? She gave her life to give birth to your child...... You don't love it!

! I don't like to watch your infatuated character design!

And you're really amazing, no matter if you like your daughter or not, you stuffed your girl's design to the king of war, do you think she will be happy? Bah! ”

Li Mingyue happily hugged the original owner, and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, she was too tired at this time, she had to sleep for a while, it was not worth it to be angry for this kind of scumbag!

Rumble! Li Anqun was like being struck by lightning, his head was buzzing!

Was it Yun'er who killed herself? Did he really kill Yun'er? Did you kill her?

I don't know how long it took, Li Mingyue tried hard to open her eyes, looked at the stupid scumbag, and couldn't help but want to get rid of him.

Li Mingyue: "I'm about to get married, and I don't have to watch your bad women and children make a fuss in this smoky house."

I'm saying this today just to tell you how ridiculous you are and how disdainful I am for you......"

Li Mingyue couldn't open her eyes after speaking, and turned her head to stop looking at the scumbag father of the original owner.

Her consciousness and body were so tired that she really had to sleep!

Li Anqun didn't know how he got out of his daughter's house, and his daughter's words kept echoing in his head.

Li Anqun muttered to himself: "Yes! Yun'er's love for me is so deep, it is the love that has given her life!

But I don't treat her children badly at all, and I resent her children! Shouldn't I love the house and the black? Do you only love her body?

Why am I confused like this? She doesn't love the daughter she gave birth to herself......"

Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, stood in his daughter's yard, muttered to himself for a while, suddenly covered his heart in pain, spurted out two mouthfuls of blood, and then his tall and thin body collapsed!

Butler: "Ahhh......hh

Someone! Grandpa Guo was vomited blood by the eldest lady!

Grandpa Guo fainted by the eldest lady! ”

Li Mingyue, who had fallen asleep in a daze, was awakened by the sound of whining and shouting outside, and the corners of her lips curled up when she listened to what they said.

She rolled her eyes and couldn't help but mutter, "Huh! It's good if I can really kill him, just so that he can reunite with his wife, maybe I will have to keep filial piety for three years and save myself from getting married! ”

Li Mingyue's consciousness and body fell into a deep sleep, I don't know how long it took, Li Mingyue felt that she was dreaming, and she also dreamed of a man, the man's figure is very good, his facial features are deep, and his complexion is dark and estimated to be close to wheat, just like the male protagonist in the movie, at least he is much more masculine than the scumbag Song Yuqiang's white chicken!

He walked up to him, leaned over to look at himself, and then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he began to undress, and his mouth was still vibrant: "Little woman, have you given this king a Gu?"

Since I slept with you twice, in the few months that this king has been out, there hasn't been a day when I haven't missed you!

Hey! Originally, there were still three days to get married, and today you want to catch the old man, don't you? deliberately made a disturbance, and invited the imperial doctor, the old man in the palace had to let this king come to see you!

Anyway, I'm going to get married, and I don't care about sooner or later, this king won't leave tonight! ”

Li Mingyue was stunned, she watched the man strip off his clothes in three times and divide five by two, wearing only a pair of underwear, standing there looking at her, and her eyes were full of fire!

Li Mingyue is really a little confused, this dream is really interesting, when she was in the last days, when she was with Song Yuqiang, a scumbag, she had never been so energetic.

But now that I think about it, once I am alone with Song Yuqiang, my fox best friends will try their best to appear in front of them, it turns out that they already have a leg! Bah!

Isn't this man's figure too good? With wheat-colored skin, an inverted triangular figure, and two long legs estimated to be at least one meter eight, his deep phoenix eyes are the excitement of the hunter seeing his prey!

If this kind of man is in the last days, he will be robbed by some female supernatural beings!

The female supernatural in the last days will go out and rob the stronger men to come back and make their own children, hoping to improve their genes and give birth to stronger children!

If a man like this is in the last days, he is probably a living treasure like himself!

Just in Li Mingyue's mind, when she was thinking about things, she suddenly felt a black shadow in front of her.

In the next moment, her lips were blocked, the back of her head was pressed by the wound stabbed by the hairpin, and she snorted with the stimulation of the huge pain, and instantly lost consciousness again!

In the capital in March, everything recovered, and at night, it rained lightly in the Furong Garden of the Guogong Mansion.

The two close relatives of the war king in Jiangnan and Jiangbei were originally on the big tree in the distance, waiting for the prince of his family to visit his sick fiancée, but the prince of his family couldn't get out!

It rained, and the two of them came to a corridor to take shelter from the rain, and Jiang Nan, who was shorter and had a round face and a slightly chubby face, said cheaply: "Our lord, this can't wait!" ”

The tall, thin and square-faced one is Jiangbei: "What are you talking nonsense? was heard by the prince, be careful to give you a plate to eat! ”

Jiang Nan: "Speaking of which, this Miss Li is really a character!"

She was born with a mother, and she is not favored in the Guogong Mansion, but she is lucky!

After meeting our prince in the hot spring pool, our prince is like a demon, and he wants to marry her!

The concubine is going to die, but with an order from His Majesty, it will be useless for the concubine to make trouble! ”

Jiangbei: "Jiangnan, don't you know? This Miss Li's deceased mother is a sister to the Empress Yuan, who has been dead for many years!

In other words, this Miss Li is the niece of His Majesty Empress Yuan, and it is said that this Miss Li still looks like Empress Yuan!

Therefore, the concubines and the concubines in the palace are more taboo about this Miss Li! ”

In the second half of the night, Li Mingyue felt the pain of being torn apart, she felt that the explosion had indeed torn her soul apart, otherwise how could she be in unbearable pain?

Li Mingyue got up with difficulty, took a small cup from the space, took a cup of spiritual spring water, and drank it herself.

Li Mingyue: "Hiss! That's not right! ”

She found that something was wrong with this body, this body was naked, with large breasts and slender waist, delicate porcelain white skin, and at this time it was full of traces, blue and purple!

The indescribable position is still a little uncomfortable, no matter how stupid she is, she knows what happened to this body!

"Awake? Why not cover yourself with a quilt?

This is going to hook me again, isn't it? ”

After getting up and washing briefly with cold water, Feng Jiang, who had put on his clothes, came out of the inner room, and saw Li Mingyue sitting naked on the edge of the bed in a daze, and couldn't help but ridicule his villain.

Li Mingyue hugged the quilt and looked at the man vigilantly: "Who are you?" ”

Feng Jiang was amused, and the little woman began to play for him again, the corner of the man's lips looked at her with a smile, Li Mingyue subconsciously leaned back, and looked at the man's aggressive eyes vigilantly.

"I'm your fiancé, your man, hahaha!

Do you enjoy acting so much?

Okay, stop acting, just sleep obediently when you're tired! There's something going on in the barracks, and I'm going to take care of it. ”

Seeing the man turn around and stride away, Li Mingyue's head was buzzing......

So fiancé?

Li Mingyue really laughed! This is still the man who the scumbag racked his brains, got on the bus first without buying a ticket, and chose for his daughter!

In fact, Li Mingyue can't take chastity as important now, and some women in the last days even rely on that thing every day in exchange for materials just to survive!

Alas! You don't have a choice, crossing is equal to a second reincarnation, you can't choose, right?

Speaking of which, the fiancé is not bad, he is still powerful, the poor background and bad situation of the original owner, it is estimated that this man is her best way out.

I just came here, I don't know the rules of the game here, I don't know the place well, so I won't run away from marriage, right?

After two or three days, I will go with the flow, marry this man first, and sleep in it anyway, at least they already have a skin-to-skin relationship, and this man will take care of her more or less, right?

It's really not good, if there is tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future, or the relationship between husband and wife breaks down or something, divorce and pull it down!

After Li Mingyue figured it out, she no longer bothered about these problems, it was the scumbag father who took the initiative to design and seduce this man, and she just suffered, alas!

The scumbag is really unscrupulous to achieve the goal!

This man is probably also in love with the original owner, or this man is greedy for the original owner's body!

After Li Mingyue figured out a lot of things, she entered the space, cleaned her body with spiritual spring water, and finally came back to life completely.

She deliberately washed the wound on the back of her head a few times with spiritual spring water, and she felt that the back of her head was no longer so stuffy!

Li Mingyue went to the orchard in the space, ate two peaches and an apple, and went to the food area to find some to eat.

After eating and drinking enough, Li Mingyue went out of the space, and when she saw the messy bed, she began to have a headache again!

After cleaning up, when Li Mingyue was lying on the bed again, the rooster was already crowing!

Li Mingyue doesn't pay so much attention to it, she doesn't lie in bed when it's dawn, she is a patient now, and she just came here, she has to take care of her body, so that her body and consciousness cooperate very well, so that she can go out to move.

With the effect of spiritual spring water, Li Mingyue now sleeps very well all over the body, and when she woke up, the two little maids were smiling and staying in front of her.

The little girl named Chunhua, though thin, was very pleasing, and she stepped forward and said, "Miss, are you better?"

The palace has sent a wedding dress, let you try it on, the embroidery lady is waiting, and if it is not suitable, it can be modified immediately. ”

Another dry little maid named Qiu Shi also came over and said, "Miss, let me serve you to get up and get dressed, and after you have eaten, go and try the auspicious clothes!"

The war lord sent a lot of gifts, and there were many supplements that were particularly good, and the slaves and maids had already been put away. ”

Suddenly, a mother-in-law outside said, "Mama Yu from Taijun's courtyard has come to say, Taijun wants to meet the eldest lady!" ”

Li Mingyue sat up slowly and nodded, she really didn't know how to wear the clothes here, and soon the two little maids were neat and helped her clean up.

Li Mingyue came to a huge bronze mirror and took a photo, heh! I've earned it!

I didn't have anything before, I want to have a figure and no figure, Li Mingyue here is good, in addition to her unsatisfactory height, she looks pure and cute, with large breasts and a slender waist, and her milky white and delicate skin, no wonder her dog fiancé is on the trap of a scumbag father!

She smiled and followed the two girls to dinner, the food here was delicious, much more flavorful than those in the last days.

After eating, Li Mingyue followed the maid to try on the auspicious clothes for the wedding, good guy! The auspicious dress of the wedding in this era, three layers inside and three layers outside, and they are layered on top of each other, which makes her breathless!

The fat and thin of the wedding dress are corresponding, except for the length is a little long, there is nothing wrong, a few embroidery girls are agile, cut off a piece of the following, and quickly trimmed it!

The embroidery girls carefully hung up the wedding clothes, and said goodbye and went back to the palace!

Li Mingyue looked at the steps of the embroidery girls leaving in a hurry, and the corners of her lips twitched, hehe! Do you know that you are ominous, and you are afraid of getting into bad luck?

Li Mingyue said to the two little girls, "Let's go, go and see my good grandmother, I'm about to get married, is she going to give me a dowry or something?" ”

The two little girls looked at each other and thought in unison, heh! Miss thinks too much, it seems that it is impossible for the old lady to give Miss a dowry!

Because after the death of his wife, he left a large dowry, and the old lady originally wanted to move it to her hands.

But Grandpa Guo is a person who says the same, even if it is his own mother, he can't interfere at all!

The old lady probably also holds a grudge against the young lady, so in this Guogong Mansion, the young lady of their family is a special existence, and the old lady looks down on her and thinks she is ominous!

Grandpa Guo is not close to her and thinks that she is a mother! But it's still delicious and delicious for her!

Li Mingyue was taken to the old lady's yard by two maids, although this courtyard is not big, but it is poetic and picturesque, which shows that the old lady is a person with ink.

The people in the courtyard all saluted Li Mingyue, and Li Mingyue didn't have a good impression of them, because in her impression, the people in this Guogong Mansion were cold, and she didn't want to get close to them when she came now.

Li Mingyue held her neck high and wrapped gauze around her head, and followed the maid into the old lady's house, where incense was lit.

As soon as Li Mingyue smelled this incense, there was a problem, there was musk in it!

Li Mingyue is also a person who has watched "The Legend of a Certain Huan", the old lady is uneasy and kind, probably because she doesn't want Li Mingyue to conceive a child in the future!

Alas! The fate of the original owner is full of twists and turns! What a vicious old lady, it's really annoying to see what she can!

Li Mingyue was not the original owner, so she went into the room and made a slight junior salute with the old lady, and sat on a chair opposite the old lady.

The old lady and the two grandmothers in the house were a little dumbfounded, the old lady looked at her, and said with displeasure in her eyes: "Miss, I will get married in two days, and my grandmother has nothing to say, that is, when she enters the palace of the king of war, she must serve the prince well and be filial to His Majesty and the concubine in the palace."

Your biological mother, Wen, left a large dowry, which is enough for you to have no worries about food and clothing.

In our Guogong Mansion, your father has been depressed since your mother died, and the family is already stretched, and there is no extra bride price for you. ”

Li Mingyue rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Taijun, you said that the family is stretched?" But this musk you ordered in the house, and this big bag, is estimated to be worth a lot of money, right?

And you're so old, what are you doing with it? Does grandmother want contraception?

But you can't have children, isn't that a waste of money? ”

The old lady roared angrily: "Evil obstacles, what nonsense are you talking about? ”

A blue and white porcelain orchid bowl smashed at Li Mingyue, Li Mingyue blocked it with her arm, and then covered her heart and screamed!

Li Mingyue: "Ah! Are you going to kill me? Do you hate me that much? Do you want to inherit my dowry so much? ”

Li Anqun, the pale-faced prince of Zhenguo, heard that his mother had found his eldest daughter in the yard to talk as soon as he came home, and he came over with some anxiety, because his mother had always thought that Yue'er was ominous like himself.

As soon as he kicked in the door and outside the door, he heard his daughter's words, and also heard that his daughter was beaten, Li Anqun was instantly furious, and opened the door curtain and came in!

"What is Mother doing in the moon? What musk?

Yue'er! What incense was lit in your grandmother's house?

What are these musks used for? ”

Li Mingyue covered her heart and turned pale, looking at the old lady sitting there with a pale face.

Li Mingyue said aggrievedly: "She wants to kill me and inherit my dowry!" By the way, to give you popular science, these musks can make women inertile, or make pregnant women prone to premature birth and dystocia!

Why am I so unlucky, my grandmother is unkind and wants to assassinate me! My father framed my mother and was cold-blooded!

It's okay if you don't stay at this home! You guys make trouble, it's annoying! ”

Li Mingyue silently accepted the blue and white porcelain orchid bowl, covered her heart and walked away, leaving the mother and son looking at each other!

Li Mingyue was beaten in the courtyard of the old lady, and it also detonated the old incident many years ago, the old lady and her son Li Anqun had a big quarrel, it was just too terrifying!

The old lady of the Zhenguo Mansion had a stroke that day, and it is said that she could not speak, and her mouth and eyes were crooked, so she could only be kept in the house.

Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, made a big fire at home, and the three concubines and several children of the concubines in the family were all locked in the courtyard trembling, not daring to make a sound!

Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, told the concubines and concubines in the family that they had been staying in the courtyard for the past few days, and they would only be allowed to leave their yard after Li Mingyue got married.

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun is really scared! I'm afraid that my daughter will reveal more shocking secrets, and the Zhenguo Mansion may really fall apart and collapse!

Zhenguo Gong Li Anqun is not stupid, his wife and the queen mother in the former palace are cousins.

He had a feeling that the emperor's queen was his eldest sister, and his wife, both his wife and the deceased queen mother, what did they do, and the two sisters died one after another!

If this matter is revealed, I'm afraid that all the people in their Zhenguo Mansion won't want to live!

In order to hold on to this secret, he had to hold everyone in the family down!

Only when his daughter obediently marries the war king Fengjiang, can he breathe a sigh of relief, in case the matter is revealed one day, their whole family can die, but he wants to save himself and his wife's only daughter!

I'm sorry for my wife, I'm sorry for my daughter, and now my daughter is about to marry Fengjiang, and Fengjiang is also the most promising of the three princes!

For so many years, he has been faintly worried, because his daughter is becoming more and more like his wife and the deceased Empress Yuan!

He was really afraid that the emperor would take over his daughter one day, but now it seems that it is his villain's heart.

He could see that the emperor was very satisfied, his son was sealed and married his daughter, and in the future, with the emperor's husband protecting Yue'er, it is estimated that she will be safe!

On the sixth day of March in the 22nd year of Dafeng Wantong, it was the day of the wedding of the concubine of the Zhenguo Mansion and the king of war.

Early in the morning, the Ministry of Rites came and brought a team to pick up relatives in the palace, and all the specifications were in accordance with the wedding process of the prince and concubine.

Lord Wang of the Ministry of Rites arched his hand and said with a smile: "Grandpa Guo, this is the case, His Royal Highness the King of War led troops to Dalong Mountain to suppress bandits the day before yesterday, and he has not come back yet, this auspicious day and auspicious time have arrived."

Your Majesty said that the wedding will be done, and when our prince comes back, he can make up for the worship of heaven and earth and the worship of husband and wife! ”

Li Mingyue, who was sitting in the room wearing a wedding dress, was about to be suffocated to death by this outfit!

I heard the maid outside the door say that the groom didn't come today, and went out to fight, and it was the officials of the Ministry of Rites who came to pick her up and go to the palace of the king of war to get married!

Li Mingyue lifted the hijab and said, "It's really interesting to have a wedding without the groom, so let's go!" I'm glad I didn't get a to pick me up! ”

Li Mingyue put on her hijab and went out of the house alone......

Li Anqun, the prince of Zhenguo, stood at the gate, looking at the team carrying his daughter away, his heart was a little sour, and tears flowed in his eyes.

Today, because Fengjiang is not at home, the wedding is simple, only Yu Guifei in the palace, who is the biological mother of the war king Fengjiang, is here, and she sits on the main seat with a bad face!

Li Mingyue got off the sedan chair, led by Mama Xi across the brazier, to the hall of the War King's Mansion, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites read the congratulatory message, engraved Li Mingyue's name on the royal jade, and then began to go through the wedding process and worship the high hall for Concubine Yu.

Li Mingyue and Fengjiang's wedding is simply completed!

Concubine Yu Guifei looked at the daughter-in-law she didn't want to see, she was panting angrily, she didn't eat lunch in the palace, so she explained to the steward of the palace: "Tell the Li family that before my son comes back, she doesn't have to go to the palace to thank her!" In the future, I will pass her into the palace if I have something! ”

Yu Guifei left after explaining, Uncle Cheng, who was in charge of affairs in the palace, was a member of Yu Guifei's mother's family, and he also knew that his mother's mother didn't like this new princess.

It is rumored that this princess is a mother, born ominous, and is not favored in the Guogong Mansion, but the prince of his own family has taken a fancy to this ominous person!

It stands to reason that the identity and status of the prince of his family, what kind of marriage is not good? Alas! It can only be said that it is fate!

Uncle Cheng took the two mothers-in-law into the courtyard of the new house, and at the door of the new house, Uncle Cheng said the words of the concubine!

At this time, Li Mingyue had already stripped off the wedding clothes on her body, and now she was wearing a set of red middle clothes in the innermost part, and sat in front of a table of banquets to eat.

Does she care if the man comes back? Let's talk about it after eating enough, and then say that this man is a scumbag father, and he just has a little relationship with her!

What's the important thing that a man can't come back? I just don't eat in the Zhenguo Mansion now, I just eat here in exchange.

Tut-tut! Look at your two maids, that aggrieved look, as if they were angry!

The two depressed little maids stood next to them and looked dumbfounded, is this young lady of her own family really still her?

It can be seen that he was suppressed and ruthless before, but now that he is out of the Guogong Mansion, it is like becoming another person!

Li Mingyue's mouth finally poured out of the hole, and she said to the door: "Hmm! All right! I see, go down!

That's right! Carry all my dowry into my yard, and I'll check it again in a moment! ”

Li Mingyue thought very simply, her dowry was brought from the Guogong Mansion, and if you are not familiar with life here, valuable things still have to be put into your own space, and worthless things can be put outside to hide people's eyes!

After Li Mingyue was full, she took a hot bath, and she put some spiritual spring water in her bath bucket.

Soaking in the spiritual spring water, her body is extremely comfortable, and she feels like a sunflower, born to the sun! She loved it so much!

Life here is too good, except for the original owner's terrible relatives, the environment here is too suitable for human survival!

Where is it like the dark end of the world, there are zombies everywhere, and there are supernatural people who are rampant!

Li Mingyue's wedding night was spent by herself, but she didn't care, she came here from the end of the world, she thought everything was good, even the quilt was as soft as a cloud!

The next day, Li Mingyue slept until she woke up naturally, and she was in a particularly good mood after waking up, because there was no such depressing feeling in this palace.

It is estimated that this body still has the emotions of the original body, and after leaving the messy environment of the Guogong Mansion, her whole person is much more comfortable!

What Li Mingyue didn't know was that she soaked in the spiritual spring water again yesterday, and the spiritual spring nourished this body, so she would feel extremely comfortable!

Li Mingyue ate breakfast by herself, not to mention the breakfast in the Zhanwang Mansion, it was indeed more abundant and tasted better than the breakfast in the Guogong Mansion!

Yesterday, all the valuable things in her dowry were put into the space, and today she plans to wander around the War King's Mansion.

Li Mingyue changed into a light pink skirt, and simply drew a scheming nude makeup, a little beauty with bright eyes and bright teeth!

Before he could leave the house, he heard someone in the courtyard shouting, "Is the princess up?" His Majesty sent a decree to let the princess enter the palace to thank you! ”

Li Mingyue raised her eyebrows: "Okay! Go to the palace to thank you!

I just don't have a place to go yet, so I can go up there and see it. ”

Li Mingyue clearly remembered that if you want to enter the palace before the end of the world, you need to spend money to buy tickets to visit.

Although she doesn't know yet, what kind of dynasty is this dynasty? But she felt that the palace must be magnificent!

It's good to be able to visit for free, and it's a long time to see!

As soon as Li Mingyue came out of the house, she startled Chunhua Qiushi at the door!

Since the young lady of her own family married into this war king's mansion, she immediately seemed to be a different person!

The skin is fairer, the facial features are brighter, and the temperament of the whole person is much brighter!

There is also today's young lady is particularly beautiful, she is beautiful as if she is a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world!

Between the flow of eyes, looking forward to the brilliance, no wonder the war king Fengjiang was fascinated by the young lady, and he had to marry the young lady back as a princess!

Li Mingyue didn't know what the two maids were thinking, so she followed the people from the palace to the palace.

Riding in a carriage along the way, Li Mingyue also slept for a while, the carriage that traveled in this era was really fascinating.

There are several solar-powered vehicles in her space, and two pickup trucks! Li Mingyue felt that if she divorced Fengjiang in the future, she would find a place to live with beautiful mountains and rivers.

If she goes out, she will drive a motor vehicle, but she can't take this kind of carriage that tests her patience anymore!

When Li Mingyue arrived at the gate of the palace, she followed the eunuch into the palace with two maids.

The palace was very large, and it was magnificently built everywhere, and she almost turned her way, and finally came to a relatively large palace, and the little eunuch who bowed in front of her said to her respectfully: "Princess, the servant will go in and inform Your Majesty, and then take you in!" ”

Li Mingyue came to a strange place, she behaved very well-behaved, nodded and stood quietly outside the door of the main hall and waited.

After about a quarter of an hour, the little eunuch ran out, and he led Li Mingyue inside, and the two maids Chunhua Qiushi were left outside the hall to wait.

Li Mingyue walked for a while, and then entered a relatively large gate, the room was particularly bright, particularly spacious, antique and luxurious, at the top of the hall, there was a middle-aged man, his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Fengjiang, but a dragon robe looked more majestic!

There were three women sitting on both sides, they were all dressed in a dignified manner, and they looked like the emperor's concubines, and they all had heads and faces!

Before Li Mingyue reached the middle of the main hall, she heard the three women gasping in unison!




Li Mingyue has been taught by two maids at home, how to salute the emperor, Li Mingyue obediently and skillfully bowed.

"Daughter-in-law Li Mingyue thanked her father! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!

Yue'er saluted the elders, all the elders are well! ”

The three women all looked at it in horror, exactly the same as the queen who had been dead for many years, Li Mingyue!

Concubine Yu covered her heart, her face was pale and pale, what she was worried about really happened, not that she had done things bad for the queen before.

It was she who had seen with her own eyes the emperor's madness with the empress, the empress gave birth to a stillborn fetus and died of a blood collapse, and the emperor collapsed for three years!

In the end, the Queen Mother died of hunger strike for the emperor, and the emperor regained his sanity little by little because of the death of the Queen Mother!

Later, for the continuation of the Dafeng Dynasty, the emperor selected these famous ladies to enter the palace, and the three of them were lucky and gave birth to sons.

The three sons are the war king Fengjiang, the Ming king Fengcheng and the Xian Wang Fengqiang.

The three of them gave birth to a son, which is said to be lucky, but also their misfortune!

Emperor Wantong didn't treat them as lovers at all, and the sons of the three women of them could never be raised by themselves!

It was all when his son was not yet a full moon, and he was taken away by Emperor Wantong!

The three sons were all raised by Emperor Wantong himself, so the three of them were just mother concubines, and they never participated in the growth of their sons at all!

Yu Guifei's eyes were full of tears, she was afraid, afraid that her son, like his old son, would become obsessed with a vixen-like woman, and become crazy!

Emperor Feng Wantong is also the emperor of the Dafeng Dynasty, Emperor Wantong, he is less than fifty years old this year, and his appearance is five points similar to his son Fengjiang, but the imperial temperament on his body makes him more majestic!

At this moment, Emperor Wantong looked at the little girl who was exactly the same as his beloved queen, and he burst into tears in an instant!

But Emperor Wantong's mind is sober, this little girl is not her queen, it is his daughter-in-law Li Mingyue!

Emperor Wantong wiped a handful of tears with his dragon robe, and said in a gentle tone: "Good boy, Yue'er, get up!"

Hehe, the little princess of me and the queen, if she survives...... It's like this now......, isn't it?"


The three women present gasped in unison!

Isn't it what they thought it would be?

Because of Emperor Wantong's words, the atmosphere in the hall changed in an instant, and the three nervous women who almost collapsed turned a corner in their hearts in an instant.

It turned out that the emperor did not take a fancy to his daughter-in-law, but saw the short-lived little princess of him and the queen from his daughter-in-law!

The faces of the three women were colorful, but they all looked better, and they began to say something nice!

King Ming's mother, Concubine Rong Guifei, she is not tall, her complexion is dark but her facial features are magnificent, she smiled and said, "Your Majesty is so blessed!" Our little princess has already ascended to bliss, and now His Royal Highness the King of War has married you a daughter-in-law who is exactly the same as the little princess, which is arranged by the queen mother Quanxia knows, and His Majesty misses the princess! ”

King Xian's mother, Concubine Su Guifei, she is the most beautiful of the three concubines, but her body is thin, it is estimated that she is only eighty pounds, she smiled deferentially: "Your Majesty, you see how well Yue'er matches with His Royal Highness the King of War of our family, she is really a talented woman!"

Sister Yu Guifei is really a blessing! ”

Concubine Yu Guifei is the biological mother of Fengjiang, she is not outstanding in appearance and posture, but her skin is very good, at this time, if she is not smiling, she has to say good things: "Yes!" Your Majesty, in the future, let Yue'er be as filial to Your Majesty as a little princess!

The concubine will treat Yue'er like her own daughter, please rest assured! ”

Emperor Feng Wantong heard what the three women said, and it was very pleasant, and it was rare that the corners of his lips curved, and he nodded to the three of them.

Rong Guifei......

Su Guifei......

Yu Guifei......

I don't want the three concubines to be stunned, they haven't seen the emperor smile for several years, and now the emperor is actually smiling at them, and the three of them suddenly feel that this Li Mingyue is not very terrifying!

Li Mingyue stood there, watching the performances of these old guys, she couldn't stop laughing.

What scenario? How did her husband see his little princess who had been dead for many years from her?

The emperor looked at Li Mingyue's ignorant and delicate little appearance, and when he stood there, he felt very cute, and his heart softened.

Emperor Wantong wanted to pamper this little girl as his and the queen's little daughter, but because of his identity, after all, he was his daughter-in-law, and his husband had to avoid suspicion.

After thinking about it, the emperor turned his head to look at Concubine Yu and said with a kind face: "Concubine Ai, you can take Yue'er to your palace in a while, take the child to have a good meal, and then send her back to the palace."

Concubine Su Rili has to take good care of Yue'er, our son is not at home, you have to worry a little more as a mother-in-law! ”

Yu Guifei......

was named by the emperor, and he was stunned when he was gentle, did he take shit luck?

married a daughter-in-law who is like a queen who has been dead for many years, and now she is arranged by the emperor to serve her daughter-in-law, her life is really amazing!

"Your Majesty! Then the concubine will take Yue'er back, and the concubine will go back to the palace to make arrangements, take Yue'er to familiarize herself with my Changchun Palace, and let her often come to the palace to play in the future!

Your Majesty must rest assured that the concubines will treat Yue'er as her own daughter! ”

Li Mingyue obediently and politely said goodbye to the emperor and the other two old women, and then followed her concubine and mother-in-law.

Li Mingyue took the two maids, followed her concubine and mother-in-law, walked crookedly for a long time, and finally entered a compound.

At this time, it was March in the spring, the garden was full of flowers, the fragrance of flowers was refreshing, Li Mingyue was taken into a large hall by her mother-in-law and sat down.

Concubine Yu's face couldn't see the light and shade, she still politely asked Li Mingyue to serve tea, and told the people below to arrange a small kitchen to prepare lunch.

Li Mingyue sat there obediently, drinking tea slowly, observing everything in this palace.

Yu Guifei sat on it, she was nervous in the past two days, and now she was a little physically and mentally exhausted, and her face was full of tiredness.

"Li, since you are married to my son, you must live a good life in the future, don't rely on yourself to look like the queen's mother, you have nothing to fear!

Don't come to the palace often if you have nothing to do, there are many rights and wrongs in the palace, you are still young, and you don't understand many things......"

Li Mingyue looked at her mother-in-law, obviously two-faced, the corners of her lips were slightly curved, and she nodded and didn't speak.

Concubine Yu Guifei saw Li Mingyue's slightly curved lips, more like a dead queen mother, and her heart was even more blocked!

Li Mingyue looked at this extravagant palace, and suddenly a snow-white kitten cub rushed in, it pounced directly on Li Mingyue and grabbed Li Mingyue's calf!


Li Mingyue was startled, she was used to the end of the world, and she subconsciously raised her foot and shook off the cat cub!


That little kitten snort! was thrown on the ground and rolled several times!

"Presumptuous! Lee's ...... you"

Li Mingyue was really taken aback at the time, but when she saw clearly that it was a kitten, she knew why.

The spiritual spring in Li Mingyue's space is something that can make these little animals addictive, just like a drug before the end of the world, and the little animals are greedy and crazy like the spiritual spring!

Li Mingyue bathed in spiritual spring water every day, and she must have the smell of spiritual spring on her body, so this kitten attacked her!

But Li Mingyue is not a soft persimmon, this mother-in-law actually screamed like this for a cat cub, she felt that she was disrespected.

"Guifei Niangniang, for the sake of a cat cub, you actually yelled at your daughter-in-law like this?

It seems that the concubine didn't take His Majesty's words to heart, and the mother didn't want to stay Yue'er for dinner, so she said directly, it's not that there is no food in the palace, and Yue'er said goodbye......"

Li Mingyue's temperament is like this, she doesn't want to be with people who make her unhappy.

She stood up and saluted, turned around and walked out of the main hall of Changchun Palace, Yu Guifei held her pet cat, looked at Li Mingyue who was far away, covered her heart and gasped for breath, and then pouted when she couldn't get up in one breath!

Emperor Wantong, who was in the imperial study, heard the great eunuch Wang Daji report before he had lunch: "Your Majesty, something has happened!"

Princess Zhan and the concubine Niangniang, and when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking, the princess was attacked by the pet cat cub raised by the concubine.

The princess kicked the kitten away, and the concubine yelled at the princess!

Unexpectedly, our family's war princess is not a good stubble, so after a few words of scolding the concubine, she went out of the palace.

The concubine was angry and had a heart disease, and she called the doctor just now! ”

Emperor Wantong put down the pen in his hand and listened with great interest to what the great eunuch said.

"Hahaha...... Hahaha!

Anqun Lee is a child who can educate children!

Yue'er is not as weak as the queen sisters, so she was bullied! ”

At this time, Emperor Wantong only knew that his little daughter-in-law was not a good stubble.

I didn't expect her to start a fire at all, that domineering and ruthless force, even her son Fengjiang, who can fight well and is not stingy, is not her opponent!

Facts have proved that Li Mingyue is protected by the emperor's husband, and her concubine and old woman are dancing with her teeth and claws, which is useless and can't do anything to her!

Because the war king didn't go home, Li Mingyue didn't go back at all, so she didn't bother to see those unlucky guys, it is said that her sister is now seeking medical treatment everywhere to see her face!

The War King's Mansion was only due to the rules when he should have returned to the door, and sent four gifts to the Zhenguo Mansion, which is considered to be a full courtesy!

Li Mingyue is in the palace of the king of war every day, eating, drinking and having fun, a month is fleeting, Li Mingyue feels that she has grown meat! Coupled with the nourishment of the spiritual spring water, she is now healthier and plump, and the clothes she wears are a little tighter.

Li Mingyue felt that she should go out to buy clothes, and now that she was wearing these clothes, she felt a little difficult to breathe.

The beginning of April is the lukewarm season, when Li Mingyue was on the third pole of the day, he packed up and took the two maids, and went to the market by car, ready to find a good cloth Zhuangzi and buy a few more sets of clothes!

She didn't worry about the silver, the dowry left by the original owner's mother was tens of thousands of taels!

There are countless grains piled up in her space, and one day when she is short of money, she will scatter it with white silver!

She doesn't have the consciousness of this era, a slender waist is a beauty, Li Mingyue thinks that those people with yellow faces and thin muscles in the last days are too terrifying, and they are the same as zombies!

So she can eat and sleep here, what is it to grow some meat, and she doesn't want to be a zombie!

Besides, if she has been taking Lingquan water for a long time, her body is just plumper, and she will not reach obesity, which will not affect her health at all.

As for her missing groom who has no shadow, whether he likes his body shape or not is his business, and if he can't get by, he will leave, and he is not the original owner and has to listen to the scumbag!

Jinxiu Cloth Village is a relatively large cloth village in the capital, and it is also a ready-to-wear shop, selling a lot of ready-to-wear clothes!

The carriage of the Zhanwang Mansion stopped outside Bu Zhuangzi, and Li Mingyue didn't know that there were two women sitting on the restaurant opposite, and they could see her clearly!

The people sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant were none other than Princess Liu Xiu of Ming and Princess Sheng Yulian of Xian.

Both of them are young wives who have been married for two or three years, and the two of them were best friends before they got married!

Since the two young women have been married for two or three years and have no children, they often get together to discuss what recipes to eat and what to see, which has almost become a knot in their hearts!

The two of them sat in the restaurant eating and talking, and at a glance, they saw Li Mingyue get out of the carriage and enter the Bu Zhuangzi opposite.

Both of them heard about what happened when Li Mingyue entered the palace the day after she got married.

Speaking from the heart, they are all envious, jealous and hateful in their hearts, their emperor husband is ruthless, and he doesn't have a good face for his mother-in-law, let alone his daughter-in-law.

But it is rumored that the emperor's husband attaches great importance to Li Mingyue, saying that Li Mingyue is like the short-lived little princess born to him and the dead queen!

If they are all treated equally, there will be nothing, but the three daughters-in-law, the husband just protects this little daughter-in-law, and the other two eldest daughters-in-law can be strong?

The two princesses glanced at each other, everything was silent, and the two of them hurriedly settled the account, went downstairs and rushed into the opposite Bu Zhuangzi.

Their meaning is obvious, they just want to see who Li Mingyue is and what is so special!

Li Mingyue had already gone up to the second floor of Bu Zhuangzi at this time, and she fell in love with a lot of clothes.

She felt that the clothes were still looser and more comfortable, so Li Mingyue chose some dresses, found the embroidery girl of Bu Zhuangzi, and discussed with the embroidery girl for a while, wanting to improve the clothes.

Because the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the skirts of this era are all with larger necklines, which are suitable for bony beauties to wear!

Her body belongs to the chest is plump, the neckline is too big will feel exposed, she thinks that exposure is not a good thing, so she discussed with the embroidery girl to use tulle to make a small round neck on the neckline.

It is both conservative and beautiful, giving people a feeling of both purity and desire!

Li Mingyue gave the ten sets of skirts she had selected to the embroiderer to improve according to her requirements, and agreed to pick up a few sets tomorrow.

Smelling the aroma of food, Li Mingyue followed the window on the second floor and saw a restaurant opposite!

She just wanted to take the two little girls to eat something delicious on the other side, the food in the palace was delicious, but after eating for more than a month, she was a little tired, and now she wanted to change her taste!

Li Mingyue is a person who has been in the last days, and her thirst for food is much stronger than ordinary people.

Thinking about the food, she was a little anxious when she went downstairs, and hurriedly walked down, the skirts of this era are relatively long, and the kind that can't show the surface of the feet.

stepped on the skirt with one foot, and Li Mingyue instantly felt that her body was in the air, ahhhhh

If it weren't for the public's concern about exposing the space, Li Mingyue really wanted to get into the space, she could already imagine what it would feel like to fall on the floor......

Li Mingyue closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to come, and suddenly she felt her body being hugged by a hard embrace, and she fell to the ground lightly.

Li Mingyue's eyes were tightly closed, and a slit opened open, and what caught her eye was a chin full of stubble.

Looking up, it's actually a bearded fiancé fiefdom, no! Now it should be said that it is the husband, and it has been more than a month since their wedding before this missing person appeared.

Feng Jiang was wearing a battle robe, and as soon as he came back, he saw the carriage of his palace when he walked on the street.

Fengjiang got off the horse with some accidents, Jiangnan and Jiangbei hurriedly grabbed the reins of the horse and waited in place!

It was Uncle Cheng, who was in charge of the palace, who was in charge of the palace, who hurriedly greeted him and said that the princess had come to go shopping and buy clothes.

Fengjiang went out to work for more than a month, digging into the forest every day to kill mountain bandits, but his heart was like growing grass, thinking about his little woman every day.

Feng Jiang couldn't help but strode into Bu Zhuangzi, he looked around on the first floor of Bu Zhuang, but he didn't find his little woman.

As a result, I heard a sound on the stairs, and when I looked up, I saw that it was really the little woman I was thinking about!

She is so beautiful today, wearing an apricot yellow fairy dress, with a slender figure, white skin glowing, Feng Jiang's unconsciously heartbeat is accelerating, and her blood is boiling!

The little woman obviously tripped over her skirt and threw herself down the stairs, and he flew up to catch her as soon as his heart tightened!

Li Mingyue struggled to come down: "What's that...... Thank you, Lord Wang!

Let me down, are you just coming back?

Are you going to the palace to report to Your Majesty? ”

Feng Jiang hugged the delicate and soft little woman, and began to feel like a horse, and his heart beat like a thunderous drum!

But in front of the public, he can't help but be solemn, and the heat in his eyes is almost impossible to hide.

"This king's princess can't walk well, this king has to send you into the carriage!

Hehe! Yue'er hugged her hands a little heavy, has she gained weight in the past month or so? ”

Li Mingyue wrinkled her little nose, her eyes revealed dissatisfaction, she looked at the bearded man coldly: "What did the prince say?"

Does the prince dislike me for being fat? ”

Looking at the white and tender little woman, still wrinkling her little nose squeamishly, Feng Jiang's heart softened into a puddle of water!

"It's not! This king doesn't dislike you for being fat, but thinks that Yue'er has grown flesh and looks better! ”

Feng Jiang strode into the carriage of the palace with his little woman in his arms, and as soon as he entered the carriage, Li Mingyue instinctively thought that the man was going to put himself in the seat.

The unsuspecting man sat down by himself, hugged her tightly and kissed her viciously on the lips!

Li Mingyue really hasn't encountered this situation, her only emotional experience is the time when she got along with the scumbag Song Yuqiang, Song Yuqiang was always affectionate and courteous.

This man is a domineering forcible seizure, Li Mingyue can even feel that the man's rough big hand has reached into her clothes!

Li Mingyue felt that if she didn't resist again, she would be dismantled and eaten by him!

Push him! Beat him! Men are like iron walls, they don't know anything at all!

Li Mingyue felt that her oxygen had been sucked up by him, and she had already begun to feel weak, so Li Mingyue, who was anxious, grabbed the man's neck fiercely!


The man's neck stabbed and he jerked his head!


Then a loud little slap slapped on the face of the war king Fengjiang!

The man was stunned, Li Mingyue pushed him hard, tried hard to break away from his embrace, and wiped his hot face that was pierced by the man's stubble with his hand!

The man's eyes were not good, and he was not happy at that time: "Li Mingyue! What are you doing? Gave you face, didn't you? You were the one who provoked this king first! You seduced this king!

Now you are the king's woman! What's wrong with you, this prince? Did I marry you back to see it? ”

Li Mingyue laughed angrily, and she quickly tidied up the messy clothes that she was ripped by men.

She thrust her waist in a big rage, and said fiercely, "What do you mean that I provoked you first and seduced you?"

Today, it's clear that you carried me into the car and was indecent! Are you sick? If you are sick, you have to be treated!

What do you mean I'm your woman? Did my dad sell me to you?

Bah! How dare you throw your face at me?

I, Li Mingyue, have become a relative once in my life, and there is still no groom's wedding! I almost got married to a big!

You've been missing for so long, and if you don't beat you up, you won't be able to lay eggs, and when you come back, you will be indecent and indecent to bring me in, and I will give you back your face! ”

The man was stunned by the little woman's bluffing, looking at her little appearance of pinching her waist and fierce, he felt that the little woman was cute and tight, and he began to think about it in his heart......

Listening to the little woman's grievances, the wedding was a wedding without a groom.

He knew that the little woman was angry in her heart, and she was crazy about loving herself, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to follow him on the pole at the beginning! She was in a hurry to get out of the task, and she didn't have time to send her a letter, wouldn't she be annoyed and angry?

After taking a closer look at the little woman's milky white skin, the stubble pierced by him is now red, and it is estimated that it hurts the villain, so I am anxious!

Feng Jiang sighed, when this little woman first started to seduce herself, it was not like this, she was gentle at that time, like a little rabbit.

I like her now, and she's a little hedgehog again, alas! I guess I was tricked by her.

But he found that he liked this little woman more than before, and how he liked her, he wanted to take it for himself!

Feng Jiang unconsciously gentle: "I'm sorry Yue'er, it was this king who urgently sent out a mission to Dalong Mountain to suppress bandits, and he didn't have time to send a message to Yue'er."

This king kills bandits day and night outside, has no time to comb and shave, and stabs the moon is not this king's! ”

Li Mingyue saw the man's uncertain expression, and was a little unsure of what he thought, and suddenly the man showed weakness and made amends to her.

Li Mingyue eats soft or hard, she was still a little overwhelmed when the man showed weakness, and she just relaxed her vigilance, but the man grabbed her with a big hand and held her in his arms again.

As soon as Li Mingyue was about to have a seizure, the man hugged her tightly, put his chin on her shoulder and said, "Good! This king doesn't do anything, just let this king hold it, little villain...... I want to kill your man, Yue'er, you are so fragrant!

Come! Rush back to the palace, the king wants to send the princess back to the palace first, and then enter the palace to face the holy ......"

Outside the carriage, Jiangnan and Jiangbei, who were about to catch the car, listened to the sound in the carriage with their ears, and the two of them listened to it thrillingly!

Oops! It seems that the little rabbit-like princess of their family is not so easy to mess with!

I guess the sound of that little slap was the one who hit his lord, right?

Listening to the little princess's words, they almost fell to the ground!

It seems that women are not good-looking, and this little princess's courage and strength should not be underestimated! No wonder he is worthy of his lord!

Princess Ming and Princess Xian were at the door of Bu Zhuangzi, and they ate a mouthful of dog food, and they didn't have to eat lunch!

I thought that the war king Fengjiang was a martial artist, and he only knew how to fight and kill people all day long, unlike the prince in their family, who was as gentle as jade, but today they were all hugged by the princess of Fengjiang, and they both began to envy and hate inexplicably.

At this time, in the palace, Emperor Wantong had already received news that his third son had returned from the territory.

At the door of Bu Zhuangzi on the street, he met his daughter-in-law who fell down the stairs, and he didn't worry about sending his daughter-in-law home first, and then entered the palace to report the results!

The corners of Emperor Wantong's lips curved slightly: "Hmm! Stinky boy, he knew that he felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, so he thought he was a fool, and he only knew how to fight and kill people all day long! ”

Concubine Yu in the palace also heard that her son was back, and she happily hoped that her son would come back to see her, and she also stewed her son's favorite dishes in the small kitchen.

But another little eunuch ran back and reported that His Royal Highness the King of War had met the princess on the street, and the princess had fallen down the stairs, and His Royal Highness was not at ease and sent his daughter-in-law home in person.

Yu Guifei broke her nails angrily, she was really miserable! Although he married the emperor and gave birth to a son, no one knows how much he was wronged!

The daughter-in-law has become a mother-in-law for many years, and now she is still a hard stubble when she marries her daughter-in-law, and she is still pinched to death!

It's really hard for anyone to have her life! Yu Guifei hugged her cat son, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became......

Li Mingyue was helpless to be hugged by men, he was like a big bear, he kept holding her, and then Li Mingyue fell asleep.

The man is a wolf, he suppressed all the way, and finally arrived at the door of the War King's Mansion!

He hugged his daughter-in-law, who was already asleep and snoring, and hurried back to their new house.

Li Mingyue felt dizzy in a daze, and then felt a chill on her body!


Her clothes were torn in two by the man, and before she could scream, the wolf kiss attacked, and poor Li Mingyue was eaten by a hungry wolf-like man......

The stormy passion passed, and Li Mingyue gorgeously missed the lunch she was thinking about!

After the man loved his little wife fiercely, he put on his clothes and ran to the palace after being satisfied!

I don't know how long it took, Li Mingyue got up with difficulty, drank a glass of spiritual spring water, and couldn't help but think in her heart, how to cure a man who is too energetic?

Feng Jiang rode a fast horse to the palace, and soon ran into the imperial study, giving a big gift to his emperor Lao Tzu.

"Erchen sealed the territory and successfully completed the task!

More than 700 bandits in Dalongshan were exterminated, 50,000 quintals of grain and 42,000 taels of silver were seized!

Confirm that the bandits in Dalong Mountain are Beidi's forces in my Dafeng! ”

Emperor Wantong is very satisfied with his youngest son, Emperor Wantong's three sons are all the same age, and Fengjiang has jumped up and down since he was a child, but he is a wizard who practices martial arts, and he is also good at studying the art of war, so he named his youngest son Fengjiang as the king of war!

Although the mother of Fengjiang, Yu, is not very smart, and even a little stupid, this son follows him in all aspects, and he is very satisfied!

Emperor Wantong said with satisfaction: "Good! Get up and sit down, you've worked hard all this time.

Sit down and have a cup of tea! Tell me how many of our people were injured and how many war horses were consumed......"

The two of them sat in the imperial study and talked for a long time, and Yu Guifei, who was standing outside the door of the imperial study, was so anxious that she scratched her ears and cheeks, and walked around the ground!

I heard the emperor shouting inside, when another cup of tea was served, Yu Guifei snatched the tray from the big eunuch's hand and personally carried the tray into the imperial study, she was not to see her emperor's husband, but to take a look at her son earlier!

The two of them were talking about the upswing, and suddenly they saw Yu Guifei coming in, and Emperor Feng Wantong frowned a little displeased.

But as soon as she thought that she was her son's biological mother, she didn't have a seizure.

Feng Jiang hurriedly stood up: "Mother, why did you come in?" Come, pallet for my son! ”

Concubine Yu looked at her tall son, tears flashed in her eyes! Every day when her son went out to fight, she burned incense and worshiped the Buddha at home, praying that her son would be safe and return home as soon as possible!

Concubine Yu smiled awkwardly and said, "It's good that my son comes back safely, my mother is fine, I just saw you come back safely...... That's it!

My son will talk to Your Majesty, and the concubine will wait for you when she returns to the palace...... Oops! What's wrong with my son's neck? ”

Yu Guifei found that her son's neck had three bloody sashes, and she was scratched at first glance!

Feng Jiang touched his neck, hiss! It hurts!

Feng Jiang opened his eyes and said nonsense: "It's okay, mother, this is scratched by a cat, it's okay!" ”

Feng Jiang was talking nonsense seriously, coaxing his mother and concubine, Yu Guifei simply and really believed her son's words, because she and the emperor had no experience of frolicking and closeness, she didn't think about her son being scratched by her daughter-in-law at all, and she didn't know that her son lied!

"Those cats outside are not good cats, they are not snowballs raised by the mother, and the cats raised by the mother's concubine are well-behaved and never scratchy!

Don't talk about it, I'll go to the palace of the mother concubine in a while, and the mother will give you medicine! Well, I won't delay you in talking to Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, the concubine has retired!

Oops! Also made in the kitchen, my son's favorite meal, don't go overboard......"

Yu Guifei rushed out of the imperial study with a self-muttering thing, Yu Guifei didn't say that Emperor Wantong really didn't pay attention, the blood on his son's neck, look at it now, heh! I guess he was scratched by his daughter-in-law!

Sure enough, that little girl is not a good stubble, her son is the god of war! Now that she has been scratched, she has to hide it from her mother, no wonder the ancients said that the wicked have their own wicked people!

This kid has been jumping up and down since he was a child, and now he is marrying a little pepper and going home, which is just to frustrate his spirit!

The emperor is not an unkind person, and after leaving his son to speak for a while, he let him go to see his mother.

After Feng Jiang said goodbye to his father, he went to Yu Guifei's palace, and smelled the fragrance of food as soon as he entered Changchun Palace.

Concubine Yu Guifei had already put the meals on the table and was waiting for her son, and when she saw her son coming, the old mother's heart was instantly excited!

She quickly called her son to come and sit down and eat together! Feng Jiang knew that his mother was concubine, and it must have been because he waited for him to have lunch and didn't eat anything!

He smiled and came over to sit down, and ate and talked with his mother!

Yu Guifei looked at her son's thin and dark appearance, and she wanted to shed tears in distress.

Yu Guifei originally wanted to tell her son about the unconscious daughter-in-law, but when she saw that her son was dark and thin, eating in a big gulp, she thought about her son when he was eating, and she didn't want her son to block his heart!

It can only be said that all the old mothers in the world are the same, they all feel sorry for their sons, and they are wronged, and they dare not tell their sons, alas!

Feng Jiang had eaten enough at his mother's place, so he was in a hurry to leave the palace, he thought that he had made the villain anxious, and he had to go around the street to buy something and make the villain happy!

Yu Guifei looked at her son who was in a hurry to go home after eating, and she felt a little uncomfortable, but her son was already married, and it was a good thing to have a daughter-in-law at home, and it would be good if her daughter-in-law gave birth to a grandson in the future.

After marrying a daughter-in-law, he forgot his mother's feudal territory, walked around the street, and didn't find anything to buy, the key is that he didn't know what a woman could like, and finally he went to the heavenly restaurant to pack and buy a lot of delicious meals.

I bought some fresh fruits and went back to the War King's Mansion.

After Li Mingyue woke up, she cursed the man thousands of times in her heart, she entered the space to soak in a spiritual spring bath, drank some spiritual spring water, and ate the fruits in the space.

In the middle of the afternoon, Li Mingyue had already eased up, just sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun, the afternoon sun was warm, she lay there and basked in the sun, feeling very comfortable, people who have experienced the end of the world are inexplicably greedy for sunshine!

Suddenly, the sunlight in front of her was blocked, and when Li Mingyue opened her eyes, she saw Feng Jiang's unshaven face.

He carried two large food boxes in his hands, put them on the table, turned his head and leaned over and kissed the tip of Li Mingyue's small nose!

Li Mingyue was a little confused, but she immediately smelled the fragrance of food and the fragrance of fruits.

Feng Jiang personally opened all the meals he bought, and looked at the little woman with burning eyes: "I'm sorry! Yue'er, it's this king Meng Lang, who delayed Yue'er's lunch!

This king bought a sumptuous meal and came back, is it good to compensate for Yue'er? ”

Li Mingyue has been mixed in the last days for three years, and she has always gone out to find food, or taken it out of the space to eat, to feed the soft rice man Song Yuqiang!

Now suddenly a man came to her with delicious food, affectionately wanted to give it to herself, Li Mingyue looked at Fengjiang's masculine and handsome face, I don't know why her heart was inexplicably touched!

A little girl flashed in her mind, looking at a little boy in a daze, and handing her a paper kite...... It's him?

Li Mingyue felt that her heart was warm all of a sudden, and even her entire body was warm! The original owner liked the boy who gave her a paper kite when she was a child!

The original body is the same as her, she is a person who has lacked love since childhood, Li Mingyue looked at Fengjiang with tears flashing, and said with some choked up: "Fengjiang, are you sincere?" ”

Feng Jiang looked at the little woman who was moved by a table of meals and was moved with tears in her eyes, and felt that the little woman was very cute and kissed!

Thinking of her tears being bullied by herself in bed, she was also like this, and he was so soft-hearted!

"You are my woman, I am not good to you, to whom?

Your man has only been good to you and spoiled you all his life, okay? ”

Li Mingyue smiled, and her laughter trembled: "Okay! This is what you said, I am with you, that is, you can be good to me!

But if you don't treat me well one day, I don't want you anymore! You remember!

It is Li Mingyue's principle to be better than to be angry with jade! ”

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
