
The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

author:Ajia talks about education
For university students, graduation ceremonies are extremely important, an important milestone in their academic careers, symbolizing the end of their years of study and the results of their efforts.

The university graduation ceremony has a strong sense of ceremony, and colleges and universities also attach great importance to this kind of ceremony, which can give students a solemn farewell and a new start in their future life, make them more aware of their upcoming careers, and stimulate their sense of responsibility and mission in their future life.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

At the graduation ceremony, teachers and students can exchange feelings with each other and reminisce about the past, and many students are grateful for the kindness of their teachers. However, at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University, there was a discordant scene.

After a boy walked on stage, he directly punched a teacher, knocking the teacher's hat and glasses to the ground, which not only surprised the students at the scene, but even the teachers present did not know why the injuries of the beaten teacher were not serious, and the boy was also taken away by the local police.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

What's even more infuriating is that this classmate later said that he recognized the wrong person on stage, and that it was the dean of the school who wanted to be beaten, and the student had been studying in the school for four years, and he didn't even know the dean, which was indeed a bit unreasonable, and whether he wanted to beat the teacher or the principal, it was an unreasonable idea and an undesirable behavior.

It is understood that the reason why this student wanted to beat the teacher was because he had repeatedly proposed the idea of quitting school, but he was stopped by his parents and the school, and he could not do anything about the discipline of his parents, so he could only vent his anger on the school and the teacher, so there was a beating scene at the graduation ceremony.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

Fudan University attaches great importance to this matter, and after a period of in-depth investigation, the final results will be made public. Whether it is in primary and secondary schools or colleges and universities, it is a very bad incident, let alone a top university like Fudan University.

Not only did it damage the reputation of the school, but it also had a certain negative impact on society, and the local public security authorities have punished and detained the students who beat them. Fudan University also made a decision to expel students for misconduct.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

Fudan University said that this was a serious incident that deliberately disrupted the order of education and teaching. For personal reasons, students did not hesitate to attack innocent teachers at such a solemn graduation ceremony, touching the bottom line of morality and damaging the feelings of teachers and students.

It is understood that the background of this beating student is not ordinary, and many people are worried that the school will eventually fail after being pressured by some external factors. Fortunately, Fudan University is sober and has given corresponding punishments to students who hit people, which has upheld the principle of fairness in education to a certain extent.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

The student's background is not ordinary, and if he graduates successfully, he will go to Peking University to continue his studies

According to the students on campus, the classmate who beat him was Taiwanese, China, who was admitted to Fudan University as a special enrollment, and his parents also settled in Shanghai.

However, with his impulsive behavior, not only was his bachelor's degree cancelled, but also blocked his future development path. The incident is basically over, but netizens are still a little uneasy, although this student was admitted as a special enrollment, but his special benefits are really enviable.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

At Fudan University, he majored in law, but his graduate school was at Peking University's School of Medicine. As we all know, medicine is called an elite education, and the five-year undergraduate program only learns the basics, and if you want to become a doctor, you need to continue to study.

Many colleges and universities basically do not recruit interdisciplinary graduate students for medical majors, but this Taiwanese special student directly obtained the qualification of Peking University School of Medicine without examination, such a big leap is unimaginable for many ordinary students in China. It can be seen that this classmate's identity background is not ordinary.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

Whether it is Fudan University or Peking University, it is the top 985 school in the mainland, and it is an ideal learning hall for many students, I want to be admitted, well, the test score is at least 600 points or above, and at the same time, it must also occupy a good position in the provincial ranking, and in the end, only a few of the top students have the opportunity to be admitted

This Taiwanese special enrollment, after entering Fudan University, did not cherish the hard-won opportunity to study, even so, it is better to give this place to inland students, in this regard, many netizens also appealed, hoping that the relevant departments can pay attention to this matter, reduce special enrollment, so that all students can enjoy the same education policy.

The student who beat people at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University was expelled, and Peking University was not admitted

You must know that many ordinary students have studied medicine for more than ten years, spending a lot of time and energy, and parents have also emptied their wallets for this reason, so that they have a little opportunity to study in famous schools, while those special students, even some foreign students, can be exempted from the examination to study in famous schools, which is not a good educational phenomenon, which not only makes domestic students feel cold, but is not conducive to the healthy development of higher education in the mainland

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