
600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

author:Ajia talks about education
After the results of the college entrance examination were announced, there were several happy and sad candidates, and the candidates with excellent grades hugged each other excitedly, and the students with unsatisfactory grades inevitably felt a little lost in their hearts.

For college entrance examination candidates, if the score can be above 600 points, it is really excellent, which is also the dream result of many students. However, a parent of a student was anxious, this parent said that his daughter's college entrance examination score of 645 points seems to be very good, but in fact, it is basically impossible to go to 985 colleges and universities in the province.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

Because her daughter is a little introverted and has poor self-care skills, the mother does not want her daughter to go to a university outside the province, so how to fill in the volunteer is very entangled in the family. Not only that, but there is also a college entrance examination candidate with a score of 600, and parents are also worried, because such a score may not even be able to apply for the exam.

In this regard, many netizens are curious, candidates with such excellent grades are also worried about applying for the exam, has today's education been involved to such a point? In fact, not all provinces are like this, and the competition in some large provinces for the college entrance examination is indeed very fierce, and 600 points can't go to one in the province, and 645 points can't go to 985 colleges and universities in the province, which is talking about Zhejiang candidates.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

Many cities in the south of the mainland are very rich in educational resources, and the education level has always been in the leading position in the country, such as the score line of the college entrance examination in Zhejiang, which is at a high level every year, and this year is even more so.

After the 2024 college entrance examination results were announced, Zhejiang Province also announced the admission score line of each batch, Zhejiang's special control line this year is 595 points, and the special control line here is what we call a line, some students may say that a line is 595 points, why can't students get a score of 600?

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

This is because there are a lot of students with more than 600 points in the province, and 595 is only a minimum line, if the number of applicants is relatively large, the school will admit the best, therefore, 600 points is basically not a line, even if you miss the admission major, the probability is very unpopular.

The first line in Zhejiang is the second line, the admission score is 492 points, if the student has 600 points, you can choose a very good college major in the ranks of the two colleges, or you can choose at will.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

According to relevant statistics, the highest score in this year's Zhejiang college entrance examination is 726 points, and there are 331 candidates with a score of 699 or more. This shows how fierce the competition among Zhejiang college entrance examination candidates is

Not only that, but it can also be seen from the table that there are as many as 53,964 candidates with more than 600 points in Zhejiang this year, you know, there are only 299,000 candidates in Zhejiang, and the number of college entrance examinations is not much, and more than 1/5 of the candidates with more than 600 points.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

The total number of candidates in Zhejiang is not large, but the reason why these students work so hard is mainly because of the limited high-quality educational resources in the province, and there is only one 985 key school in Zhejiang - Zhejiang University.

The 2023 pitch line of Zhejiang University is 663, and the quantile is 6937. According to this data, if candidates want to be admitted to Zhejiang University this year, then the college entrance examination score needs to be above 665 points to have hope, therefore, the mother mentioned above for her daughter's score of 645 points will indeed be 985 University missed, if you do not want to study outside the province, then you can only choose a college in the province.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

For such data, many netizens expressed surprise, is it because this year's test paper is relatively simple? In fact, it is not the case, students with 600 points did not have a chance to score 645 students, and they did not have access to 985 universities in the province.

Although the Zhejiang college entrance examination adopts a new national college entrance examination volume, there is a big gap between the college entrance examination model in the province and other provinces, in addition to the three compulsory subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English, students in other subjects can take two exams, and finally the highest score in the two exams will be included in the total score of the college entrance examination. This does not exist in many other provinces, and the rules of the B college entrance examination are both a challenge and an opportunity for Zhejiang candidates.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

In addition, Zhejiang Province also has a gap with other provinces in terms of assigning points, and such scoring rules have also virtually raised the final score line, of course, for parents, the reason why students have achieved such high grades is more of the effort behind them, they have redoubled their efforts since childhood, and many students have begun to learn the content of cultural courses from kindergarten.

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

Even if there is a double reduction policy to protect students, it still can't stop parents from registering for them

In fact, parents don't want to be like this, students are tired, parents are tired, and even many families have emptied their wallets for this, but even so, there is still no satisfactory results for them

600 points missed a book, 645 points missed 985 in the province, parents: Behind the involution are the students who are boiled

Aside from the different college entrance examination policies, in fact, the competition between students in many cities is very fierce, and students are also involved in their parents. In any case, the 2024 college entrance examination has ended, and the results of various provinces have been issued one after another, so students and parents need to adjust their mentality and prepare for the subsequent application process.

Students who have studied hard for many years should choose a good university and a major that suits them to start another unusual university life.

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is quickly deleted)