
Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

author:Ajia talks about education
Tsinghua University is the top university in mainland China and a world-renowned institution. Many students have a Tsinghua dream since childhood, but the score line is too high, and only a very small number of students have the opportunity to be admitted to Tsinghua University.

At this time, many domestic students began to envy foreign students, because they could be admitted to Tsinghua University with lower scores, and even study at Tsinghua University without examination, enjoy various benefits in the school, and even international students traveled to many cities in China with scholarships, which are unattainable for domestic students.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

Tsinghua University provides exceptional treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition

Qinghu University has always treated international students differently, lowering the threshold enrollment and exceptional enrollment, for these, domestic students have taken themselves for granted, but when they see the extraordinary welfare benefits of international students, they are really unwilling.

As can be seen from the enrollment brochure of Tsinghua University, it is very friendly to foreign students, and the amount of funding per person per year is as high as 200,800 yuan, which includes exemption from registration fees, tuition and material fees, social practice and other fees, and also provides on-campus accommodation.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

The living allowance is as high as 96,000 yuan per person per year, and you must know that with the current living standard in the mainland, the monthly living expenses of each college student are 1,500-2,000 yuan. The living expenses of international students are as high as 96,000 yuan per year. It's extravagant.

At the same time, it will also give international students who come to China for the first time, a one-time placement fee of 3,000 yuan per person, and provide round-trip international air tickets, which makes domestic students envious.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students and uses state funds and student tuition, causing dissatisfaction among domestic students and netizens. I know that I am an ordinary foreign student, but I don't know that I think that a top talent came to Tsinghua University to continue his studies or teach after returning from studying abroad, and you must know that Tsinghua University can get tens of billions of education funds every year. Although the amount of money here is huge, the money has to be used wisely.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

Tsinghua University offers generous benefits, which can indeed attract more foreign students to study here and improve the international reputation of the university, but it cannot chill the hearts of domestic students, after all, Tsinghua University is also an ideal school for many domestic students.

If domestic students want to be admitted to Tsinghua University, they need to study hard from an early age, spend a lot of time and energy, and in the end, very few people are fortunate to be admitted to Tsinghua University. And when they saw that Tsinghua University even took out national funds and student tuition fees to attract foreign students, many netizens expressed their incomprehension.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

In addition to the extraordinary treatment, there are many policies that are also biased in favor of foreign students, which makes many domestic students feel unfair. The mainland has always emphasized the fairness of education, such as the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, regardless of the status of the student, in front of the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are treated equally, and the hero is completely judged by the merit.

Tsinghua University, on the other hand, has not been relatively fair in the admissions process. Domestic and foreign students should be given equal opportunities to compete, rather than lowering the bar or even offering extraordinary treatment, Tsinghua University is the leader of mainland universities, and is even known as the number one university, and should lead by example. If every university treats foreign students like this and treats foreign students out of the ordinary, it will inevitably have a negative impact on domestic education.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

Some netizens believe that Tsinghua University's behavior towards international students is reasonable, which can attract more students to study in China, enhance the mainland's international influence, and further promote international exchanges.

At the same time, foreign students studying in China can enrich the campus culture, promote cultural exchanges and understanding between different countries, and allow domestic students to have more international perspectives.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

Summary at the end of the article

For the majority of ordinary students and parents, they want education to be more equitable, and in the mainland, there is already an uneven distribution of educational resources. Educational opportunities are not completely equal for all students, so that domestic students face fierce competition for the college entrance examination, and this competition has become more and more severe.

Domestic students are studying hard, and parents are also anxious, while foreign students can enjoy such good treatment, this unfair education phenomenon will inevitably make domestic students and parents dissatisfied.

Tsinghua University provides extraordinary treatment for international students, using state funds and student tuition, which has sparked heated discussions

Because whether education is fair or not is related to the future of every student and the opportunity to go to university, and it also has a profound impact on social stability and progress.

In this regard, we should pay attention to educational equity and let all students enjoy the same educational opportunities and treatment, instead of giving preferential treatment to foreign students in order to improve the international influence of institutions, which will only make mainland students more chilled.

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is quickly deleted)

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