
When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

author:Fans of history

He Shen grabbed a handful of sand and threw it directly into the pot serving porridge to the victims.

This is a scene that occurred when He Shen went to the disaster area to help the disaster. These porridges were for those victims to eat, and He Shen actually put sand in them, what did he want? Did he want to murder the victims?

Unexpectedly, He Shen's move not only made Emperor Qianlong praise him again and again, but even many experts in later generations said well, what great wisdom is there?

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

The strengths of people are reprimanded for their shortcomings

There was a drought during the Qianlong period, so Qianlong asked He Shen to go for disaster relief. Presumably, some people will ask at this time: "Wasn't it during the prosperous Kangqian period at that time, why was there still a drought?" ”

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Although it is said that there are relatively few disasters under the general prosperous era, it does not mean that there are none, and the prosperous era of Kangqian must really be a prosperous era?

The span of the Kangqian prosperous era is relatively long, which can be said to be one of the longest lasting prosperous times in the history of the mainland, basically from the early years of Kangxi to the late years of Qianlong.

Of course, strictly speaking, it didn't last that long.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

One of the two emperors, Kangxi and Qianlong, has in common is that they began to slack off in government affairs in their later years. It is precisely because of this that various problems began to arise in the country.

Therefore, in the later period of the reign of these two emperors, it is no longer a prosperous era, but the foundation is still there.

And Yongzheng's entire reign can be said to be prosperous, because some of the policies he proposed are good for the people.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

For example, the policy of apportioning the land to the mu has greatly reduced the pressure on the people, and they have been able to save grain since then.

So there are still prosperous times that are not recognized by most people, but they are not so perfect.

After talking about the controversial Kangqian prosperous era, let's talk about He Shen.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

In the impression of many people, the mention of Heshen is: "There is a big corrupt official, there is nothing to say." ”

He Shen has been corrupt for more than half his life, and he is greedy a lot, this is indeed a fact, and it will never change, but people have their own shortcomings and advantages, and we can't classify He Shen and Qin Hui as one type of person.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Qin Hui is not only a villain who persecuts national heroes, he is also a sinner who betrays the interests of the country, which can be said to be a "height" that He Shen has not reached, so there is still an essential difference between the two people.

The biggest mistake in He Shen's life is nothing more than greed, but there are basically no frames for heroes, betrayal or anything.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

In addition, although He Shen said that he embezzled a lot of money, he was not greedy for everything. To put it simply, he has three non-greedy, such as the money for disaster relief and the money used in the imperial examination, and he will not be greedy.

If He Shen feels that this matter can't help you, then he won't take your money. If he collects the money, he will do his best to help you.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

These three non-greed are indeed very important, especially the money that others help to give. If this is not done well after receiving the money, it will definitely cause others to be dissatisfied with Heshen, so in this case, it is estimated that Heshen will not be able to mix in the court for a long time.

The reason why He Shen has always been so stable in the court is that in addition to Qianlong's doting on him, there is naturally his great wisdom in it.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Many people just saw the corrupt side of Heshen, but did not learn what they should learn from him. Of course, these tricks of his embezzlement cannot be learned, these are always the wrong things.

In fact, it's not just He Shen, is the big villain Qin Hui mentioned above useless? Not exactly.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

A handful of sand for truth

Qin Hui's character must have a big problem, this will never change, his strength lies in his very good handwriting.

Influenced by those deeds, many of Qin Hui's calligraphy works have been destroyed, and only a few have been handed down today. Although we don't want to appreciate Qin Hui's writing, many people admit that he writes really well.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Everyone has their own strengths, but there are many people who don't use their strengths in the right path, and He Shen and Qin Hui are good examples.

Another thing these two have in common is that their work ability is still good, especially Heshen, which can be said to be a very comprehensive talent.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

In the eyes of many people, Qin Hui and He Shen were reused because they could make sycophants, but they were not.

Whether in the court or at work now, it is useless to pat on the back most of the time, and what the emperor and the boss need most is a talent who can do practical things.

Even if He Shen and Qin Hui can shoot again, but they don't have the ability, it is estimated that we may not know that there is such a clown.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

But again, neither of these two people used their abilities on the right path, of course, He Shen was much stronger than Qin Hui in this regard.

Even if Qin Hui has his own merits, he is also an out-and-out historical sinner, which will never change, so he does not mean to whitewash them.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Take He Shen going out for disaster relief, if he doesn't do a good job in this regard, then Qianlong will let him go? Of course not, this is a good proof of this.

After He Shen received the order, he hurriedly came to the disaster area with a lot of life-saving food, these are all life-saving things, if it is corrupt, it will bring bad luck to life, so some things must be divided.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

He Shen's ability to do things is very good, there is no doubt that the food he brought is basically enough, and it is estimated that it has been calculated according to the number of people.

But even so, a very strange scene appeared, that is, the food was consumed too quickly, which completely exceeded the value estimated by He Shen.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

There must be ghosts when things go wrong, and after his subordinates checked and found out to no avail, He Shen decided to investigate in person.

When the next meal was about to start, He Shen and his subordinates came to the scene of the crime.

Looking at the long queue, He Shen instantly understood the problem, in fact, there were too many people coming to eat, so the food was consumed too quickly.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

So what to do? It was impossible to drive them away, and even if He Shen stepped forward to say a few words and let those who rubbed rice leave automatically, no one would listen to him.

He Shen understood very well, so after finding out what the problem was, he grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it directly into the pot where the porridge was boiling. It was this move that many people turned around and left directly when they saw this, and then they did not come for the next meal.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

So when it was time for the next meal, there were a lot fewer people in line. In this case, He Shen doesn't need to put sand in it, after all, this trick is really a bit damaged.

The principle of this matter is actually very simple, there are many people who are just greedy for cheap. They can usually afford to eat, but they heard that there is a chance to eat for free, so they all came.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

People like this, who can usually afford to eat, naturally don't want to eat it when they see the rustle in the porridge.

And those who are really poor and usually don't have enough to eat, they know that this meal is not easy to come by, so even if there is sand in it, they still eat very deliciously.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

An unknown place in Heshen

Although there was a little mistake in the middle, in the end, He Shen successfully completed the task. When Emperor Qianlong learned of his approach, he praised him again and again.

Presumably a question that many people don't understand: "He Shen is greedy for so much money, why hasn't Qianlong disposed of him?" Didn't Qianlong know these things about Heshen? ”

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

First of all, Qianlong must have known, not saying it does not mean that he does not know, the essence of this truth is the same as that of our school today.

Presumably, some students may have small movements or something when they are in class, such as turning heads and ears.

In fact, no matter what you do secretly offstage, the teacher knows it on stage.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Normally, the teacher will only turn a blind eye in order not to delay his lecture, but when the teacher is really impatient with your behavior, it is time for him to name and name him.

Qianlong is the teacher who lectures, and He Shen is the student sitting in the audience, so it must be easy to understand.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

In fact, this is not to say how powerful Qianlong is, as long as he is a normal emperor, he knows his courtiers.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the emperor wants to, then he can know everything about this minister in a very short time, so the courtiers generally have no secrets in the eyes of the emperor, and even if they do, they are extremely few.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

The reason why Qianlong has not dealt with He Shen is because the other party has not done anything too out of line, such as betraying the country. The second is that He Shen is too capable.

Let's just put it this way, no matter which position has a problem, as long as Qianlong lets He Shen go, it is basically a cure for the disease. He Shen is like the most lacking pillar, and it is just right to put it there.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

To be honest, such a well-rounded talent as He Shen was really rare at that time.

In addition, it is also very important to note that He Shen was very loyal to Qianlong.

When Qianlong reached his old age, it was not his children who often accompanied him, but an outsider like Heshen, how ironic.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Therefore, the relationship between Qianlong and He Shen is actually more like a father-son relationship, and the relationship between Qianlong and the princes is actually more like a relationship between monarchs and ministers.

And then there is the matter of Heshen's corruption, first of all, it must be bad, but Heshen still has a certain positive impact from it.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Generally speaking, it is not easy to deduct some money from the minister, but He Shen can easily get them to hand it over. After a long time, as everyone became more and more satisfied with Heshen's efficiency, the court gradually stabilized, and Heshen almost stood on the court like the Dinghai God Needle.

You may not believe it, but Emperor Jiaqing is deeply touched.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

Although Jiaqing was happy when he eradicated He Shen back then, it didn't take long for him to regret it. Because after He Shen left, all kinds of things gradually appeared in the court, and even if Jiaqing tried his best, he couldn't solve it.

And when He Shen was there, there was almost no such thing. In addition, after He Shen left, the court became more and more unstable, like a time bomb.

When He Shen mixed sand into the porridge during the disaster, Qianlong praised him again and again, and was affirmed by experts hundreds of years later

This is the reason why Qianlong did not kill He Shen, he knew that he was beyond his strength in his old age, so he could only let a capable person help him.

So in this case, Qianlong chose to turn a blind eye. Although the essence is a bit like tearing down the east wall and making up the west wall, at least the efficiency is still there.

Of course, corruption is definitely not right, and the real skills must be used in the right path, otherwise the abyss will merge with you sooner or later!

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