
Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

author:Chalfi's notes
Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands


In 2019, Qian Lulu, a 39-year-old Chinese woman, was appointed as a tenured professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the California Institute of Technology, a news that caused a huge sensation in the academic community.

After all, there are only a handful of Chinese who can obtain such a status in the world's top universities, and the last Chinese to win this honor was Mr. Qian Xuesen, the "father of the two bombs".

Qian Lulu, as the second person, should have been respected, but when her past experience was dug deeply, countless people sneered at her.

At the age of 39, four marriages and three divorces, in the past 12 years, Qian Lulu has successfully stepped on her four husbands and stepped into the top position in the academic world, which can be called the "Su Daji" of the academic world.

So, what is her charm that makes all four of her husbands willing to use her as a pedal?

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

(All the content of the text statement has reliable information sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, and some details are artistically processed, please pay attention to screening)


In an ordinary family in Anhui, Qian Lulu, born in 1980, has shown extraordinary talent for learning since she was a child, and she is especially good at mathematics, often at the top of her class.

As she grew older, her mathematical talents became more prominent, and she won many school and municipal mathematics Olympiads.

These achievements not only earned her praise from her teachers and classmates, but also earned her a rare opportunity to go on an exchange study abroad in Australia.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

After returning to China, her enthusiasm for learning became even higher, and she immersed herself in books every day to work hard to achieve her goals.

However, fate always likes to joke, and in 1998, Qian Lulu, who had high hopes, unexpectedly performed abnormally in the college entrance examination, and finally only got an admission letter from a second-class college.

This result undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Qian Lulu, but she did not give up, after enrolling, she still maintained the habit of studying hard, and secretly prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination in the future.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

In 2000, an unexpected opportunity came when her school was merged into Southeast University, making her a student at 985 University.

This twist of fate opened the door to new opportunities for Qian Lulu and rekindled her hope for the future.

On the campus of Southeast University, Qian Lulu attracted many suitors with her excellent academic performance and gentle temperament, among them, an equally excellent senior caught her attention.

After graduating from university, they soon entered the palace of marriage, and her husband knew Qian Lulu's desire to study and fully supported her decision to continue her studies.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

Although she has become a graduate of 985 University, Qian Lulu knows that her undergraduate degree is still not enough to support her scientific research dream, so she made up her mind to go to graduate school for further study.

During the preparation for the exam, her husband took on most of the housework, allowing her to devote herself to her studies, and Qian Lulu often studied without sleep or food, and she could still be seen reading hard in the library until late at night.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

The hard work paid off, Qian Lulu was finally successfully admitted to the graduate school of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and when she received the admission letter, tears of excitement couldn't help but burst out of her eyes.

At this moment, it seemed that all the hard work and dedication had been rewarded, and her husband was also happy for Qian Lulu, but at this time, he would never have thought that his efforts to hold Qian Lulu to a high place would make the distance between them get farther and farther away.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands


When Qian Lulu first entered graduate school, she still had her husband in her heart far away, but as time passed, her life and mentality quietly changed.

She quickly became the school flower in graduate school with her outstanding appearance, and attracted the attention of many boys, and among the many suitors, the obsession of a senior finally touched Qian Lulu's heart.

This senior is not only a school grass, but also a leader in the academic world, in order to be with Qian Lulu, he resolutely broke up with his fiancée, showing his firm determination to Qian Lulu.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, Qian Lulu soon divorced her first husband, and got together with her senior's flash marriage.

Under the guidance of the seniors, Qian Lulu overcame one academic difficulty after another, and finally published her own papers in well-known domestic journals.

With the successful acquisition of the master's degree, Qian Lulu got the opportunity to study for a doctorate.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands


In the process of studying for her Ph.D., Qian Lulu gradually realized that the depth and breadth of the academic world were far beyond her imagination, and her eyes shifted from a single biological research to a more cutting-edge interdisciplinary field.

It was at this critical moment that she met a top student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, who had made great achievements in the field of DNA computing.

Qian Lulu is keenly aware that the knowledge and resources of this top student may become an important help in her academic path.

After careful consideration, she made a surprising decision: to end her second marriage and marry this scholar.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

Through this new relationship, Lulu Qian was able to gain deep exposure to the frontier of DNA computing, and she quickly adjusted her research direction to shift the focus of her doctoral dissertation to this interdisciplinary discipline full of potential.

Under the guidance and help of her new husband, Qian Lulu's academic level has improved rapidly, laying a solid foundation for her future international development.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

In the summer of 2007, an opportunity to change the fate of Qian Lulu quietly came when Dr. Eric Winfrey from the California Institute of Technology visited her lab.

As the world's top scientist, Eric's arrival caused a sensation throughout the laboratory, and Qian Lulu was arranged to be responsible for receiving this important guest.

In the communication with Eric, Qian Lulu found that their research directions were highly aligned, and her elegance and generosity and passion for scholarship, coupled with deep professional knowledge, left a deep impression on Eric.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

The two had a great conversation, not only discussing the current research progress, but also discussing possible future directions for cooperation.

The success of this meeting opened the door to the international academic stage for Qian Lulu, and Eric's invitation to her to the United States for an academic visit was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Qian Lulu gladly accepted the invitation, realizing that it could be an important turning point in her academic career.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands


Not long after Qian Lulu went to the United States, she empathized and began to date Eric, and abandoned her third husband, quickly married Eric and changed to American citizenship.

In 2013, Lulu Qian successfully obtained the position of assistant professor at the California Institute of Technology for her outstanding research achievements and potential.

This appointment has attracted a lot of attention from the academic community, because she is not only young and promising, but also one of the few Chinese women who can obtain a teaching position at such a prestigious institution.

However, what we don't know is that Qian Lulu's honor is not glorious.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

Because Qian Lulu's husband, Eric Winfrey, played a key role in her getting the position.

As a senior professor at the California Institute of Technology, Eric not only strongly recommended Qian Lulu, but even threatened her resignation, which eventually prompted the school to accept her for employment.

Although this move helped Qian Lulu gain a valuable opportunity, it also laid the groundwork for the controversy she faced in the future.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

In 2017, her research team successfully developed a "DNA robot" with sorting function, which caused a sensation in the international academic community.

Immediately afterward, she used DNA to "paint" a portrait of the Mona Lisa, further demonstrating the infinite possibilities of DNA technology.

In 2019, at the age of 39, Lulu Qian ushered in another peak of her career when she was appointed a tenured professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the California Institute of Technology.

However, with academic achievement comes controversy and questioning.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

Some people praised Qian Lulu as the pride of the Chinese scientific research community, believing that her achievements have won the respect of the Chinese people on the international academic stage.

However, some people criticized her for "stepping on the throne of her four husbands", comparing her to "Deng Wendi in the scientific research community", and some netizens even regarded her as the "Daji" of the academic community, believing that she is a woman who is good at using her marriage relationship to seek academic status.

These controversies reflect moral skepticism about Qian Lulu's choice of marriage, but at the same time, it is impossible to deny her academic excellence.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

In fact, every change in Qian Lulu's marriage is closely related to her academic development, and this way of closely integrating personal life with professional development has triggered people's deep reflection on the unspoken rules of academia.

Despite the controversy, Qian Lulu's extraordinary talent in the field of DNA research cannot be ignored.

The many breakthroughs she has achieved under her leadership, as well as the fact that she was awarded a tenured professorship at a young age, are a testament to her personal strength and hard work.

It also makes one wonder whether a scholar's personal life choices should be completely separated from his academic contributions when judging his or her achievements.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

brief summary

Qian Lulu's story not only reflects the complex realities of academia, but also reveals the delicate relationship between personal choices and career development.

Her experience is like a mirror, reflecting the opportunities and challenges faced by female scholars in modern society, and no matter how people evaluate her marriage choice, Qian Lulu's achievements in the academic field are undeniable.

However, as Qian Lulu continues to make a name for herself on the international academic scene, her future development and choices remain a topic to watch.

Whether her story will continue to spark more discussion about academic ethics, gender equality, and career development remains to be seen.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands


[1]. Henan-2023-06-02 "What does academic daji mean? What is Academic Daji? 》

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

[2]. Shanghai Jiao Tong University News Academic Network - Nature cover "Dr. Qian Lulu, who graduated from the Bio-X Research Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University, taught DNA to draw the Mona Lisa by himself! 》

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: married four times and divorced three times, and became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39 by relying on her four husbands

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