
Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

author:True martial arts

When we think of Su Daji, we think of the use of hue to attract the king of Xu, which eventually led to the demise of the Shang Dynasty. But in the solemn academic world, there is also an "academic Daji" who exchanges beauty for benefits.

She used her 4 marriages to become an international student at a top university in the United States step by step, and even became a tenured professor at a prestigious university after graduation......

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

Good luck

Qian Lulu was born in an ordinary working family in Jiangsu Province. Her father was an ordinary factory worker and her mother was an elementary school teacher. Although the family is not wealthy, her parents have always been obedient to her with the idea that their daughter wants to be rich.

In terms of Qian Lulu's education, her parents put a lot of thought into it. From elementary school to high school, Qian Lulu's parents have always let her study in the best schools in the city, and they have also enrolled her in many extracurricular tutoring classes.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

Her science grades are very good, especially in physics and chemistry, basically every exam can be close to a perfect score, and the teachers also think that Qian Lulu will definitely be admitted to a good university.

However, in the college entrance examination, Qian Lulu's two most confident subjects played abnormally, and she didn't even finish the questions, and finally was only admitted to a second-class college. This result is undoubtedly a huge blow to Qian Lulu, who has always had excellent grades.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

Despite this, Qian Lulu did not give up on her academic dreams. She has been studying hard during her college years, and her grades have always been in the top few in her major, and he hopes to secure a prestigious school with excellent results.

In 2000, good fortune suddenly befell her, and the school she attended, Nanjing Railway Medical College, was merged into the famous Southeast University. And she also jumped from a second-class student to a 985 top student.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

Domestic research

After entering Southeast University, Qian Lulu was infected by a strong learning atmosphere, often followed the teacher to do scientific research, and became the "goddess" of the campus with her outstanding appearance and temperament.

Many boys come to pursue Qian Lulu, but Qian Lulu has never had any response, she needs a boy who can help her goals.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

It was during this period that she met her first husband, a senior from a wealthy family. The two soon fell in love, and chose to get married after Qian Lulu graduated.

With the support of her first husband, Qian Lulu did not choose to work, but went to graduate school at home, and successfully entered the School of Life Science and Technology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the second year, starting her graduate career.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

However, with the deepening of his studies, the relationship between the two gradually faded, or Qian Lulu thought that he was no longer worthy of him. In the end, in the second year of graduate school, Qian Lulu chose to divorce.

Soon after the divorce, Qian Lulu met her second husband, a Ph.D. senior who was doing research in the same laboratory as her. Under his guidance, Qian Lulu's academic level has improved significantly.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

She began to publish high-quality academic papers and made her mark at academic conferences in China. With the help of this senior, she also successfully applied for the qualification to stay at the university to study for a doctoral degree.

After entering the doctoral stage, Qian Lulu's academic career ushered in a new turning point. She met her third husband, a young professor in the field of DNA. In order to be with him, Qian Lulu decisively chose to divorce her second husband.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

This professor not only helped Qian Lulu a lot academically, but also opened the door to the international academic arena for her. With his support, Qian Lulu began to participate in international academic conferences frequently and established contacts with many internationally renowned scholars.

However, just as Qian Lulu was about to get her Ph.D., there was a rift in her relationship with her third husband. The two eventually chose to break up peacefully. Still, the experience paved the way for Qian Lulu's future.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

She not only successfully obtained her Ph.D., but also won the favor of many internationally renowned universities for her outstanding academic achievements. Among the many invitations, Qian Lulu chose the California Institute of Technology.

Teaching in the United States

This world-leading science and engineering university not only has world-class research facilities, but also brings together many of the top scholars in the life sciences. Here, Qian Lulu met her fourth husband, Eric Winfrey, a professor at the California Institute of Technology and an expert in the field of DNA computing.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

After Professor Winfrey and Qian Lulu got married, they became important supporters of her career. On the recommendation of Professor Winfrey, Qian Lulu became a teaching assistant at the California Institute of Technology and entered his laboratory for research.

In addition, Professor Winfrey also helped Qian Lulu publish a large number of top journal articles, and Qian Lulu also quickly made a name for herself in the American academic community with her excellent scientific research ability and continuous research results.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

Just two years later, Qian Lulu was successfully promoted to full professor. In the process, her husband, Professor Winfrey, has done a lot for her, and he even threatened to resign and asked the school to give Qian Lulu a promotion.

However, Qian Lulu is also very strong herself, and she has continuously researched many world-leading results at the California Institute of Technology. Recently, Qian Lulu finally won a tenured professorship at the California Institute of Technology with outstanding results.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

Public opinion is hotly discussed

When the news was transmitted back to China, it immediately aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. However, as her personal experience came to light, so did the controversy.

Proponents argue that Ms. Qian's story illustrates the hardships of a woman's struggle in male-dominated academia. They appreciate her ability to find opportunities in an ever-changing environment and use her strengths to break through barriers and ultimately achieve her academic aspirations.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

However, critics have pointed out that Qian Lulu's actions are suspected of using her marital relationship to seek academic benefits, which is contrary to academic ethics. They questioned whether her academic success was truly a result of her own abilities or whether she was overly dependent on her husband's help.

No matter what everyone thinks about this, Qian Lulu's academic path is undoubtedly a success. But she has been married four times, and after each marriage, her husband has helped her a lot in her academic path.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

This also makes people wonder whether her divorce from her first three husbands was due to a crack in the marriage, or whether she intended to use the marriage in exchange for benefits.

The divergence of views between proponents and critics reflects contemporary society's complex attitudes to issues such as academic ethics, gender equality, and personal choice.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the scientific research community: changed her husband 4 times in 12 years, and became a professor at a famous American university at the age of 39

In fact, Qian Lulu's experience reveals some of the deep-seated problems that exist in academia. It has sparked reflection on gender equality in academia: why do female academics often need to work more to gain equal recognition with men?

It also raises questions about the relationship between personal choices and career development: to what extent should individuals leverage their various resources and relationships in the pursuit of career success?


In any case, Qian Lulu's story reminds us of the importance of being open and understanding when judging others. Everyone's life path is unique, and it's hard to measure complex life choices against simple moral standards.

At the same time, this case provides an opportunity for the academic community to reflect on how to create a more equitable and inclusive academic environment where everyone can succeed on their own.

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