
Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

author:Möngke talks about health

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Today we are going to talk about a very common natural ingredient - hawthorn, which is not just a prop for making sugar gourds! Hawthorn is especially suitable for the elderly, why do you say that?

First of all, the vitamin C and various antioxidants contained in hawthorn are really super powerful. The elderly begin to decline in their body functions and are prone to all kinds of minor problems, and those antioxidants can play a good preventive role, such as preventing excessive free radicals and protecting cells from damage.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

Let's talk about the cardiovascular benefits of hawthorn, it is simply too suitable for those old people whose blood vessels are a little hardened, or whose heart is not particularly powerful. Hawthorn improves blood circulation, not just because of its flavonoids and dietary fiber. Dietary fiber, in particular, can also help lower cholesterol, don't you say?

In addition to these, hawthorn is also good for improving the digestive system. Many elderly people who eat too much are prone to stomach upset, indigestion, especially after a good festival, and eat greasy. Hawthorn can play a role, it can promote the secretion of digestive enzymes, helping food to be better digested and absorbed. In this way, the appetite is good, and the body will naturally be comfortable.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

Although hawthorn has many benefits, you must also pay attention to the appropriate amount, after all, "medicine and food are of the same origin", and eating too much of anything may have side effects. In particular, some elderly people may be taking blood pressure or heart medicine, although hawthorn is good, you should communicate with the doctor first to see if you can take it with the medicine.

Hawthorn can be used as a snack and for health, especially for elderly friends. However, the selection of hawthorn should also pick fresh, preferably the naturally ripened kind, so that the nutritional value is higher and the effect is better. If you can, make some hawthorn water at home, or make hawthorn slices as a daily snack, which is healthy and delicious.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

Eating a healthy diet for the elderly is really a big issue, but luckily we have so many good natural ingredients to choose from. Hawthorn is just one of them, but it's definitely a good choice.

So, if you have elderly people at home, you might as well try to prepare some hawthorn for them and see if you can help them improve their health. After all, when your health is better, your mood will be better, and your quality of life will naturally go up, isn't it a good thing?

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

Further, hawthorn can also help regulate blood lipids, including lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood.

This modulating effect is mainly achieved by the antioxidants in hawthorn, which are able to prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, thus preventing the development of arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis is a precursor to many cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension and coronary artery disease, so hawthorn plays a particularly important role in this regard.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

In addition to its benefits for the cardiovascular system, hawthorn also plays a positive role in the digestive health of the elderly. Especially for those elderly who suffer from chronic dyspepsia, regular and moderate consumption of hawthorn can reduce symptoms such as stomach bloating, indigestion, and constipation. Certain components in hawthorn have also been found to have a slight laxative effect, which is especially beneficial for older people who often suffer from constipation.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

The uniqueness of hawthorn doesn't stop there. When it comes to blood sugar management, hawthorn has also shown its potential benefits. For seniors with prediabetes or already diabetic, consuming hawthorn in moderation can help regulate blood sugar levels.

While the exact mechanism is not fully understood, research suggests that hawthorn may play a role by affecting sugar absorption and metabolism, thereby helping to stabilize blood sugar. This finding is a very promising direction for older adults who want to control or prevent diabetes through dietary management.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

All of the above shows that hawthorn is not only a delicacy that the elderly can enjoy, but also a treasure trove of health in their daily diet. However, despite the many benefits of hawthorn, the elderly should also pay attention to the appropriate amount when consuming it. Excessive consumption of hawthorn may cause excess stomach acid, especially for older people who already have a history of stomach problems, and should be more cautious.

In addition to the oft-mentioned hawthorn, there are several fruits and vegetables that are often overlooked and are equally effective in maintaining the health of the elderly.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

We are talking about bitter gourd. Although its bitter taste may not be liked by everyone, bitter gourd is a very wholesome vegetable, especially for the elderly. Bitter melon is high in vitamin C and vitamin A, both powerful antioxidants that can help reduce free radical damage to the body, thereby preventing a range of chronic diseases caused by oxidative stress.

In addition, the high-fiber component in bitter melon is also great for the digestive system, which can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation, which is a common problem for many elderly people.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

For older diabetic patients, regular consumption of moderate amounts of bitter melon can be used as part of their diet to help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce dependence on medications. While the taste of bitter melon may take some getting used to, the health benefits it brings are not to be overlooked.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

Next up is black fungus, a common ingredient in Asian cuisine whose health benefits should not be underestimated. Black fungus is rich in plant collagen and iron, making it ideal for the elderly, especially those who need to improve blood circulation and boost immunity.

In addition, the anticoagulant factors in black fungus are effective in preventing thrombosis, which is a natural protective shield for the elderly who often have heart disease or blocked blood vessels.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

Black fungus has also been found to contain powerful antioxidants that can help prevent early aging of cells. Regular consumption of black fungus can help older adults maintain skin elasticity and radiance, while also helping to maintain cognitive function and prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

These fruits and vegetables can not only enrich the dietary taste of the elderly, but also provide a multi-faceted guarantee for their health. In the actual consumption process, the elderly should incorporate these ingredients into their daily diet in moderation according to their own health conditions and the advice of doctors. In this way, the elderly can not only enjoy good food, but also maintain and promote good health.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about the elderly eating hawthorn? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!


[1] Li Jiaqi, Investigation and Analysis of the Dietary Habits of the Elderly Over 80 Years Old and Their Correlation with Circulatory System Diseases, Chinese Journal of Health Care Medicine, 2016-08-30

Can the elderly eat more hawthorn? The doctor bluntly said: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things!

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