
Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

author:A strong country is a sword

The current overall international situation is very clear to anyone in their right mind:

In order to maintain their own hegemony, Lao Mei is doing everything to harm the entire earth.

They just want to mess up the world with all kinds of intrigues, and then take advantage of the fire.

The United States has a deep state, which is known as the shadow government of the military-industrial complex, and they are in cahoots with Wall Street's oligarchs, who always like to create turmoil and war by shorting other countries, and then make quick money through a combination of finance and war.

This is what we often talk about as wool in the world, and it is a very despicable strategy of comprehensive hegemony.

But Brother Long is here and is striding towards the center of the world stage.

Brother Long's concept of governing the world is completely different from Lao Mei's, and he doesn't disdain to use these despicable means to operate, which is not to say that Brother Long's strength is not enough, but Brother Long really wants to promote a community with a shared future for mankind, make the world's pie bigger and stronger, and make money and develop together.

Lao Mei could never have imagined that Brother Long's seemingly "pedantic" method would push himself who focused on this kind of hegemony into an absolute blind spot in his strategy.

Discuss the sword of a strong country, and accompany friends to witness the evolution of the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century.

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

Let's get down to business.

Let's start with the core point of a recent article published by Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, according to Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, they believe that Lao Mei should indeed reflect on herself.

What exactly is the reflection on?

There are two main parts!

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

First of all, the author of the article pointed out sharply that there are many problems and great challenges in the world today, and the United States can no longer turn things around on its own, and must rely on the coordination and cooperation of other countries to solve the problems.

The implication of the author's words is very clear: although the United States has always claimed to be the leader of today's world, and is particularly concerned about the position of world hegemon, except for a few American horses such as Japan and Germany, even traditional American allies such as France, Spain, and Italy no longer have much hope for the United States.

These countries have even embarked on the completely opposite path to the United States on the Palestinian issue, and they are unwilling to continue to follow the United States.

Not to mention the other countries, where everyone generally hates Perfection and thinks they are the big bad guys of this global village!

Let's take a simple example, taking the relationship between China and the United States as an example.

There is no doubt that the United States currently needs China's help in at least three things, and even needs China to deeply understand the U.S. position.

What are the three problems?

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

The United States has always hoped that China and all developing countries will maintain a completely consistent position with them, and will not mention the fact that they have been deceiving Russia into carrying out NATO's eastward expansion for the past 20 years, but can only talk about the special military operation launched by Russia starting in 2022.

In other words, Lao Mi just wants to make Russia a pure aggressor, and then let their bandit gang occupy the absolute right to speak, but he does not let others mention the merits and historical latitude of this matter.

And more importantly, they hope that China will be one-size-fits-all with Russia, not engage in normal trade with Russia, and cooperate with them to starve Russia to death.

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

But what exactly is the operation of the United States?

While begging China to cooperate with them in rectifying Russia, they are frantically selling a large number of high-end weapons to Lai Qingde, a Taiwan independence diehard.

Attempt to Ukrainize the Taiwan issue!

They want to rely on the same despicable methods they used against Russia to rectify China.

In other words, while the United States is begging China for help, it is firmly trampling China under its feet and harming China through the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea issue, and the Korean Peninsula issue.

Can the Chinese agree?

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

The second thing is to be brushed aside, because the US demand is so shameless, we will not go into it.

They want China to use its influence to persuade Iranian-led Shiite resistance to take action, that is, to hold the Palestinian Hamas, Yemeni Houthis, and Lebanese Allah firmly on the ground, so that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can raise a butcher's knife and cut people at will, so that China will be completely reduced to a small henchman of the United States and Israel.

How can we turn a blind eye to the Arab and Islamic world, which has also suffered from the same suffering, after 14 years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and a hundred years of bloody battles against the world powers, including the Eight-Nation Alliance?

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

The third thing is well known.

After the United States kicked Russia out of the SWIFT system, Russia was forced to work with China to promote the global de-dollarization movement within the BRICS platform, and soon received a positive response from many spheres of influence, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, South America, ASEAN, and Africa.

Under such circumstances, the United States hopes that China will continue to eat a large amount of junk bonds from the United States, as it did in 2008, and save the United States again, at least not take the lead in selling US bonds.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have visited China many times to get this done.

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

But the despicable calculations in their hearts were deafening, and everyone understood:

We just want to fool this fool of China, let this fool continue to lend us money, so that we can use China's money to step on China, and continue to stand in the world's first hegemonic position and do whatever we want.

If China is disobedient, we in the United States will lead those brainwashed politicians in the EU to rectify China.

You ask how to rectify China?

Don't worry!

The solution is ready-made, increase tariffs, pour dirty water, force Lai Qingde and Marcos to make trouble, and incite the big breeders to talk about justice......

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

This is Lao Mei.

While begging China to do things, they treat China as a slave, as a country like Japan and South Korea, and want to force us to hold our heads and make us kneel down and do things according to their despicable double standard rules.

Although there are many companies in our country that are crazy about the rhythm, Brother Long's strength has long been different from what it used to be, and we also know these tricks that the United States wants to play, and by actively interacting with the Middle East and Russia at the strategic level, we will firmly trap the United States.

Let the world see a minimum of hope.

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

Speaking of which, as it comes to the second part of this article, this article in Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao also argues that the current situation provides an opportunity for regional powers to exert influence in a multipolar world, and the United States must adapt to the new world.

In fact, this is the underlying logic of what we often talk about in a multipolar world.

It is precisely because of the tough performance of China and Russia to protect the developing countries around the world that the traditional disadvantaged groups in the ASEAN region, including Singapore, as well as the Middle East, as well as South America and Africa, have a chance to speak.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan are well aware of this, and their current tactics are the best illustration of today's international landscape.

The United States is no longer able to do whatever it wants, and it has lost the ability to cover the sky with one hand, and at the same time, China's influence is rapidly expanding, which will bring many opportunities for these centrists.

Leaders with lofty goals like Saudi Crown Prince Salman will do everything they can to use the power of China and Russia to hedge against the United States, while politicians like Modi and Erdogan are more likely to want to eat both sides.

But in any case, the underlying logic is the same, they all believe that the BRICS platform dominated by China and Russia is strong enough to hedge against the hegemonic rule of the United States and Western powers, which gives them a chance.

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

In this case, Lao Mei has two ways to go in the future, which is obvious.

One is to incite war to harm the whole world.

This is the blind tossing tactic they are currently adopting, which is extremely irresponsible and despicable, and it is also very despicable and shameless, so that the whole world will endorse the hegemony of the United States.

The other way is to gradually recognize the reality of the situation and take the initiative to interact with other spheres of influence in the world, of course, a benign and equal interaction, so that more people at the bottom of the world can enjoy a minimum of ordinary and happy life.

Which path will Lao Mei choose?

No need to ask!

The United States, which is controlled by the Jews, will not be the United States if it does not harm other countries, so we must overcome all difficulties to fight the United States to the end and strive to establish a world pattern of fair, just, and peaceful development in the long run.

Fight for the happiness of all mankind!

Come on, Brother Long!

Foreign media: The United States should adapt to the new situation as soon as possible and stop tossing around

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