
The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

author:A strong country is a sword

Many people believe that for Lao Mei, they are only one more than the last medium-sized war away from stepping down from the status of world hegemon.

Lao Mei herself knows this!

Therefore, in the past two years, the overall situation of the United States has been much more low-key, even if it was kicked in the ass by the Yemeni Houthis, they had to pinch their noses and drink the pot of urine, and they never took the Yemeni Houthis seriously.

Although the elder Biden looks a little confused, he is also worried that the hegemony of the United States will be completely buried in his hands, and he does not want to make himself the sinner of history.

He would never do such a thing!

But if Biden has been holding back, the whole world pattern will also make the United States helpless, at least for now, these countries in the Middle East are not fuel-efficient lamps, they are rapidly integrating, and even Saudi Arabia and Iran, the two leading big brothers in the Middle East, have entered the stage of substantive military cooperation, in the long run, the strategic pillar of the United States in the Middle East Israel will definitely be more auspicious, and the US troops will be pushed out, and the United States will definitely not agree!

What to do? This is indeed a dilemma, and it also makes old Biden quite uncomfortable.

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The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

To make clear the current entanglement of the United States, we might as well start with a dynamic.

According to reports by the global network and other media, the United States has sent the "Wasp" amphibious assault ship formation to the Mediterranean, and the specific docking location is shown in the figure below.

Right next to Israel, and of course very close to Lebanon, which is rarely very tense with Israel at the moment.

The reason why the United States parked its warships so far away must have learned the lessons of its previous game with the Houthis in the Red Sea.

At greater distances, it is much less likely to be attacked by drones and missiles by other groups such as Allah Lebanon or Hamas, but they themselves can be flexibly tactically strategized with advanced fighter jets and long-range missiles.

We only need to carefully study the map to be able to discover a lot of deep things, which is the fundamental reason why many military commanders have the habit of studying maps for a long time.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

Let's go back to the specifics.

According to the explanation given by the US Government, the main reason why they sent the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp to the vicinity of Lebanon in the Mediterranean Sea was to evacuate overseas Chinese, but we can see through the specific arrangements of the US military that they are purely nonsense and lying.

Because they sent a very aggressive fleet group, which, in addition to the "Wasp", also had the dock transport ship "New York" and the dock landing ship "Oak Hill".

This formation can be called a quasi-aircraft carrier formation, equipped with F-35B carrier-based aircraft, and its attack performance is very superior.

Although the overall strength of Allah in Lebanon is a little stronger than that of the Palestinian Hamas organization, if the United States directly starts a war, the quasi-aircraft carrier group they send can still make a lot of moves.

According to the data given by Mr. Du Wenlong, a military expert and a well-known Internet influencer, the "Wasp"-class amphibious landing ship can carry at least 2,000 fighters, the "New York" can carry at least 750 people, and the "Oak Mountain" can carry between 350 and 450 people.

In other words, the total number of people in this formation has exceeded 3,000 people, which is half the difference with the establishment of more than 7,000 people in an aircraft carrier formation, but they are all very powerful attack combat ships, and the resources equipped are very strong, enough to launch a blitzkrieg to suppress the other side.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

In addition, what is more important is that after the USS Eisenhower was humiliated by the Houthis in Yemen, the United States has made up its mind to withdraw the aircraft carrier, whose performance has been greatly limited, and urgently transferred the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group from the Asia-Pacific region.

The carrier strike group will be located on another waterway in the Middle East, from the Gulf of Aden to the Red Sea.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

Let's look at the map.

After reading the map, you will understand everything, the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group and the USS Wasp amphibious assault ship quasi-aircraft carrier strike group mentioned above are clearly engaged in a situation of east-west attack.

The United States wants to forcibly clear all obstacles for Israel on the periphery and open a waterway for Israel to transport weapons of mass destruction, so as to support Israel in carrying the war to the end.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

When the old irons see this, they will have a general impression of the overall strategy of the United States, and they have made such a strategic plan for the next move, making it clear that they still want to continue to harm the entire Middle East region with Israel.

Then the question arises, as stated at the beginning of this article, the United States simply cannot withstand the toss now, and they themselves know that there is only a medium-sized war away from the collapse of the American empire, so why should they bet on it? Do you really want to stud?

First of all, for the United States and Israel, their current thinking is very simple, that is, they want to use the butcher policy to completely and psychologically defeat other spheres of influence, so that they do not dare to continue to attack Israel, so as to reduce the strategic burden of the United States and Israel, which is the so-called "superior choice" that they have always insisted on.

But what is very sad is that through the game and struggle in the past six months or so, even if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is already a king who has eaten the scales and is determined to carry out the genocidal policy to the end, he also understands that the current overall situation is very bad for Israel.

Israel's main problem lies not in life and death on local battlefields, but in the fact that the mythical cloak of the invincible bell-hooded iron cloth shirt that they used to wear has been torn to shreds by the Palestinian Hamas organization.

In this case, Israel's future path is as netizens said, whether it is Hamas or Lebanon, or any Middle Eastern country, they can continue to fail or sacrifice, but Israel is destined to pay a huge strategic price in order to maintain the status quo, and Israel will be plunged into a protracted war and wheel war that will never be peaceful, until it is pushed out of the Middle East.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

Going down at a normal pace, this big trend is unstoppable.

That's why Israeli Defense Minister Gallant is very arrogant and threatens that the fight with the Lebanese Pearl Party will be very cruel, and they vow to return the Lebanese Allah Party to the Stone Age.

According to Israeli media reports, the United States has recently provided Israel with a large number of artillery shells and missiles, including 14,000 908-kilogram GBU-31, 6,500 GBU-38, 1,000 "Bastion" bombs, 3,000 "Haierfa" missiles, and 2,000 GBU-39s.

The total number exceeds 26,500!

Many of them can be used to attack underground targets directly.

In this way, the United States and Israel are indeed ready for the most ruthless preparations, and many American and Israeli officials have even clamored for the use of nuclear weapons against the Palestinian Hamas organization and Allah in Lebanon.

The reason why they are so savage is not so much that they are cold-blooded, but that they have a premonition that their end has come, and they can only scare others through such non-human means.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

Secondly, what will happen to the countries of the Middle East? Will the United States be dragged into the water again?

At present, it seems that after Longo summoned 22 Arab countries in the Middle East to participate in a seminar for senior military officers, and in the face of the United States' desire to forcibly continue to maintain their hegemonic rule through thick and shameless means, it is inevitable that the scale of the Arab League's self-defense counterattack will expand.

Ready to fly, have to send!

The Arab-Islamic world has seen a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is all too normal for them to want to rid the American garrison of the embarrassing situation of the colonies.

As long as there are US troops stationed, the United States can rob the Arab world of oil and grain at any time, and it will also inject a steady stream of trouble into the Arab and Islamic world.

Now that China and Russia are willing to back them up, and the leading big brothers in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, have basically reconciled, and even Turkey, which is in NATO and has always been the grass on the wall, is gradually becoming more sympathetic to the Arab world in the Middle East, which makes it easier for the entire Middle East region to initially integrate a united front.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

There is another point that is very crucial.

How to deal with nuclear weapons? The United States and Israel have been engaged in nuclear blackmail!

On this point, the swordsman sees it at a glance that as long as the alliance of Middle Eastern countries is supported by the strategic support of Russia and China and the guarantee of maintaining world justice, Israel will never dare to use nuclear weapons indiscriminately.

The reason behind it is obvious, with Israel's little strategic depth, the indiscriminate use of nuclear weapons will not be able to get along with itself, it will only beat itself to the Stone Age, and it will also put them on the road of drift again.

And this time they drifted again, and there was no one to sympathize with them anymore.

Recently I saw a news item saying that from now on, anyone naturalized in Germany must swear allegiance to Jews, are they going to Germany?

They're going to kill themselves!

So in the end, the game between the two sides will return to conventional warfare.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

With this big premise, the United States will definitely be dragged into the water by Israel, because Israel can no longer hold it.

The recent strategic move between the United States and the United States itself also illustrates a lot of problems, and almost many of the military deployments around China have been transferred to the Middle East, as evidenced by the Roosevelt mentioned above.

There are many people who are worried that this is a trick set by the United States for us, that is, they want us to solve the issue of talking about the sea and the South China Sea as soon as possible, and then let them kill them, but the swordsman believes that this is the inevitable collapse of US global hegemony.

They're running out of skills!

Europe itself needs a lot of troops, the Middle East has to be protected, and no sphere of influence in East Asia dares to challenge China, fearing that it will really return to the Stone Age.

If you were the president of the United States, you would also find a way to transfer the military presence around China that does not play any real role to the weakest Middle East, and then hope to revitalize the whole game of chess with a little bit of an area.

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

All in all, through the above analysis, we can see that under Brother Long's strategy, Lao Mei is now almost in a desperate situation.

If it does not end, it will only be slowly pushed out by China, Russia and the Middle East, and there is nothing that can be done.

It's a slow death.

And if they end up, there is only one option, that is, to choose the weakest point in the Middle East, and dare not fight against China and Russia, but in this case, they will be dragged down and dragged to death by these countries in the Middle East.

It's a quick death!

In the final analysis, it is the brazen hegemonic policy of the United States that has gone wrong, they do not treat other people as human beings at all, and in the end they can only be joined by other spheres of influence to confront the United States.

It's all self-inflicted.

Is it so difficult to respect other countries and engage in dialogue with other countries on an equal footing?

The Roosevelt and the Wasp were caught between the east and the west, and the United States had no choice but to end

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