
Proper sweating in summer can expel the cold and evil qi in the body, which is good for health

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

In the hot summer, most people prefer to stay in an air-conditioned room to cool off without breaking a sweat. However, if the air conditioner blows too much, people do not sweat for a long time, and the emission of metabolites in the human body is reduced, which is not conducive to human health, and it is easy to cause colds, throat inflammation, dizziness, indigestion and other symptoms. Therefore, in summer, while enjoying the air conditioner, it is also necessary to sweat properly, and at the same time strengthen the exercise to improve the body's immunity.

As the saying goes, "If you don't sweat in the sky, you will get sick and white." Sweating in the summer is a good thing, but not sweating in the summer is a bad thing. Since there are so many benefits of sweating in summer, hurry up and learn so that the benefits will not be late.

Proper sweating in summer can expel the cold and evil qi in the body, which is good for health

Sweating for summer regimen

Under normal circumstances, in summer, people's yang energy is steaming on the surface, which can open their intestines and hair and sweat pores, and people will sweat. We should follow the trend of the body's yang energy towards the body surface, sweat a few times, and expel some of our turbid things from the body, which is conducive to our physical and mental health.

If you hide, cover, and tuck, it will lead to not converging when you should be converging, not converging when you should be cathartic, and you will fall into the root of the disease after a long time.

However, due to the high humidity in the air in summer, people sometimes feel stuffy and sweaty, and people will feel particularly uncomfortable at this time, and sometimes they will take a bath and shower all day long, which is actually contrary to the way of nature.

It is recommended that you still remember the ancient adage "the heart is calm and naturally cool", in fact, healthy people can reconcile and regulate the temperature of the human body.

The so-called harmony means that when the outside is cold, he will heat up, and when the outside is hot, he will cool. Therefore, when a healthy person touches his body in winter, he will feel very warm, but in summer, his skin is cool, which means that his yin and yang balance function is at work.

What really cools down in summer is actually the function of kidney water that we are talking about, kidney main water, water overcomes fire, and can make people calm down the impetuous, burning emotions or body temperature.

Proper sweating in summer can expel the cold and evil qi in the body, which is good for health

This water of the kidneys is what we call the bodily fluids of the body, which fill different parts of our body, turning into tears in the eyes, saliva in the mouth, and snot and phlegm in the nasal cavity. Therefore, when a person's kidney essence is sufficient, that is, when the kidney water is abundant, even in summer, he can automatically adjust his temperature and maintain a balance.

We have a lot of people right now who are overdrawing their bodies and desperately eating cold drinks in the summer. In fact, it is often their bodies that lack enough water, like a pile of dry firewood, just a little fire outside.

After that, people will have a lot of signs of anxiety, irritability, restlessness, uncertainty, and restlessness. This dryness is like oil on fire, and it should not be extinguished with water, but should be extinguished with corresponding oxygen-insulating foam or special chemical agents.

Therefore, in the anxious situation of summer, no matter how you drink cold drinks and eat popsicles, you can't calm down and relieve that anxious state.

In this case, we recommend that people who sweat restlessly in summer should learn to regulate their emotions slowly.

If you can't control it, you should use some drugs and ingredients, such as green tea, which has a bitter taste and cold nature, which can clear the heart, open pores, relieve surface sweating, calm anxiety, and calm people.

Therefore, in the case of boredom and anxiety, sweat and can't come out, take a cup of green tea to drink, take a sip of it, and swallow it slowly.

Proper sweating in summer can expel the cold and evil qi in the body, which is good for health

There are also some people who are in another situation, and they sweat more sticky and even have color. Traditional Chinese medicine says that the function of the small intestine is called "secretion and turbidity", which can absorb the essence of the drink and discharge the dirt.

If the function of the small intestine is abnormal, there will be turbidity and turbidity. People with cold hearts are prone to this condition, and these people should pay attention to keeping their stomachs warm when they sleep in summer.

There are also some people who sweat because their bodies are relatively weak, and in ancient times, whoever sweated first lost the competition, indicating that the people who sweat are often weak and deficient in qi.

These people do a little physical work, or use their brains a little, they will feel hot on their bodies, they will sweat, and when they sweat, they will be even more tired.

We generally use the method of replenishing qi to help this kind of person fix his essence, because sweating too much will also leak his essence. It is generally recommended that they use astragalus and yam stewed porridge to drink.

What are the benefits of sweating a lot in summer?

Stabilize blood pressure and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels: After the human body reaches a certain age, the body is prone to elevated blood pressure, and some people find that their blood pressure has dropped when they measure their blood pressure in summer, why is this? In fact, in summer, the human body sweats more, and the blood vessels are affected by thermal expansion and cold contraction, and the blood pressure of the human body will indeed drop to a certain extent.

On the contrary, staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time will make the human body easily cold, and the blood pressure level in the body will fluctuate to a certain extent. Therefore, in summer, we should pay attention to leaving the air-conditioned room appropriately, go out for a walk, and let the body sweat, which can help the body keep blood pressure stable.

Proper sweating in summer can expel the cold and evil qi in the body, which is good for health

Improve the body's immunity: Summer is the season when bacteria multiply in large numbers, and many people may have colds and coughs if their body's immunity is relatively low and they do not pay attention to hygiene at ordinary times. When the human body sweats during exercise, it can improve the body's immunity and has a good effect on preventing colds. It is recommended that you often go to the park for a walk in the summer evening, and insist on walking for 30 minutes every day, which can help the body sweat very well, which is very helpful for improving immunity.

Promote the body's metabolism and nourish the skin: In fact, our body often sweats in summer, mainly to regulate body temperature, through sweating to help the body dissipate heat in time and keep the body temperature constant. In the summer, the body sweats a lot, which can metabolize excess toxins and garbage well, and keep the skin pores smooth and clean.

For friends who have a lot of oil secretion on the face and often have acne, sweating more in summer can dredge the pores of the skin well, moisturize the skin, and improve dry skin. However, after sweating, you should pay attention to washing your skin with warm and hot water in time, so as to better keep your skin clean and hygienic.

Proper sweating in summer can expel the cold and evil qi in the body, which is good for health

Frequent sweating in summer has many health benefits, so you should try to stay in an air-conditioned room as little as possible, and do more exercise when you have nothing to do to promote your body's metabolism. If you sweat too much, the human body is prone to water shortage, so you should pay attention to it and help the body replenish water in time.

The daily water intake is about 2000 ml, if you sweat a lot, you can drink some salt water appropriately, so that you can replenish the sodium in the body in time. After sweating, it is necessary to develop good hygiene habits, take a bath in time, change clothes, and apply some emollient products on the skin to better nourish the skin.

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