
The four-step process of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the body greatly improves combat effectiveness: the second step is to increase

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

What to add? It is to enhance the function of the spleen and stomach. The kidneys store sperm, which is mainly related to growth and development and fertility. The acquired foundation of the spleen is that the spleen and stomach decompose nutrients and provide them to the five internal organs and let the internal organs grow.

Traditional Chinese medicine says: The spleen is the main movement, and everything we eat, including medicines, must first be digested by the spleen and stomach before they can be absorbed and utilized.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, no matter how much you eat, it will not be absorbed well, and it will be useless to eat, so this is very important.

People with a weak spleen and stomach usually feel tired, weak, poor appetite, and indigestion.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the body greatly improves combat effectiveness: the second step is to increase

For people with weak spleen and stomach, before tonifying the kidney, it is best to use Xiangsha Liujun soup to strengthen the spleen and dehumidify, and regulate the spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach are better, the absorption is normal, and the tonic is much easier.

The "Neijing" attaches great importance to the spleen and kidney, but does not clearly put forward that "the spleen is the foundation of the acquired" and "the kidney is the foundation of the innate nature". The "Neijing" reveals that "innate" refers to the essence of the "two gods fighting" endowed by the parents, as well as the innate qi that is born from the innate essence, which is the origin of human life and the driving force for the formation of acquired viscera and the growth and development of the human body. For example, the scriptures say: "Man is born first, and first becomes essence", "Born is called essence", "Two gods fight together, form together, and often give birth to first, which is called essence." The so-called "essence" is the source of life and the foundation of innateness.

"Neijing" attaches great importance to the spleen and stomach, and believes that "the stomach, the sea of the water valley, the great plain of the six provinces", "the spleen and stomach, the official of the cang, the five flavors are out." To the Yuan Dynasty Li Dongyuan, who believed that "the spleen and stomach are injured, all diseases are born", and Zhang Jingyue proposed that "the spleen is the soil organs, and the irrigation is on all sides, so that there is a temper in the five organs." Zhou Zhigan's "Shen Zhai Testament" believes that "once the spleen and stomach are injured, the four organs are lifeless", and the above families all illustrate the importance of the spleen and stomach from the relationship between the spleen and stomach and other organs.

Li Zhongzi, a physician in the Ming Dynasty, said in the book "Medical Sect Must Read": "Those who are good at being doctors must be responsible for their origins, and there is a distinction between nature and innocence." The innate nature is in the kidney, and the kidney should be the water of the north, and the water is the source of the day. The foundation of the day after tomorrow is in the spleen, the spleen should be the soil of the middle palace, and the soil is the mother of all things".

At this point, there is a clear statement about the nature of nature and nurture. The rise and fall of the innate essence in the kidneys affects the innate endowment of the offspring, and the acquired essence derived from the essence of the water valley metamorphosis generated by the spleen can continuously nourish and change the innate essence.

The reason why the spleen is the foundation of nurture is the foundation of the future is due to the following reasons.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the body greatly improves combat effectiveness: the second step is to increase

First, the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry

"Medical Sect Must Read" proposes: "Why is the spleen the foundation of nurture? If the baby is born, if he does not eat for a day, he will be hungry, and if he does not eat for seven days, his stomach will dry up and die", "Once there is this body, it must be full of grain qi, and the grain qi enters the stomach, sprinkles it in the six intestines and the qi arrives, and the harmony is in the five organs and the blood is born, and the human resources are also the living, so it is said that the foundation of the day after tomorrow is in the spleen."

After birth, all life activities depend on the subtle substances ingested by the spleen and stomach. The stomach receives the decaying water valley, and the spleen further transports it into the water valley subtlety. Only when the spleen and stomach function vigorously can the body tissues be fully nourished. On the other hand, if the subtle function of the spleen and stomach is reduced, people will get sick.

Second, the spleen is prosperous in all seasons and is not subject to evil

The spleen cannot be injured, and the spleen injury will lead to imbalance of transportation and dampness. Zhang Zhongjing, a medical saint, proposed in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases" that "the spleen is prosperous in all seasons and is not subject to evil", indicating that the function of the spleen is vigorous, and it is not easy to be attacked by diseases.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the body greatly improves combat effectiveness: the second step is to increase

On the one hand, it emphasizes the importance of regulating the spleen and stomach in the treatment and health preservation of diseases; On the other hand, it is also pointed out that the four seasons are inseparable from the spleen. If the spleen is deficient, the vitality is insufficient, which will not only lead to internal evil, but also lead to a decrease in the function of external health and external evil.

"Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach" also has a cloud: "Internal injury to the spleen and stomach, all diseases are born". It can be seen that the prosperity and decline of the essence of the spleen directly affect the strength of the acquired constitution and the susceptibility to diseases.

Third, life needs to be grounded

The ancients believed that people live on the earth, and the earth is endowed with earth, and its hexagram is kun. Kun's virtue is: virtuous, generous, inclusive. People's health is inseparable from the rustic. People have to eat whole grains, and these foods are born out of the earth. The more rustic a person is, the healthier he is. On the contrary, the farther away from the rustic atmosphere, the more likely people are to get sick.

According to medical theory, the sick person should try to live on the first floor to facilitate grounding. On the other hand, if you live too high and stay away from the earth, it will be difficult to recover from the disease. For example, stroke patients must often walk on the grass in the park, which is the most grounded.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the body greatly improves combat effectiveness: the second step is to increase

Fourth, the earth dwells in the center

In the Five Elements Doctrine, earth occupies the supreme position. For example, the Chinese says: "The first king mixed earth with metal, wood, water, and fire, and made hundreds of things." "Taiping Yulan": "Spring is born and summer is long, autumn is harvested and winter is hidden, and the soil is not named: the earth, the alias of the soil is also, more respectful than the five elements, so it does not claim to be a ministry." The Chinese says: "Only the earth (earth) can encompass all things as one, and it will not lose anything, give birth to all things, tolerate livestock and beasts, and then receive its name and benefit it." "Zhuangzi" said: "Today's husband and Baichang are all born in the soil and are opposed to the soil." "Guanzi" cloud: "The earth, the origin of all things, the root of all beings, the beauty and evil, the virtuous and the foolish." ”

Tsuchii Central. Dong Zhongshu of the Han Dynasty pointed out: "The earth, among the five elements, is also the order of its heavens", "The soil dwells in the center, and it is the heavenly run." The earth, the stock of the sky is also, its virtue is beautiful, can not be named to a momentary thing, so the five elements and the four times, the earth is also also, although the gold, wood, water and fire are all positions, not because of the soil, the party does not stand, if the sour, salty and bitter is not because of the sweet and fat can not become a taste. The sweet, the origin of the five flavors, the earth, the lord of the five elements, the lord of the five elements, the earthiness, the five flavors of sweetness and fat, have to be".

The four-step process of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the body greatly improves combat effectiveness: the second step is to increase

Respecting the soil, respecting the soil, loving the soil and loving the soil is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. From the beautiful legend of the ancient Nuwa who made people out of clay to the Houji teaching people to harvest crops; From the pre-Qin Dynasty's "men enjoy their domains, women cultivate their careers" to King Wen of Zhou's gossip, respecting the earth as the head of the "five elements"; From the Tang Dynasty's "the earth is born and artificially revealed" to the Song Dynasty's "but save every inch of land, leave it for the descendants to cultivate", "heaven is the father of man, and the earth is the mother of man".

Why heavy soil? First, it is a product of agricultural culture. Agriculture is based on land, and land is the source of the Chinese nation's life, so "soil" is the most sacred in the minds of Chinese ancestors; Second, the Yellow Emperor is still yellow, and the soil is virtuous. We take the Yellow Emperor as our ancestor.