
Strange! Why are more and more Tsinghua Peking University students transferring to Chinese medicine? (a)

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Now it is not difficult to find that many people believe in Chinese medicine more. This belief is because they feel that the treatment ideas of Chinese medicine are more humane, and they realize that Chinese medicine originated from traditional Chinese culture, which can best influence and change the lifestyle of Chinese, and in the treatment of diseases and physical recovery, the "nourishment" of Chinese medicine is more important than surgery and drug treatment.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Treasure of Traditional Culture, a Miracle of Human Medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, broad and profound, it is rooted in the thousands of years of civilization history of the Chinese nation, and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. It is different from the disease-centered treatment model of Western medicine, but is based on a holistic concept, emphasizing the harmony and unity between man and nature, man and society, and pursuing the cure of disease and physical and mental health.

The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine is unique, it is based on the theory of yin and yang and the five elements, closely links the physiological and pathological changes of the human body with the changes of yin and yang in nature, and realizes the balance and harmony of the internal and external environment of the human body through the regulation and control of qi and blood, viscera, meridians and other elements. At the same time, TCM also pays attention to individual differences, emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment, and formulates personalized treatment plans according to the patient's physique, age, gender and other factors to achieve the best treatment effect.

In Chengdu, there is a young man named Zuo Qingyu, who is a top biology student at Tsinghua University. 你听说了‬吗‬? He decided to take the college entrance examination again and rushed to the arms of traditional Chinese medicine. With a good score of 660 points, he successfully entered Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and chose the famous nine-year Chinese medicine study path there. This move surprised many people, but Zuo Qingyu had his own thoughts in his heart.

Strange! Why are more and more Tsinghua Peking University students transferring to Chinese medicine? (a)

Zuo Qingyu has been particularly interested in Chinese medicine since he was a child, and this love is like a spring seedling, the longer it grows, the stronger it gets. When he entered Tsinghua University, he did not let go of this hobby, while learning modern biological knowledge, he took time to study Chinese medicine, read books, listen to lectures, and also practiced in the hospital.

Doesn't it sound like it's hard to give up the fame of Tsinghua University? But Zuo Qingyu has an account in his heart, and for him, what is more important than those external honors is to follow the love in his heart. In his view, Chinese medicine is not only a means of curing diseases, but also a secret to nourishing the body and making life better. He thought in his heart that he wanted to use Chinese medicine to help more people, which made him determined to challenge the college entrance examination again.

In the three months of preparing for the exam, Zuo Qingyu really tried his best. From morning to night, books have become his good friends, in addition to reviewing high school knowledge, he also has to make up for the basic skills of traditional Chinese medicine, mock exams one after another, and the time is very tight. But as soon as he thought of getting closer and closer to his dream, he gritted his teeth and persevered. After three months of hard work, he finally opened the door to the world of Chinese medicine.

Strange! Why are more and more Tsinghua Peking University students transferring to Chinese medicine? (a)


Now Zuo Qingyu is full of beautiful imagination for the future. At Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he plans to study in a down-to-earth manner, not only to learn theories, but also to practice practical skills. His goal is to be a great TCM doctor who can not only treat patients, but also teach people how to live a healthy life. He also thought about making a contribution to the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the wisdom of his ancestors would continue to shine today.

Zuo Qingyu's story is like a warm wind that wakes up the little dreams in our hearts. No matter where you stand at the moment, as long as you are willing to turn back and dare to chase your dreams, one day, dreams will come to you. In the final analysis, whether you can succeed or not depends not on how high your starting point is, but on whether you have the courage to chase what you really like.

Nowadays, more and more students from Tsinghua University and Peking University are studying Chinese medicine on their own in order to save themselves, such as Ma Junwei, a master of Peking University, who studied Chinese medicine to get himself out of his 8-year depression. Ma Junwei's life is particularly legendary, he was born into a very ordinary family, and his mother suffered from nasopharyngeal cancer before he went to school. After his mother had been ill for so many years, her body was in extreme pain, and in order to make her more comfortable, Ma Junwei wanted her mother to undergo surgery. Although his mother agreed to the operation at his request, the operation did not bring Ma Junwei the results he wanted, and his mother passed away. The death of his mother made Ma Junwei very self-blaming. He often blamed himself for why he let his mother have surgery, and if it wasn't for his insistence, maybe his mother would still be alive. He gradually became autistic because of excessive self-blame. The grieving Ma Junwei suffered from depression, drunk every day to relieve his pain, and even had crazy thoughts of jumping off the building to commit suicide. Now that Ma Junwei graduated from Peking University with a master's degree and studied traditional Chinese medicine courses, Ma Junwei, who had been depressed for 8 years, finally came out.

Strange! Why are more and more Tsinghua Peking University students transferring to Chinese medicine? (a)

Mo Yi was originally a top student of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University, Mo Yi said that he first came into contact with Chinese medicine when he suffered from liver disease in college, and after self-study of Chinese medicine treatment, his liver disease was cured, so he realized the magic of Chinese medicine and realized that traditional Chinese medicine is a huge treasure trove.

After reading a lot of medical books, I have a certain understanding of Chinese medicine. My son has Tourette's syndrome, and I have seen many doctors, but none of them can explain what the disease is.

Western medicine believes that it is a disease of the nervous system, and Chinese medicine believes that it is the internal movement of liver wind, which should be treated from the liver. After reading Li Dongyuan's "Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach", "The Secret Collection of the Orchid Room", and Qian Yi's "Straight Recipe for Pediatric Drug Evidence", he found that the treatment of slow convulsions should not start from the liver and kidneys, but should regulate the spleen and stomach.

Mo Yi prescribed astragalus soup to his son according to Li Dongyuan's recipe, and after eating it for a month, the child's state changed, and after persisting for half a year, it was basically all right. Mo Yi said that his son was his first patient.

Strange! Why are more and more Tsinghua Peking University students transferring to Chinese medicine? (a)

Mo Yi said that after curing his son's illness, some classmates and friends knew that I was playing traditional Chinese medicine, and they would come to me, a charlatan, to treat some diseases that could not be cured in the hospital.

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