
Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (iv)

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Achievements of Ancient Chinese Medicine: Leading the World for Thousands of Years! Hua Tuo, a miracle doctor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, founded Ma Boiling San, and was the first doctor in the world to use anesthetic drugs to perform surgery, a technique more than 1,000 years earlier than in Europe.

Zhang Zhongjing, a doctor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, invented the method of medicated enema and recorded first aid measures similar to artificial respiration, which were more than 1,000 years earlier than Western medicine.

Ge Hong, a doctor in the Jin Dynasty, invented the method of applying the cerebral marrow of a mad dog to the wound of a patient to treat rabies, and was a pioneer in immunology in the world, more than 1,000 years earlier than Europe.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (iv)

For the first time in the history of world medicine, Ge Hong also recorded two infectious diseases, one was smallpox and the other was scrub typhus.

Ge Hong, a physician in the Jin Dynasty, recorded the method of treating malaria with artemisia, and thousands of years later, Tu Youyou, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, was inspired by this to invent artemisinin, for which he won the Nobel Prize.

Tang Dynasty physician Sun Simiao invented onion catheterization, which is the world's earliest catheterization technology, more than 1,000 years earlier than Europe.

The Song Dynasty already had pox technology, which is also leading the world.

There is a certificate and a medicine: Chinese medicine is not slow!

Traditional Chinese medicine can be said to be infinitely varied in terms of medication, with the mystery of "treating different diseases at the same time" and "treating the same disease with different treatments", and the secret of "using medicine like soldiers". Traditional Chinese medicine has not been slow since ancient times, as long as the medication is symptomatic, it can also be cured. When using medicine, in addition to paying attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, it is also necessary to master some special drugs for special diseases, so that the effect is often immediate when used in clinical practice.

Moreover, there are various treatments of traditional Chinese medicine, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine treatment, there are also acupuncture, massage, massage, scraping, cupping, lighting and other therapies, and no matter what kind of treatment, as long as the method is used correctly, the effect will be very good.

Generally speaking, Chinese medicine is very excellent both theoretically and technically, and in world medicine, the uniqueness of Chinese medicine cannot be replicated by any kind of medicine. It can be seen that Chinese medicine has been inherited for 5,000 years, precisely because of its uniqueness and its effects.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (iv)

Why has Chinese medicine always been the "protector" of the Chinese nation? Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure in traditional Chinese culture and the "protector god" of the Chinese nation, protecting the Chinese people to multiply and become stronger and more prosperous.

Some people say that Western medicine also has some credit. What is the merit of Western medicine? Western medicine has only been introduced to China for more than 100 years, while the Chinese nation has only a written history of civilization for more than 5,000 years, and its ancestors have been reproducing on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years, relying on the predecessor of Chinese medicine at that time.

Western medicine is well developed in Western countries, but people are increasingly looking down on medical treatment. According to the U.S. "World Journal", a polling agency Gallup survey showed that in 2019, 33% of people in the United States were forced to postpone treatment because they could not afford expensive medical expenses. As for the cost of health care in the United States, it has already exceeded 20% of GDP, and the growth rate is far faster than the growth rate of GDP, and if this continues, the health care finance will go bankrupt.

Western medicine is an expansion under the capital route, and the pharmaceutical companies are capital giants, and their only purpose in producing Western medicine is to make money. As an entity, making money is also the main purpose of the Western Hospital. Traditional Chinese medicine is a benevolent and benevolent art, and the purpose of studying medicine is to save lives and help the wounded, and making money is only a secondary purpose. For example, it is normal for Chinese medicine to treat people for free, and in a disaster year, Chinese medicine can donate medicine and medicine, but when you go to a western hospital, if you don't have money, there will definitely be no one to treat you.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (iv)

Traditional Chinese medicine is popularized among the people, patients can find traditional Chinese medicine nearby, and most of the traditional Chinese medicine comes from nature, many of them can be self-collected, and it does not cost much to buy. Therefore, under the traditional Chinese medicine system, there will be no long queues for registration, and you cannot afford expensive medical expenses. However, the vast majority of Western medicine is in big cities, and patients at the grassroots level have to go to the hospital to see a doctor, which makes it difficult to find many Western hospitals. In addition, most Western medicines are refined drugs, and the cost is relatively high, and there are many people who look down on the disease.

Western medicine is a vassal of capital, and the development model of Western medicine is a capital expansion route, the most typical is that the scale of Western hospitals is getting bigger and bigger, and the buildings are getting higher and higher, but the burden on patients is getting heavier and heavier. For example, lowering blood pressure, blood lipids, coronary heart disease, etc., Chinese medicine could have been cured at one time, but in Western medicine, it is a lifelong medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is particularly about medical ethics, and the ancient pharmacy wrote that "I hope that there will be no disease in the world, and I would rather use medicine to produce dust", while Western hospitals pay attention to economic benefits.

The examination cost of Western medicine is high, and the examination of the five internal organs and various blood indicators basically costs thousands of yuan, and the four diagnoses of traditional Chinese medicine spend very little money to basically determine the location of the lesion. What's more, once detected by Western medicine, it is often a relatively serious disease, while Chinese medicine can detect the quantitative stage of the disease before the qualitative change, so as to prevent it first.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (iv)

For a long time, certain people in the West have carried out cultural invasion of the Chinese nation and constantly vilified and smeared China's traditional culture. Because Western medicine has a strong industrial chain, high fees and large profits, the strong capital behind Western medicine is aimed at China's huge medical market, as long as Chinese medicine is suppressed, Western medicine will dominate the world, and the profits of capitalists will roll in.

The practice of the Chinese nation over the past 5,000 years has proved that the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine is very good. On the land of China, the population is thriving, there are not too many plagues, and the ancestors have left many valuable classics of traditional Chinese medicine, which are priceless treasures for mankind. The efficacy of medicine is the best science.

The cost of TCM treatment is very low. Based on today's price level, if traditional Chinese medicine is used for treatment, minor diseases will only cost more than 10 yuan, tens of yuan or more than 100 yuan, and major diseases will only cost a few hundred yuan or more than 1,000 yuan; If Western medicine is used for treatment, minor diseases also need to be examined, infusion is done at every turn, a large number of medicines are prescribed, it costs hundreds of thousands of yuan, and serious diseases cost tens of thousands, tens of thousands of yuan, hundreds of thousands or even millions of yuan.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (iv)

Eventually, the cost of health care becomes a cost to society. If Chinese medicine is widely promoted in China, then the social costs in China will generally be reduced; If China abandons traditional Chinese medicine and promotes Western medicine generally, the social costs will rise, and the burden on the people and the government will increase.

"Preventive treatment" is the greatest scientific nature of traditional Chinese medicine, which is equivalent to the early warning system in modern science and technology. There is an ancient Chinese saying that "the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the anthill", and the "look, smell, ask, and cut" of the "four diagnoses" of traditional Chinese medicine means that people are found when they are first sick, or they are found when they want to be sick, and they block the "anthill" in advance to protect the "embankment of a thousand miles".

Bian Que in history is famous all over the world, he has very high medical skills, but he only knows how to treat diseases, not prevention. And his eldest brother and second brother not only know how to cure diseases, their medical skills are higher than Bian Que's, but they are also proficient in disease prevention. When there is a slight sign of disease, it can be seen, so that preventive measures can be taken in time to eliminate the hidden danger. Human illness is similar to the big and small accidents in society, and it is best if it does not occur or it occurs less. This is the principle of "curing diseases before they occur" in traditional Chinese medicine.

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