
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

author:The design is stylishly designed
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The road to simplicity

See Zen everywhere

It's not about luxury

Just be at ease

In the midst of a calm epiphany

Experience a thousand kinds of elegance

Amitabha Buddha Sanskrit Amita, righteous said: immeasurable light, immeasurable longevity, and righteous nectar (Esoteric Buddhism is called the king of manna). He was originally a Dharma Tibetan bhikshu at the time of the king of the world, who vowed to achieve a perfect Buddha kingdom and to transform sentient beings in the most skillful way, and later became a Buddha and created the Western Elysium. The Dharma Tibetan bhikshu became Amitabha Buddha and the head of the Western Elysium.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel


Zhengxiang Group's 2015 Masterpiece - Amitabha Buddha Hotel.

The relationship between Zou Lei and Amitabha Buddha Hotel was purely accidental, and it originated from a mahogany hall in West Lake - "Tan Gu Runjin".

Mr. Wu, a devout Buddhist, was initially worried about whether the name was in line with the spirit of Buddhism, but later he was taught that this would promote the Buddha's education more actively and plant the seeds of goodness in the hearts of more people.

The belief of most Chinese people is the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and Chinese people of different ages will choose the philosophy of life according to different life experiences.


Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

Amitabha Hotel integrates Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism into modern hotel architecture, and is a 21st century Chinese culture dojo. The essence of Buddhism is education, and Amitabha Hotel is a new interpretation of human Buddhism advocated by the Six Patriarchs Hui Neng.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The hotel only provides vegetarian food and does not provide alcoholic beverages, the conference center is a dojo to promote Chinese culture, the guest rooms are divided into three styles: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the guest rooms can only receive Chinese culture programs, and other programs are not visible.



Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The Confucian style uses poetry, calligraphy and painting as design elements to highlight the "nobility, literary atmosphere and elegance" of Confucianism.


Taoist school

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The Taoist-style guest rooms embody the word "vegetarian", combining Lao Tzu's idea of the unity of nature and man, and creating a sense of indifference with simplicity.

Zen style

Zen style

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The Zen-style guest rooms embody the word "cang", showing the thickness of life and the sense of time, making people's hearts more settled, and conveying a simple and mellow feeling in the space.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The teachings of my ancestors have allowed me to draw inspiration from nature. "The Road to Simplicity" made me realize that design is a process from complexity to simplicity, and that reducing nothing is the ultimate. "Heaven and earth have great beauty without words", but you can't see the clues of the design, everything is so natural.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

Man is the law of the earth, the earth is the law of the sky, the heaven is the law, and the Tao is the law of nature. The highest level of design is not to see the traces of design, perfect works, her beauty and her function seem to come from the hand of nature, natural, without mud and water without pretentiousness.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

Confucianism, Taoism, and interpretation, just like a person's life course from childhood to adulthood, when he was young, he used Confucianism to guide himself, "self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country, and leveling the world", "Tianxingjian, a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement" This is the "Qiangua" in the Book of Changes; And the young man is inevitably frivolous, naturally there will be some ups and downs, frustration with Taoist thought to encourage themselves, "the Tao is natural, natural inaction, the sea is inclusive", so that the road of life becomes wider, "the terrain Kun, the gentleman with virtue loads" This is the "Kun hexagram" in the Book of Changes; After the thousand sails have passed, we will naturally use the thoughts of the Buddha to correct and reflect on ourselves, and serve the public with compassion and wisdom in samsara.

The highest level of design is that there is no sense of design, it is natural, and it moisturizes things silently

What is beauty, beauty is from the resonance of the soul, is the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind of the momentary capture, every time you see a good work, whether it is natural or artificial, you feel extraordinary, the soul is infected and shocked.

The concept of "equality of all beings" and "no distinction" made me realize that there are no ugly colors in the world, only colors that are not well matched; There are no low-grade materials in the world, only materials that are not well matched. Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, elegant and vulgar all depend on the ingenuity of the designer.

"Vacuum is wonderful" architect does the art of space, space rises, bears, turns, closes, or suddenly opens, or layered, or solemn and majestic, or there is a hole in the sky or God chasing the sky----- this is the movement of "emptiness".

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

How to make a "zen" design

Zen nourishes our wisdom roots and fills our lives with wisdom and wit. Zen is the great wisdom of the East, and the thinking of Zen is the intuitive thinking that transcends the image thinking and logical thinking, or it can also be called the inspiration thinking and epiphany thinking. It goes straight to the source. Fit into the core of things, grasp the essence, and unify the rhythm with the objective laws of natural development.

Each of us has experienced the wonder of intuition and the beauty of inspiration, and each of us has had the feeling of being able to understand it – this is the wisdom that Zen seeks to give us, and to make it regular and practical. Zen thinking is not mysterious, and everyone can express this intuition. Therefore, Zen sows the seeds of wisdom for us, and if we want to, it can grow into a towering tree.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

The external separation is Zen, and the internal chaos is fixed.

Because the designer's habit is too heavy, the ego is very deep, and the design relies on the "phase" to convey a specific style, and there is no Zen in the "phase", so you can never make a "Zen" design! All we do is hallucination.

Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

In the unbounded space of thought, people's spirituality naturally grows, bursting out with more deep creativity from nature. This is supposed to be a blessing of Amitabha Buddha in the spiritual world.


Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

Team | Rennes [Beijing] Architectural Design Co., Ltd

项目位置 / Location | 福建·福州

Area | 25000㎡


Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel
Zen Design: Rennes Design / Amitabha Hotel

Zou Lei


Senior Architect

Crossover Artist

He is one of the founders of the "Unbounded China" art movement

Advocate breaking the existing thinking framework and encourage creative thinking without boundaries

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