
The community of Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten in Sanyuan District held a food safety knowledge competition

author:Sina Fujian Sanming Channel

In order to further improve the level of food safety management, enhance the job skills and theoretical knowledge of canteen employees, and effectively ensure the food safety of teachers and children. Recently, the community of Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten in Sanyuan District successfully held a food safety knowledge competition for canteen practitioners with the theme of "Strengthening Theoretical Assessment and Guarding the Safety of the Tip of the Tongue".

The community of Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten in Sanyuan District held a food safety knowledge competition
The community of Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten in Sanyuan District held a food safety knowledge competition
The community of Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten in Sanyuan District held a food safety knowledge competition

The participants of this competition are all canteen employees of the member schools of the main school community. The competition covers a wide range of contents, covering food safety standard operation, sanitation and disinfection, warehousing inspection, employee health inspection, food warehouse standard storage, and scientific cooking process. In the end, 1 group first prize, 1 second prize, 9 individual first prizes, 1 second prize, and 2 third prizes were selected.

The community of Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten in Sanyuan District held a food safety knowledge competition

Through this knowledge competition, it not only helps to improve the food safety awareness and professionalism of canteen employees, but also lays a more solid foundation for the food safety work of kindergartens.

Source: Lin Wenzhen, Xu Bi Experimental Kindergarten, Sanyuan District

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