
Three years ago, it was he who was blinded by the green tea, which caused his little wife to abandon him.

author:Zhizhi excerpt
Three years ago, it was he who was blinded by the green tea, which caused his little wife to abandon him.

The picture comes from the Internet

Leisurely cloud house.

Sun Xiaobing walked into the office with a resignation letter in his hand.

"Mr. Fan, what should I do with the 200,000 borrowed by Jiang Meiqi? Is it to let her return it and leave, or is it ......"

This money has only been lent out for a long time, and this will ask the other party to pay it back, I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Fan Xingyun covered his mouth and coughed lightly.

I had a cold for the past two days, my throat was dry and itchy, and I still had signs of fever last night.

For the sake of safety, I sent Wu Youyou back last night, and I still let Sun Xiaobing go.


"In the future, if she can keep to herself, the money should be given to her, otherwise, a lot of money will be recovered."


After Sun Xiaobing went out, he called Jiang Meiqi away from his workstation.

The two walked into the lounge, and it didn't take long to hear Jiang Meiqi slapping the table.

The people outside were shaken.

Across the table, he asked Sun Xiaobing, "Are you sure it's the meaning of the nebula?" Then why didn't he just tell me?? ”

It's so close to your face, a big president, fire an employee, and someone else to tell you in person?

At this time, Sun Xiaobing doesn't need to come forward, just issue a notice.

Today, in order to maintain everyone's face, he went out in person.

"Sister Maggie, I've always respected you, you're enthusiastic and have strong work ability, but you seem to have forgotten your identity and always do something uncomfortable."

Sun Xiaobing said very vaguely, hoping that she would be able to restrain herself in the future.

If this matter is solved by Mr. Van himself, the nature will be much more serious.

And Jiang Meiqi didn't know that she was exposed, but swore by it.

"I am not at fault in my work, you fired me without reason, you have to pay compensation, if this matter spreads, it will also be detrimental to Guanren Real Estate.

Sun Xiaobing, you and I are both officials, and you don't want the company to bear these accusations. ”

She clasped her hands around her chest, a smile on her lips, and squinted her narrow eyes to look at the other side.

The threat is strong.

The land over there in Guancheng is in the process of bidding.

If at this time, there is anything bad for the company.

It is difficult to say whether the financing will go smoothly in the future.

The so-called bad things certainly don't just refer to the dismissal of her.

Sun Xiaobing shrugged disappreciatively.

Is Jiang Meiqi stupid? Or madness?

has done so many things that harm others and herself, she will not be naïve to think that only God knows, the earth knows, she knows.

There are more than thirty people, and he can't see the situation clearly, and he doesn't know how to say that she is okay.

"Sister Meiqi, as a member of the president's office, I have the obligation to maintain the company's image and interests, if I find that there are people in the company who pose a threat to these two points, I can only act according to the rules, I hope you can understand my work.

You and I have worked together for three years, and the two sides have always gotten along well, I hope we can get together and disperse, and when we meet again in the future, I can still respect you Sister Maggie. ”

Sun Xiaobing put down the resignation letter, nodded politely to her, and then left the lounge alone.

Jiang Meiqi was so angry that her teeth itched.

She picked up the resignation letter and went straight to the president's office.

There was a "pop" sound.

The resignation letter was slapped on her desk by her, and a pair of big eyes glowed red.

"Nebula, what the hell did I do wrong to treat me like this?"

Fan Xingyun was holding his mobile phone at the moment, just clicked on Wu Youyou's dialog box, typed a row of words, thought about it and deleted it, and was ready to edit it again.

However, he racked his brains and didn't know how to start.

Now my train of thought has been interrupted, and my heart is irritable.

"Get out!"

He looked up and roared, his deep pupils filled with anger.

Jiang Meiqi has not been treated like this for a long time.

When she was a child, her parents yelled at her when something went wrong.

During the babbling period, Jiang Qiqi couldn't speak clearly, and he would yell at her when he opened his mouth.

After Song Ji married her, for a period of time, his career suffered a waterloo, and he yelled at her at every turn.

This creates her suspicious and irritable personality.

In the past three years, working in Guanren Real Estate, I have stayed away from those people and things that make her feel bad.

Coupled with a good salary and a good mood, she slowly softened.

In the past few years, even if there are occasional mistakes in work, Fan Xingyun has never criticized her by name.

Until Wu Youyou returned to China.

Yes, it's all Wu Youyou's fault!!

She softened her tone, "Nebula, did Yoyo say something to you?" If she misunderstood something, I can explain that I... I'm going to go to her, I'm going to give her ......."

As soon as the words fell, she walked out of the door menacingly.

She wanted to find Wu Youyou and ask her, why did she refuse to let go even though both of them were divorced!

Obviously she has so many choices, why do you want her to grab it?

Fanxing Nebula is, and so does Confucianism!

"Maggie Jiang!"

Van Xingyun put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood straight.

Sun Xiaobing heard movement outside the door, and immediately pushed the door open and came in.

The moment the door closed, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were cut off.

He looked sorry, he didn't expect Jiang Meiqi to rush in directly.

"Tell her why! Let her die clearly! ”

Fan Xingyun left the computer and sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed.


Turning on the projector, he projected the photos taken by Jiang Qiqi on the wall, like a slide, one by one.

There are also screenshots of the chat between the sister and brother, transfer records, etc.

These photos are enough to prove that Jiang Meiqi instructed others to track and photograph Wu Youyou, Confucian Nian, and Fanyun Xingyun.

even let his younger brother deliberately approach Wu Youyou.

also induced the other party, coaxed the woman to go to bed, took nude photos, etc.

"The evidence is in front of you, what else do you have to deny?? If you are not convinced, I can also provide a witness. ”

Before making this decision, he had already figured out the bottom of the Jiang family.

casually threw tens of thousands of yuan, gave it to her brother who was not in the climate, and betrayed her sister in minutes.


Van Xingyun turned on the lighter and lit a cigarette for himself, and the smoke was so thick that he couldn't open his eyes.

In the fog of light and darkness, the flames erupting from those eyes were particularly warm.

It's chilling.

Jiang Meiqi should not play the idea of yoyo.

This is his bottom line, three years ago, it was he who was blinded by lard.

didn't realize that his vague attitude hurt the person next to him so much, which caused his little wife to abandon him.

Now, if he wants to recover his little woman, he must pull out the thorn in her eye, and the thorn in her flesh.

"Van Xingyun, you don't have amnesia? Hehe......"

She sneered, tears slid down the corners of her eyes, and her messy hair, clinging to her neck, was extremely desolate.

"Who do you think it is, let me tell you, the men around Wu Youyou have changed one stubble after another, no matter how noble you are, you are just one of her many men..."

Sun Xiaobing didn't wait for her to finish, he directly pushed the person out, and warned her through gritted teeth:

"Anfendian, the 200,000 is your severance pay, otherwise, it is your talisman!"

In the past two days, the news that the Guancheng Police Station has taken down an international prostitution den has spread all over the country.

The people who frequented it were either government officials or business tycoons.

The women inside come from all over the world, and some of them are underage girls.

There are even rumors that they were trafficked.

These women, in order to welcome guests, do all kinds of transactions without a limit, and the scene is jaw-dropping.

The local government and the police station attach great importance to this matter.

Posting a large announcement, it is inevitable to completely eliminate these pornography and black-related organizations.

He also promised the society that none of the people involved in the case could escape.

Some foreign ambassadors to China had no choice but to post a notice:

Respect and support China's major country to clear the net, the behavior of the woman involved in the case only represents her personally, and should not rise to the national level.

I heard that a large number of armed police were also mobilized in this operation.

In order to prevent someone from ventilating and reporting the news, the assault team was all armed police sent out by Yongzhou, and they were caught off guard.

And the person who exposed this operation was a poor boy who disguised himself as a waiter and sneaked in to take pictures.

There are also many photos at the scene, all taken from the perspective of a poor boy.

His courage and resourcefulness have won the applause of hundreds of thousands of netizens on the Internet.

Some enthusiastic companies have publicly expressed their willingness to give 100,000 yuan to the hero as a reward.

On the same day, the company's products were snatched up by netizens, and in one day, they directly reached the usual three-month turnover.

The pre-sale was scheduled for three months later.

The company's share price has also soared.

That night, Jiang Qiqi publicly stated that he was the hero in this incident, and received a bonus of 100,000 yuan with peace of mind.

He also connected with enthusiastic netizens and shared what he saw that day.

But he also only talked about the characters exposed in the photo, and as for Van Xingyun, he didn't mention anything.

Before the next broadcast, he left a sentence:

"Family and friends, there is even more exciting, the identity of the other party is absolutely beyond the imagination of 1.4 billion Chinese."

In an instant, the audience boiled.

There are even official media people asking online if they can reveal the secret to them privately.

Those who have pictures and truths will be well paid.

Jiang Qiqi rubbed his hands excitedly, he had been poor for half his life, and he never thought that it would be so easy to get money.

Knowing this, he will patronize these fireworks places in the future, and he can earn some conscience money while being chic.

He didn't immediately agree to the other party's request, and decided to hang their appetite first.

After all, the money of the media person is more than a little worse than the protagonist in the incident.

Moreover, once the news is released, he is also afraid that he will not be able to spend this money.

He was going to spend a few days with someone first, and then ask the other party for money when Fan Xingyun's psychological defense line was broken.

This time, there are no millions of resolutely refusing to shut up.

Just thinking about it makes people urinate.

He was barefoot and tried to run to the bathroom, but there was a puddle of water on the floor, which accidentally caused him to fall off the screen.

In the live broadcast room, the laughter was like thunder, and in the next second, his four-legged emoji exploded on the full screen.

Wu Youyou stared at the computer screen in a daze, she was suspicious of the matter.

Although Jiang Qiqi is so greedy, he is an out-and-out coward, and such a bold thing is not his style at all.

Even if he dares to take these photos, he may not dare to put them, unless, he does not realize the seriousness of the situation.

As an excellent media practitioner, she knows that the incident fermented so quickly that she definitely spent money on promotion.

But how can a poor person like Jiang Qiqi, who has no ability to protect himself, pay for this?

Isn't that the same as hiring a murderer to kill himself?

The existence of Guancheng's characteristics is no longer a matter of one or two days, nor is it a year or two.

It's five, ten, or even twenty years.

The foundation of these people in Guancheng cannot be shaken overnight.

A few unconvincing photos can at most pull out a few small shrimps that have shown their faces.

And the venue was sealed, the place was stigmatized, and the central government issued a warning.

Such a stain will not be washed away in the next few decades, which will seriously affect the future investment promotion.

"The hero touted by 10,000 people is about to become a bear!"

Wu Youyou showed a shallow smile, no matter who was behind this matter, it was her helper.

Like Jiang Meiqi, she has been provocative again and again.

It's already made her unable to live in peace.

Yesterday afternoon, the old man and Aunt Luo took Xiao Niannian for a walk in the park.

Jiang Meiqi sneakily followed behind, taking advantage of the gap between Xiao Niannian and the old man playing hide and seek, holding a handful of candy in her hand, wanting to trick the little guy away.

Aunt Luo snatched Xiao Niannian away, pointed to her nose and asked, why do you give other people's children food casually?

What if my child is allergic to sugar or chokes?

Are you up to the task?

Why, just take someone else's child? Are you a human trafficker?

If she didn't tell the truth, she called the police.

Aunt Luo's bombardment greeting, Jiang Meiqi was powerless to parry.

I could only shake my head and say that I was not a human trafficker, but I couldn't help but hug the child when I saw that it was cute.

The voices of the two alarmed the old man.

Just now, he was still covering his eyes and counting, and in less than two minutes, there was an idea of a thief beating his little grandson.

Angry, his hands trembled, he raised the cane in his hand, rushed over and struck at the person.

Jiang Meiqi screamed in pain, and ran away with her head in her hands.

Afterwards, when Aunt Luo and Wu Youyou talked about it, they still had lingering palpitations, and she was both resentful and self-blaming.

Today, if she leaves for half a minute, maybe the child will be taken away by the woman.

In real life, there are a few abducted children who have died well.

"Yoyo, why don't you hire a bodyguard for Niannian, I'm really scared, won't they give birth? How many people think about our little darling. ”

Aunt Luo hugged Xiao Nian and cried silently.

So many people?

Wu Youyou caught Hua Dian, "Aunt Luo, who else besides Jiang Meiqi?" ”

Aunt Luo flickered.

After all, the Fan's couple are old acquaintances, but compared with Xiao Niannian's safety, it is clear which is more important.

"It's Mr. and Mrs. Van Van."

Aunt Luo told the whole story:

I heard that it was Jiang Meiqi who provided them with the child's photo, and no matter how the couple looked at it, they thought it was their own child, so they came here to verify.

Pity my little darling, and break my knee because of it. ”

"Maggie Jiang ......"

Wu Youyou said this name, and his teeth itched with hatred.

Your paws are too far to touch my child?

Then don't blame me for slashing my tentacles with a big knife and being ruthless.

In order to never suffer from future troubles, Wu Youyou decided to fight back.

immediately contacted Jiang Meiqi's ex-husband - Song Ji anonymously.

Pack her residential address and photos taken by private detectives and send them to the other party's mailbox.

The man has been at home for a long time, and he still owes a lot of foreign debts.

The creditor called every day, so scared that he didn't even dare to turn on his mobile phone.

can only hide at home in the dark, relying on bread, instant noodles and so on.

On the other hand, his ex-wife, less than a year after the divorce, found a little white face.

took their son and went to settle in the man's city, and the small life was prosperous.

Now, the child and his stepfather get along very well, and gradually forget about his biological father.

Even his video is reluctant to take it.

The ex-wife even proposed to him that the child's surname should be changed to the current husband's.

The more Song Ji thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, his old Song family was such a lone seedling, and the child was raised by his mother from birth.

At the time of the divorce, Jiang Meiqi knelt in front of Song's mother and swore that she would give birth to a pair of dragons to the old Song family in the coming year.

Later, I became pregnant several times, but I had a miscarriage.

He tried his best to follow the bedside and serve, and in turn, he was counted out by the other party.

Song Ji was furious, and at the beginning, he and his mother tried their best to fight for custody of the child.

It was Jiang Meiqi who blocked it in every possible way, saying that no matter what, she didn't want to be a stepmother.

What else to say, other people's children, no matter how good you are to him, you will be a white-eyed wolf in the future.

"If you want to blame it, blame your stomach for not being angry, my ex-wife gave birth to a son to my old Song family in her first child."

"Song Ji, how can you be sure it's your son? You don't pee yourself and look in the mirror, does your son look like you? ”

Hearing this, Song Ji was furious.

Since his career began to decline, Jiang Meiqi has stimulated him with all kinds of words.

Now, he opened his mouth to say something insulting to him.

"Fuck you! Dare to question the bloodline of my old Song family, you don't want to live anymore?? ”

On that day, Jiang Meiqi was beaten by Song Ji and her nose was blue and swollen, and her head was dizzy.

Not long after, the two divorced.

Out of guilt, he did not pursue Jiang Meiqi and took away the only more than 300,000 yuan in his family.

He kicked the beer bottle open on the ground.

"It's all Jiang Meiqi's mother, who caused Lao Tzu's family to be ruined, and when Lao Tzu was at the end of his rope, she swept away Lao Tzu's money. Jiang Meiqi, Lao Tzu is not happy, don't think about it!! ”

The eighth floor of the International Trade Building.

Youman Media's small team has added three new members.

Two girls, a little beauty Bai Jingjing who is responsible for the reception at the front desk.

The other followed Wu Youyou as an assistant, named Jianing.

There is also a Huang Yifan who is responsible for editing and other post-production work.

Five people gather around and introduce themselves to each other and their positions in the company.

Since it was the first time for everyone to meet, the three of them seemed a little restrained.

Except for Jianing, who has worked as a personal assistant in a modeling agency for three years, the other two are just graduates.

As the boss, Wu Youyou also prepared a generous gift for the three newcomers.

Su Jingyi, the king of the show, reached out to ask for her share after sending the gift.

He also said that when he joined the company, he did not have an entry gift, and the boss could not favor one over the other, otherwise the business would not be big.

"Do you have the ability to say it again?"

Wu Youyou raised his eyebrows in warning.

can curse her for failing in love, not being able to marry for the rest of her life, and so on.

It can't be said that Youman can't do it, otherwise, she will be in a hurry.

"Not capable." Su Jingyi quickly confessed.

It made the people present laugh.

In such a relaxed and active atmosphere, the three newcomers were released one after another.

Huang Yifan said that he thought that the person who opened the media company might be an old man or a strong woman around forty years old.

People of this age have a lot of social experience, make good connections, and can also be left and right in the shopping mall.

Unexpectedly, it was two beautiful women of the same age as him.

"It's a pity that the two CEOs don't be celebrities with this appearance."

He praised it.

Wu Youyou is peaceful, "The ones you are talking about are all big companies, and there are many small companies like us on the market, especially in the past two years, short dramas have been popular, so our competition is still very big."

As for being a star, we already have one of Youman, I am in charge of the scenes, and in the future, you will all have the opportunity to walk in front of the screen, and everyone will cheer together. ”


Jianing turned his head left and right.

Su Jingyi put down Erlang's legs, immediately raised the posture of a star, and deliberately coughed twice to attract the attention of others, this big star is here.

Bai Jingjing held a notebook in her hand, slowly walked in front of Su Jingyi, and hesitated to speak.

"Sister Jingyi, can you sign for me, I've been looking for a job for more than a month, and I often see your public service advertisements on the streets of Yongzhou, but I didn't expect to see me today."

Su Jingyi covered her mouth and widened her eyes.

She really didn't expect that some fans would chase after the company.

secretly happy in my heart, just shoot a public service announcement, and become famous?

Sure enough, it is good to enjoy the shade with your back against the big tree.

If it weren't for the giant screen put by Guanren Real Estate, it would be played 24 hours a day in various prosperous neighborhoods in Yongzhou.

Perhaps, she filmed ten times, eight times and no one may know her.

It's no wonder that some people are sticking money upside down, and they also want to cooperate with large companies.

Carefully took the pen and notebook, "I'm so surprised, you actually know me?" ”

"Hmmm! There's your name on the ad. ”

"You're not here for me, are you?"

"Oh no! It was only after I came in that I realized that you were a little familiar, and after passing the interview yesterday, I also went to take a look, and even the name was correct. I don't think there's such a coincidence in the world. ”

Su Jingyi deliberately showed a hint of unhappiness.


It's not for me!

However, it can be seen from this book that people who really chase stars will not hold such a book for idols to sign.

Anyway, it's also an idol photo, or a postcard or something.

She quickly signed her name in the notebook, which was specially drafted by the master.

Sprinkled with a sense of art.

Of course, you can't tell what is written with the naked eye, but art wants this kind of effect.

Every time, when he saw this signature, Wu Youyou couldn't help but want to laugh.

If she doesn't write good words, she has to write any star art style, so she doesn't even know the three big characters "Su Jingyi".

However, her contemptuous smile attracted Su Jingyi's dissatisfaction.

Just as he was about to have an attack, Mr. Wu spoke.

"Today is the first day of work for all of you, so in the morning, familiarize yourself with the company, your colleagues, and your job responsibilities.

In the afternoon, we went out to have a meal together, and by the way, we had some entertainment activities, so that everyone could relax and relax, and tomorrow, devote ourselves wholeheartedly to work. ”

"Oh yes!"

It's been a long time since there have been so many people, and when they went out together, Su Jingyi was so excited that she jumped up and made a gesture to jump on Wu Youyou.

"Pay attention to the image, my big star, you will represent Youman Media in the future."

"Cough cough ......"

Su Jingyi's hand was raised again, and the other hand pulled the hem of the slit skirt.


A group of like-minded young people, it is joy to get together.

In between meals, they sang loudly, drank a lot of wine, and held watermelons to see who would finish them first.

Su Jingyi, Bai Jingjing, and Huang Yifan's clothes are full of watermelon juice.

Two or three people, sharing a microphone, howled so loudly that they couldn't hear what words were being sung.

And because Wu Youyou has to drive, he can only replace wine with tea.

Jianing said that he couldn't drink alcohol, so everyone didn't force it.

Maybe it's four or five years older than everyone present, or maybe it's her previous work habits, and she serves everyone like a big sister throughout the whole scene.

One moment peeling nuts, one moment giving paper towels, another moment cleaning the tabletop.

When I came out of the restaurant, it was already dark.

Except for Su Jingyi, who was a little drunk and needed someone to support her, the other two were quite sober.

Wu Youyou told them to take a taxi back, and the fare will be reimbursed tomorrow.

When the car was about to start, Su Jingyi felt evil in her throat, suddenly pushed the car door and ran to the trash can on the side.

As soon as the hand was put up, all the scum and water in the stomach were spit out.

A sour smell came to my nose.

When she got home, Aunt Luo had already put Xiao Niannian to sleep.

After bathing, lying next to the little one, Xu sensed his mother's body temperature, and his little head leaned over.

The fragrance is soft, and the tiredness of the whole body is swept away.

"Good night, baby."

Wu Youyou was about to turn off the lights, but the phone screen lit up.

"Did you sleep?"

After sending the message, Fan Xingyun nervously replied.

Today, in the surveillance, I saw three more newcomers to Youman Media.

In order to avoid the second and third Jiang Qiqi, he deliberately asked people to check the details of these people.


Wu Youyou replied angrily, she was about to fall asleep, and then when she saw this news, her brain was active again.

This guy has only been out for two days, and this will start again.


He was a little depressed, how could he reply to the message when he slept, it was clear that he was just sending him away, and if he was so easy to send away, he would not be Van Xingyun.

"Is the baby asleep?"

"Who's your baby?"

Just by looking at the words, Fan Xingyun could imagine her fried hair, and he couldn't stop laughing at all.

"I'm talking about, is the baby asleep?"


"I'll see."

Wu Youyou couldn't help but roll his eyes, what do you think?

Did you open your eyes?

Fan Xingyun sent a video, and the sound was so loud that the villain in his arms raised his hands above his head.

Wu Youyou connected to the video, gently patted the little guy's chest with one hand, and the camera focused on the little guy's milky little face.

In the TV series, a father can always recognize his children at first sight who he has never met.

Why did Fan Xingyun's first reaction when she saw the child was that she had it with someone else?

Can she give birth to a child casually?

Sometimes, she wants to ask what kind of person she is in his heart.

Fan Xingyun carefully looked at the little milk baby's face, round face, long and curled eyelashes, and pink red lips.

The two little hands are raised, like a comfortable kitten.

He quietly took a few screenshots.

"The baby is so good-looking, just like her mother."

It was a long time before I heard his shallow voice.

"Is the baby frightened, my mother said, when I was a child, I was disturbed when I was sleeping, and my hands would be unconsciously raised above my head, and after sleeping steadily, my hands forgot to take them back, but the posture was relaxed."

Can this habit be inherited?

She remembered that the little one was born like this.

When she was a baby, Su Jingyi bought a quilt and tied her hands to her chest.

Say, so that the child has a sense of security and can sleep well.

"Yu Yu?"

didn't hear her voice, Fan Xingyun called softly, for fear of disturbing the little guy.

Wu Youyou glanced at the time, it was almost ten o'clock, "Why don't you sleep yet?" ”

"I'll sleep when I look at you."

Today I have a better cold, I haven't seen anyone for two or three days, and when I am free, my thoughts are like a flood, and I can't stop them.

A helpless sigh came from the phone.

In front of the camera, Wu Youyou's small and delicate face appeared.

The dim lights, the slightly curly collarbone hair, and the plaid pajamas make the whole person lazy and charming.

A pair of big eyes stared at the screen with a smile on his face.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Not available!"

Realizing that her tone was a little rushed, she hurriedly explained, "This week, I have to go to Guancheng to shoot. ”

In addition to shooting the company, but also shooting the product.

Twelve of them, fortunately, are all concentrated in one place, and the shooting task alone takes more than a week.

Therefore, in the coming week, she will have to go back and forth between Yongzhou and Guancheng every day, and it will take more than three hours to go back and forth just by car.

In this way, she and Xiao Niannian will spend less time together.

"I'm free tomorrow, if you believe me, I can help you take care of the child and make sure it is returned to you in good condition."

The children's room has been arranged, and he wants to take this opportunity to let the little one pass by, find out what she likes, and then make modifications.

If you want to take down the big one, you must first get the small one.

Wu Youyou didn't want to laugh for no reason.

She couldn't imagine what kind of chickens and dogs jumped like when Fan Xingyun took a child.

Just making milk powder is enough for him to be in a hurry.

Not to mention, change clothes, change diapers, and even deal with urinating and urinating.

It is said that as a parent, smelling the of your children is fragrant.

Of course, Van Xingyun is an exception, at least when he smells a little bit, he is nauseous and wants to vomit.

"Don't bother you, she will go to school tomorrow."

After Jiang Meiqi's incident, she enrolled the little guy in a summer vacation class, played with her peers at school during the day, and picked up Aunt Luo at four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Yoyo, the baby is so small, how can you bear to send her to school, the child's childhood, just a few years, if you miss it, you miss it."

Yes, the child's childhood is only a few years, if you miss it, you will miss it.

Wu Youyou wanted to say this to Fan Xingyun.

His eyes gradually became clouded with water.

"You worry too much, the child is sent to a childcare institution two months after birth, and you are used to it."

At that time, she was always the fastest runner after class.

In order to buy more time to take care of the children, she even has few friends.

Su Jingyi appeared in the lives of the mother and daughter, like a beam of light.

When the child can't be coaxed, she cries louder than the child.

The child has a little cold and fever, and she is more anxious than her own mother.

The child is bullied by other children, and she is always the most angry.

These words pierced into Van Xingyun's heart like a needle.

Is a two-month-old baby without a relative other than his own mother?

How much have you suffered over the years?

"Yoyo, I'm sorry ......"

Next day.

On the way to kindergarten, the little one shook his head and sang songs.

"Mom and Dad go to work, I go to kindergarten, I don't cry, I don't make trouble, say hello to the teacher."

Suddenly stopped, and asked seriously, "Mommy, baby doesn't have a daddy......"

She spread her hands and looked aggrieved, kindergarten children have fathers, but she doesn't.

Wu Youyou's heart sank, and his whole heart was painful.

When I was a child, everyone had a mom and dad, but she didn't.

Every time the school held a parent-teacher conference, Grandpa would wear a straight tunics and sit with a group of young parents.

He wore reading glasses, looked at the blackboard with difficulty, and listened carefully to every word the teacher said.

Wrinkled hands, copying and writing in a notebook.

Every time, after the parent-teacher conference, she would become reticent.

Grandpa thought he was too old and lost his granddaughter's face at school.

Xiao Youyou shook his head and denied, "Grandpa, I think my parents and grandmothers are gone, everyone else has my parents, but Youyou doesn't." ”

Now, Xiao Niannian's words really touched the scars in her heart.

"How can a baby be without a dad? Have you forgotten what Dad does? ”

Xiao Niannian exclaimed excitedly, "Dad is a big star!" Baby is also a big star! ”

Today, the five-member team of Youman went to Guancheng together.

In Wu Youyou's words, things at work are basically communicated in the group, and when you go out, you will be familiar with each other, and it will be easier to do things in the future.

Huang Yifan volunteered to be a driver for everyone, and just took the opportunity to try the charm of Porsche.

Growing so big, I haven't had a chance to touch a luxury car.

Su Jingyi and Bai Jingjing fell asleep when they got in the car, and Jianing was sorting out the information before the start-up.

Her meticulousness saved Wu Youyou a lot of troubles.

When I arrived in Guancheng, the first one to shoot was Sister Zhang's company, and the product would be filmed in the studio later.

Sister Zhang jokingly said that Youman Media has several big beauties, and there is no need to find another actor.

Wu Youyou also has this intention.

If you can use your own people, you can use your own people as much as possible, not to mention saving money, and you can also give your employees more income.

Moreover, after Su Jingyi's first public service advertisement, she became famous.

It is more than enough to show the face of partners at this price.

At the same time, a large amount of exposure can also enhance Su Jingyi's reputation.

Her original intention of opening the company was not just to make money, but most importantly to help her best friend achieve her wishes.

Be an idle star, don't worry about money all your life, and don't be busy with your feet to make money.

After filming the interior scene, Su Jingyi and Bai Jingjing also collected the company's samples.

The exterior needs to be cooperated with drones, especially for companies with a wide area of area, which used to shoot in kindergartens, and it was a drone brought by Confucian Nian, and he personally operated it.

This newly bought drone, Wu Youyou is not proficient in using it.

"I'll try."

Huang Yifan took the drone from her hand, and it was a little bumpy at first, and the camera swayed.

After more than ten minutes, the flight gradually stabilized, and the picture taken gave people a sense of déjà vu as an eagle swooping towards its prey.

Several people gathered in front of the camera, extremely surprised by Huang Yifan's super stable performance.

"Huang Yifan, have you taken the certificate?"

Although the boy is born with a sense of mechanics, his level is not like that of a beginner.

At least Wu Youyou flew more than a dozen times, but he couldn't reach half of the other party's level.

"I haven't taken the certificate yet, but I have a few flying experiences."

"As the saying goes, if you don't have a lot of skills, you will have to be busy next."

This age is the most energetic time, and Huang Yifan is very happy to be appreciated by the boss.

Usually, I buy a thousand pieces at most as a toy to play with, so professional, it's the first time to explore.

"Then I can't ask Mr. Wu for some overtime pay?"

"It must be given, well done, and there will be dividends at the end of the year."

Several people at the scene exclaimed, "Wow~"

It's cool to be the boss after zero, you can get together for eating, drinking and having fun, and there is no shelf.

"Wow what? Hurry up and call it a day in the evening, and I'll take you to a seafood dinner. ”

In order to catch up with the schedule, Wu Youyou declined Sister Zhang's dinner.

Sister Zhang intimately asked people to bring snacks, washed cherries, grapes, drinks and bread.

It was close to two o'clock after finishing the work, Su Jingyi touched her stomach and said that she was full of snacks and fruits, and she could still catch up with the scene, strive to finish work early and eat a seafood dinner.

Funing Kindergarten.

In the afternoon, the children woke up, and only Xiao Niannian slept sweetly under the air conditioner.

The little mouth makes a sluping sound, similar to that of a baby sucking milk.

Teacher Liu picked her up, "Niannian, get up, open your eyes and see, who came to see you, look at our big star." ”

I heard that the CEO of Guanren Real Estate visited the kindergarten in the afternoon.

I also brought fruit, milk, cakes, pizza, etc., as a lunch after the children got up.

And Xiao Niannian, as a former little actor in Guanren Real Estate, Mr. Fan specially named her to see her.

The little guy opened his hazy eyes, "Who, Lao Xi, who is it?" ”

"You'll know later, is it okay for the teacher to comb Niannian's baby with a beautiful hairstyle?"


The children in the Primary 1 class are almost all together, and everyone sits neatly in a row to eat lunch.

Van Xingyun guided the children to count, "one, two, three, four...... Fifteen~"

"How many children are there~"

The child replied, "Seven,"


"No, it's thirteen, I'...... I just counted to thirteen. ”

The teacher said that counting to a few is a few.

Every child only remembered their own numbers, and the scene once entered a fierce debate arena, and the scene was full of croaking.

Amused the two female teachers behind her, laughing and bending over.

Fan Xingyun didn't see the familiar little person left and right, "Who told me, which child hasn't arrived?" ”

A group of little babies replied in unison, "Nian Nian." ”

One of the chubby little boys walked up to Fan Xingyun with his hands and stumbled, "Uncle, Niannian is a sleeping beauty, and she is still sleeping beauty!" ”

"Yes, Teacher Liu can't wake up."

"My mother said that people who sleep lazily during the day are because they steal dragon eggs at night."


Adults and children laughed heartily.

The little protagonist makes a shining appearance.

Long hair in a shawl, a red headband, a red crawling suit, and a fluffy little gauze skirt over it.

On his feet, he was unusually wearing a pair of orange water boots.

Holding Teacher Liu in one hand and holding the bottle in the other.

This cute, and cute appearance, fascinated Fan Xingyun and the children at the scene.

The children swarmed around her.

The little thing couldn't figure out the situation, thinking that everyone was rushing for her milk, so she hurriedly raised her hand and climbed on Teacher Liu.

"Hug, hug."

Teacher Liu lovingly picked up the little baby and asked the child to sit back in his seat.

Xiao Niannian drank milk, and chased after others with bony eyes.

When Fan Xingyun walked in front of her, she picked up the bottle without warning and smashed it in his face, "Villain, go away!" ”

The milk is fierce and the milk is fierce, like a little wolf dog ready to attack.

A small bottle is no better than cotton, and it hurts to hit it on the head.

Two female teachers hurriedly gathered around, hesitating but not knowing how to start, and kept apologizing to others.

Fan Xingyun rubbed his forehead with one hand, and his face remained silent.

Three years ago, the little woman threw out a blood bag here.

Three years later, her daughter smashed a pus-filled bag here.

The mother and daughter are the same when they shoot, fast, ruthless, and accurate.

Teacher Liu grabbed Niannian's hand, his face full of apologies, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fan, Niannian just woke up, and he didn't get up angry......"

The teacher casually made a reason and laughed far-fetched.

"It's okay, I offended her some time ago, this little thing can't remember anything, so I hold a grudge!"

Teacher Liu put Xiao Niannian on a children's high chair and asked her to drink milk quietly.

The ground was full of baskets of toys, which made the children cry.

"Uncle, I want Ultraman."

"I want Transformers."

"I want Barbie."

"I want a puppy."


Fan Xingyun personally distributed gifts to the children, while secretly observing the expression of the little one.

After drinking the milk, Mr. Liu took the bottle away and hugged her.

With her little belly in her hand, she walked straight to the box, holding the edge of the box with one hand, burying most of her body in the box, and throwing things out with the other.

Teacher Liu walked behind her and wanted to take the little man away, but Fan Xingyun stretched out his hand to stop her, "Let her choose for herself." ”

A two-year-old baby should not be bound by the rules of adults.

After a while, she found a pink rope and walked behind Van Xingyun.

There was a bunch of chatter, roughly meaning, to tie up the bad guys.

Fan Xingyun knelt on the ground with his hands behind his back, he planned to perform a stunt on the spot and change his bad image in the little guy's heart.

He motioned for Mr. Liu to tie his hands with a rope.

Teacher Liu hesitated for a while, and finally followed his instructions and tied his hands from behind him, leaving a little space for him to break free from the rope.

"Little friend, uncle will perform a big escape for everyone in a while, guess how uncle untied the rope?"

Xiao Niannian seemed to like this exciting game very much, and the little meat hand snapped.

"Uncle, you can cut the rope with scissors."

"You can also shake it off hard, so ......" the children shook their bodies on the spot.

"It's faster with fire, and fire can burn everything to ashes."

Fan Xingyun frowned, "Including uncle?" ”



Van Xingyun turned around to let the child see more clearly.

Hands are slowly lifted from behind the back, little by little over the top of the head.


The three female teachers were dumbfounded.

After a while, the hands were like a pair of mechanical arms, and the bones at the joints suddenly turned, and a pair of hands magically turned in front of them.

Then bite one end of the rope with your mouth and pull hard, and the rope will be untied effortlessly.


"It's amazing, how did you do it?"

"It's scary, it looks like it's about to be removed."

The screams continued at the scene, and the children also followed the teacher's example, covering their mouths and screaming excitedly.

Xiao Niannian was also quite enthusiastic, raising her hands and applauding with everyone.

"How's it going, is uncle amazing?"

Fan Xingyun asked flatteringly, and his hands were about to move.

I can't wait to take this little fleshy thing into my arms.

"Baby, too."

She pointed to the rope and turned her back to let Van Xingyun tie her hands as well.

Such a competitive and competitive teacher, the teachers couldn't laugh or cry.

"Nian Nian is good, uncle is talented, this kind of ability is not practiced, we don't compare with him."

Teacher Liu wanted to take the rope from her hand.

The little one avoided her hand and looked steadfast, "I will, I will!" ”

The little mouth said that he was in a hurry, and saliva flew everywhere.

Fan Xingyun took the rope and was indignant with passion, "Everyone applauds to welcome Xiao Niannian's performance......"

Considering that the arm length of the little milk baby is shorter than that of an adult, he deliberately put the middle of the rope long to leave more space for her.

At least you won't lose so quickly when performing, so as to save some face for the children.

Xiao Niannian turned her head to make sure that the other party had been tied, and in the next second, she easily turned her arms around.

There was no trace of performance at all, and the movement was fast, and no one else reacted.

How is this possible???

There were more than a dozen children just now, and they couldn't lift their hands to the back of their necks, let alone turn their arms over together.

Since he was a child, this has always been his unique skill.

Looking at her small appearance, Fan Xingyun was full of fog in his heart.

He shortened the rope to a finger's length and asked her to repeat it.

The little guy realized this time, deliberately slowed down, and waited proudly for everyone's praise.

"Wow~ Niannian is amazing!"

Several teachers surrounded her, hugging her and nibbling.


Continued next:

I didn't expect her to be so confused that for this kind of man, she lost her shame, scattered all her money, and died of her heart?

If it is invaded and deleted

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