
Taxi drivers will have "talkative" passengers, and 200,000 are gone......

author:Dezhou Radio and Television Station

Master Li is a taxi driver

In May last year

A "talkative" passenger came to his car

Along the way, the two talked happily

But what I didn't expect was

After the passenger got off the bus

actually let Master Li take a loan of 200,000 yuan

Falsely claiming to be a civil servant of the Demolition and Relocation Office, he deceived taxi drivers into trusting them and tricked them into using their personal names and credit information to obtain loans from credit companies for themselves. In March 2024, the Jingkou District Procuratorate of Zhenjiang City prosecuted Zhang on suspicion of fraud.

Taxi drivers will have "talkative" passengers, and 200,000 are gone......

Li is a taxi driver, in May 2023, he took a passenger to Zhenjiang Jiangsu Ning Square from Jurong, and the two chatted casually, the passenger surnamed Zhang revealed that he was working in the government's demolition and relocation office, and he had several family renovation loans in his hands, and he took a taxi to Zhenjiang to apply for a loan, and because there were relevant preferential policies, he used the loan money himself, but the government would repay it. In the face of such outrageous words, Li was also skeptical.

"We had such a pleasant conversation today, in this way, you come to help me cross the bridge and go through the procedures, I will transfer you 1000 benefits, and we can be considered friends, how about it?" During the conversation between the two, Zhang opened his mouth to Li and promised that although the loan was in Li's name, Zhang would repay the loan.

The temptation of interests, coupled with the fact that Li thought that he still had a house waiting to be demolished at home, maybe he could ask Zhang for "help" in the future, and he could get 1,000 yuan just by going through the procedures, why not?

Taxi drivers will have "talkative" passengers, and 200,000 are gone......

After the loan was received, Li transferred 200,000 yuan to Zhang in batches on the same day and the next day. Later, when I talked about this in a chat with my family, and after being reminded by my family, I immediately took out the loan contract I took from the loan company, and Li's name was written in black and white on it, went to the bank to check my credit information, and found that a loan of 200,000 yuan had not been returned. At this time, Li was dumbfounded, and immediately went to the public security to call the police.

Taxi drivers will have "talkative" passengers, and 200,000 are gone......

The investigation by the public security organs found that Zhang was not only not a civil servant, but also a habitual offender with a long criminal record, and after receiving a call from the loan company, he thought that he had been in financial difficulties recently, so he immediately took out a loan according to the address given by the other party. In the follow-up procedures, because of the credit problem, I couldn't apply for a loan, but because of financial difficulties, I took a taxi and wanted to try again, and I had a mind that I shouldn't have in the chat with Li in the car, and after the 200,000 yuan was in hand, Zhang quickly squandered it.

After the case was transferred for review and prosecution, the Jingkou District Procuratorate prosecuted Zhang on suspicion of fraud in accordance with the law, and the case is being further handled.

Source: Jiangsu Procuratorate Online

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