
A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Ming and I am 32 years old. My wife, Xiaoli, is two years younger than me, and we have a 5-year-old son named Xiaobao. Xiaoli is a kindergarten teacher and I am a truck driver. Our life is not rich, but it is still passable. A few years ago, Xiaoli and I got married in our hometown, and later in order to provide Xiaobao with a better life, we decided to come to Shanghai to work hard.

But who knows, life is not as simple as imagined. We rented a small house of only 15 square meters with only a big bed, a small table and a few rudimentary cabinets. Every time I drove a long bus, I often walked for days, even ten days and half a month. Xiaoli is also very hard, she has to go out early and return late every day, take care of the children in the kindergarten, and take care of Xiaobao.

"Xiao Ming, can you come back tonight?" Xiaoli's voice came from the other end of the phone, looking a little tired.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

"I'll try to rush back, there are still some goods in the car that have not been delivered." I replied with some guilt.

"Then you stay safe, don't get too tired. Xiaobao misses you, and asked me today when you will come back. Xiaoli's voice was gentle with a hint of helplessness.

Hearing this, my heart was sour. In order to live, we are both working hard, but it is really uncomfortable to get together and leave more.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

I hung up the phone and continued driving. Thinking of Xiaobao's innocent smiling face and Xiaoli's hard work, I couldn't help but feel even more lonely and helpless. In the dead of night, I often sit alone in the cab, looking at the rapidly receding lights on the side of the road, and silently praying in my heart, hoping that one day our family of three can be together and live a stable life.

Finally, one evening a few days later, I ended the long journey and returned to Shanghai. Pushing open the door, Xiaoli and Xiaobao are watching TV. As soon as Xiaobao saw me, he immediately jumped off the bed and ran over to hug my legs, "Dad, you're finally back!" ”

"Xiaobao, Dad came back late, did you obediently listen to Mom?" I squatted down and touched Xiaobao's head.

"Yes, Dad, I've always been very well-behaved." Xiaobao raised his head and showed a proud expression.

Xiaoli came out of the kitchen and wiped the water on her hands, "Are you hungry?" I've just cooked the noodles, so let's wash my hands and get ready for dinner. ”

Looking at her busy figure, my heart warmed. Although this kind of life is simple, it is full of the taste of home. Our family of three sat at a small table, eating steaming noodles and chatting. Xiaobao happily told interesting stories about his kindergarten days, and Xiaoli would also interject a sentence or two from time to time. As I listened to their voices, the tiredness in my heart seemed to dissipate a lot.

"Tomorrow weekend, let's take Xiaobao to the park to play, shall we?" Xiaoli suddenly proposed.

"Okay, Xiaobao, do you want to go to the park?" I asked Xiaobao with a smile.

"Yes! Mom and Dad take me to play, okay? Xiaobao's eyes sparkled with expectation.

"Of course, let's go together tomorrow." I looked at Xiaoli, and she smiled at me too.

On this day, we were finally reunited in a small rental house of 15 square meters. I know that although we are not rich, as long as the family is together, no matter how small the house is, it can be full of happiness.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

On weekend mornings, the sun poured into the room through the curtains, Xiaobao got up early and excitedly held my hand, "Dad, Mom, when are we going to the park?" ”

"Go after breakfast, don't worry." Xiaoli said with a smile.

We had a simple breakfast, changed into comfortable clothes and got ready to go. Xiaobao held me in one hand and Xiaoli in the other, and our family of three walked along the street towards the nearby park.

There are not many people in the park, and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants. Po ran to the children's play area and excitedly played with slides and swings. Xiaoli and I sat on the bench and watched Xiaobao play, feeling extremely satisfied.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

"Xiao Ming, have you been working well lately?" Xiaoli asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a little tiring from running long distances." I sighed, "But as long as I can make more money, life will be better." ”

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

Xiaoli held my hand, "We work together, no matter how hard it is, as long as the family is together, there is nothing that cannot be overcome." ”

I looked at her determined eyes, and my heart was full of strength. Yes, no matter how difficult life is, as long as she and Xiaobao are here, I have the motivation to fight.

At noon, we ate at a small restaurant near the park, and then went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. When he got home, Xiaobao was tired of playing, and he fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while. Xiaoli and I quietly cleaned up, and our hearts were full of happiness.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

"I've got a long trip tomorrow, and it may take a few days to get back." At dinner, I said to Xiaoli with some reluctance.

"It's okay, we'll wait for you to come back. You must be safe. Xiaoli replied with a smile.

Late at night, Xiaobao slept soundly, and Xiaoli and I lay on the bed and hugged each other tightly. Despite the small size of the room, I felt incredibly warm and satisfied in this moment.

Early the next morning, I packed my bags and prepared to go. Xiaobao was still asleep, I kissed his forehead gently, then turned to Xiaoli and said, "I'm leaving, you guys take care of yourselves." ”

Xiaoli nodded, her eyes were a little moist, "We'll wait for you to come back, remember to call." ”

Walking out of the house, I glanced back at this little rental house. Although it was only 15 square meters, it was loaded with love and hope for our family of three. I know that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as I think about it, I have infinite motivation to face it.

Our family of three found our own happiness in this small rental house.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

During this long journey, I received a call from my boss. He told me that the company had been doing poorly recently and was going to lay off employees. I froze, and the steering wheel in my hand almost lost control. After hanging up the phone, I stopped on the side of the road, feeling dazed. Unemployment was a huge blow to our small family, and the rent, living expenses, and Xiaobao's tuition fees all weighed on my shoulders.

I called Xiaoli, "Xiaoli, the company is going to lay off employees, and I may be unemployed." ”

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, "It's okay, we can find another job, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge." ”

After hanging up the phone, I had mixed feelings and decided to continue the delivery of the goods. When I got home, I saw that although I tried hard to keep the smile on Xiaoli's face, I couldn't hide the tiredness and worry in my eyes. Xiaobao pounced, "Dad, you're back!" ”

"Well, Daddy is back." I forced a smile.

In the evening, we had a discussion. Xiaoli suggested that she could take a few more tutors to subsidize the family, and I also started to submit my resume online to find new job opportunities.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

A few days later, I received an interview call. That company is a logistics company that is close to home, although the salary is not high. The interview went well, I was acknowledged by my experience, and I was able to get the job.

On the first day of my new job, I was a little nervous, but more of an anticipation. Although the salary is not as good as before, I can go home every day, which is the greatest comfort for me. In the evening, I came home and saw Xiaoli and Xiaobao waiting for me, and my heart was full of gratitude.

A family of three, gathering less and leaving more, finally reunited in a 15-square-meter rental house

"Xiaoli, I'm back!" I said excitedly.

"How's work today?" Xiaoli asked with concern.

"It's not bad, although I'm tired, I can go home every day." I replied with a smile.

Xiaoli also smiled, "That's good, you are at home, and your heart is steady." ”

Although life is not easy, in a small rental house, we still walk strongly. Xiaoli's tutoring work has gradually increased, and Xiaobao has also begun to adapt to the life of kindergarten. Our lives seem to be slowly getting back on track.

One night, I received a call from my father. He looked a little impatient on the other end of the phone, "Ming, your mother is sick, can you come back?" ”

When I heard the news, my heart sank. When I got home, I told Xiaoli about the situation, and she immediately expressed her support for me to go back to my hometown.

"Dad, how is Mom?" I asked anxiously.

"The doctor said it was pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized." Father's voice trembled.

I immediately took a leave of absence and rushed back to my hometown overnight. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw my mother lying on the hospital bed, her face was pale, and my heart was sour. The father sat on the edge of the bed with a sad face.

"Dad, I'm back." I whispered.

The father raised his head, his eyes full of tears, "Ming, fortunately you are back." ”

I took my mother's hand and felt her faint strength. My mother opened her eyes, saw me, and smiled, "Ming, it's good for you to come back." ”

During my days in the hospital, I stayed by my mother's side and took care of her. Xiaoli also called every day to care about our situation. My mother's condition gradually improved, but the doctor said that she needed to recuperate for a while.

"Ming, your mother needs a long time to recuperate, and you can't always ask for leave, what should I do at work?" Father asked worriedly.

I thought about it for a moment, "Dad, I decided to let Mom go to Shanghai to live with us so that I could take care of her." ”

The father hesitated, but finally agreed. When we returned to Shanghai, we took my mother to a small rental house. Although the place is not big, there is a family together, and the heart is steady.

Xiaoli takes care of her mother very much, cooks every day, and tries to make her eat better. Xiaobao is also very sensible and often makes grandma happy. The mother's body gradually recovered, and her face gradually became rosy.

In the evening, my mother looked at our family of three, her eyes full of gratitude, "Xiaoli, Ming, thank you." ”

"Mom, don't say that, your good health is our greatest happiness." Xiaoli replied gently.

As the days passed, although our lives were still hard, we were full of warmth and love in this small rental house. My mother's health gradually recovered, and my work gradually stabilized. Although the salary is not high, it is enough for me that our family is able to be together every day.

One night, our family ate at a small table. Mother suddenly said, "Ming, Xiaoli, I think it's good for us to be like this, although the place is small, but it's very warm." ”

Xiaoli replied with a smile, "Yes, there is love at home, no matter how small the place is, you can live in it." ”

Xiaobao also interjected, "Mom and Dad, I love being with you. ”

I was moved in my heart and looked at this small rental house, although it is only 15 square meters, it is full of our love and hope.

Our family gathers less and leaves more, but in this small rental house, we are finally reunited. Life is hard, but with family by your side, everything becomes less important. As long as the family is together, even the smallest house can become a warm home.

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