
Rush to the hot search! Station B collapsed, and Xiaohongshu also collapsed! Alibaba Cloud responded urgently

author:Dezhou Radio and Television Station

At noon on July 2, the two topics of "Xiaohongshu collapsed" and "Station B collapsed" rushed to the first and second places on the Weibo hot search list!

Rush to the hot search! Station B collapsed, and Xiaohongshu also collapsed! Alibaba Cloud responded urgently

According to the first financial report, the Bilibili App cannot use content such as browsing history and attention, the message interface, update interface, and customer service interface are all unavailable, users cannot comment and post barrages, and the video comment area and the user (UP master) homepage cannot be loaded. Some netizens reported that the content of Xiaohongshu could not be refreshed.

In this regard, the customer service interface of station B shows that some functions of station B are faulty and are being urgently repaired, please try again later. This is the first time that the server of station B has crashed this year, and users cannot access it normally, after the official explanation was due to the high load on the server.

Subsequently, many netizens also reported that "Xiaohongshu collapsed" and could not refresh the recommended content.

Rush to the hot search! Station B collapsed, and Xiaohongshu also collapsed! Alibaba Cloud responded urgently

Xiaohongshu customer service said that feedback on the collapse of Xiaohongshu has been recorded, and it will be checked and troubled as soon as possible, and users can try to use it later.

At 10:04 on July 2, 2024, Beijing time, Alibaba Cloud Monitoring found that the N network access in the Shanghai region was abnormal, and after emergency intervention by Alibaba Cloud engineers, the network traffic switching scheduling was completed at 10:35 and the abnormal access was recovered at 10:42. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Rush to the hot search! Station B collapsed, and Xiaohongshu also collapsed! Alibaba Cloud responded urgently

Source: National Business Daily is synthesized from China Business Network, Finance Associated Press, and Alibaba Cloud Customer Service Center

Rush to the hot search! Station B collapsed, and Xiaohongshu also collapsed! Alibaba Cloud responded urgently

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