
Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Do you think it's useful for me to eat winter melon for high blood pressure?" Li Yun is a retired Chinese medicine doctor who used to work in the town's hospital, and after retirement, he planted flowers and plants at home, and occasionally received some old acquaintances. On this day, Li Yun was watering his orchids in the yard when he suddenly heard his neighbor Aunt Wang running in out of breath.

Aunt Wang is a retired teacher, over 60 years old, and has been suffering from high blood pressure. No, a few days ago, I heard that someone said that winter melon can lower blood pressure, so she hurried to ask Li Yun.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Li Yun smiled, put down the kettle in his hand, and beckoned Aunt Wang to sit down. "Aunt Wang, don't worry, winter melon does have a certain antihypertensive effect, but if you really want to control your blood pressure well, you have to rely on many aspects of conditioning."

He patted Aunt Wang's hand and continued, winter melon is a low-calorie food rich in potassium ions, which help promote the excretion of sodium in the body, which is conducive to lowering blood pressure. Adequate daily potassium intake can significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with hypertension. However, winter melon alone is not enough, it also needs to be adjusted with other foods and lifestyle habits.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Aunt Wang nodded in understanding. Li Yun saw that she was listening carefully, so he continued: "In addition to winter melon, there are several foods that are very helpful for lowering blood pressure, and we have to take care of it comprehensively." ”

Celery is rich in fiber and vitamin C, which has a good antihypertensive effect. A daily intake of 200 grams of celery can significantly reduce blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. The antihypertensive effect of celery is mainly due to the apigenin contained in it, which can dilate blood vessels and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby effectively lowering blood pressure.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Li Yun also mentioned black fungus, which is rich in polysaccharides and cellulose, and has a good lipid-lowering and antihypertensive effect. Consuming black fungus for four weeks in a row can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 10% respectively in patients with high blood pressure. The polysaccharides in black fungus are able to enhance the elasticity of the blood vessel walls and reduce blood viscosity, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Then, Li Yun talked about kelp. The iodine and sodium alginate in kelp help regulate thyroid function and can effectively eliminate sodium ions from the body, thus lowering blood pressure. The sodium alginate in kelp can effectively lower blood pressure by inhibiting the absorption of sodium ions in the intestines, thereby reducing the amount of sodium stored in the body.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Li Yun also made a special mention of tomatoes. The lycopene in tomatoes has a strong antioxidant effect, which can remove free radicals in the body, protect vascular endothelial cells, and reduce arteriosclerosis. A daily intake of 25 mg of lycopene can significantly reduce blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. Lycopene reduces vasoconstriction and lowers blood pressure by inhibiting the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme.

Li Yun also recommended hawthorn, which is not only sweet and sour, but also rich in flavonoids, which have a strong antioxidant effect, which can remove free radicals in the body, protect vascular endothelial cells, and reduce arteriosclerosis.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Hawthorn extract can significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure for eight weeks. The flavonoids in hawthorn are effective in lowering blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and enhancing the elasticity of blood vessels.

Black beans are rich in anthocyanins and isoflavones, which not only have antioxidant effects, but also regulate blood lipids and lower blood pressure. A daily intake of 50 grams of black beans can significantly reduce blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. The anthocyanins and isoflavones in black beans can lower blood pressure by improving blood vessel function and reducing blood viscosity.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Li Yun continued to emphasize that although these foods can help lower blood pressure, in order to truly maintain blood pressure stability, it is necessary to have scientific eating habits and a regular lifestyle. He advises everyone to drink enough water every day, because adequate water can promote the elimination of waste products from the body and reduce blood viscosity, which is beneficial to lower blood pressure.

At the same time, a moderate amount of exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., can also help improve cardiovascular function, promote blood circulation, and further lower blood pressure.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Aunt Wang nodded frequently when she heard this, and her heart was a lot more steady. She decided to follow what Li Yun said, adjust her diet, eat more winter melon, celery, black fungus, kelp and tomatoes, and insist on walking every day to try to control her blood pressure within the normal range as soon as possible.

So, Aunt Wang went home and immediately started to act. She went to the market first, bought a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and specially picked a few large and fat winter melons.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

Every morning, she would cut a slice of winter melon and boil it into porridge to drink. For lunch and dinner, they will eat stir-fried meat with celery, cucumber with black fungus, kelp and tofu soup, and tomato and egg soup. Gradually, she felt more and more relaxed, and her blood pressure gradually stabilized.

A few months later, Aunt Wang came to Li Yun's house again and brought a large bag of home-grown tomatoes. "Li Yun, thank you! My blood pressure is stable now, thanks to your guidance. Li Yun took the tomatoes with a smile and said, "Aunt Wang, this is the result of your own insistence, I just provided a little advice." Remember, it's the healthy lifestyle habits that matter. ”

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

On this day, Li Yun and Aunt Wang chatted in the courtyard for a long time. In the evening, as the sun sets, the orchids in the yard are gently swaying in the breeze, as if nodding in recognition of this beautiful day. A healthy lifestyle, like this blooming flower, requires care and perseverance.

Aunt Wang knows that only by persistently maintaining good eating habits and lifestyle can we truly defeat high blood pressure and usher in a healthier life.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

In this way, Li Yun's yard became a health classroom for the town's residents. Everyone followed Aunt Wang's example, adjusted their diet, and ate more foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people with high blood pressure in the town, and everyone's health level improved significantly.

As a result, Li Yun has become a health star in the town, and everyone affectionately calls him "Health Guardian". He used his rich medical knowledge and experience to help countless patients with high blood pressure like Aunt Wang, so that they could regain their health and enjoy the beauty of life.

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

What do you think about winter melon? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods


[1] Huang Yonghua, Xu Dan. Effect of diet control therapy on blood pressure level and quality of life in middle-aged and elderly patients with stage 1 hypertension[J].Journal of Rare and Rare Diseases,2021,28(05):52-54.)

Is winter melon a blood pressure "depressant"? Recommendation: If you want normal blood pressure, you can eat more of these foods

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