
Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Uncle Li, you said that eating too much celery will affect your health, where did you hear this?" This sentence has become a lingering question in Uncle Li's heart. As a primary school Chinese teacher who has been retired for many years, Uncle Li has always been meticulous about health issues.

On this day, he suddenly heard his neighbor Aunt Zhang say: "When you are old, you must eat less celery, otherwise your body will have problems." Uncle Li was shocked, is there really a problem with celery, a vegetable that is not lacking on his dining table all year round?

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

With questions, Uncle Li decided to go to his old friend for many years, Dr. Wang, who is also a well-known old Chinese medicine doctor, to verify it. After listening to Uncle Li's question, Dr. Wang nodded and began to talk eloquently.

"There's a lot to learn about celery. Celery is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and other minerals, making it a beneficial vegetable for the body. However, it's not good to eat too much of anything, and celery is no exception. "However, there are people who need special attention, such as those with hypothyroidism. ”

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Dr. Wang went on to say that celery contains a certain amount of oxalic acid, a substance that affects the normal function of the thyroid gland. Especially for those who are already hypothyroid, excessive intake of foods containing oxalic acid may worsen the condition. Therefore, people with hypothyroidism are better off eating less celery.

Dr. Wang's words made Uncle Li fall into deep thought, and he recalled that he had an old colleague who usually liked to eat celery, but was diagnosed with hypothyroidism not long ago. Is there really a connection between the two?

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Seeing Uncle Li thoughtful, Dr. Wang added that although celery is good, not everyone is suitable to eat more. For example, people with a cold stomach who eat too much celery may cause stomach upset. Celery is cold and has a certain fire-lowering effect, but for those who have a cold stomach themselves, eating too much may cause stomach discomfort and even diarrhea.

Dr. Wang cleared his throat and said that many people don't know that celery also has a certain blood pressure lowering effect. This is good for people with high blood pressure, but people with low blood pressure should be careful. Some of the ingredients in celery can dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure may experience symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue if they consume celery in excess.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Especially those with poor kidney function should also be cautious. Celery is high in potassium, and for people with poor kidney function, excessive potassium intake may increase the burden on the kidneys and affect kidney health. Uncle Li nodded, feeling that Dr. Wang's words made sense. But he was still a little puzzled, "Is it true that all the elderly should stay away from celery?" ”

Dr. Wang smiled and told Uncle Li that nothing can be generalized. For most healthy seniors, it's perfectly fine to eat celery in moderation, and the key is to adjust your diet according to your own health status.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Dr. Wang reminded Uncle Li that there is one thing that all elderly people need to pay attention to, and that is a reasonable diet. No amount of single food can replace a balanced diet. We need to eat a varied diet to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

After listening to Dr. Wang's explanation, Uncle Li suddenly realized. It seems that eating a healthy diet is not a simple matter, and you should pay more attention to it in the future and adjust your diet according to your own situation.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

In fact, in addition to celery, there are some vegetables that also need to be paid attention to. For example, spinach, many people think it is nutritious, but in fact, spinach also contains high oxalic acid, which like celery, will affect the absorption of calcium and iron, especially for those who are deficient in calcium and iron, excessive consumption is not suitable.

Everyone likes to eat potatoes, although potatoes are nutritious, but potatoes contain a lot of starch, people with high blood sugar should be especially careful, eating too much can easily lead to blood sugar rise.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Eggplant is a regular on summer tables, and many people like to use it to make a variety of delicious dishes. However, eggplant contains a substance called solanine, which is a natural toxin.

Although the content of solanine does not cause much effect on the human body in general, for those who are sensitive to solanine, consuming excessive amounts of eggplant may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even toxic reactions. Especially those with gastrointestinal disorders, it is important to be cautious about eggplant intake.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Beans are also a favorite vegetable for many people, especially in stir-fries and stews, which can bring out their unique flavor. However, beans contain a certain amount of saponin, which can easily cause a toxic reaction if eaten if not fully cooked. Especially in the case that some families are accustomed to serving beans with a little frying, there is a great risk.

Dr. Wang especially reminds the elderly to fully heat the beans when cooking them to ensure that the beans are fully cooked to avoid unnecessary health risks.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Dr. Wang paused, looked at Uncle Li's thoughtful expression, and continued, "Eating healthy is a systematic project, which requires us to reasonably match food and consume it in moderation according to our own health conditions. As long as we do this, we can eat healthy and eat with confidence.

Uncle Li nodded with satisfaction, full of gratitude to Dr. Wang for his answer. Since then, he has not only gained a new understanding of celery, but also adjusted his eating habits, striving to achieve a scientific diet and a healthy life.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Having said that, although Uncle Li has heard a lot about the health knowledge of celery and other vegetables, this knowledge has also made him understand one thing, that is, there are no absolute taboos for healthy eating, and the key is to decide according to your own physical condition.

As the days passed, Uncle Li gradually developed the habit of eating scientifically. He eats on time every day, combines a variety of foods reasonably, no longer picky eaters, and no longer blindly believes in some unproven dietary taboos. As a result, his body is getting better and better, and his mental state is getting better and better.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

Dr. Wang's words have become a guide in Uncle Lee's life, and he not only practices scientific diet himself, but also often shares this knowledge with his neighbors and friends. Everyone thinks that Uncle Li is not only a good teacher, but also a good example of a healthy life.

Dr. Wang's words have given us a lot of inspiration, eating healthy needs to be looked at scientifically, and everyone's physical condition is different, and eating habits should also be different. Eating a variety of foods in moderation and maintaining a balanced nutritional intake is the key to maintaining good health.

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes

As Dr. Wang said, eating healthy is a discipline that requires continuous learning and practice. I hope everyone can be like Uncle Li, pay attention to a healthy diet and live a healthy and happy life.

What do you think about celery? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes


[1] Chen Shuangshuang. The Effect of Dietary Structure on the Health of the Elderly in China, Journal of Shandong Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2016-09-15

Do you want to stay away from celery when you're old? The doctor warns: If you don't want to have problems with your body, you should be careful with these dishes