
Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

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"Doctor, I've heard that eating grapes can cause diabetes? Is this true? Sister Wang asked with a worried face. Sister Wang is a native of Shanghai, 6 out of 50 this year, and has always paid special attention to health, especially diabetes.

After all, her mother had passed away from diabetes, which made her extra careful about her sugar intake. Recently, she heard that grapes could cause diabetes, which frightened her and immediately consulted her attending doctor, Dr. Lee.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

Dr. Lee is a well-known endocrinologist in the hospital, with deep qualifications and excellent medical skills, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. After listening to Sister Wang's question, he smiled lightly and began to explain to her in detail.

Grapes, a popular fruit in the summer, are sweet and juicy and irresistible. However, as with many things in our lives, just the right amount is better than too much. Grapes are rich in fructose and glucose, which can indeed affect blood sugar levels, especially for diabetics and people with poor blood sugar control.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

Grapes contain about 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams, mainly glucose and fructose. While glucose is quickly absorbed by the body, rapidly raising blood sugar levels, fructose is metabolized in a slightly different pathway.

It is mainly metabolized in the liver and does not directly cause a large amount of insulin secretion. However, the metabolic process of fructose in the liver will increase the burden on the liver, and excessive intake may also lead to fatty liver and other problems.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

Dr. Lee mentioned that eating too many foods high in fructose may cause insulin resistance and even increase the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. He explained that people who consumed more than 50 grams of fructose per day had a significant decrease in their insulin sensitivity, which also made them more susceptible to diabetes.

That said, while fructose in grapes doesn't immediately cause blood sugar spikes, long-term consumption of large amounts can adversely affect metabolic health.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

In addition, grapes also contain an antioxidant called resveratrol, which has certain benefits for cardiovascular health, which can improve blood lipid levels and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis. However, this does not justify our intemperate grape eating. Excessive sugar intake, especially fructose, can lead to fat accumulation in the liver, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Lee went on to list several fruits that are also worth paying attention to. Lychee is not only highly sweet, with a sugar content of about 17 grams per 100 grams of lychee, but also has a high proportion of fructose and glucose in lychee, which will quickly increase blood sugar after ingestion. Especially for people who already have diabetes or poor blood sugar control, lychee should be consumed with caution.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

The sugar content of longan is comparable to that of lychee, and the sugar content of longan is about 15 grams per 100 grams, and it is also rich in glucose and fructose. Although longan is rich in vitamins and minerals, its effect on blood sugar cannot be ignored.

Known as the "King of Fruits", durian is highly nutritious but also high in sugar. The sugar content of durian is about 27 grams per 100 grams, and durian is also a fruit to be wary of for diabetics and people with poor blood sugar management.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

Dr. Lee also made a point of mentioning a fruit that many people overlook – pineapple. Although the sugar content of pineapple is slightly lower than that of the previous fruits, the sugar content of pineapple is also about 12 grams per 100 grams, and the sugars in pineapple are mainly sucrose and fructose. Sucrose is quickly broken down into glucose and fructose in the body, and excessive intake can also have a greater impact on blood sugar levels.

Of course, Dr. Li also mentioned that it is not that these fruits should not be eaten, but that it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the intake. For healthy people, there is no problem with consuming these fruits in moderation. However, for people with diabetes or poor blood sugar control, special attention needs to be paid to the choice and amount of fruit to be consumed.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

Dr Lee also mentioned that bananas are also a fruit to pay attention to. Bananas have a GI between 51-55 and are considered medium GI foods. Although bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health, for diabetics, it is still necessary to limit the amount of consumption. Because bananas are high in starch and sugar, excessive consumption can affect blood sugar control.

Dr. Lee also specifically mentioned the effect of how fruit is processed on blood sugar, with dried fruits generally having a higher GI than fresh fruits. Because the dried fruit is dehydrated, the sugar is concentrated, resulting in an increase in the sugar content per unit weight. Similarly, juice is also an "invisible killer" that needs to be careful. Fruit juice does not contain fiber, and when the sugar is liquefied, it is easier to absorb and quickly raise blood sugar.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

Dr. Lee emphasises that controlling blood sugar is not only about controlling sugar intake, but also about a balanced and reasonable overall diet. For example, eating more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole grains and vegetables, can help delay the absorption of sugar and stabilize blood sugar levels. In addition, moderate exercise is also one of the important measures to control blood sugar, which can promote sugar metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity.

Dr. Lee shared a tip to try to pair foods with low glycemic index when eating foods with a high glycemic index. This can effectively lower the glycemic index of the whole meal and help you better control your blood sugar.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

When eating rice, try adding some vegetables and legumes, which can increase dietary fiber and help relieve the rise in blood sugar. At the same time, adding some protein, such as eggs, tofu or lean meat, can also help stabilize blood sugar levels. This combination is both healthy and makes meals richer.

After listening to Dr. Li's detailed explanation, Sister Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief. She understands that she should eat fruits in moderation, and she can't blindly refuse all sweet fruits because she is afraid of diabetes. But at the same time, we must also know how to choose scientifically and avoid excessive intake of fruits with high sugar content, so as not to cause adverse effects on the body.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

After returning home, Sister Wang began to pay more attention to a balanced and healthy diet. She will eat some grapes in moderation, but never in large handfuls as she used to. Moreover, she has also begun to pay more attention to the intake of other high-sugar fruits, and try to choose some fruits with lower sugar content, such as apples, pears, oranges, etc., to satisfy her appetite.

With the help of Dr. Li, through scientific diet management and moderate exercise, Sister Wang not only successfully controlled her blood sugar, but also made her body healthier. This has also become a role model for everyone to follow, and many people have begun to focus on healthy eating and stay away from the threat of diabetes under her influence.

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

What do you think about grapes? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items


[1] Qi Mengya. Increased exercise in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus is associated with reduced insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors, Basic and Clinical Medicine, 2024-06-28

Are grapes the "fuse" of diabetes? Warning: If you want to have normal blood sugar, eat less of these items

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