
The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

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The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Text | Lazy sheep sheep

All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article


Tsinghua Peking University is the wish of many Chinese parents, they feel that as long as their children go to Tsinghua University and Peking University, they will glorify their ancestors.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is an opportunity to change their fate, and countless children are working hard at Tsinghua University and Peking University.

And this candidate from Guangxi, not only did she not write her name on the test paper during the college entrance examination Chinese test, but also slept when she took the English test!

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

But who would have thought that she would become the top student in Guangxi's college entrance examination that year and successfully enter Peking University to study!

Some people think that she is a genius and can get high scores when she sleeps, but some people think that she should not be given points for such behavior.

Can sleep in the college entrance examination with such a high score, does this Guangxi champion rely on strength or luck?

Later, I learned that she didn't want to go to Peking University at the beginning, and her dream turned out to be another school!

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

The college entrance examination god man, sleep in Peking University

It is not easy to go to Peking University from a poor family, but I didn't expect that Lin Liyuan, who was born from a poor family, was still "sleeping" in Peking University!

Lin Liyuan, born in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is not wealthy, just an ordinary family.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Since childhood, Lin Liyuan has not been a child who loves to learn, but the child king of them, who even took a child younger than her to climb a tree.

Although his previous academic performance has not been very good, since Lin Liyuan went to junior high school, he has a goal.

Her dream at that time was to go to Fudan University, and since then, she has been constantly striving for her dream.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

When she struggled until her third year of high school, she could clearly feel that as long as she stretched out her hands, she could already touch her dreams.

The study in the third year of high school is always full of pressure and surprises, and when you encounter difficult questions that you can't do, it will always make people feel troubled and irritable.

In order to be able to supervise himself at all times, Lin Liyuan carved a few big words "Kill into Fudan" on the small cabinet at the head of the bed to ensure that he could see it every morning when he opened his eyes.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

The learning progress of high school is to complete all the content of the third year of high school in the second semester of the second year of high school or the first semester of the third year of high school, and then leave enough time to review the knowledge learned before.

Since Lin Liyuan's teacher announced the college entrance examination review schedule, Lin Liyuan, in order to supervise himself, used a small book to record his senior year of high school, so that he can not only see the goals set for today yesterday every day, but also be able to reminisce after the college entrance examination.

Turning the first page of Lin Liyuan's record of the third year of high school, you can see "Fudan, waiting for me." This line of big letters.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

The second page is just a simple sentence, "My college entrance examination goal is to score more than 650 points." ”

On the third page, Lin Liyuan encouraged herself not to give up, telling herself that there will always be failures in the third year of high school, but you must not forget your original intention and be down-to-earth.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

On the day of the college entrance examination, Lin Liyuan walked into the examination room with excitement, on the first day of the exam, when taking the Chinese test, Lin Liyuan actually made the most "low-level mistake", she forgot to write the exam number!

But fortunately, he played well in the Chinese exam, but because he didn't write the test number, Lin Liyuan's mood was affected, causing Lin Liyuan to be unable to sleep at night, but he still went to college with a score of 150 in mathematics.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

In this way, on the first night of the college entrance examination, Lin Liyuan thought again and again that as long as he scored 150 points in mathematics, he could go to college to comfort himself.

Anxiety over and over again, what if it really affects the score to give yourself 0 points, on the one hand, anxiety is excitement again, causing Lin Liyuan to never sleep.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

On the second day, after the morning exam, Lin Liyuan learned that not writing the exam number did not affect her grades, which caused her to be in the mood to sleep at noon.

Insomnia at night, plus there was no lunch break at noon, and when it came to the English test in the afternoon, Lin Liyuan's eyelids began to fight as soon as the test paper was sent.

But because there is a listening test in English, there is still a long time between the time the test paper is handed out and the listening begins, Lin Liyuan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Until the listening test was about to start, the invigilator came over and woke Lin Liyuan up and told her: "The listening test is about to start, you can take a look at the listening." ”

Lin Liyuan opened his eyes at this time, forced himself to read the listening test, and then finished the listening test in a daze.

Then he directly lay on the table and began to fall asleep, and in an exam, Lin Liyuan actually slept twice!

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Fortunately, Lin Liyuan woke up after only half an hour's sleep, and there was plenty of time left for her, because of the relatively simple English, Lin Liyuan finished writing quickly.

After writing the test paper, he was still very sleepy, and there was still a long time to finish the exam, Lin Liyuan fell asleep on the table again, this was the third time Lin Liyuan slept at the beginning of the English exam.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

The college entrance examination is considered very important by countless people, even those students who do not study very well and often sleep in class, they will not sleep during the college entrance examination.

But Lin Liyuan actually slept three times in a row during an exam!

However, when the results came out, it suddenly made us feel that she slept right, who could compare to her.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

I couldn't open my eyes in the English test, slept three times in two hours, and finally the results came out, and she actually scored "141"!

Regarding this result, Lin Liyuan even said: "I think I failed the test"!

Maybe in Lin Liyuan's opinion, such a simple question, he should have scored a full score, but because he was in a bad state and confused in the exam, he scored 141 points.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Finally, after the results of the college entrance examination were announced, Lin Liyuan became the first place in the liberal arts of the college entrance examination in 2007, with a total score of 672 points!

She completed one of the goals she had written in her notebook, scoring more than 650 points in the college entrance examination.

Just when Lin Liyuan celebrated her 18th birthday, she learned that she was the champion of Guangxi Province!

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Although Lin Liyuan's dream was to go to "Fudan University", for Chinese parents, in their perception, Tsinghua University and Peking University are the best schools, and their children must go to these two schools.

Therefore, Lin Liyuan could only listen to his parents' opinions and entered the Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, instead of going to Fudan University of his dreams.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

After that, this genius wrote an essay titled "We Are Not Children of God" about his studies in high school and his perception of learning.

I would like to tell me about the pressure of studying in the third year of high school, as well as some of my valuable experiences, hoping to help the younger students.《The champion who slept twice in the college entrance examination English examination room-Guangxi Lin Liyuan》
The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

None of us are children of God

In this article, Lin Liyuan mentioned the life of the third year of high school, although it was boring, but there were many flavors mixed in it.

In her junior year of high school, she not only raised all her hobbies, but also strived to be a "boring" person, because only in this way could Lin Liyuan study without distractions.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

She is such a boring person, so she did a whole 300 sets of test papers in such a boring person, this is Lin Liyuan's learning method, doing questions over and over again, and the test paper materials are stacked one after another, using the "sea of questions tactics" to make up for the shortcomings in any place.

Always summarize the learning and self-summary, so that you can not only find your own shortcomings, but also improve the efficiency of the next day's learning.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

In the third semester of high school, Lin Liyuan did a lot of test papers and study materials, including 83 sets of Chinese, 52 sets of English, 65 sets of mathematics, and 95 sets of comprehensive liberal arts.

This is enough to prove that Lin Liyuan's success is definitely not due to luck, but because her own strength is strong enough.

Some people say that geography is too difficult, and the map is so big that you can't remember it, so you might as well learn how Lin Liyuan did it.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

He cut out the geographical map, put it in his mouth, and whenever he had time, he took out one and looked at it, and after a long time you would know where it was when you saw the shape.

In this article, Lin Liyuan also said that his parents let him go to Peking University at that time, as the champion of liberal arts in Guangxi, not only his parents, but also the teacher's mind was full of "Peking University and Peking University".

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

As a result, Lin Liyuan's heart became unfirm, and he didn't know whether he should go to Peking University or Fudan, and finally under the persuasion of his teachers and parents, he could only give up his dream and go to Peking University.

But Lin Liyuan still couldn't let go of Fudan, so on the day of the consultation meeting, Lin Liyuan specially found the booth of Fudan University, but she didn't go over, just looked at it from a distance for a long time, and then turned around and left.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Maybe this has always been a regret in Lin Liyuan's heart, but from this article, we can see Lin Liyuan's struggle for his dream.

However, some netizens still condemned her behavior of sleeping during the exam and not writing her name and test number, thinking that he should not be given points for such behavior.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

But why do you say it's okay, maybe people who haven't taken the college entrance examination don't know why they don't write the test number and name and have scores.

Because each person will give you a different "barcode" for each test paper, which not only has your test number and name, but also your unique information.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Therefore, not writing the candidate number and name does not actually have any effect, but it may make people think that your attitude is not good, or other special circumstances arise.

For example, if someone appears to cheat on the paper, and he doesn't write his name, then another person who doesn't write his name happens to appear, and it's troublesome.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Therefore, Lin Liyuan is just careless, we must not imitate, such behavior is not right, and the behavior of sleeping in the college entrance examination is also wrong.

Unless you have the strength of Lin Liyuan, even if you sleep three times in the exam, you can still get a high score of 141 in that subject.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, behind the success is to pay thousands of times the sweat, definitely not a day's work.

The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672
First Fan Wen Network - "We Are Not Children of God"
The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672
People's No.-2019-09-21"The "best" female champion in the college entrance examination, dare to sleep in the examination room, and still "lie down to win" to enter Peking University"
The best female champion in the college entrance examination: forgot to write the test number in the Chinese test, slept in English, but entered Peking University with a score of 672

Resources:《The champion who slept twice in the college entrance examination English examination room-Guangxi Lin Liyuan》

First Fan Wen Network - "We Are Not Children of God"

People's No.-2019-09-21"The "best" female champion in the college entrance examination, dare to sleep in the examination room, and still "lie down to win" to enter Peking University"

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