
Why is Guo Degang of Deyun Club eccentric towards Luan Yunping?

author:Zhihu Nibu


Luan Yunping is to Guo Degang (hereinafter referred to as Grandmaster Guo), but he is just a cool official.

Everyone knows the allusion of Lai Junchen and Zhou Xing's "please enter the urn", and both of them were later killed.

Luan Yunping plays the so-called non-partisan person in the Cloud Club, which seems to be fair, but in fact, he does a lot of dirty things.

He is Luan Yi, the captain of Deyun, and the direct leader of Deyun Bagong (mainly responsible for talking to Fengchang).

He is the vice president of Yunshe Culture Co., Ltd. (no shares), and the power in his hands is unknown, but he can help his partner Gao Feng block Song Haoran, who is unwilling to apprentice.

He is also a college student who pretended to be a graduate of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts

And, according to his evaluation of his uncle Xie Jin (admitted in the Yun Club) in "Cross Talk Has a Newcomer", Luan Yunping, a junior, can afford to bully the teacher and destroy the ancestors, and criticize the master as the first person.

also scolded his uncle Miao Fu and deceived his teacher to destroy his ancestors×2

Why is Guo Degang of Deyun Club eccentric towards Luan Yunping?

Luan Yunping also participated in two programs to celebrate (satirize) Xu Deliang and Wang Wenlin's retirement from the club, "Who the hell" and "Very 6+2", which mentioned his early contribution to the Cloud Club: writing the water sign at the door. This job is basically done by reading and writing.

Luan Yunping on the right.

Why is Guo Degang of Deyun Club eccentric towards Luan Yunping?

And, to talk about unpopular knowledge, Luan Yunping has opened a cross talk special session (not a special show for Gao Feng Luan Yunping), the effect of that show... Yu Qian couldn't save Luan Yunping with praise, and he never held a special show again.

You can't sell tickets because of your management skills.

Why is Guo Degang of Deyun Club eccentric towards Luan Yunping?

Luan Yunping's power to arrange the performance was taken over from Li Jing (Li Jing's withdrawal from the company was also one of the reasons), which was equivalent to squeezing out Li Jing's partner (Gangsi did not admit it), and Luan Yunping also participated.

Ma Fengying's stalk has nothing to say, and the nickname Luan Boghini is more suitable for Luan Yunping, after all, his real name is Luan Bo.

Probably summed up so much, the reason why Grandmaster Guo is partial to Luan Yunping is basically understood: he is a cool official + white gloves; If his business ability is not good, he is not afraid that he will go out and work alone; offended too many people, Izumo Club has no education, no connections, plus bullying teachers and destroying ancestors, it is difficult to continue to talk about cross talk. Of course, you can also add a thick-skinned one, ordinary people can't do this.

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