
The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

author:Butterfly Quest
The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own
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The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

In 2007, the cross talk industry was clouded. Hou Yaowen, one of the founders of Deyun Club and known as the successor of "Century Cross Talk", died suddenly without warning.

, a once dominating cross talk master, used his departure to draw a heavy end to his wonderful life.

However, before the grief subsided, an even bigger storm crept in. When Hou Yaowen's eldest daughter, Hou Zhan, was saddened to sort out her father's belongings, a shocking fact emerged: those priceless real estate, luxury cars, and even precious cultural relics were all gone.

Where did this inheritance, which is said to be as high as tens of millions, go? Who is secretly mastering this battle for the legacy? A dispute across blood ties and the friendship between master and apprentice kicked off.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

Hou Yaowen's death not only left an irreparable rift in the cross talk world, but also planted a time bomb between his family and his apprentices.

In 1948, in Beijing, an ancient and culturally rich city, a life destined to form an indissoluble bond with cross talk was born. Hou Yaowen, a figure who will shine in the cross talk world in the future, opened his eyes.

As the third son of cross talk master Hou Baolin, Hou Yaowen was surrounded by a strong artistic atmosphere from the moment he fell to the ground.

However, fate always seems to like to play some jokes with geniuses. Hou Yaowen, who was only 12 years old, with a full love for cross talk, mustered up the courage to step onto the first stage of his life and brought his debut novel "Drunk" to the audience.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

The performance was supposed to be a milestone to celebrate, but it was met with strong opposition from his closest and dearest, his father, Hou Baolin.

In the face of his father's obstruction, the young Hou Yaowen did not give up easily. He chose a circuitous path, assumed the pseudonym "Little Brother", and secretly continued to chase his dream.

This perseverance and perseverance finally blossomed when he was 17 years old. With his extraordinary talent, Hou Yaowen successfully joined the China Railway Art Troupe and began his official cross talk career.

In the days of the art troupe, Hou Yaowen was hungry for knowledge and honed his skills. He was not willing to just perform, but began to write and direct his own cross talk works.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

It was during this period that popular works such as "Wisdom and Courage" were born, which won him widespread acclaim.

Hou Yaowen's success and persistence finally touched his father. Hou Baolin saw his son's shining talent, and also recognized his dedication to the art of cross talk. So, he finally nodded reluctantly and agreed with his son to continue on the road of cross talk.

After getting the support of his father, Hou Yaowen's career seemed to be on the fast track, and he soon became a hot new star in the cross talk industry.

In 2004, Hou Yaowen, who had already achieved fame, met a young man who made his eyes shine - Guo Degang. Perhaps because he saw his own shadow back then, Hou Yaowen did not hesitate to teach what he had learned all his life.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

The master and apprentice cherish each other and jointly contribute their own strength to the inheritance and development of cross talk art.

However, just when Hou Yaowen wholeheartedly cultivated Guo Degang and his cross talk career was booming, his personal life fell into an unprecedented crisis. Twists of fate often come unexpectedly, and a storm of love, betrayal, and family is about to sweep in, which not only affects Hou Yaowen's later years, but also lays the groundwork for the legacy battle behind him.

Hou Yaowen, who is radiant on the cross talk stage, has a private life like an emotional drama with ups and downs. In 1979, the young and promising Hou Yaowen tied the knot with the dance artist Liu Yan, and soon ushered in the crystallization of love - daughter Hou Zhan.

This small family should have enjoyed themselves, but it has not stood the test of time and fame.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

With the prosperity of his career, Hou Yaowen frequently traveled to perform in various places, and various temptations followed. The once loving husband and wife gradually drifted apart, and Hou Yaowen's dissatisfaction with his wife at home increased day by day.

Even in a rare moment of reunion, he focused his energy on blaming his wife's shortcomings, and his indifferent attitude was embarrassing.

In the end, in order to maintain the last dignity, Liu Yan resolutely chose to leave. The breakdown of this marriage not only hurt Liu Yan, but also left a scar on the young Hou Zan that was difficult to heal.

However, the gears of fate did not stop there. In 1990, on the set of the movie "Special Police", 51-year-old Hou Yaowen met Yuan Yin, who had just graduated from Beijing Film Academy.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

The two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love. Despite the age difference of 20 years and facing strong opposition from Yuan Yin's family, they still walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Five years after marriage, Yuan Yin gave birth to a daughter for Hou Yaowen. However, real life is not as rosy as imagined. Frequent outings made Yuan Yin feel lonely, and Hou Yaowen's decision to arrange for his neighbor and nephew Dai Zhicheng to take care of his wife in order to ensure the safety of his family inadvertently planted a hidden danger for his marriage.

What is shocking is that in getting along day and night, Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng secretly fell in love. In 2004, Yuan Yin resolutely chose to divorce Hou Yaowen, and Dai Zhicheng also parted ways with his wife Yang Lei.

This scandal caused an uproar in the entertainment industry and also caused huge psychological trauma to Hou Yaowen.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

From the much-anticipated cross talk master to the middle-aged man caught in the whirlpool of feelings, Hou Yaowen's life is like a tragicomedy. He has witty words on stage, but in private it is difficult to maintain his marriage.

This complex emotional experience not only affected Hou Yaowen's quality of life in his later years, but also laid the groundwork for the inheritance dispute behind him, which became an embarrassing topic.

In 2007, Hou Yaowen, a generation of grandmasters in the cross talk industry, passed away suddenly, leaving behind a legacy that is said to be as high as tens of millions. However, when Hou Yaowen's eldest daughter, Hou Zhan, counts her father's relics with grief, a shocking fact emerges: those priceless properties, luxury cars, and even precious cultural relics collections are all gone.

What's even more shocking is that the investigation results reveal a chilling truth: the mastermind behind this inheritance battle is actually Hou Yaowen's own brother, Hou Yaohua.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

Hou Yaohua proudly claimed that the reason why he took over the property was because Hou Zan and his sister Hou Shan were still young and it was difficult for them to properly manage such a large wealth.

Far from calming the sisters' emotions, this statement provoked their anger.

Faced with this situation, Hou Zan and Hou Shan have no choice but to take their uncle to court in an attempt to recover the wealth that belongs to them. At this moment, an unexpected figure stepped forward and provided strong support to the sisters - Hou Yaowen's protégé, Guo Degang.

Guo Degang not only publicly expressed his support for the Hou Zan sisters, but also bought a villa before Hou Yaowen's death at a sky-high price of 20 million yuan higher than the market price to help the sisters tide over the economic difficulties.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

This move not only reflects Guo Degang's gratitude to his teacher, but also shows his courage and responsibility.

However, the impact of this battle for heritage goes far beyond that. It became the fuse that detonated the internal contradictions of Deyun Club. On the third day after Hou Yaowen's death, Hou Yaohua gathered all the Houmen disciples and tried to control the power of Deyun Society.

He even publicly declared that he wanted to take charge of the Hou family's lintel and control the Deyun Society.

Faced with this situation, Guo Degang resolutely chose to leave. This is not only a dispute over inheritance, but also a manifestation of Guo Degang's inability to accept Hou Yaohua's intervention in the cross talk world as an amateur.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

In this way, the Deyun Society, which was originally united, fell into division because of this inheritance dispute.

In the days that followed, Deyun Club experienced a period of turmoil. The former partners and beloved apprentices have left one after another, some choose to follow Hou Yaohua, and some follow Guo Degang to start anew.

This turmoil not only tore apart a once glorious cross talk group, but also plunged the entire cross talk world into chaos.

However, it was in the midst of such adversity that Guo Degang demonstrated extraordinary leadership and artistic courage. He led the team that remained, reorganized the Deyun Club, and pushed it to new glory.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

Under the leadership of Guo Degang, Deyun Club not only successfully survived this crisis, but also created a new model of commercial cross talk, pushing this traditional art to an unprecedented peak.

Although this inheritance battle has brought huge shocks to the Hou family and Deyun Club, it has also become a turning point in the replacement of the old and the new in the cross talk industry. It not only witnessed Guo Degang's transformation from a disciple to a leader, but also indicated that Chinese cross talk art is about to usher in a new era.

After Hou Yaowen's death, the pattern of the cross talk world has undergone earth-shaking changes. After Hou Yaohua took over Houmen, he was supposed to continue his brother's glory, but he failed to do so.

In 2009, a series of controversial events began to plague the self-proclaimed cross talk actor of the Hou family's lintel.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

Mr. Hou endorsed a number of unscrutinized advertisements for health products, medicines and medical devices, which were of questionable quality and seriously damaged the Hou family's reputation. At the same time, he was also involved in a number of scandals with female disciples.

In 2017, a woman named Anna Kim posted an intimate photo with Hou Yaohua on social media, calling him a teacher. In 2019, Hou Yaohua, who has reached the age of his prime, fell into peachy news again, and ambiguous photos with a hot female disciple were frequently exposed.

These incidents not only made Hou Yaohua's status in the cross talk industry worse, but also brought shame on the Hou family.

In the end, Hou Yaohua's career plummeted, and even fell to the point of compromising for tens of thousands of yuan in appearance fees. It is rumored that he once gladly accepted the invitation to perform for a reward of 50,000 yuan, but before taking the stage, the organizer cut the remuneration to 20,000 yuan on the grounds that it was "not worth 50,000 yuan".

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

This circumstance contrasts sharply with his former glory.

In stark contrast to Hou Yaohua's decline, Guo Degang's star journey is getting brighter and brighter. has grown from a "non-famous cross talk actor" to today's leader in the cross talk industry, Guo Degang's success is no accident.

He is not only artistic, but also commercially talented.

In the most difficult period, Guo Degang insisted on paying salaries to the actors of Deyun Club, showing a strong sense of responsibility. He is committed to the innovation and development of cross talk art, skillfully integrating traditional cross talk with modern elements, and creating a new model of commercial cross talk.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

Under his leadership, the ancient art of cross talk has been revitalized and attracted a large number of young audiences.

Guo Degang's success is not only a personal victory, but also the best reward for Hou Yaowen's life's work. He has successfully shaped the position of the hegemon of the cross talk industry and become the true inheritor of Hou Yaowen's spirit, so that the art of cross talk will continue to shine in the new era.

Time flies like a white horse, and it has been 15 years since Hou Yaowen passed away in a blink of an eye. However, the mark he left in the cross talk world has not dissipated. Hou Yaowen's departure is like an earthquake that shook the cross talk world, and the aftermath is still affecting the development of the industry today.

Fortunately, his beloved apprentice Guo Degang successfully took over this heavy responsibility. Guo Degang not only inherited the mantle of Hou Yaowen, but also pushed the art of cross talk to a new peak.

The old artist Hou Yaowen, who was prominent during his lifetime and desolate after his death, kept Guo Degang's status on his own

Today's Guo Degang already has the demeanor of Master Hou Baolin and has become a leader in the cross talk industry in the new era.

I believe that if Hou Yaowen has a spirit in the sky, he will definitely be pleased with Guo Degang's achievements. Although his death brought a brief period of turmoil, it also became an opportunity for the innovation of cross talk art.

Looking forward to the future, we expect that the traditional art of cross talk can innovate in inheritance, develop in innovation, and always shine brightly.

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