
In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

author:Transcript of Xiao Sun's war
In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Israel Katz made a striking statement on social media that pointed to the gravity of the current situation.

Israel will not tolerate any presence that threatens its national security.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

Katz stressed that if necessary, a full-scale military operation will be taken to ensure the security and stability of the country.

The statement not only refocused Allah, accusing it of constantly attacking Israel and approaching the border, but also sent a clear warning to the Iranian government.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

The U.S. recently released 6,000 guided bombs weighing up to 500 pounds, which were reportedly seen as "vital support" to Israel.

These bombs are not simply weapons deliveries, but a strategic signal that the region may face more far-reaching implications.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

The logic behind such actions is clear: Israel is preparing to take more resolute action, especially against possible Lebanese targets.

This "generous gift" is not just a supply, but a clear strategic support.

Iran, as a major supporter of Allah, has launched a tough response.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

Senior Iranian officials have warned that any full-scale military action against Lebanon would lead to devastating consequences.

The sudden appearance of the USS Hornet amphibious assault ship battle formation has aroused the international community's concern and speculation about the situation in the Middle East.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

Officials claimed that the operation was for evacuation, but the real intention behind it was widely seen as a response and deterrent to the escalation of the situation in the region.

The United States' move to provide Israel with a large number of heavy guided bombs has undoubtedly cast a deep shadow over the tense border situation in Lebanon.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon

Military assistance of a supportive nature.

The U.S. military deployment and support operations in the Middle East not only affect the local security situation, but also, to a certain extent, determine the direction of global stability.

In order to warn Iran at the same time, "vital support" came 6,000 pieces weighing 500 pounds aimed at Lebanon
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