
Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

author:Emotional University Hall
Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

On a quiet night in 2004, 60-year-old Wang Meihua sat in a dimly lit room, holding a phone in her hand. She had just learned that she had breast cancer, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, leaving her feeling lonely and scared like never before.

At the crossroads of life, Wang Meihua hesitated again and again, and finally mustered up the courage to dial a number that had been sealed for a long time. On the other end of the phone, came her once most intimate, but now the most distant voice - her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei.

What kind of response will this man who has deeply hurt her give her? This seemingly ordinary phone call uncovered a complex emotional entanglement spanning 45 years, and it also became another turning point in Wang Meihua's life.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

In 1974, 18-year-old Wang Meihua stood at the crossroads of life. Born in poverty, she had to step into a bustling dance hall in order to support her family. The gears of fate quietly turned, and an opportunity to perform in Hong Kong allowed her to meet the handsome and dashing Zeng Zhiwei.

Tsang Chi-wai is the son of Hong Kong's senior police chief, Tsang Kai-wing, and has enjoyed a prosperous life since he was a child. When his eyes fell on Wang Meihua, the two young hearts were instantly ignited by the spark of love.

Wang Meihua was attracted by Zeng Zhiwei's personability, and Zeng Zhiwei was moved by Wang Meihua's innocence and beauty.

Their love came quickly and hotly. After four years of long-distance love, 22-year-old Wang Meihua finally stepped into the door of the Zeng family. However, behind the fairytale love story, there is a cruel reality.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

On the wedding day, Zeng Zhiwei's words were like a basin of cold water that extinguished Wang Meihua's fantasy: "I need to go out for three years, you have to accept it."

This sentence made Wang Meihua, a first-time wife, fall into deep doubts and panic. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of the trials ahead. Despite this, the young Wang Meihua is still full of hope and looks forward to being able to melt her husband's heart with her love.

The life after marriage is not as sweet as Wang Meihua imagined. Zeng Zhiwei's frequent socializing and going out make her often stay alone. What made her even more unacceptable was that some women who claimed to be Zeng Zhiwei's "confidantes" began to challenge her status.

In the face of these challenges, Wang Meihua chose to forbear and persevere. She strives to play the role of a good wife and mother, hoping to win her husband's heart. However, reality is often harsher than imagined.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

In this seemingly glamorous marriage, Wang Meihua gradually lost herself. She has changed from a lively and cheerful girl to a cautious wife who suffers from gains and losses.

Despite this, she still did not give up hope for love, and looked forward to one day being able to truly integrate into the Zeng family and gain the single-mindedness of her husband and the approval of her family.

The three years after marriage were a difficult ordeal for Wang Meihua. Zeng Zhiwei's frequent affairs and irresponsible attitude made her heart hurt again and again. The juniors came one after another, brazenly provoking her status.

Once, a woman who claimed to be Zeng Zhiwei's "confidante" even came directly to the door and asked Wang Meihua to take the initiative to give up the position of the hostess of the Zeng family.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

In the face of these challenges, Wang Meihua chose to forbear and persevere. She strives to play the role of a gentle and virtuous daughter-in-law, hoping to win the approval of her great-family members. However, her efforts do not seem to be paying off as they should be.

During this period, Wang Meihua gave birth to two daughters in a row. She thought that when she had a child, her husband would change his mind. However, the reality is that Zeng Zhiwei still goes his own way and spends all day drinking outside.

Every time the idea of divorce appeared in Wang Meihua's heart, Zeng Zhiwei could always detect it in time and comfort her with sweet words.

"We are already married, and it is time for a child to inherit our family business, ideally multiple sons." Hearing her husband's words, Wang Meihua cried with joy, thinking that her husband was finally willing to settle down.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

However, she didn't realize that this was just a stopgap measure by Zeng Zhiwei to meet his parents' expectations.

As time passed, Wang Meihua's heart gradually cooled. She began to realize that she had always been in a vulnerable position in the family. However, every time the idea of divorce just came to mind, it was dispelled by practical considerations.

She feared that she would fall back into poverty after the divorce.

Eventually, the humiliation at a banquet became the straw that broke the camel's back. When the Zeng family brazenly claimed back the jewelry worn by Wang Meihua, she finally saw her true status in this family.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

Coupled with the sudden change in the Zeng family and the loss of its former glory overnight, Wang Meihua decisively filed for divorce.

After the divorce, Wang Meihua left Zeng's house alone with 500 Hong Kong dollars. She thought she could get rid of the past and start a new life. However, the reality is more brutal than she imagined.

In order to make ends meet, she had to return to work in the cabaret and struggle to raise her two daughters.

Despite the hardships of life, Wang Meihua did not give up. She works hard to make up for what she owes to her daughters. However, the daughters' attitude towards her is very cold, especially the eldest daughter Zeng Baoyi, who is full of resentment and incomprehension towards her mother.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

In order to be close to her daughters, Wang Meihua decided to return to Taiwan to develop her career. She placed her home near her daughters' school in an attempt to make up for the lost years. Although her daughters are still cold, she still insists on giving her love.

This experience made Wang Meihua re-examine her life and relationships. She gradually understood that true happiness does not lie in the form of marriage, but in inner satisfaction and concern for her loved ones.

Although the marriage ended in failure, she did not give up hope in life because of it. On the contrary, this experience made her stronger, and also laid the groundwork for her to establish a new type of relationship with Zeng Zhiwei in the future.

After the divorce, Wang Meihua's relationship with her daughters fell to the bottom, especially with her eldest daughter Zeng Baoyi. Years of separation and misunderstanding have built an invisible wall between them.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

When Wang Meihua tried to get closer to her daughter, she was coldly rejected by Zeng Baoyi.

"You never cared about us, so why do you pretend to do so now?" Zeng Baoyi's words were like a sharp sword, deeply piercing Wang Meihua's heart. However, the power of maternal love made Wang Meihua not give up.

She moved to Taiwan and deliberately placed her family near her daughters' school, hoping to make up for the lost time.

The turning point came when Zeng Baoyi's career encountered a setback. When Zeng Baoyi was involved in an affair with Xiao S and Huang Zijiao and suffered online violence, Wang Meihua resolutely stepped forward.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

She took the initiative to participate in the program "Kangxi is Coming", and in the face of the aggressive Xiao S, Wang Meihua showed amazing courage and wisdom.

"Have you let go of your past entanglements?" Wang Meihua's words not only resolved her daughter's crisis, but also touched Zeng Baoyi's heartstrings. At that moment, Zeng Baoyi finally saw her mother's good intentions, and the misunderstandings over the years melted like ice and snow.

This experience not only brought the mother and daughter back together, but also made Wang Meihua re-examine her life. She realizes that true love is not in form, but in action.

Even if you have made mistakes, as long as you don't give up, there is always a chance to make amends.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

As time passed, the relationship between Wang Meihua and her daughters gradually warmed up. They began to keep in touch frequently, sharing the joys and sorrows of life. The former estrangement is replaced by understanding and tolerance, and a deep emotional bond is re-established between mother and daughter.

This experience not only healed Wang Meihua's psychological wounds, but also injected new strength into her to face the challenges of life in the future.

In 2004, fate played a cruel joke on Wang Meihua again. The diagnosis of breast cancer was like a bolt from the blue, and it almost crushed her. At the crossroads of life, she magically dialed Zeng Zhiwei's phone.

To her surprise, Zeng Zhiwei not only listened patiently, but also personally waited in the hospital to take care of her postoperative recovery.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

This experience allowed Wang Meihua to see the unknown side of Zeng Zhiwei. The man who once broke her heart has now become her most solid support.

However, the test of fate did not end there. In 2016, cancer struck again. This time, Zeng Zhiwei's performance was even more moving.

Even if Wang Meihua is in poor physical condition, he has no dislike and takes care of him carefully. Whether it is cleaning up vomit or feeding and care, Zeng Zhiwei does it himself.

In 2019, when Wang Meihua was diagnosed with lung cancer, she was the first to think of Zeng Zhiwei again. And Zeng Zhiwei did not disappoint her, and stepped forward again, giving her unlimited courage and strength.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

These three anti-cancer experiences have completely changed the relationship between Wang Meihua and Zeng Zhiwei. The resentment and disappointment that once existed became insignificant in the face of the test of life and death. The affection between them is sublimated into a deep bond that transcends the love of husband and wife.

Wang Meihua sighed: "If there is still a chance to choose again, I will still marry him without hesitation." This sentence not only expresses her gratitude to Zeng Zhiwei, but also expresses her cherishing of this special relationship.

After experiencing the test of life and death, the relationship between Wang Meihua and Zeng Zhiwei has undergone qualitative changes. They are no longer a burden to each other, but the most important support in each other's lives.

This experience also allowed them to redefine the meaning of love and marriage, and realize that true feelings transcend the eyes of the world.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

After 45 years of separation and integration, the relationship between Wang Meihua and Zeng Zhiwei has surpassed the relationship between ordinary husband and wife. They are no longer each other's spouses, but they have become the closest friends and the most solid backing.

This special relationship has given a whole new meaning to the word "love".

Wang Meihua said frankly that the contribution between her and Zeng Zhiwei was mutual. This tacit understanding may be difficult to reflect in daily life, but after separation, it is deeply appreciated.

Their relationship has gone beyond the ordinary love between men and women, and has become an inseparable blood relationship.

Wang Meihua: Got married at the age of 18, gave birth to 2 children in 3 years, and still can't forget her ex-husband Zeng Zhiwei after divorce

Although they are no longer husband and wife, their bond with each other is deeper than ever. They learn to respect, understand and support each other, and this relationship is more like a resonance of the heart than the bondage of marriage.

This special relationship brought new life insights to the two. They understand that true love does not lie in form, but in inner bonding. Even if they can't get back together, they can still care for each other, support each other, and move forward hand in hand on the road of life.

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