
Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

author:Loving Home Joy Reading
Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce
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Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

In 1982, late one night in Hong Kong, 18-year-old Wang Meihua quietly pushed open the door of the Zeng family's mansion. She clutched 500 Hong Kong dollars in her hand, which was all her belongings.

Behind them, two young daughters are asleep, unaware of what is about to happen.

Wang's heart was racing, and she knew that this decision would completely change the trajectory of her life. I once thought that I could be happy when I stepped into a wealthy family, but now I am going to leave.

She took a deep breath and stepped out of the house.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

This move caused an uproar in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

In this way, a seemingly perfect wealthy marriage came to an end late at night.

In New Taipei City, Taiwan Province, in the 50s of the 20th century, Wang Meihua was born in a family that was not wealthy. The small house was crowded with family members, and the father's meager income barely supported the family.

In order to reduce the burden on the family, Wang Meihua, who was only a teenager, began to sing in local song halls, using her immature voice in exchange for living expenses.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

A twist of fate came quietly when she was 14 years old. With her delicate face and outstanding singing voice, Wang Meihua was selected to go to Hong Kong to participate in a performance. She set foot on this strange land with trepidation and anticipation, not knowing that this journey would completely change the course of her life.

On the stage in Hong Kong, Wang Meihua's performance attracted the attention of a special audience - the young Zeng Zhiwei. As the son of Senior Inspector Tsang Kai-wing of the Hong Kong Police Force, Tsang Chi-wai was deeply attracted by Wong Mei-wah's talent and charisma.

With the support of his father, he began his passionate pursuit of Wang Meihua.

For Wang Meihua, who comes from a poor family, the illustrious family background of the Zeng family and Zeng Zhiwei's enthusiasm seem to have opened the door to a better future. However, she didn't know that behind this seemingly romantic encounter, there was a careful arrangement of the Zeng family.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

Mr. and Mrs. Tsang Kai Wing frequently led Wang Meihua to high-end venues, intending to give her a deeper understanding of the family background. Immersed in the bustling life of Hong Kong, surrounded by compliments and compliments around her, the young Wang Meihua is full of hope for the future.

The splendor of Hong Kong and Zeng Zhiwei's passionate pursuit made her gradually intoxicated.

In this context, 18-year-old Wang Meihua entered the palace of marriage with a yearning for a better life and became Zeng Zhiwei's wife. She thought she was about to start a happy new life, but she didn't know that this was only the beginning of a wealthy marriage, but also the beginning of a life journey full of challenges and tests.

On the day of the wedding, Wang Meihua wore a gorgeous wedding dress with a happy smile on her face. Little did she know, however, that what awaited her would be a very different married life from what she had imagined.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

This girl from a small town in Taiwan is standing at a crossroads in her life and is about to face the tests of a wealthy life.

Wang Meihua's married life began to show signs of not matching her imagination from the wedding night. When she was waiting for the groom with great anticipation, Zeng Zhiwei and his friends were pushing the cups to change the lamp, and they did not set foot in the new house for three days and three nights.

Wang Meihua counted the red envelopes in the marriage room alone, and the sense of loss in her heart came like a tide.

The language barrier and cultural differences make Wang Meihua feel lonely in Hong Kong. The red tape of the wealthy family is like an invisible shackle, depriving her of the opportunity to develop freely. She couldn't even go out freely, as if she was imprisoned in a golden wire cage.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

originally expected Zeng Zhiwei to be her dependence, but the reality is that her husband is always unpredictable and elusive.

After three years of marriage, Wang Meihua found that there was very little communication between her husband and her. "We almost never get into an argument because we see each other so rarely," she said bitterly.

She spends more time with her lover than with her husband. Every once in a while, a new woman appears to challenge her status as a main room.

In the face of her husband's flowery heart, Wang Meihua experienced a mental journey from anger and despair to compromise. In order to save Zeng Zhiwei's heart, she worked hard to give birth to offspring for the Zeng family.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

However, even after giving birth to two children in a row within three years, Zeng Zhiwei was unable to accompany her every time she gave birth. This made Wang Meihua feel deeply disappointed and lonely.

As time went by, Wang Meihua gradually realized that in the eyes of the Zeng family, she seemed to be just a tool for inheritance. Despite this, she still hopes to gain the recognition and support of her great-family family by building a deeper family relationship.

However, the strife and complexity within the wealthy family are far beyond her imagination.

Although her father-in-law loves her very much, the real power holder in the family is Zeng Zhiwei's mother. Great-mother's attitude towards her was cold, and even after borrowing jewelry in public to show off her family background, she carefully withdrew it in private, for fear that Wang Meihua would find out.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

This attitude of precaution and distrust made Wang Meihua feel devastated.

In the estrangement of her husband and the precautions of her in-laws, the last trace of warmth in Wang Meihua's heart completely disappeared. She asked her father-in-law many times, "Will he come back?" The answer was always ambiguous: "Bear with me, maybe he will come back to you in another ten years."

Such an answer made Wang Meihua's heart like a knife.

Faced with such a reality, Wang Meihua began to reflect on her life. She didn't want to endure it any longer, and she didn't want to waste her youth in endless expectations and resentment towards her husband.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

She began to realize that she was young and beautiful, and that she still had a long life, and that she should not be bound by such a marriage.

In this way, in the third year of marriage, Wang Meihua made that life-changing decision. She decided to leave the Zeng family, leave the wealthy family that suffocated her, and find her own life path again.

Although this decision was difficult, it also gave her a glimmer of hope.

After leaving Zeng's family, Wang Meihua chose to stay in Hong Kong alone and make a living by singing. Although life is hard, she finally gets rid of the dilemma of relying on others and enjoys the freedom she has not felt for a long time.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

Standing on stage every day and expressing her inner emotions with her singing voice makes her feel more fulfilled than ever. However, behind the cheers and applause, Wang Meihua has always been unable to let go of the guilt for her two young daughters in her heart.

The Zeng family firmly forbade her to visit her children and did not let them know anything about her "mother". In the memories of the daughters' growing up, the father is away all the year round, and the mother has become a taboo topic that cannot be mentioned.

This pain of being forced to separate from flesh and blood is like a sharp blade, stabbing Wang Meihua's heart day and night.

In order to be able to get close to her daughter, Wang Meihua made a major decision at the age of 35. She said goodbye to her music career, which she had worked hard in Hong Kong for many years, and resolutely returned to Taiwan.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

She carefully chose the next door to her ex-in-laws' house as her new home, hoping to take the opportunity to rebuild her relationship with her daughters. However, the reality is not what she wants. For the daughters who have entered puberty, her sudden appearance seems out of place, especially the eldest daughter Zeng Baoyi, who shows obvious resistance to her arrival.

Despite this, Wang Meihua did not give up. She seized every possible opportunity to try to rebuild her relationship with her daughters. At Zeng Baoyi's high school graduation ceremony, when many parents asked how they had raised such an excellent child, Wang Meihua felt endless guilt for her daughter.

She was acutely aware that she was missing out on an important moment in her daughters' development.

However, fate gave Wang Meihua a chance to make amends. In 2002, after experiencing the "Jiaobao S" love triangle, Zeng Baoyi's career suffered a heavy blow.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

Wang Meihua saw her daughter's plight and resolutely decided to come forward. She co-hosted a food show with her daughter called "Bao Ma Bao Mei Happy Soup". In order to fully cooperate with her daughter's performance, she even changed her stage name to "Bao Ma".

During the recording of the show, the mother and daughter had more opportunities to get along. Zeng Baoyi gradually understood her mother's helplessness and determination back then. "In those days, it was not easy to raise two children on her own as a young woman," she said.

This sentence is like a warm current, melting the estrangement between mother and daughter for many years.

Under the careful guidance and assistance of Wang Meihua, Zeng Baoyi's career returned to the peak. And more importantly, the mother-daughter relationship has been repaired. Wang Meihua finally felt the happiness and satisfaction of being a mother, and her life also had a new meaning and direction.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

Although she has been divorced for many years, Wang Meihua's feelings for Zeng Zhiwei have always been difficult to give up. Whenever she performs on stage or is interviewed, the conversation inevitably returns to Zeng.

She is active in various variety shows as Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife, although she is often questioned by the outside world, she doesn't seem to care about these criticisms.

In an in-depth interview, Wang Meihua said frankly: "As long as it is a task given to me by Zeng Zhiwei, I always do not hesitate to carry it out immediately." Behind this sentence, it is revealed that she still has deep feelings for her ex-husband.

Even in the difficult times of battling cancer, Zeng Zhiwei's simple greeting can be a powerful motivation for her to persevere.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

However, life is always full of drama. In 2012, Wang Meihua publicly admitted that she was in love with Wang Jianmin, who was 12 years younger than herself. As soon as this relationship was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar.

Not only because of the huge age gap, but also because Wang Jianmin was Wang Meihua's "godson". In the face of social doubts and criticism, Wang Meihua chose to face it bravely and live for her feelings.

But this much-talked-about relationship finally ended after only 3 years. In the eyes of others, the disparity in economic income may be the biggest problem for the couple.

However, the deeper reason may be that Wang Meihua has never been able to forget Zeng Zhiwei in her heart.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

Even during her relationship with Wang Jianmin, Wang Meihua's feelings for Zeng Zhiwei never seemed to change. She mentioned Zeng Zhiwei many times in the show, and the complex emotions in her eyes made people guess what she really thought in her heart.

The end of this relationship once again proves Wang Meihua's inseparable feelings for Zeng Zhiwei. Although they have been separated for many years, Zeng Zhiwei's place in her heart never seems to waver.

This complex emotional entanglement has become an unavoidable part of Wang Meihua's life.

Wang Meihua's life is like a drama of ups and downs, and the three anti-cancer experiences are the most difficult tests in her life journey. These experiences profoundly changed her perspective on life, marriage, and love.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

Instead of clinging to the perfect relationship, she has learned to accept the imperfections of life.

In an in-depth interview, when asked if she would consider re-entering marriage, Wang Meihua calmly replied: "Single life is actually quite good. Behind these simple words is her deep thinking and precipitation of life.

She understands that happiness does not have to be attached to marriage or someone, but comes from inner contentment and peace.

Wang Meihua's story shows the image of a woman who grows in the midst of setbacks and maintains her true self in the midst of disputes. She has the courage to make choices and face challenges, while also accepting the cruelty of reality.

Zeng Zhiwei was originally married to Wang Meihua: In order to marry a wealthy family, he tolerated her husband's heart, and she couldn't forget her ex-husband after many years of divorce

From tolerating her husband's distraction in order to marry into a wealthy family, to being unable to completely let go of her ex-husband after divorce, to finally finding herself, Wang Meihua's experience illustrates how a woman grows up in the grind of life.

She learned how to find a balance between giving and compromising, and how to find her own happiness in an imperfect life. Wang Meihua's story tells us that the true wisdom of life lies not in avoiding mistakes, but in learning from mistakes and growing in setbacks.

Eventually, she found herself in the trials of life and became a true, strong and wise person.

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