
Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

author:Aliens talk about emotions

On an ordinary afternoon in 2022, an elegant lady is enjoying a leisurely lunch alone in a high-end department store in Taipei. She is a big S, she looks calm at the moment, but her eyes are mixed with complex emotions. On that day, the news of her divorce from Wang Xiaofei shocked the entire entertainment industry.

At the other end of Taiwan, Zeng Zhezhen is facing the long guns and short guns of the media, facing inquiries about the crisis of her ex-husband Lin Ruiyang's company. Her tone was calm and firm, as if telling a story that had nothing to do with her.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

In a corner of Hong Kong, a woman known as "Bao Ma" is busy handling the funeral for Zeng Zhiwei's family. This lady is Wang Meihua, a former song hall singer, and now she is a middle-aged woman with a face full of vicissitudes.

These three women, who are closely connected by the label of "good ex-wife", have very different personalities. Their stories reveal the little-known bitterness and helplessness behind their marriages, and also show their wisdom and open-mindedness when their marriages fail.

Back in the 1970s, Wang Meihua was only 14 years old at the time, and she was facing a critical moment in her life. Born into a poor family in Taiwan, this girl has been performing in song halls since she was 12 years old, and experienced the hardships of life prematurely.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

But fate suddenly took a turn, and Zeng Zhiwei, who was 18 years old at the time, came into her life.

When she met Zeng Zhiwei for the first time, Wang Meihua had complex emotions surging in her heart. Even though she still can't understand what love is, the longing of "marrying into a wealthy family" makes her fascinated. Tsang Chi-wai's family background is prominent, his father is the chief police chief of the Hong Kong Police Force, and his family activities have always brought together political and business celebrities.

However, the dream was soon shattered by the harsh reality.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

On the night of the wedding, the groom, Zeng Zhiwei, had disappeared. Wang Meihua waited alone in the new house, and this wait was three days and three nights. Recalling those days, her eyes couldn't help but be filled with tears, and the despair and helplessness of that time seemed to reappear in front of her.

In the days that followed, she gave birth to two daughters one after another, but she was never able to fill the emptiness in her heart.

At the age of 21, Wang Meihua's last illusion about marriage was completely shattered by a phone call from a strange woman, and that sentence was like a sharp blade, which deeply pierced her heart: "Zeng Zhiwei and I are together!" ”

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

In this way, less than three years of married life came to an end hastily. With only 500 Hong Kong dollars and a few clothes, Wang Meihua left her two young daughters and returned to Taiwan alone.

Whenever she recalls that decision, there is always a hint of choking in her voice: "At that time, I didn't understand anything, I just knew that I had to escape from the environment that made me feel suffocated and miserable."

However, fate played tricks on people, and many years later, Wang Meihua once again returned to the Zeng family's life circle. She moved next door to Zeng's house, taking care of her two daughters and Zeng Zhiwei's parents on the other.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Although Zeng Zhiwei has remarried and had children in Hong Kong, she still does her best to take care of the family that once hurt her.

Wang Meihua said with a smile, with a complicated light flashing in her eyes: "Life is really wonderful, from an ignorant little girl to a 'treasure mother', and has become the most reliable relative of the Zeng family."

Her tone is full of relief for the past and insights into life.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

In 2011, the old man of the Zeng family passed away, and Wang Meihua has been taking care of him all the time. Later, when Zeng Zhiwei's brother died, she also handled the funeral. This relationship, with the passage of time, has changed from former lovers to current relatives.

Looking back on the past, Wang Meihua was full of emotion in her heart. Her life experience started as a cabaret girl, slowly became the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, raised her son after divorce, and finally became the guardian of the Zeng family.

This tortuous journey of life, although full of ups and downs, has also made her grow into a strong and tolerant woman.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Today, Wang Meihua has been able to calmly face the tribulations of the past, and she has continued her life in the most dignified way, earning respect and setting an example for her children.

Her experience shows how a strong woman can reinvent herself and find new value in life after a failed marriage.

In 2011, the luxurious wedding of Da S and Wang Xiaofei once attracted a lot of attention and became a hot topic in the entertainment industry. At that time, the big S was breathtakingly beautiful, and he also achieved good results in his career; Wang Xiaofei is also full of vitality, and her demeanor is full of noble temperament, and she is affectionately called "Xiaofei" by everyone.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

However, no one could have predicted that this seemingly perfect marriage would eventually end in divorce.

Recalling the moment of first acquaintance with Wang Xiaofei, a touch of tenderness flashed in Da S's eyes. "At that time, we all thought we had found our destined partner," she said softly, with a hint of emotion in her tone.

The sweetness of the love period, the happiness of the wedding, as if it was just yesterday, however, the reality is always more cruel than a fairy tale.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

As time passed, gathering less and leaving more gradually became the epitome of this marriage. Big S's career focus is in Taiwan, and Wang Xiaofei is in full swing in the mainland. For the sake of their respective careers, they had to live apart for a long time.

"In the beginning, we would race against time to meet," Da S recalled, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, "but later, we were all used to each other's absences." She took a deep breath and continued: "The relationship between us is like an edge that has been slowly smoothed out by time and distance.

In the end, we found ourselves more like friends than husband and wife."

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

In 2022, when the news of the divorce broke, there was an uproar in the outside world. However, Big S's response was surprisingly calm. "I hope Xiaofei will always be better off than me," she said with a determined look in her eyes, without a trace of resentment in her tone.

Regarding the reason for the divorce, Da S concisely summed it up in the nine words "gathering less and leaving more, and gradually turning into friendship", and she even revealed frankly that she regretted that this marriage did not exist at all, but she was grateful.

proudly wished Xiaofei to find a partner who was more suitable for him, and he followed Da S's words, fully demonstrating her generosity and maturity.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

In the face of media questions, Big S showed a high degree of emotional intelligence and concern for others. She said: "I chose to divorce now because Xiaofei's career is booming, he is in a young and handsome period, and I believe that he will easily find a partner who is more suitable for him."

When she said this, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, but there was a hint of imperceptible loneliness in her eyes.

When it comes to raising children, Da S gave a wise response: "Live with me for the time being, and it depends on the wishes of the children in the future." At the same time, she particularly emphasized, "Xiaofei loves children very much. These words not only safeguarded the rights and interests of the children, but also gave the ex-husband due respect.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Big S solves his family problems in a high-profile way, showing the wisdom of a mature woman, and looks solemn and elegant. This not only protects the rights and interests of her and her own children, but also treats her ex-husband in a respectful way.

As she said: "What you need to be a person is to have a beautiful posture."

The breakdown of this marriage made Big S deeply realize that marriage is not the whole of life, and women should have their own careers and pursuits. After the divorce, she focused more on her career and parenting, and she showed the image of a single mother with her strength and independence.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

The story of Big S is not only a divorced star, but also a female role model who remains elegant and kind after a failed marriage. Her actions illustrate what a true "good ex-wife" is, and provides a reference for people who are going through a marriage crisis.

In 1998, Zeng Zhezhen attracted much attention because of the breakdown of her marriage with Lin Ruiyang. At that time, Zhang Ting disclosed his emotional entanglement with Lin Ruiyang on the TV show and cried about his situation. And Zeng Zhezhen can only bear all this silently behind the scenes, and his heart is in pain.

Recalling the days when she met and fell in love with Lin Ruiyang, Zeng Zhezhen's eyes revealed complicated emotions. At that time, they were both young and full of longing, thinking that love could overcome everything.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

However, reality has given them a punch.

"Our marriage was unequal from the beginning," Zeng whispered, a glimmer of pain flashing in her eyes. As an actress's wife, she had to put up with her husband's intimate contact with other women, even if it was just acting.

Every time she saw Lin Ruiyang hugging other women on TV, she felt a burst of heartache.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

However, the real blow is real real life. Lin Ruiyang is busy with work all year round and rarely goes home. Zeng Zhezhen is under tremendous pressure with her children alone, "Sometimes, I feel like a single mother", she said with some sadness in her eyes.

On that night in 1998, when her 8-year-old son Lin Yu watched the news on TV, Zeng Zhezhen felt unprecedented despair. Trying to hide her emotions, she said to her son, "Spider spirits eat people... Dad is busy and will be back in a few days.

However, her heart had been broken into countless pieces.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

In the following days, the relationship between Lin Ruiyang and Zeng Zhezhen fell to a freezing point, and the two often argued, even to the point of hysteria once. When Zeng Zhezhen recalled those days, she said in a choked voice: "Once, I couldn't stand it anymore and chose to commit suicide.

"At that time, I really didn't feel the point of living."

However, life always has to go on. For the sake of the child, Zeng Zhezhen chose to live strongly. After years of separation and reunion, she and Lin Ruiyang finally couldn't escape the end of divorce.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

After the divorce, Zeng Zhezhen chose to remain silent. No matter how the media asks questions to the bottom of the matter, she always maintains a restrained attitude. When asked about the reason for the divorce, she replied frankly: "He has been very good to me in eight years of marriage, and his concern for the family has never diminished.

The main reason for the divorce was my bad temper, and he took a lot of my emotions," she said, with a hint of relief in her eyes.

However, when Zeng Zhezhen's son was attacked by others, she still stood up uncontrollably. "I just want to live an ordinary life, but I can't get rid of the shadow of someone's ex-wife.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Yes! She is a third party, welcome to sue me through legal channels! Her voice was filled with her mother's anger and protectiveness.

Recently, in the face of the news of Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting's company's accident, Zeng Zhezhen chose to remain silent. "Failed marriages have been a stain on my life, but no one will see the people around me face difficulties and fall into the hole," she said.

As a mother, prudence in words and deeds is a model for children" Her words show the wisdom and mind of a mature woman.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Tsang's story is not a simple tragedy of failed marriage, but a process of growing up in the face of adversity. She went from an innocent girl to the ups and downs of marriage, and finally became a strong, rational mother.

Her story reminds us that even if our marriage is not going well, we must not lose hope in life and kindness to others.

Zeng Zhezhen is now able to face the past calmly and continue her life in the most dignified way, earning respect and setting an example for her children. Her story illustrates how a woman reinvents herself and finds new value in life in the face of marital failure.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Time is like a knife, and pain has become a mark of life. The former good wives Wang Meihua, Da S and Zeng Zhezhen have played the role of good ex-wives at the moment, showing their extraordinary survival wisdom in their own ways.

Wang Meihua has a self-proclaimed title of "Bao Ma", and she chooses to continue to protect Zeng Zhiwei's family. She often said, "Those memories belong only to two people who have walked together." Her eyes revealed a wisdom that transcended the world, as if she had seen through the essence of life.

Even though she was injured, she still chose to treat her former family with kindness, showing rare tolerance and generosity.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Da S faced the divorce with a calm attitude, she said: "Everything is so calm, I only hope that Xiaofei can live better than me forever." There was no trace of resentment in her tone, but rather anticipation for the future.

Da S used her actions to vividly interpret what it means to be truly "good to get together and disperse", not only protecting the rights and interests of herself and her children, but also giving due respect to her ex-husband, showing the wisdom and mind of a mature woman.

The end of a marriage does not mean a failure in life. Wang Meihua, Da S and Zeng Zhezhen, the three "good ex-wives", use their actions to tell us this in the most decent way. They did not choose to face the end of their marriage with resentment and sadness, but chose to protect themselves and their children in their own way, and at the same time gave their ex-husbands the respect they deserved.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Their experiences show us that even after the setbacks of marriage, it is possible to live a wonderful life. As Zeng Zhezhen said: "A failed marriage has been a stain on my life, but no one will see the people around me facing difficulties and falling into the ground."

This attitude is the real way of "good ex-wife". This not only shows their personal cultivation, but also sets an example for their next generation. After the divorce, these women found new value in life, proving that women are independent and strong.

Taiwan's good ex-wife: From Zeng Zhiwei's ex-wife to Da S to Zeng Zhezhen, they are all good wives and why are they divorced

Their stories provide inspiration and strength to those who are going through marital troubles.

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