
Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

On the glittering stage of Hong Kong's high society, Zhu Lingling's name is always eye-catching. The former Miss Hong Kong double champion, with his amazing beauty and intelligence, has stepped into the threshold of two prominent families.

The trajectory of her life is far as uneventful as people think.

When she and Huo Zhenting ended their 27-year marriage, Zhu Lingling made a decision that shocked everyone: give up the huge amount of property compensation and choose to leave the house.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

Many years later, when she married into the Luo family, she again politely declined when faced with half of the family property generously donated by her husband Luo Kangrui.

What are the considerations behind these two astonishing decisions? Is it to prove his innocence, or is there something else? Let's unravel this mystery and explore the little-known story behind Zhu Lingling's legendary life.

In 1977, on the stage of the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant, a 19-year-old girl amazed the audience. She is Zhu Lingling, with her elegant temperament, graceful figure and sweet smile, she won the double championship of Miss Hong Kong in one fell swoop.

This dazzling achievement not only opened the door to the showbiz for her, but also made her an ideal partner in the hearts of many rich children.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

Among the many suitors, two people stand out: Huo Zhenting and Luo Kangrui. Although they all came from illustrious backgrounds, Huo Zhenting at that time, as the eldest son of the family and the future successor, was undoubtedly more attractive.

In the face of this giant chase, the young Zhu Lingling showed extraordinary maturity and wisdom.

Huo Zhenting fell in love with Zhu Lingling at first sight and launched a passionate and romantic pursuit. He personally drove Zhu Lingling every day and acted as a personal bodyguard on the set. What's even more amazing is that he spares no expense to fly flowers from overseas, just to put a bouquet of fresh roses on Zhu Lingling's dresser every day.

This sincerity finally touched Zhu Lingling's heart.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

In 1978, the wedding of Zhu Lingling and Fok Zhenting was called the event of the century in the Hong Kong social circle. This wedding created more than 20 "Hong Kong's best", making Zhu Lingling the focus of attention in the city.

Life after marriage was not as good as she imagined. Strict family rules limit her freedom, and the rules of wealthy life make her feel constrained.

She can't work or set up shop as much as she wants, and her husband is busy socializing and rarely accompanies her.

Zhu Lingling gradually realized that behind the glamour of the life of a wealthy family, there are countless constraints and challenges. She began to understand that becoming a wealthy wife meant sacrificing a lot of personal freedom and embracing a new way of life.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

This huge gap made her reflect on her life choices.

Despite this, Zhu Lingling did not give up. She worked hard to adapt to her new role, gave birth to three sons for Huo Zhenting, and did her best to play the role of the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.

However, as time passed, the contradictions between her and Huo Zhenting became increasingly prominent, laying the groundwork for future changes.

Zhu Lingling's experience tells us that under the glamorous appearance, everyone has their own troubles and struggles. Even the enviable life of a wealthy family is not perfect.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

This experience laid the foundation for Zhu Lingling's future life choices and gave her a deeper understanding of life.

As the years passed, the marriage between Zhu Lingling and Huo Zhenting gradually exposed cracks. The huge difference in their personalities, the difference in lifestyle, and Huo Zhenting's long-term busy entertainment and neglect of companionship have cast a shadow on this marriage.

Zhu Lingling felt more and more depressed in the deep courtyard of a wealthy family, and her inner dissatisfaction increased day by day.

In 2000, a sudden turmoil became the last straw that crushed this marriage. Huo Zhenting fell into the whirlpool of scandals, which not only hurt Zhu Lingling's feelings, but also made her realize that this marriage was difficult to maintain.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

After careful consideration, Zhu Lingling made up her mind to end this 27-year marriage.

In 2005, Zhu Lingling and Huo Zhenting officially divorced. However, to everyone's shock, the wealthy daughter-in-law who has accompanied Huo Zhenting for 27 years and gave birth to three sons for him made an amazing decision when she divorced: she chose to leave the house and gave up hundreds of millions or even billions of property compensation.

Behind this decision is the result of Zhu Lingling's careful consideration. First of all, she wants to prove to the world that she didn't marry Huo Zhenting for money. In her view, a reputation for dignity and innocence is more precious than any wealth.

In this way, she wants to tell everyone that her marriage is based on affection, not an exchange of interests.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

Secondly, and the most critical reason, is for the sake of the three sons, especially the eldest son Huo Qigang, who has begun to get involved in politics. Chu Lingling is well versed in Hong Kong's complex political and business environment, and she understands the importance of an innocent family background in a political career.

If she is entangled in the division of property during the divorce, it will not only have a negative impact on the Huo family, but may also become a stumbling block in her son's career.

Zhu Lingling secretly weighed in her heart: Huo Qigang's political future is far more important than the wealth in front of him. She knew that if she fought for property during the divorce, it would be tantamount to competing with her sons, which would not only affect family harmony, but also cast a shadow on Huo Qigang's political career.

So, she chose the most decent way to leave: she didn't take any property with her, preserved her reputation and that of the Huo family, and paved the way for her son's future. Although this decision is a huge economic sacrifice, in Zhu's view, it is a wise and necessary choice.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

After leaving the Huo family, Zhu Lingling was not disappointed by losing her identity as a wealthy wife. On the contrary, she showed a strong and independent side. She believes that true happiness does not lie in having much wealth, but in inner peace and contentment.

This experience gave her a new perspective on life and laid the foundation for her future life choices.

After leaving the Huo family, Zhu Lingling's life opened a new chapter. Fate seems to have arranged her next marriage, pulling her and Luo Kangrui, who missed many years ago, together again.

Looking back on the past, Luo Kangrui once pursued Zhu Lingling at the same time as Huo Zhenting. Although Luo Kangrui failed to do so at that time, he always regarded Zhu Lingling as the white moonlight in his heart.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

Even in his marriage to He Jingjie, Luo Kangrui failed to completely let go of his feelings for Zhu Lingling.

When Zhu Lingling experienced setbacks in her wealthy life, Luo Kangrui became her best friend to confide her heart. This deep friendship gradually evolved into love, which eventually led to the breakdown of Luo Kangrui and He Jingjie's marriage.

He Jingjie angrily filed for divorce after learning her husband's true feelings for Zhu Lingling.

In 2008, Zhu Lingling and Luo Kangrui got married in a low-key manner. This marriage made Luo Kangrui's wish come true for many years, and also gave Zhu Lingling a chance to start over.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

However, this new relationship was not all smooth sailing. Luo Kangrui's children are suspicious of this marriage, believing that Zhu Lingling is the culprit who caused their parents' divorce.

Family relations are at an impasse, and Lo's son did not even invite his father to attend on the wedding day.

In the face of such a complex family relationship, Zhu Lingling once again showed her wisdom and foresight. She knew that finding her place in this new family would require both her husband's support and her own efforts and sacrifices.

She understands that her every move may affect the harmony of the family and the relationship between the children of the Luo family and their father.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

This experience made Zhu Lingling realize that even a destined marriage needs to be managed with wisdom and patience. She is determined to resolve family conflicts with actions and create a harmonious environment for this hard-won relationship.

Soon after the marriage, Lo Kangrui was full of enthusiasm and offered to donate half of the family property to Zhu Lingling to express his love and gratitude over the years. However, unexpectedly, Zhu Lingling declined this generous gift.

Behind this decision is her deep insight into family relationships and thoughtful consideration for her children's future.

Secondly, Zhu Lingling is always concerned about her three sons. She understands that if she accepts the property of the Luo family and then distributes it to the sons who are still in the Huo family, it may not only cause criticism, but also bring unnecessary trouble to the three brothers of the Huo family.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

She hoped that her sons could gain a foothold in the Huo family on their own, rather than relying on the wealth that their mother brought from other families.

The most important thing is that Zhu Lingling has always put the political future of her eldest son Huo Qigang in the first place. She is well versed in the complex political and business environment in Hong Kong and understands the importance of an innocent family background in a political career.

If she accepts the huge wealth of the Luo family, it will inevitably arouse suspicion from the outside world, which may cast a shadow on Huo Qigang's career.

Therefore, Zhu Lingling once again made a surprising decision: to give up accepting Luo Kangrui's property gift. This decision not only reflects her selflessness and wisdom, but also skillfully resolves the family conflict of the Luo family.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

Under the persuasion of her mother, Lo's daughter eventually returned to her father to assist in the affairs of the group, and the family relationship was eased.

Zhu Lingling's choice once again proves her foresight. She used practical actions to show the world that she married Lo Kangrui out of sincere feelings, not greed for wealth.

At the same time, she also cleared possible obstacles for her son's career and paved a smoother path for him.

This decision not only won Luo Kangrui's understanding and respect, but also made the Luo family's children gradually accept her. Zhu Lingling used her wisdom and mind to resolve family conflicts and lay a harmonious foundation for a new family relationship.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

Throughout Zhu Lingling's legendary life, we can clearly see how a woman can always maintain herself in a complex and wealthy environment, and make key choices with wisdom and decisiveness.

Her philosophy of life provides us with valuable inspiration.

First of all, Zhu Lingling never defines self-worth by money. Whether it was giving up a huge amount of compensation when she left the Huo family, or politely rejecting Luo Kangrui's property gift, she showed a spiritual pursuit that transcended materialism.

In her view, a reputation for dignity and innocence is more precious than any wealth.

Zhu Lingling: Don't fight for the Huo family's property, and don't want Luo Kangrui's property, it's all for Huo Qigang's career

In the end, Zhu Lingling maintained an independent personality in a wealthy family. Even in the whirlpool of money and power, she still insists on herself and does not follow the crowd. She proved with her actions that true happiness does not lie in how much wealth you have, but in inner peace and contentment.

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