
No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

Text | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Edit | Hearing the sound of the green tree

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It is not unimaginable for a plane to cross Mount Everest, as early as World War II, there were pilots who accomplished this feat.

But what if the plane flying over Everest was a drone? With this achievement, the mainland's DJI drone has made the world look sideways!

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

Can drones also jump over Mount Everest? It depends on which drone it is

In the field of civilian drones, DJI's drone technology is unparalleled, and its name has long been resounding all over the world.

The difficulty of DJI's unmanned tasks is also getting bigger and bigger, and "high-altitude transportation" is one of DJI's challenges. It's just that, when it comes to altitude, where is Mount Everest high?

On June 5, DJI's FC30 carrier drone set off from the base at 5,300 meters through the dangerous Khumbu Icefall and finally arrived at Camp C1.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

With a total length of 2.7 kilometers of flight path, the FC30 took less than 6 minutes!

You must know that the altitude of Camp C1 is more than 6,000 meters, and the vertical distance between the two places has exceeded 700 meters. And when the FC30 flies, not only does it not have any modifications, but it also has to carry a weight of 15 kg.

The results of FC30 are unimaginable for other drone companies. However, DJI's test of drone capabilities is not simply to show off muscles, but also for the real needs - extreme rescue.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

Every year in April and May, it is the best time to climb the south side of Mount Everest, and the Khumbu Ice Fall, between CSG Base Camp and C1 Camp, is also the highest ice waterfall in the world, and people die in this place every year.

Even so, there are more and more people who like mountaineering projects, and commercial mountaineering projects on Everest are becoming more and more popular. But as the number of people grew, so did the danger, and the local guides were overwhelmed.

Take the "Crossing the Khumbu Icefall" as an example, a senior guide with relief supplies takes at least 6 to 8 hours and is dangerous. If dangerous situations are more frequent, there will be insufficient rescuers.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

In contrast, it is much more convenient to use the FC30 drone to carry out rescue missions, because the ability of the drone to deliver supplies is not inferior to the rescue guide at all.

The section of the road where the FC30 UAV performs the test mission is one of the most dangerous and complex places on the southern slope of Mount Everest, with many cracks and frequent accidents.

Helicopters are here, and they will encounter scheduling problems, flight problems, landing problems, cost problems, and many times they will not be able to take off normally.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

Therefore, during the climbing season, local rescue guides have to travel more than 30 times to bring essential supplies such as oxygen tanks, tents, and food to the stranded.

It is worth mentioning that more and more climbers have not only brought more rescue needs, but also brought a lot of garbage to Mount Everest, which is too costly if it is cleaned by manpower.

The FC30 drone solves this problem very well. When transporting supplies, drones can bring back the same weight of garbage, which can greatly alleviate the environmental problems of Mount Everest.

Oriental.com2024-06-07: DJI Carrier UAV Everest Successfully Tested Plateau Glacier Unlocks "Low-altitude Application Scenario"
No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

For the proud record of the FC30 drone, many people do not think so: most people do not touch Mount Everest in their lives, and they don't need this kind of drone at all!

In fact, these friends think that the FC30 drone is too simple, the test of Mount Everest is an extreme case, and it can be transported on Mount Everest, which does not mean that it is only transported on Mount Everest, this drone is quite closely related to people!

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

A drone that "shows its might".

The closest connection between the FC30 UAV and people is the low-altitude service.

For example, the FC30 drone has excellent load capacity, which can spray pesticides and repel insects for large fields. Large farmland in Xinjiang, Henan, Shandong and other provinces have drones to assist in the growth of crops.

Controlling drones, there are not only drone enthusiasts, but also specialized institutions and organizations, and they have a remuneration of about 2,000 to 3,000 yuan for each mission, which is a "cool" new profession.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

In addition, the inspection work around the city does not need people to "take risks" often, such as the inspection of power lines, building glass, woodlands and other scenes, all by drones, people only need to observe the screen.

The ecological restoration of the Yangtze River basin in particular requires the help of drones. As soon as the fishing ban lasted for a long time, fishing incidents occurred in the tributaries of the Yangtze River from time to time, and the former staff could only patrol back and forth in each tributary to reduce fishing incidents as much as possible.

Now, the staff only need to use drones to quickly explore various important locations, which is convenient and efficient.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

In some parts of Shenzhen, they have even started to use drones to deliver food! If no one has excellent load and balance capacity, food delivery is simply impossible.

Of course, the biggest stage for drones is the rescue of complex terrain. In March 2024, a wildfire broke out in Yajiang, Sichuan, and firefighters extinguished the fire on the mountain several kilometers away, and the logistics equipment was completed by the FC30 drone.

Fire extinguishing equipment, water pumps, clothing, ...... All kinds of items needed by the firefighters are completed by the strong transportation capacity of the FC30 drone, and the one-way transportation takes less than ten minutes, and the firefighters' meals are hot.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

The performance of the FC30 UAV is too strong, not only mainland companies like to use it, but other countries also like it.

Some companies in Nepal have taken on the task of cleaning up the south side of Mount Everest. These companies started with manual cleaning, which was slow to operate and caused serious casualties.

Therefore, in May 2024, the Nepalese side decided to use DJI drones to clean up garbage and reduce the number of times staff go up and down Mount Everest, so as to improve efficiency and safety.

Southern Metropolis Daily 2024-06-07: Domestic drone Everest "pulls" DJI has completed the world's first transportation of materials at an altitude of 6,000 meters
No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it

With the FC30 drone, the clean-up crew only needs to go to Everest once. A large amount of garbage will be collected and packed and brought down by drones to prepare for the next peak season of Mount Everest.

In the rescue area, the significance of the FC30 UAV is very large, it greatly shortens the time for transporting materials, saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and the chance of survival of the trapped people is much greater!

No. 1 in the world! Chinese drones fly over Mount Everest, stunning the world! Helicopters can't do it
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