
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

In this era of entertainment to death, do we remember those actors who are unknown and insist on their dreams? They may not have glamorous appearances or earth-shattering masterpieces, but they use strength and persistence to interpret what it means to be an "actor".

Recently, a low-key actress Jiang Yan finally stood on the podium of the Magnolia Awards, which reminded me of the old saying: "One minute on stage, ten years off the stage".

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Does Jiang Yan's success mean that there is still hope in the entertainment industry? Does it mean that the audience's aesthetic is returning? Let's take a look at this "ginger" or the old spicy story.

From being pitted by variety shows to Magnolia's best supporting actress, Jiang Yan's counterattack road

Jiang Yan, this name may still be unfamiliar to many people. But just a few days ago, she won the Magnolia Award for Best Supporting Actress with her outstanding performance in "Imperfect Victim". As soon as this news came out, many insiders and viewers were stunned.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

You must know that Jiang Yan has been in the entertainment industry for nearly 20 years!

20 years is not long, but short is not short. For an actor, too much has happened in the past 20 years. There are laughter, tears, and more silent persistence. Jiang Yan's experience can be called a model of "ugly duckling turning into a swan" in the entertainment industry.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness
"Simmer over low heat, isn't this bubbling now?"

This is what Jiang Yan said when accepting the award, which sounds understated, but it is actually full of bitterness.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Looking back on Jiang Yan's acting career, it can really be described as twists and turns. As a top student in the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy, Jiang Yan's starting point is not low.

When she first entered the industry, she appeared on the Spring Festival Gala of many satellite TVs and performed sketches. You must know that not everyone can be a sketch actor. It requires the actor to have a solid acting foundation and the ability to adapt to changes on the spot. From this point of view, Jiang Yan's acting skills have always been underestimated.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

However, a good start doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing. In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, Jiang Yan has experienced too many unknown bitterness.

Once, she participated in a variety show. originally wanted to use this to increase popularity, but unexpectedly, it encountered a "secret calculation". In order to win ratings, the program team actually asked Jiang Yan to wear a three-point bikini. You must know that Jiang Yan's usual style is very conservative. However, for the sake of the show, she could only change it head-on.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Jiang Yan in front of the camera was full of discomfort written all over her body.

This feeling of being forced to "betray the hue" can only be experienced by those who have experienced it firsthand. However, Jiang Yan did not complain, she chose to be silent. This silence is not cowardice, but a kind of professionalism.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

The ups and downs on the emotional road have made Jiang Yan what she is today

Speaking of Jiang Yan's emotional experience, we have to mention her relationship with Zhu Yuchen.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Back then, when Jiang Yan and Zhu Yuchen made their relationship public, it was a sensation. However, the relationship ended for a seemingly absurd reason.

"They thought Jiang Yan was dressed too revealingly and frivolous in the past shows."
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

This "they" refers to Zhu Yuchen and his mother. Yes, you heard it right. Just because Jiang Yan was dressed a little more revealingly in the show, she was labeled as "frivolous". This kind of reason, from the current point of view, is simply laughable.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

However, Jiang Yan did not complain about this. Instead, she turned this emotional frustration into career motivation. After that, Kang Yeon focused more on her work and worked hard to improve her acting skills.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Perhaps it is this kind of unpromising experience that has made Jiang Yan what she is today.

The actor's self-cultivation, Jiang Yan speaks with strength

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

In the entertainment industry, there is a phenomenon called "plastic sisterhood". However, Jiang Yan proved with her actions that sincere friendship exists.

Do you remember Song Dandan? , the queen of comedy, known for her "poisonous tongue", actually became Jiang Yan's "fan". Before his son Batu got married, Song Dandan even wanted to recruit Jiang Yan as his daughter-in-law.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

You must know that Song Dandan is not an easy person to get along with. She has her own little temper, little personality, little ideas. can make her like it so much, which is enough to prove Jiang Yan's character and emotional intelligence.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Isn't this kind of actor who is "both virtuous and artistic" exactly what we need most in the entertainment industry now?

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

However, even so, Jiang Yan still couldn't escape the fate of being bullied. At one time, she had already finalized the heroine of a play. However, just because the actor wanted to work with another actress, Jiang Yan was ruthlessly replaced.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Faced with this unfair treatment, Jiang Yan chose to remain silent. However, some people were upset for her. That is the famous host Wang Han.

"This actor has a heavy responsibility."
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Wang Han's words can be described as a stone that stirs up a thousand waves. At that time, many people didn't understand: Who is Jiang Yan, and why is she worthy of Wang Han's support?

Now it seems that Wang Han's vision is really unique. What he saw was not only Jiang Yan's acting skills, but also her persistence and hard work.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Netizens are hotly discussed: Jiang Yan's success is the best reward for the "powerful faction".

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens believed:

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness
"Jiang Yan's success proves that as long as you persevere, you will definitely be rewarded. Her experience has given us ordinary people a lot of encouragement. "

Some netizens also said:

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness
"Jiang Yan's acting skills have always been online, but there were no good opportunities before. It's a great pleasure to finally be recognized this time. "
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Some netizens think:

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness
Jiang Yan's success shows that there is still hope in the entertainment industry. Not everyone eats by 'traffic', and truly powerful actors will eventually be recognized. "
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Of course, there are some different voices:

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness
Although Jiang Yan's acting skills are good, her popularity is still too low. I hope she can continue to work hard and come up with more good works. "
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness
"What is the gold content of the Magnolia Award? Whether Jiang Yan can take this opportunity to really become 'popular' depends on her subsequent performance. "
The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

These comments reflect that everyone is both happy and worried about Jiang Yan's award. But in any case, Jiang Yan's success has undoubtedly given many unknown actors a hope: as long as you persevere, someone will eventually see your efforts.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Written at the end: Jiang Yan's story is the epitome of every dream chaser

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Jiang Yan's story allows us to see the other side of the entertainment industry. In this era full of "traffic", "endorsements" and "hot searches", there are still people who silently adhere to their dream of being an actor.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Jiang Yan's success is not only her personal victory, but also an encouragement to all those who pay silently.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

She has spent 20 years proving the true meaning of the phrase "one minute on stage, ten years off stage". Her experience tells us: don't give up on your dreams easily, because you never know where success will be waiting for you.

The variety show pitted her, and the actor bullied her, Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows this night, and only then did she understand Wang Han's impulsiveness

Finally, I would like to ask everyone: in this impetuous era, are you still holding on to your dreams? Have you ever had the same experience as Jiang Yeon? Feel free to share your story in the comments section.

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