
He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

Who says stars have to be glamorous? Who says celebrities have to dress up when they go out? In this era of pursuing material things and advocating luxury, the simplicity of He Jie's family has taught us a vivid "down-to-earth" lesson.

When we are accustomed to the exquisite makeup and expensive outfits of celebrities, He Jie's family's "no-makeup" trip is undoubtedly a sobering agent. This makes us think: is true happiness hidden in a shining halo, or hidden in ordinary daily life?

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

He Jie: The transformation from a "diva" to an "amateur".

He Jie, the once dominant "supergirl diva" in the music world, has now re-entered the public eye in an unexpected way. She is no longer the radiant queen of the stage, but an unpretentious ordinary mother.

Recently, He Jie has gained fans again with "Riding the Wind 2024", but what really sparked heated discussions was an ordinary outing with her family in Xiangyun Town, Beijing.

This chance encounter allowed us to see a new He Jie. She wore a denim shirt with shorts, white slippers, and a canvas bag. This kind of dress is far from the glamorous star image in our impression. But it is this contrast that makes people stop.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

The simple dress of He Jie's family of five sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people ridiculed them as "migrant workers who have just entered the city", while others praised their down-to-earth spirit. But no matter how it is evaluated, this real and natural state just shows the true face of He Jie's family life.

Ex-husband's remarriage turmoil: He Jie's "high-profile" response

While He Jie was enjoying family life, her ex-husband He Ziming caused a storm of public opinion because of the news of remarriage. He Ziming shared his married life on social platforms, saying that his current wife helped him get out of the depression after the divorce. This news quickly appeared on the hot search and aroused heated discussions among netizens.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

Faced with the turmoil of her ex-husband's remarriage, He Jie chose a "high-profile" way to deal with it - ignore it. She did not comment on this and focused on her family life. This way of dealing with it not only shows He Jie's maturity, but also reflects her cherishing of her current life.

"Let the past pass, the happiness of the present is the most important thing."
He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

This seems to be the attitude He Jie wants to convey. She tells us with her actions that true happiness does not lie in the entanglement of the past, but in cherishing the present and looking to the future.

Unpretentious family life: another interpretation of happiness

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

He Jie's family's dress is indeed "loose and casual". But if we look closely, we will find that this casualness is precisely the embodiment of a comfortable and comfortable state of life. Although He Jie has lost a lot of weight in "Riding the Wind 2024", her appearance this time has slightly increased her figure, and she is affectionately called "Happy Fat" by netizens.

Diao Lei's dress is also down-to-earth, and he even carries a shabby bag. The costumes of the three children are also simple and simple, and they can't see the shelves of the "star family" at all. This informal attitude to life makes people feel the warmth and harmony of He Jie's family.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

Perhaps, in He Jie's view, true happiness does not lie in the brilliance of the appearance, but in the fullness of the heart. Being able to enjoy the life of ordinary people with your lover and children is a rare happiness in itself.

Netizens are hotly discussed: the real thinking in the mixed reviews

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that He Jie's family's simple dress is admirable, saying: "This is real life, not pretentious, very down-to-earth." "

Some netizens also expressed concern about He Jie's living conditions: "Is it too much pressure to raise three children? I hope He Jie can take care of herself. Some netizens interpreted it from another angle: "Celebrities are also ordinary people, and they have the right to live the life of ordinary people, and they should not be expected to be glamorous all the time." "

Some netizens set their sights on He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming. Someone said: "He Ziming looks much softer now, maybe the new marriage has allowed him to find happiness." There are also people who are upset with He Jie: "When he was divorced, He Ziming didn't block He Jie, but now he is happy when he remarries." "

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

Some netizens compared He Jie's current life with her past: "From the supergirl champion to today's amateur mother, He Jie's life has experienced too many ups and downs. But looking at the way she is now, it seems that she has found true happiness. "

The discussion sparked more than 500,000 comments and more than 3 million likes, and became a hot topic on social platforms that day.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

He Jie's family life: the extraordinary in the ordinary

Looking back on He Jie's family life, it is not difficult for us to find that she has experienced many twists and turns. In 2013, He Jie married He Ziming and gave birth to a son and a daughter. However, the marriage lasted only 3 years before it ended in divorce. At the time of the divorce, He Jie proposed to give the man 2.5 million, but asked for custody of the two children.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

After that, He Jie met her current husband Diao Lei and gave birth to her youngest daughter, Cora. Today, the family of five is happy, showing a scene of harmony and happiness. The three children live together and have a good relationship.

However, raising three children is clearly not a small pressure. He Jie once revealed that in order to raise her children, she worked hard and could only sleep two or three hours a day. But then she realized that being too busy with work to neglect companionship caused her children to be less close to her. This lesson made He Jie re-examine the focus of her life and began to devote more time to her children.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

The deep meaning behind the simple life: authenticity is the most precious

The simplicity of He Jie's family may be their interpretation of the true meaning of life. In this materialistic era, it is rare to be able to maintain one's authenticity and not be confused by fame and fortune. He Jie has chosen a way of life that goes back to basics, and this choice itself deserves our respect and consideration.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

The real state of life is often more powerful than a well-crafted glossy image. He Jie uses her own actions to tell us that happiness does not lie in the external aura, but in the inner satisfaction. Being able to be with loved ones and children healthy and happy is the most valuable asset.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

Written at the end: the philosophy of happiness in ordinary life

The story of He Jie's family has taught us a vivid life lesson. It tells us that happiness doesn't need to be wrapped in luxury, and that authenticity is the most precious. In this era full of material temptations, He Jie chooses to return to her true nature and focus on family and affection, which is worth pondering.

Perhaps, true happiness lies in the bits and pieces of daily life. It doesn't need luxurious packaging, it doesn't need exquisite makeup, it just needs us to feel and cherish it with our hearts. The simple life of He Jie's family is the best interpretation of this philosophy of happiness.

He Jie was lazy to pay attention to her ex-husband's remarriage turmoil, and Diao Lei took her 3 children on a trip, dressed as simple as if she had just entered the city

So, what is true happiness for you? Is it a glamorous appearance, or is it inner fulfillment and satisfaction? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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