
Iran's election is heating up, and the most vocal person is actually pro-American? Khamenei has already spoken beforehand

author:Weapons Review
Iran's election is heating up, and the "dark horse" supported by more than 10 million people is actually in step with the United States and the West.

Recently, the first round of voting in Iran's presidential election came to an end, and the results showed that reformist figure and former health minister Pezeshkian and conservative former chief nuclear negotiator Jalili became the two major contenders for the final election. 、

This election is not only a contest of political power in Iran, but also an important choice for the future direction of Iran's foreign policy.

Iran's election is heating up, and the most vocal person is actually pro-American? Khamenei has already spoken beforehand

(Illustration: Pezeshkian's views on many issues are in lockstep with the United States and the West)

Judging by the current situation, the pro-American Pezeshkian has taken the lead in the first round, and this result has undoubtedly been closely watched by the United States and the Western world, but whether this is really good news for Iran itself is a question worth pondering.

First of all, as a reformist, Pezeshkian's political stance and foreign policy propositions are obviously in step with those of the United States and the West.

For example, he is open to the 2022 protests as peaceful protests, advocating for more autonomy for non-Persian ethnic groups, restarting the nuclear deal with the United States and the West, and even advocating the abolition of the mandatory hijab system in Iran.

These propositions undoubtedly make Pezeshkian an an ideal candidate in the eyes of the United States to return to the negotiating table of the JCPOA. In other words, if Pezeshkian wins, it may indeed provide an opportunity for the United States to return to the JCPOA, but whether it is in Iran's national interest is another question.

Iran's election is heating up, and the most vocal person is actually pro-American? Khamenei has already spoken beforehand

(Illustration: Pezeshkian has the advantage of a mass base)

However, it is not surprising that this phenomenon is happening today.

After all, Iran has historically had close alliances with the United States in the past, dating back to the Pahlavi dynasty. Although relations between the two countries deteriorated dramatically as a result of the 1979 Iranian revolution, there has always been a sizable pro-American faction in Iran.

These people not only have a favorable opinion of the United States, but also yearn for Western technology, education and lifestyle. This provided the reformists with a solid social base and political support.

Then, in recent years, the United States unilaterally tore up the JCPOA and reimposed severe economic sanctions, dealing a heavy blow to Iran's economy. Unemployment has risen, prices have skyrocketed, and the quality of life has plummeted.

Against this backdrop, reformist leaders such as Pezeshkian point out that it is the conservatives' tough policy stance on the outside world that has put the country in its current predicament. Their call for restoring diplomatic and economic ties with the international community to save the country's economy has also helped him win widespread popular support.

Iran's election is heating up, and the most vocal person is actually pro-American? Khamenei has already spoken beforehand

(Illustration: Khamenei stresses that the elected person should not be someone who has a favorable opinion of the United States)

Only, that being said, Iran's political structure dictates that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the de facto top decision-maker in the country.

Khamenei's conservative stance means that even if reformers come to power, their policies will be limited.

It is reported that Khamenei has made it clear that the future electee needs to ensure that his team members do not oppose the current system or have a friendly attitude towards the United States. Such a statement undoubtedly sets strict standards for the Iranian election.

Moreover, some of Pezeshkian's positions, such as the promotion of minority autonomy and the Kurdish issue, run the risk of eliciting complex reactions at home and abroad.

However, what worries many people is that if the pro-American faction is elected and the United States returns to the JCPOA, will it have an impact on the cooperation between Chinese and Iranian companies?

Analysts said that in the past, after Iran loosened its grip on the "JCPOA," many Iranian companies turned to European companies, and this situation is also likely to happen at that time.

However, China has already made clear its attitude on the Iranian election. Wang Yi's remarks during the BRICS meeting emphasized support for Iran to safeguard its independence, sovereignty and stability, demonstrating China's firm attitude towards maintaining the stable development of China-Iran relations, which will not change regardless of who is elected president.

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