
I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

author:All-golden cicada

Laugh to death! A man and his girlfriend went to play an escape room, and they wanted to kiss their girlfriend in the dark, but they kissed the NPC, and they felt like they couldn't laugh across the screen.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Recently, an escape room in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province released a video, the video is night vision mode, when an NPC is standing waiting to scare a small couple to come to the escape room play.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

I saw that at this time, the boy asked to kiss his girlfriend, and his girlfriend got up from the bed in the dark and said, this is not good, but there is surveillance!

The boy replied unashamedly, it's okay, it's okay with monitoring.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

At this time, his girlfriend had already stood up in the dark and shrunk into a corner. I saw that the boy touched the NPC's face in the darkness and thought it was his girlfriend, and then kissed him wildly, which really scared the NPCs.

The boy suddenly felt that he was kissing the wrong person: "I X", after a dirty word, the boy hurried to find his girlfriend, and at this time there were three people left in a room.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

The escape room boss in front of the screen was already laughing at this time, but looking at the comment area, it made people laugh even more.

Netizen: The ghost was convinced, but I didn't expect to be taken advantage of when I became a ghost.

Netizen: I wanted to take my girlfriend to play just for this moment, but the result was ......

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Netizen: When NPC said that it was a high-risk profession, no one would say that it was a high-risk profession, and it would be forcibly kissed by boys.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Netizen: After kissing, I am shaking people's faces away.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Netizen: When the boy touched his girlfriend later, what was he thinking.

Netizen: Big brother thought to himself, this time it's my turn to be the domineering president.

I can't laugh anymore! The man kissed the secret room NPC as his girlfriend, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Write at the end

So, it's better to pay attention to the image when playing escape rooms, after all, someone is watching on the other side of the surveillance.

Nowadays, many young people play escape rooms to relieve pressure, but you should also pay attention to proportion!

Thanks for reading!
