
Is fungus the nemesis of cholesterol? If you want to have healthy blood vessels, it is recommended to consume these things with caution

author:Dr. Cong talks about health

Next to Sunshine Avenue in a small city, there lives a retired teacher named Wang Jun. His retirement life is full of health concerns, and every morning, he always takes an old book and his companion kitten Wangzai out for a walk. Recently, however, Wang Jun has noticed some changes in his health. Every time he climbed the walking slope, he felt breathless and more tired than before. These symptoms made him uneasy, so he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

After a detailed examination, the doctor told Wang Jun that his cholesterol level was slightly higher and advised him to improve the condition through diet control so as not to further affect his cardiovascular health. Doctors specifically mentioned some foods, including fungus, which are said to help lower cholesterol levels. Wang Jun was intrigued, so he began to learn more about the nutritional value and efficacy of fungus.

Is fungus the nemesis of cholesterol? If you want to have healthy blood vessels, it is recommended to consume these things with caution

The nutritional value and efficacy of fungus

Fungus, also known as black fungus and cloud fungus, is a common edible fungus that has been widely used by people since ancient times because of its rich nutritional value. With a black feather-like appearance and a tough and refreshing taste, it is often used in a variety of dishes, not only adding to the taste of the food, but also giving it its unique aroma.

Nutrition facts

The fungus is rich in protein, a variety of amino acids, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium, etc. Among them, the presence of B vitamins is particularly eye-catching, as they play an important role in the body's metabolism and help maintain the normal functioning of the body.

Cholesterol-lowering effect

Studies have shown that fungus contains a substance called β-glucan, which has a significant effect on lowering serum cholesterol. β-glucan can effectively regulate blood lipid metabolism by promoting cholesterol excretion and inhibiting its synthesis, thereby reducing blood cholesterol levels, helping to prevent and improve health problems caused by high cholesterol.

In addition, fungus is also rich in dietary fiber, especially water-soluble fiber, such as gum and galactan, which can promote the excretion of cholesterol and help maintain a good lipid balance in the blood.

The right way to eat

To maximize the health benefits of fungus, it is recommended to cook it with other ingredients rich in dietary fiber such as legumes and vegetables to enhance its cholesterol-lowering effect. For example, you can simmer fungus with tofu, or serve it with fresh vegetables, which is not only delicious, but also provides comprehensive nutrition to the body.

Recommendations and precautions for moderate consumption

The importance of eating in moderation

When exploring the effects of fungus on vascular health, moderate consumption is a key part. Although fungus has a variety of nutrients and health benefits, excessive intake may cause adverse effects, especially for certain populations. Consuming fungus in moderation helps to maximize its nutritional value while avoiding potential health risks.

Is fungus the nemesis of cholesterol? If you want to have healthy blood vessels, it is recommended to consume these things with caution

Suggested moderation

According to the advice of nutritionists, it is advisable for the average adult to consume 30 grams to 50 grams of fungus in moderation per day. This amount is sufficient to meet the daily nutrient intake without causing overnutrition or indigestion. For the elderly, especially those with pre-existing digestive problems or weak constitutions, moderate consumption is more important.


Although fungus is good for lowering cholesterol, it is not suitable for everyone. Allergic reactions due to individual differences, such as indigestion, skin allergies, etc., may occur. Therefore, the following points should be noted before consumption:

Fresh vs. dried options: Fresh and dried fungus differ in nutrient content and taste. Dried fungus needs to be soaked before cooking to ensure safety and the best taste experience.

Cooking method: Choose a healthy cooking method, such as stir-frying, cold dressing or boiling soup, and avoid high-oil and high-salt cooking methods to fully retain the nutritional value of the fungus.

Individual reactions: People who are allergic to fungus should avoid eating it, and if they have indigestion or discomfort, they should stop eating it immediately and seek medical attention.

Eating fungus in moderation can not only enjoy its delicious taste, but more importantly, it can reap the health benefits from it. Reasonable control of the amount of consumption, and adjust the consumption method according to individual circumstances, can truly achieve the purpose of promoting health.

Other foods that affect the health of blood vessels

Effects of high-cholesterol foods

In addition to fungus, there are some common foods that can negatively affect vascular health. Excessive intake of high-cholesterol foods such as animal offal and egg yolks can lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is important to minimize or avoid these foods in your daily diet and choose healthier sources of protein such as fish and legumes.

The problem of high-salt foods

Foods high in salt are also harmful to vascular health. Long-term high-salt diet can lead to the accumulation of sodium water in the body, increase blood pressure, and then cause damage to the blood vessel wall and accelerate the process of arteriosclerosis. Therefore, avoid excessive consumption of high-salt foods such as processed foods, pickles, and pickled products, and choose more fresh vegetables and fruits as food sources.

Foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect blood vessel walls and reduces oxidative damage to vascular endothelial cells. Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts), seeds (e.g., pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds), and vegetable oils (e.g., olive oil, sesame oil), which can be eaten in moderation to help maintain vascular health.

Is fungus the nemesis of cholesterol? If you want to have healthy blood vessels, it is recommended to consume these things with caution

Benefits of high-fiber foods

High-fiber foods also have a significant impact on vascular health. Dietary fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. High-fiber foods such as whole grains (oats, whole wheat bread), legumes (tofu, legumes) and fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots) are recommended to help maintain good blood vessel function.

By making reasonable food choices and controlling moderate intake, we can effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of vascular health problems. In addition to fungus, maintaining a varied and healthy diet is essential for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.