
The merchant rescued the carp by the river, and the carp dreamed: live in the sister-in-law's room tonight to avoid accidents

author:Spring Rainy Season I

It is said that the mountains and rivers in the south are beautiful, there is a small village, and the water of the small river on the side is as clear as a mirror, and the fish and shrimp swim happily. There is a young man in the village, named Li Erniu, this young man is very diligent, and he is also sincere, and he walks around the streets and alleys every day to earn a little money.

Once, Li Erniu was carrying goods to the town, and suddenly heard a rattling sound by the river. He leaned over curiously and looked, good fellow, a big carp was fluttering there, jumping out and falling back, looking strange and pitiful. Li Erniu's heart softened, and as soon as he put the burden down, he jumped into the river with a puff, and swam over to save the carp.

The carp was shining with gold, there seemed to be tears in his eyes, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something to Li Erniu. Although he couldn't understand it, Li Erniu could feel its gratefulness. He touched the scales of the fish and said happily, "Little thing, what's wrong with you?" When you meet me, we are also fated. Don't think about it, go for it. With that, he put the carp back into the water.

The merchant rescued the carp by the river, and the carp dreamed: live in the sister-in-law's room tonight to avoid accidents

The carp spun around in the water a few times, jumped up, nodded at Li Erniu, and then disappeared. At night, Li Erniu stayed at the inn at the head of the village, and he was not sure. I was in a daze and was about to sleep, when I suddenly heard singing outside, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman in white standing in front of the window, shining in the moonlight, like a fairy.

When the beauty saw that Li Erniu was awake, she said, "Benefactor, you saved me during the day, I have to thank you well." Don't stay at the inn tonight, you have to go to the sister-in-law's house at the end of the village to spend the night, so that it is safe. Li Erniu was stunned when he heard this, and was about to ask for an understanding, when the beauty turned around, turned into a puff of smoke, and disappeared. He rubbed his eyes, wondering if it was a dream, but the moonlight and wind outside told him it was true.

Although he was worried about it, Li Erniu still decided to listen to the words of the beauty. He hurriedly packed his things and walked to his sister-in-law's house at the end of the village. My sister-in-law's house is in the bamboo forest, which is quite quiet. Li Erniu knocked on the door, and when the door opened, it was a young girl, who looked very handsome, and there was a little surprise in her eyes. "Brother Erniu, why are you here at night?" The sister-in-law asked. Li Erniu told the matter one by one, and the sister-in-law was also shocked when she heard it, thought for a while, and said, "Brother Erniu, since people say so, you can live here." ”

The merchant rescued the carp by the river, and the carp dreamed: live in the sister-in-law's room tonight to avoid accidents

The carp spirit turned into a golden light and went straight to the cave. Li Erniu held a shovel in his hand and quietly touched the home of those villains. In the cave, the black snake spirit is sucking the essence of a villager. When it saw the carp spirit rushing over, a hint of surprise flashed in its eyes, and then it roared angrily and pounced on it with its mouth wide open. The carp spirit was not afraid at all, so he swung his sword to meet it and fought with the black snake.

On the other hand, Li Erniu also encountered a lot of trouble. Those villains don't have much ability, but there is a lot of power. Although Li Erniu is brave, he can't stand the number of them. However, Li Erniu did not give it for nothing, he shouted loudly while waving a shovel, attracting the surrounding villagers. At this moment, there was a sudden thunderclap in the sky, and a golden light fell from the sky and slashed directly on the cave. The cave collapsed in an instant, and the black snake spirit screamed and was buried in the rubble. It turned out that the carp spirit took advantage of the right time and place in the battle and gave the black snake a delicate blow.

The merchant rescued the carp by the river, and the carp dreamed: live in the sister-in-law's room tonight to avoid accidents

As soon as the black snake spirit died, those bad villagers immediately panicked and fled for their lives. Seeing this, Li Erniu laughed, brandished a shovel and chased after him. In a few moments, all the villains were cleaned up. After the battle, Carp Essence and Li Erniu returned to their sister-in-law's house. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and they both knew in their hearts that they had made a great contribution this time. When the sister-in-law saw them coming back, she also greeted them happily: "The two heroes have worked hard!" Sit down and rest! The three of them sat around the fire, and Li Erniu said with emotion: "This time it's really thanks to you!" If it weren't for your action, our village would have suffered a great disaster! The carp spirit waved his hand modestly: "It's all your credit!" I just did a little favor. The sister-in-law also said, "Yes! Brother Erniu has made a great contribution this time! Our village has to thank you! Li Erniu scratched his head and smiled: "It's not a big deal!" We're all family! By the way, carp essence, what are your plans for the future? The carp spirit pondered for a while and said, "I plan to go back to the river to continue my cultivation and strive to become an immortal as soon as possible." But until then, I will keep the river and the land safe and secure. Li Erniu's head flickered, which can be regarded as an affirmation. Although he has a little bad taste in his heart, he also understands the ambition and pursuit of the carp spirit. As soon as he stood up, he gave the carp spirit a deep bow: "Engong, take care!" We'll see you later! The carp spirit also stood up and nodded at Li Erniu and his sister-in-law: "Take care of the two of you, we will have a date later!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a golden light, and disappeared into the night sky with a whoosh. Since then, there has never been any evil and crooked things in the village, and the villagers have lived a peaceful and stable life, and Li Erniu has also become famous because of this incident and has become a hero in the village.

Every time he mentioned the story of saving carp by the river, the villagers listened to it with relish and praised it. Time flies, a few years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Erniu has changed from the young merchant to the big brother in the village. He still walks the streets and alleys with his burden every day, but his face has a little more traces of time and calmness. The rescued carp essence has also become a legend in the mouths of the villagers, and is respected as the "river god".

One day, the sun was just right, and Li Erniu was walking on the path at the head of the village with his burden. Suddenly, he heard a rush of footsteps, and when he looked back, a young man was running panting. "Uncle Erniu, quick, come with me to the river to have a look, something is wrong!" The young man was as anxious as he was about something. When Li Erniu heard that something had happened by the river, his heart tightened, and he quickly put down his burden and followed the young man to the river.

The merchant rescued the carp by the river, and the carp dreamed: live in the sister-in-law's room tonight to avoid accidents

When I got to the river, I saw a group of people gathered around and talking. Li Erniu squeezed into the crowd and saw a huge black snake corpse floating on the river, which was the black snake spirit that was defeated by the carp essence back then. "Oh mom, why did this black snake spirit pop up again?" One of the villagers exclaimed. "Yes, the river has not been very peaceful these days, and the fish have turned their bellies." Another villager continued. Li Erniu's heart moved, and he remembered what the carp spirit said when he left, and he suddenly understood a little in his heart.

He stepped forward and shouted, "Don't panic, everyone, I know what's going on!" As soon as everyone heard that Li Erniu knew the reason, they all gathered around. Li Erniu cleared his throat and began to tell the story of the year. He talked about how he saved the carp spirit, how the carp spirit helped him defeat the black snake spirit, and how the carp spirit continued to practice to protect the river. The villagers were dumbfounded, they didn't expect that there was such a thrilling story behind this ordinary river. They all admired Li Erniu's bravery and carp spirit's kindness.

At this moment, there was a sudden ripple on the surface of the river, and a golden light rose from the water, turning into the figure of a carp spirit. It looked at the onlookers with a hint of relief in its eyes. Our folks in the Northeast Gada, thanks to your care over the years. I'm here today just to talk to the big guys. The voice of the carp spirit is awe-inspiring and majestic when you listen to it. When everyone heard that it was the carp essence who spoke, they all opened their mouths in shock, as if they had eaten something. They hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to show their respect for the carp spirit.

The merchant rescued the carp by the river, and the carp dreamed: live in the sister-in-law's room tonight to avoid accidents

The carp spirit continued, "I feel that the soul of the black snake spirit has not completely dispersed, and it is secretly gathering strength to make some more trouble. In order to solve this problem once and for all, I have to borrow the strength of everyone. "Lord River God, what do you command, we must work hard!" A villager shouted. The carp spirit nodded slightly, and said, "I need you to build an altar by the river and prepare incense and offerings." Tomorrow at noon, I will use the power of the sun to completely destroy the remnant soul of the black snake spirit. ”

When the villagers heard this, they nodded their heads in agreement, and immediately got busy preparing the altar and offerings. Li Erniu is not far behind, he knows that this is a critical moment to protect our homeland. At noon the next day, the altar was erected, the incense was filled, and the carp spirit jumped out of the water, turned into a golden light, and fell on the altar. It closed its eyes and began to chant the mantra. As soon as the spell sounded, the air around them sank, and the sun brightened.

Suddenly, a black gas came out of the water and rushed straight at the carp essence. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the carp spirit's eyes, and he waved his long sword and fought with the black qi. Above the altar, golden light and black gas were intertwined, and the scene was thrilling. After a fierce battle, the carp spirit finally extinguished the black qi. It breathed a sigh of relief, put away its sword, and nodded in thanks to the villagers. "Thank you all for your help! The remnant soul of the black snake spirit has been completely wiped out, and everyone can live with peace of mind in the future. The carp spirit's voice was tired, but more relieved.

The villagers cheered, thanking the carp spirit for his protection, and also thanking Li Erniu for his bravery and wisdom. They knew that it was the carp spirit and Li Erniu who joined forces to protect their homeland and keep them away from the infestation of evil spirits. Since then, Li Erniu has become a big hero in the village, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation. And the carp spirit continues to guard the land and its people, and has become the eternal river god in people's hearts.

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