
The merchant rescued the old donkey in distress, and the old donkey dreamed in the middle of the night: Your wife is in danger

author:Spring Rainy Season I

In our northeast Gada, there is a small place called Fulin Town, where the landscape is as beautiful as a painting, and the people are all good. There is a merchant surnamed Zhang in the town, named Zhang Dashan, this guy is a warm-hearted man, walking the streets and alleys to sell some gadgets, what a needle and thread, everyone is rare him. On this day, Zhang Dashan, as usual, pushed his creaking merchant cart to the neighboring village to buy goods before the sky was clear. The sun had not yet fully shown its face, and there were few people on the road, when birds and dogs were heard in the distance. Zhang Dashan hummed a little tune, in a beautiful mood.

As I walked, I suddenly heard a low hiss, which was heart-wrenching to listen to. He followed the sound and saw an old donkey lying on the side of the road not far away, scarred and with helplessness and despair in his eyes. Zhang Dashan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly threw down the merchant cart and ran over in three steps and two steps. "Hey, why is this donkey hurt like this?" He crouched down and examined the old donkey's injuries. There was a deep cut on his leg, blood was pouring down, and there were whip marks on his body. The pity in his heart came up, and he decided to save the old donkey.

Zhang Dashan took out strips of cloth and herbs from the car and carefully bandaged the old donkey. While bandaging, he whispered: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll take you home and take care of your injuries." The old donkey seemed to understand, and his eyes flashed with gratitude. After a lot of effort, Zhang Dashan finally bandaged the old donkey's wounds. He stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then helped the old donkey into the cart with all his might. One man and one donkey, just like that, set foot on the way home.

The merchant rescued the old donkey in distress, and the old donkey dreamed in the middle of the night: Your wife is in danger

When he returned home, Zhang Dashan's daughter-in-law, Li Xiuhua, frowned when she saw an old donkey with a serious injury he had brought back. She complained, "What are you doing here? Our family is not well-off, and you still bring back a burden. Zhang Dashan smiled and said, "This donkey is also a life, we can't see death without saving." Besides, when it heals, it can still help us do some work. Although Li Xiuhua muttered, she also understood Zhang Dashan's personality in her heart, so she didn't say more.

In the following days, Zhang Dashan took good care of the old donkey every day, fed it forage, and changed its dressing. The old donkey's injuries slowly improved, and his spirit was getting better day by day. It was so grateful to Zhang Dashan, and every time Zhang Dashan approached, it gently rubbed his arm with his head. But on the night when the old donkey was about to heal, something strange happened. Zhang Dashan was about to go to sleep when he suddenly heard the old donkey's rapid neighing. When he opened his eyes, the old donkey was standing in front of the window in the moonlight, his eyes full of anxiety and horror, and he kept knocking on the window with his front hooves, as if there was something urgent urging him to get up quickly. Zhang Dashan sighed in his heart, quickly put on his clothes, and ran to the window in three steps and two steps. He asked urgently, "What are you doing?" What's wrong? The old donkey seemed to understand, and put his head in the direction of the top house, and then neighed, and the voice was long. Zhang Dashan's heart tightened, feeling that something was not good, so he quickly woke up Li Xiuhua, and the two grabbed the flashlight and rushed home.

When I got home, the yard was as chaotic as if there was a war, and the doors and windows were open, and it was clear that someone had broken in. Zhang Dashan's heart sank, and he rushed into the house in three steps and two steps, only to see Li Xiuhua lying unconscious on the ground. His heart tightened, and he hurriedly picked up Li Xiuhua and carefully put it on the bed. When he turned around, he saw that the old donkey was standing at the door, and there was a determination in his eyes. Zhang Dashan understood that this old guy must have come to rescue them. His heart was full of gratitude, and at the same time he was angry and determined. He took a deep breath and said to the old donkey, "Thanks, brother, I know what to do." With that, he turned and walked out of the house and began to look around for the bastard who had hurt his daughter-in-law......

The merchant rescued the old donkey in distress, and the old donkey dreamed in the middle of the night: Your wife is in danger

The next story is how Zhang Dashan found the murderer, saved his daughter-in-law, and how the old donkey continued to help him. Let's wait and see how this tough guy and loyal old donkey writes a legendary story.

Zhang Dashan hugged the unconscious Li Xiuhua, and was so anxious that he was like the ants on the hot pot. He glanced at the old donkey at the door, and his eyes seemed to say, "Don't be afraid, there is me." Zhang Dashan took a deep breath, put down his daughter-in-law, turned around and rushed out the door, picked up a sturdy stick, and prepared to find the villain who dared to touch his family. The night was dark and the wind was high, and Zhang Dashan followed the direction pointed by the old donkey and ran wildly all the way. This old donkey is really a god, Zhang Dashan thought to himself, without himself he is still in the dark. His gratitude to the old donkey was as deep as the night.

After running for a while, Zhang Dashan came to a forest. The old donkey stopped, sniffed with his nose, and then led Zhang Dashan deeper into the woods. Zhang Dashan followed closely, his heart beating like a drum. He knew he might have a fight ahead. Entering the woods, it was pitch black all around, only the light of a flashlight flickering in the darkness. Zhang Dashan clenched his stick tightly, his ears erected high, for fear of missing any movement. The old donkey, as if spiritual, led him through the woods to the hiding place of the villain.

The merchant rescued the old donkey in distress, and the old donkey dreamed in the middle of the night: Your wife is in danger

Finally, in a clearing, Zhang Dashan saw the villain. He was dressed in black, his face covered with a black cloth, and he held a shiny knife in his hand. As soon as Zhang Dashan saw this posture, he knew it in his heart. He let out a loud shout, brandished his stick, and rushed forward. The villain obviously didn't expect someone to come to the door, and was frightened by Zhang Dashan's sudden attack. Oh, this is the whole thing, Zhang Dashan's guy, with a knife in his hand, wants to block the storm-like stick, but how can he stop it! In a few moments, the thief was beaten to his stomach, like a mud, unable to move. Zhang Dashan gasped, walked up to the guy, and ripped off the black cloth from his face. Hey, guess what, the thief is a scoundrel in the village, who usually does things like stealing chickens and dogs. Zhang Dashan was so angry in his heart, staring at the scoundrel, he raised his stick and was about to smash it. But at this moment, the old donkey rushed over and opened his hand. Zhang Dashan was stunned, and the old donkey's eyes had something to say. Zhang Dashan understood in his heart, although this scoundrel was hateful, he couldn't just beat him to death. He took a deep breath, put down his stick, picked up the scoundrel's knife, and cut his tendons so that he could no longer do bad things.

After dealing with the scoundrel, Zhang Dashan took the old donkey home. He sent his daughter-in-law to the hospital in the town, and as soon as the doctor treated her, Li Xiuhua woke up quickly. Knowing that it was Zhang Dashan and the old donkey who saved him, he was moved to tears. She hugged Zhang Dashan, cried like a tearful person, and said, "Thank you, Dashan, and the old donkey." If it weren't for you, I would ......" Zhang Dashan patted his daughter-in-law on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I'm here." And the old donkey, who is our family's great benefactor. Li Xiuhua also looked at the old donkey at the door, her eyes full of gratitude.

Since then, Zhang Dashan has been better for the old donkey. Every day, he prepared the best forage and water for the old donkey, and also helped him comb his fur and wash his wounds. The old donkey also regarded Zhang Dashan as a relative, and followed him everywhere every day to help with work. Life is getting better day by day, Zhang Dashan's merchant business is getting bigger and bigger, and he has also opened a small grocery store. The old donkey has also become the star of the town, and people come to visit it every day and take pictures with it.

The merchant rescued the old donkey in distress, and the old donkey dreamed in the middle of the night: Your wife is in danger

One night, Zhang Dashan lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He remembered the ups and downs he had experienced with the old donkey, and his heart was full of emotion. At that moment, he heard the low, soft neighing of the old donkey. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the old donkey was standing in front of the window, rubbing his head against the window lightly, as if saying goodbye. Zhang Dashan's heart tightened, and he quickly got up and walked to the window. He looked at the old donkey's eyes full of wisdom, and he was reluctant in his heart. He asked, "Are you leaving?" The old donkey nodded, let out a long hiss, and turned and disappeared into the night. Zhang Dashan stood in front of the window and did not move for a long time. He knew that the old donkey had completed its mission and that it was time to return to where it was supposed to be. 1 Zhang Dashan was a little reluctant in his heart, but he was also happy for the old donkey, after all, he could finally have fun. After that, the Zhang family's life was still prosperous, but the old donkey in his heart who had saved the whole family couldn't forget it. He estimated that the old donkey was also living a very nourishing life...... In the dead of night, Zhang Dashan lay on the kang, looking at the bright moon outside, and the indescribable taste in his heart came up. The old donkey, like his own relatives, carried the ups and downs together, but now he is quietly gone. He turned over, and his heart was full of ups and downs, but he couldn't sleep. At that moment, he heard a movement, as if someone was knocking softly on the door. Zhang Dashan's heart tightened, and he thought: "This can't be the old donkey coming back, right?" He quickly put on his clothes, crept to the door, and gently pushed it open. Outside the door, there was no one, so a cool breeze rushed to the face. Zhang Dashan looked westward, but saw nothing but moonlight and tree shadows. He frowned, and was about to close the door when he heard something suddenly. "Brother Zhang, it's me." The voice came from the corner of the courtyard, and Zhang Dashan followed the sound and saw that it was Xiao Li, an orphan in the village, who was tiptoeing towards him. He took a closer look, Xiao Li had a shy smile on his face, and he was still holding a small package in his hand. "Xiao Li? It's so late, why are you here? Zhang Dashan asked a little surprised. Xiao Li walked up, handed over the package, and said, "Brother Zhang, I heard that your old donkey is gone, this is the herb I picked in the mountains, I hope to help my sister-in-law." Zhang Dashan took the package, and his heart was warm. He patted Xiao Li on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Li, you are so kind-hearted." Thanks, come in and sit down for a while. Xiao Li shook his head and said, "No, Brother Zhang, it's so late, I won't bother." You remember to boil herbs for your sister-in-law to drink, it is good for her health. With that, he turned to leave. Zhang Dashan looked at Xiao Li's back and felt full of emotion in his heart. Although this village is not big, it has a strong human touch. Just like the old donkey, although it is gone, its spirit is still here. The next day, Zhang Dashan boiled the herbs into soup and gave it to his daughter-in-law Li Xiuhua to drink. After Li Xiuhua finished drinking, her face slowly became rosy, and her spirit was much better. She held Zhang Dashan's hand and said gratefully, "Dashan, thank you, as well as the old donkey and the people in the village. Without you, I might have ...... a long time ago" Zhang Dashan interrupted her and said, "Xiuhua, we are a family, don't talk about this." Although the old donkey is gone, we have to remember its kindness for a lifetime. As the days passed, the life of Zhang Dashan's family slowly returned to calm. Zhang Dashan, this buddy, gets up earlier than the chickens every day, sleeps later than the dogs, and is busy with his merchant business and small grocery store, which is really choking. His daughter-in-law Li Xiuhua is not idle, at home and abroad, taking care of children, taking care of housework, and is very busy. Although the life is tight, the hearts of the two are full of hope and gratitude.

One night, Zhang Dashan was squatting in the store and pulling the account book, and suddenly there was a noise outside, he quickly threw down the account book, ran to the door to take a look, good guy, a group of people gathered in a circle, gossiping. He leaned over and listened, and it turned out to be a young man talking about something. Listen closely, hey, it turns out to be a legend about that old donkey in their village. The young man said that the old donkey had come down from heaven to help their village, and now he had returned to heaven. Zhang Dashan listened to it, and the emotion in his heart came up. He remembered the days when the old donkey walked with him, and remembered that it had saved his life and that of his daughter-in-law. He took a deep breath, and the gratitude and respect in his heart were like the tide, wave after wave.

Since then, Zhang Dashan has worked harder, and he wants to bring more help and warmth to the people in the village with his own hands. The legend of the old donkey also spread in the village, and it became an eternal legend. When people think of it, they think of the brave and kind merchant and his amazing old donkey.

The merchant rescued the old donkey in distress, and the old donkey dreamed in the middle of the night: Your wife is in danger

The years are unforgiving, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Zhang Dashan also changed from a young man to a gray-haired old man, but his merchant business and small grocery store still persisted. The legend of the old donkey has always been praised by people and has become a legend.

One night, Zhang Dashan sat in his small shop, looking at the starry sky outside the window, and the emotion and gratitude in his heart were like the tide. He remembered the old donkey, the ups and downs of those years, and the people who accompanied him. Just then, he heard a familiar hiss. When he looked up, he saw a young and sturdy donkey standing at the door of the shop, looking at him with those bright eyes. Zhang Dashan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He knew that this was a gift from the old donkey, and an affirmation of his life.

Since then, Zhang Dashan's life has been more fulfilling and happy. He worked and lived with this young donkey every day, became his best friend, and became a beautiful scenery in the village......