
I don't know how to fill in the college entrance examination? The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

author:The official number of the Ahu Medical Examination

5 years ago: Dr. Xiehe didn't earn as much in a year as I did in a lifetime!

5 years later: I learned computer science with water in my brain, and regretted not studying medicine

The attitude before and after is too contrasting

In addition to the objective impact of the merger of the new college entrance examination undergraduate batches no longer distinguishing between one and two, the opinions of people from all walks of life have also caused headaches for college entrance examination students.

Among them, the biggest thing that has affected the voluntary filling in recently is the great contrast between the views of Ali employees on studying medicine.

As early as May 2019, an Ali employee posted his income on Maimai, and bluntly said that the doctors of Union Hospital would not earn his income in a year at Ali in his lifetime.

The Ali employee said: "In Alibaba, rank P7, which is more successful between me and the attending doctor of Peking Union Medical College Hospital? I now have an annual pre-tax income of about 260w (don't be surprised, I came just a few years earlier than you), and I have options with a market value of at least 30 million yuan. Haha, I don't think the attending doctor of Xiehe will make so much money in his life, so don't always envy other industries, tell you, the Internet is the strongest! ”

I don't know how to fill in the college entrance examination? The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

Immediately after this post was posted, someone from the same company analyzed it, and another Ali employee pointed out: I probably know who you are. The owner of the building should be a master of computer science in Shanghai 985, who has been in Ali Ant after graduation, has experienced an early ant outbreak period, holds 70,000 ant ser (economic income rights) and thousands of group shares, with a potential stock value of 30 million, and should have 4 suites (2 in Hangzhou, 1 in Binjiang and 1 in the Future Science and Technology City). You have this income, and you really dare to argue with the doctor of Xiehe......

I don't know how to fill in the college entrance examination? The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

Originally, it was just a show of wealth, but I didn't expect that after this incident exploded, it actually led the direction of the college entrance examination in July, as long as there are computer majors in major universities, the admission score line has reached a new high, and the computer admission score of some 985 colleges and universities has increased by more than 20 points compared with previous years, and almost all colleges and universities have become the majors with the highest admission scores.

In 2019, a show of wealth can be said to have created the last glory of the computer major.

Time is coming to 2024 little by little, and another former Ali employee expressed his views on studying medicine, and the views before and after are very contrasting.

Recently, in a recruitment software, a netizen who was certified as a "former Alibaba employee" said bitterly: "The most regrettable thing in this life is that I didn't study medicine when I applied for a major in the college entrance examination, and it would be even cooler if I learned a Chinese medicine. ”

I don't know how to fill in the college entrance examination? The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

In the end, he ended the complaint with the sentence "Learning computers was purely a brain water at that time".

Through the statement, it can be known that he himself used to work in Alibaba, but he has been unemployed for a long time, and due to his age, he has not been able to find a suitable job in the Internet industry for a long time.

After this latest post was issued, it immediately resonated, and a former Meituan employee denounced himself 10 years ago, saying: "In 2024, only worse, not the worst, 10 years ago, if I knew that the Internet industry would face a 30-year-old layoff crisis, if I knew that the Internet also has a period of shrinkage, recession, and downturn, if I knew that the Internet industry could not work until retirement, I would never be so blind to apply for computer science, a person's life is more than 10 years before the age of 30." ”

"I have a bachelor's degree, worked for six years, earned a total of 1.4 million, was laid off for 5 months, and has not worked so far. Some people say that I have worked for 6 years and earned half of other people's money, which is enough, and I can take the money to retire, this is! 1.4 million do you want to live for a lifetime? Pipe dream! What's more, with the 1.4 million plus the loan, I have already bought a house in Suzhou, but now the housing prices in our community have fallen by more than 20%, hundreds of thousands are gone in a blink of an eye, and I have to repay the mortgage, I am only in my early 30s, what will I do in the next few decades? I used to want to be a doctor, I wanted to be a cardiologist, but in 2013 \ 2014, the wind of computers blew up, and the flowers became more and more charming, so I didn't study medicine, and now I think about it, I really regret it, if I had studied clinical practice, at least my career could have been extended for decades, and it would be difficult to find a job now when I was only in my early 30s. ”

Faced with an unemployment crisis, you thought of the stability of doctors?

Doctor criticized: see the wind makes the rudder

At two points in time, 2019 and 2024, the attitudes of employees of major Internet companies towards studying medicine are completely different, which is embarrassing.

In this regard, a radiologist in Zhejiang said: "You see, when the Internet is in the limelight, belittle other industries, and envy others when it is in a recession, this is to see the wind and rudder, and there is no sense of professional identity at all. ”

Another doctor in the neurology department in Zhejiang felt that the posts from five years ago and now are full of anger, resentment and speculative tendencies. It seems that there is a 180-degree turn in attitude, but in fact, it is all about high income and less work as the ultimate goal.

Five years ago, when the Internet industry was developing wildly, those who flaunted their wealth looked like they were arrogant and ambitious. Not to mention that he has no ideals and pursuits, but from the perspective of "money", the sentence "Tell you, the Internet is the strongest" does not see the crisis behind the savage growth of the Internet industry.

At present, many industries are facing difficulties, and there is a kind of negativity in society that frustrates the crisis, and employees of large factories feel that being a doctor is stable and stamina. Even so, he also added a sentence of "check the pulse, prescribe medicine, and be crooked for a day", which is full of disdain and ignorance of the doctor's profession. This kind of person is purely brain-watered, and no matter what industry he does, he will regret it and does not deserve sympathy.

A doctor in Jiangsu did not give such an opinion on this attitude, but only expressed his thoughts: "If you are talented and intelligent, you want to earn enough money for a lifetime before the age of 35, and you can accept being dismissed in middle age and go to a small city to retire, and it is not bad to learn computers, it is nothing more than ups and downs." If you want to live a well-off life in peace and stability, learn the best clinical practice, no wind and no waves, don't worry about wandering, go to the county hospital to work hard and the intensity is good, to the attending physician or above, the salary should be able to exceed 80% of the people in the county, like the ordinary county hospital in northern Jiangsu is almost between 5,000 and 10,000 a month, there is no middle-aged anxiety, suitable for ordinary people. ”

The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

College entrance examination students discuss how to choose a school, and the heat is overwhelming

How to choose Heavy Medical University, Harbin Medical University, and Beng Medical University?

It is conceivable that the clinical admission scores of major colleges and universities will rise sharply this year, not only because of the changes in the attitudes of employees of major Internet companies towards the profession of doctors, but also because of the official personal platform to call on the majority of candidates to apply for medicine.

On June 24, the Health Bureau of Youyi County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province issued the "Proposal to the College Entrance Examination Candidates in the County", calling on local candidates to actively apply for medical majors.

In the proposal, the Health Bureau said that studying medicine does not have to worry about no job, and choosing medicine means that you will have broad employment prospects and diversified career paths, whether it is clinical medicine, public health, scientific research and teaching, or health management, you can find your own stage. Students can be employed after graduation, and positions such as Youyi County People's Hospital, Youyi County Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Youyi County Maternal and Child Service Center are in urgent need of talent introduction.

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I don't know how to fill in the college entrance examination? The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

"Proposal to the county's college entrance examination candidates and parents"

The proposal also introduced the local hospital, which was very attractive to students. For example, Youyi County People's Hospital covers an area of 18,370.25 square meters and belongs to the national "second-level comprehensive public hospital". Youyi County People's Hospital is a public welfare second-class differential subsidy institution. The Youyi County Center for Disease Control and Prevention is affiliated to the Youyi County Health Bureau and is a public welfare first-class institution. It is a county-level financial fully funded unit.

Through the above warm and sincere words of the Health Bureau, it can be seen that the local people are so eager and attached importance to medical talents.

Coincidentally, on June 27 last year, the Maqu County Health Bureau also issued the "Proposal to the County's College Entrance Examination Candidates", advocating that the majority of candidates can actively apply for medical colleges.

Maqu County Health Bureau mentioned: With the continuous deepening of medical reform in our county, the county attaches great importance to health work, and regards the construction of talent team as an important measure to promote the reform and development of health care and meet the medical needs of the people.

At present, the county is facing the dilemma of a large number of graduates who are unemployed at home on the one hand, and a shortage of professional talents on the other hand, making it difficult to introduce and retain professional talents. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose the right college major.

Therefore, it is recommended that the majority of candidates can consider applying for medical colleges, whether it is employment prospects, development space, or ideals and beliefs.

It can be seen that even if there are no employees of major Internet companies who pour cold water on the computer major, under the official advocacy and attractive conditions, even if it is just for that establishment, the number of people studying medicine is slowly increasing.

For example, on June 27, a candidate in Anhui asked for help, saying that he had watched a lot of news in the past two days and was eager to study medicine.

The content of the request for help shows that the child's college entrance examination score is 595 points, and he can't go to the clinical practice of Anyi Medical University. At present, the schools in China include Harbin Medical University and Chongqing Medical University. Chongqing Medical University and Harbin Medical University have a high probability of admission, but there is a risk of adjustment in heavy medical treatment, and clinical admission may not be possible. Harbin Medical University's lowest clinical ranking in 2022 and 2023 is about 30,000, and the risk of adjustment is low, but children feel that Harbin is too far away and too cold in winter. Bengyi, Chongqing Medical University, Harbin Medical University, one is of low grade, one needs to be adjusted, and the other is cold, how to choose?

I don't know how to fill in the college entrance examination? The Health Bureau personally stood on the platform to call for studying medicine: including employment!

A simple post about studying medicine for help, there are hundreds of thousands of views and nearly 1,000 comments in 3 days, and the popularity is bursting, and parents in the comment area are all discussing how to study medicine, how to choose a medical school, and their children also want to fill in the clinical, which shows that the clinical college entrance examination is the first and is not a false name.

In this post asking for help, each doctor gave his own opinion, and the author, as an Anhui person and a person who has come over, also wants to briefly talk about it.

In fact, in Anhui, whether you are an undergraduate in Anhui Medicine, Anhui Medicine, Bengyi, or Anli, there is no difference after graduation. Similarly, there is still no difference between the graduate students of these four schools, and the hospitals in Anhui Province only care about your academic qualifications when you are employed, whether it is a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree, which is very important, and there is really no difference between which school's undergraduate degree or which school's graduate degree, which is the same in other provinces in the country.

Of course, in order not to waste the so-called scores, or to hold the idea of compulsory graduate school, you can choose the clinical of Harbin Medical University, and when you have the ability to take the 985 and 211 exams in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, if you are not able, you can be admitted back to the four medical schools in Anhui Province. It is important to know that the profession of doctor is very regional, if you are a doctor, you must study medicine there, if you go to Harbin Medical University to study for an undergraduate, then you must come back when you are a graduate student! Remember!

The article is transferred from Metz Medicine

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