
Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

author:Technology has a precursor

As the weather gets hotter, I have to admit that summer is really coming. Every day when I commute to work, I try to escape the heat of the city by all means, and then hide in an air-conditioned office as quickly as possible.

Recently, however, I've noticed a sudden increase in the presence of children and laughter in the office. That's when I realized, "Oh, summer is coming, the kids are on summer vacation."

Obviously, children can enjoy the leisure time of the holidays, and they are naturally very happy and active, but this is a pain for many parents who are trapped by work.

They are not only worried about how to spend time with their children during the summer vacation, but also need to work hard to "find something to do" for their children, after all, most parents want their children to relax and have fun at the same time, but also to increase their own knowledge.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

At this moment, it occurred to me that there is a "city living room" that is indeed suitable for parents to bring their children along.

2024 Huawei Summer Camp Kicks Off, Allowing Children to Be "Born to Draw"

The "city living room" I want to talk about is actually the "Huawei flagship store" that has been gradually opened in major cities.

You may wonder how the flagship store of a mobile phone manufacturer has become a "good place"?

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Indeed, for chain brands and the fast-moving sales industry, store design prioritizes how to promote the conversion of goods. Ping efficiency is the basic indicator to measure the operational efficiency of the store, and the merchant measures the operational efficiency of the store with the turnover per square meter. In order to improve the efficiency of the square footage, merchants may standardize the design of the store, the placement of goods, and increase the shelves to place more products.

Therefore, most of these "chain" stores are one store.

However, as a store directly operated by Huawei, Huawei's flagship store has never been based on sales, but hopes to achieve "one city, one store, one culture", so that the directly operated flagship store can integrate into the context and culture of the city, and create a public space for product exploration, technology display, and cultural exchange.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

In this public space, Huawei's flagship store has become the most important place for Huawei to connect with consumers, and it is also an important touchpoint for consumers to directly experience Huawei's brand and culture.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Although "Teach to Fish" does not seem like something that a retail store needs to do, it has in fact become an important part of Huawei's flagship store. Users can participate in the free "HUAWEI Academy" to experience the latest Huawei equipment, learn some new skills, and meet people who share the same hobbies and interests.

Education and health are one of the four strategic directions for the sustainable development of Huawei devices, and the "Huawei Academy" set up in the flagship store is not a traditional lecture-based classroom, but more like a lifestyle sharing for guests.

The topics of the lectures are often closer to our daily lives, not only to share the interpretation and use skills of Huawei's latest products, but also to enjoy interesting courses such as sports and health, music and games, and traditional culture.

Therefore, with the summer season approaching, the "2024 Huawei Summer Camp" activity is once again open to parents and children.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Starting June 29, 11 Huawei flagship stores across the country will simultaneously launch the "2024 Huawei Summer Camp - Born to Draw" themed event. Lecturers from HUAWEI Lecture and experts from the Innate Draw app product line will hold drawing classes in HUAWEI Academy, inviting primary school students to use the HUAWEI MatePad tablet and the pre-installed HUAWEI self-developed "Innate Draw app" to create paintings on the theme of environmental protection.

Born to Draw is Huawei's self-developed painting software, which can be said to be born specifically for MatePad. With Huawei's self-developed Fangtian painting engine, it brings innovative architecture, professional rendering, ultra-fast compositing, and efficient storage functions and experiences.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

For both adults and children, many of the app's pioneering features are designed to get you up and running quickly, so you can forget about drawing skills that take years of practice and let your creativity and inspiration run wild.

The canvas determines the texture of the painting, while the brush determines the style of the painting. In terms of brushes, the Born to Draw app has more than 100 built-in brushes, and also provides users with more than 70 detailed parameter settings, including brush lines, grains, rendering, wet mixing and other parameters, which are flexible and controllable, meeting the creative needs of different users.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Now that you have a good drawing board, you can't do without a good brush. The all-new HUAWEI M-Pencil (3rd Gen) features Starlight technology, which collects and transmits pressures six times faster than Bluetooth technology.

In addition to the excellent hardware, the Born to Draw app also has a series of smart features, which is simply a good helper on your creative journey. For example, the AI intelligent selection function allows you to master the ability to divide everything without learning PS, making it easier and more efficient for you to select content.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

The Born to Draw app supports 10 shortcut gestures, including one-finger swipe, two-finger pinch to control the canvas, two-finger tap to undo, three-finger tap to redo...... After mastering it, the efficiency of drawing is greatly improved, allowing you to focus on the fun of drawing.

When it comes to drawing tools, the Born to Draw app is also full of sincerity. Curves aren't perfect? The curve correction becomes smoother in seconds. Want regular graphics? A stroke of shaping can help you. The Born to Draw app also brings the willow leaf pen function, which is a favorite for two-dimensional painting enthusiasts, and it is very convenient to use it to pave colors, outline lines, fill in colors, and erase.

If your child happens to be new to drawing, they will love the tutorial feature of the Naturally Drawing app.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

In the "Practice" function of Born to Draw, there will be a number of line drawing templates with different levels of difficulty, as well as operation tutorials, which teach you how to start with the copying and coloring of simple line drawings, so that children can master drawing skills in practice.

In addition, Huawei's flagship store will also create a series of "child care" during the summer, including setting up a "children's zone" in the store, which is filled with carefully selected Huawei ecosystem products and is suitable for a variety of children's scenarios. In addition, the education center in the device has also been optimized, and children's books such as pictures, videos, and picture books have been manually reviewed to ensure that the content is suitable for children to read and watch healthily.

From July to August, HUAWEI Academy will continue to offer child-related classes at HUAWEI Academy, so interested parents may wish to make an appointment in advance.

It is not difficult to foresee that Huawei's flagship store will become a well-known summer walking baby check-in place.

Huawei's flagship store is a city living room

The charm of the design is not only beautiful, but also the collision and integration with the local cultural environment, creating a comfortable and pleasant environment for customers and bringing some new experiences to local residents.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Huawei's flagship store has a completely different logic from ordinary stores, it does not have dense shelves and tight sales, but instead has clear windows and landscapes, strolling galleries and aisles, sofas and plants everywhere, and after-sales counters like restaurant booths.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

If the materials and decoration show the underlying hardware of Huawei's flagship store. Then, the store layout, navigation system, and lighting system are the human-computer interaction interface of Huawei's flagship store. As for pick-up, after-sales, and Huawei Academy symbolize its software and services.

Perhaps less than a third of the entire space is a sales space, and it's more of an urban parlor than a store.

As mentioned above, Huawei's flagship store is positioned as one city, one store, one culture, and Huawei hopes to integrate into the city's context and culture to create a public space for product exploration, technology display, and cultural exchange.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

For example, the predecessor of Tianjin Huawei flagship store is the famous traffic hotel, which has been carefully renovated to retain the characteristics of the original building, and also combine cultural elements such as the Haihe River to give a new life to the century-old building.

It integrates commercial operation and ancient building protection, but a large amount of redundant investment cannot be directly converted into sales revenue, and it is even difficult to be self-sustaining.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Unlike Huawei's smart life halls and authorized stores all over the city, Huawei's flagship stores currently have only 11 stores, which are directly part of Huawei's device BG business. The manager of Huawei's flagship store in Taikoo Li, Qiantan, Shanghai, once told iFaner that Huawei's flagship store does not assess sales, but uses consumer satisfaction as an indicator.

Huawei's flagship store opens a "summer camp" for children to master "born to draw" during summer vacation

Therefore, as Huawei's largest product, the flagship store is also like a super terminal, if the store, hardware and products constitute the hardware part of this super terminal, then, including the store staff, and even everyone who visits, is its software.

They communicate implicitly with cities, communities and people all the time, and they have unlimited growth in a limited scale.