
Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

author:point of view

The Austrian physicist Schrödinger proposed an experiment in 1935: a cat in a box, and a small amount of radioactive material. After that, there is a 50% chance that the radioactive material will decay and release poison gas to kill the cat, and a 50% chance that the radioactive material will not decay and the cat will survive.

In the famous "Schrödinger's cat" experiment, the cat in the box is in a state of superposition of dead and live cats, and only when the box is opened and observed, the cat will randomly collapse into a certain certain state.

Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

The Schrödinger state is extended to describe an uncertain state or a given state. For example, when a person is in the Schrödinger state, it can mean that he is both in a certain state and in the possibility of uncertainty, and she is both true and false.

The vanishing Jiang Ping

Where did Jiang Ping go?

Is this question important now? Does it still matter?

On June 27, in Huai'an, Jiangsu, the official website of the Lianshui County Government notified public opinion of Jiang Ping's questioning.

On June 24, netizens questioned Jiang Ping's 12th place in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition and complained to the "Lianshui County Leader's Mailbox", allowing public opinion to ferment and the official did not respond for a long time.

The Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau quickly made a public reply to the four questions about the content of the complaint:

1. The screenshot of Jiang Ping's score in the school's monthly exam - 83 points is true.

2. The mathematics competition in which Jiang Ping participated was organized and implemented by the Alibaba DAMO Academy, please verify the situation of the competition with the Alibaba DAMO Academy.

3. The computer used by Jiang Ping in the preliminaries was borrowed.

Fourth, the school is not clear about the snacks suspected of personal privacy and other issues.

Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

Here we will talk about the third question: the computer used by Jiang Ping in the preliminaries was borrowed, and Professor Yao Yijun of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Fudan University commented on Jiang Ping's answer sheet:

"The words are precise and the expressions are fluent, and LaTex is proficient in using them. If we do not discuss the level of mathematics, but only look at the level of the answer sheet, it can be said (conservatively) that 95% of mathematics students in China cannot write such an answer sheet within the specified time. ”

So, will Jiang Ping use LaTex? Only Wang Yanqiu and Jiang Ping know the answer.

After the Lianshui Education and Sports Bureau answered 4 questions, netizens further asked questions in the "leadership mailbox":

  1. It is recommended to organize a symposium to invite Jiang Ping to dispel doubts;
  2. It is recommended to investigate whether Wang Yunqiu borrowed the account of student Jiang Ping to participate in the competition;
  3. Was Jiang Ping illegally detained and had her personal freedom restricted?
Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

The official response was swift, timely, objective and impartial: an investigation is ongoing. From the original Lianshui Cultural Tourism to release a new cultural tourism film with Jiang Ping as the theme, to the relevant departments of Lianshui to explain: The official must clear up the relationship.

  1. The reason why the relevant departments of Lianshui chose to explain is because this incident has attracted widespread attention, and in order to avoid being misunderstood or implicated, they have to take the initiative to clarify to avoid falling into a passive situation and being kidnapped by public opinion in the future.
  2. As the incident continued to ferment, the relevant departments of Lianshui realized its potential influence and complexity. Therefore, they decided to issue a note in a timely manner, with the aim of clarifying their position and avoiding misunderstanding as being related to the matter, thus ensuring a correct understanding of the events by the public.

Professor Yuan Xinyi's "Suspicious Analysis" of Peking University

At around 3 o'clock in the morning on June 27, Professor Yuan Xinyi of the Beijing International Mathematical Research Center of Peking University posted an article on Zhihu entitled "Analysis of the Doubts in the Jiang Ping Incident". Some netizens questioned the authenticity of this article, and Professor Yuan Xinyi confirmed that his real name in the circle of friends was written by himself.

Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

Professor Yuan Xinyi's Zhihu long essay is too professional, and his views can be summarized as the following six points:

  1. When she first heard that Jiang Ping had won the 12th place in the world, she was happy and excited to achieve such a result, and hoped that this was true;
  2. There are more and more voices questioning Jiang Ping, I don't believe it; But as the analysis became more and more rational, I couldn't help but start to doubt;
  3. Most of those who question Jiang Ping and support Jiang Ping are inciting public sentiment and deceiving traffic, and some people have ulterior motives;
  4. The video screen of Jiang Ping's board book is not a problem of writing habits and clerical errors, but a complete misunderstanding and error; It's uncertain who copied the board book, but the copyist's math was at most high school.
  5. It takes 40 minutes to complete the 5-minute handwritten answer with LaTex proficiently, and it is completely unnecessary for Jiang Ping to use LaTex in the preliminaries, and there is no discussion about whether she will use LaTex.
  6. If Jiang Ping is wronged, it only takes half an hour to prove herself, and I can personally invite Jiang Ping to visit Peking University at my own expense.
Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...
According to the official website of Peking University, Yuan Xinyi is currently a professor at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research. He received his B.S. in 2003 and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Columbia University in 2008. From 2011 to 2012, he was an assistant professor at Princeton University, an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley since 2012, an associate professor since July 2018, and a member of Peking University in January 2020.

People who have studied high numbers are starting to question .......

Those who have not studied advanced mathematics continue to support .......

Does the truth still matter? A lot of people are fighting for emotions.

So, what is the truth of the Jiang Ping incident, which is about to come out......

What if, the Jiang Ping incident is a hoax?

Who is the beneficiary of the Jiang Ping incident? According to the logic of who benefits and who is the murderer, let's analyze them one by one:

1. First of all, Alibaba: Ali Global Mathematics Competition is completely out of the circle through the Jiang Ping incident.

  • Before the Jiang Ping incident, the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, although it had a certain influence among mathematics enthusiasts and related professionals, was still a competition in a niche circle in general.
  • Jiang Ping's championship and the subsequent controversy brought unprecedented exposure to this competition. With a large number of media reports and extensive public attention, the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition has quickly become a public competition.
  • Through the Jiang Ping incident, the Global Mathematics Competition has demonstrated its positive contribution to discovering and cultivating mathematics talents and promoting the development of mathematics education. The public's positive impression of Alibaba has exploded, and the public welfare image has been shaped.
  • And this has led to criticism of the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination system, which is a fundamental problem. It is very similar to the logic of "the bank is a pawnshop, we force the bank to reform" on the Bund in Shanghai: the college entrance examination is a imperial examination, and we call for the reform of the college entrance examination system.

2. Lianshui Vocational School became famous overnight, from no one to everyone knows.

  • Jiang Ping's outstanding performance has undoubtedly brought great honor to Lianshui Vocational School, and it also reflects the excellent teaching quality and education level of Lianshui Vocational School, which is undoubtedly the best publicity and recognition of the school.
  • The Jiang Ping incident has also enhanced the status and influence of Lianshui Vocational School in the field of education, which not only brings more high-quality students and talent reserves to the school, but also attracts more resource support.

3. Wang Runqiu: So why does Wang Yanqiu hope so much to win a prize in the mathematics competition? There are two explanations for the online transmission:

  • One of them was that he wanted to apply for a PhD in the Department of Mathematics, and that the award in the final round could increase the success rate of his application.
  • Another explained that he opened a graduate school entrance counseling class, and that he would increase the popularity of the tutorial class if he won the award, and if his students won the award, it would greatly increase the popularity of the tutorial class. Just like Zhao Bin.

4. Jiang Ping: From a fashion design secondary school student to a mathematical genius, there are infinite possibilities in life trajectories.

  • The biggest beneficiary is undoubtedly Jiang Ping herself. The trajectory of her life has changed dramatically because of this incident, and people like this script: a mathematical genius buried by the college entrance examination system, because of accidental factors, he became a peerless genius.
  • And if she may enter a prestigious school because of this incident, she will undoubtedly become the biggest winner in life. At the same time, there is no precedent for a mathematics competition run by a company to be recognized by prestigious schools and officials, and Ali is happy to see such a thing happen.
Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

However, whether it is a famous domestic school or a foreign university, they have maintained rational restraint towards Jiang Ping. Because just by passing the preliminary results of the global mathematics competition conducted by a company, you can enter a prestigious school, which in itself is the biggest unfairness.

In this way, it will be chaotic, and the country's series of selection systems other than the college entrance examination may be missed for talents, but the vast majority will not be missed.

There is no 100% absolute fairness in this world, but China's college entrance examination system is the fairest in the world. The college entrance examination is currently the fairest way for the powerless and powerless at the bottom to rise, and any attack, no matter which way the college entrance examination policy is attacked, will not be valid.

If you have to say it, I won't refute the way to rise just because of the success of the college entrance examination, just like some people say that you have to depend on your fate.

Schrödinger's Jiang Ping

is not only a talented mathematical genius who is buried, but also an ordinary secondary school student who only scored 83 points in mathematics in the monthly exam;

He is not only a secondary school student who broke into the world's 12th with his own talent, but also a mathematical genius who handed in a blank paper in the monthly exam.

However, the following logic does not hold:

  • Jiang Ping scored zero points in the finals, so the results of the preliminaries were cheating, because the preliminaries of the finals were not of the same nature at all;
  • Jiang Ping only scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test and handed in a blank paper, and the preliminaries were open-book exams, so Jiang Ping must have copied them;
  • Jiang Ping's teacher Wang Yanqiu only won the 125th place, so Jiang Ping surpassed the teacher to enter the 12th place in the world;
  • Jiang Ping's computer for the preliminaries was borrowed, so Jiang Ping used LaTex in the preliminaries because her teacher helped make two copies.

Fortunately, mathematics is something that no one can fake, and you will and will not.

In "The Silk Case of the Ming Dynasty under the Microscope", the golden sentence of the arithmetic genius Shuai Jiamo "The nature of the number is simple, and it is never decorated".

Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

And the Jiang Ping incident is more like Schrödinger's plate: the plate in the picture below, like Schrödinger's cat, is in a "superimposed state". They are both whole and broken, and it is not until we open the door that they move from a superimposed state to a definite state.

In fact, it is broken, but the question is: who dares to open that door.

Schrödinger's Jiang Ping, the truth is already on the horizon...

In fact, there is another possibility:

When the door is opened, the plate will not break, because inside the door is a fixed and integrated work of art, which is very real and impeccable.

If there is something wrong with this, the minor is definitely not the culprit, we have to find the right person responsible. If you have a hard time, don't let your youth give up mathematics because of this, love can be worth the desolation of the world, don't let them be led astray by the sound of the outside.