
Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

author:Chen Chen said history

Jiao Yulu once said: "Although the hero has sacrificed, he vows not to bow to the enemy." During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the underground party members suffered hardships and shouldered the heavy task of recovering the motherland. However, on the front line of Chongqing, because of the mistake of leader Wang Zhenchuan, Xiao Qi and his wife were both sacrificed. How can a valiant warrior become incompetent? Is the death of Xiao Qi and his wife really destined to end without a problem?

Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

1. The Chongqing Underground Party in Prosperity

During the civil war, the city of Chongqing under the rule of the Kuomintang was like a huge prison, full of warlords and spies. However, under the siege of this darkness, a stealthy and resilient underground armed force is quietly growing.

This underground party, under the direct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an, divided its agents into several lines throughout the city of Chongqing, responsible for gathering military intelligence, mobilizing the masses, and expanding the revolutionary forces. Among them, this line led by Wang Zhenchuan is the most active.

Wang Zhenchuan, who was originally a veteran member of the Kuomintang army, served as the head of the reconnaissance section, was familiar with the military system, and knew the way to obtain military intelligence well. He had secretly supported the Communist Party when he was in the army, and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he openly expressed his position and was included in the underground party. Since then, he has put aside his military identity and traveled secretively in Chongqing, based in an ordinary grocery store.

Under Wang Zhenchuan's orders, the underground party was full of informants in Chongqing, including old revolutionaries, ordinary people, and even some Kuomintang spies. Their whereabouts are secretive and their identities are different, but they are of the same heart and one mind, and they contribute to the revolutionary cause in their own way.

Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

For example, Dong Xi, who was originally the old housekeeper of the Xishan Gao family, left his hometown to join the underground party after his master was scared away by Wang Zhenchuan; Linda is an important figure in this line, using the identity of the ballroom proprietress as a cover and making many contributions to the revolution; Then there are Xiao Qi and Zhenzhen, an ordinary couple, Xiao Qi works in a grocery store during the day and is an important member of the underground party at night; There is also the helpless beggar pillar, who is responsible for broadcasting the propaganda of the revolutionaries in the streets and stirring up the people......

In this way, under the control and planning of Wang Zhenchuan, the dense underground party grid weaved an invisible and huge net in Chongqing, which was always watching every movement of the Kuomintang reactionary regime, waiting for an opportunity to move, and preparing for the coming revolution.

2. The thrilling Central Plains campaign plan

The spring of 1944 was the most difficult time of the Anti-Japanese War. In Yan'an, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, after careful study, decided to launch a large-scale campaign of the Central Plains to deal the final blow to the Kuomintang regime. To this end, the central authorities have dispatched a large number of agents to the front lines to collect military information and grasp the latest military deployments.

Naturally, this arduous task also fell on the shoulders of the underground party in Chongqing. At this juncture, the underground party's online intelligence came with a bombshell news: Chen Yan, director of the Operations Division of the Ministry of National Defense, has an operational plan for the Central Plains Campaign that is about to be launched!

The importance of this plan is self-evident, and it is directly related to the success or failure of the Central Plains Campaign. Once it falls into the hands of the enemy, I am afraid that it will bring immeasurable losses to the revolutionary cause. Therefore, the underground party must find ways to convey the content of this plan to the Yan'an headquarters as soon as possible.

At this time, Wang Zhenchuan's informants had already taken action. With Dong Xi's special status in the Gao family, he quickly obtained the details of this plan and forwarded them to Wang Zhenchuan.

After receiving this valuable information, Wang Zhenchuan was overjoyed and immediately began to prepare for the report. However, at this time, a difficult question was placed in front of him: which radio station should be used to deliver the report?

At that time, there were only two radio stations left in the hands of the underground party: one was in the hands of the abbot of Wanxing Temple, which was more than 100 miles away from the center of Chongqing; The other is in the hands of Xiao Qi and his wife, living in a small white building not far from the grocery store.

Both stations have their pros and cons. Although the radio station of Wanxing Temple is far away from the threat of warlord forces, it is too far away to send an report; Although Xiao Qi's radio station is nearby, there are often Kuomintang telecommunications reconnaissance vehicles around, and it is very likely that they will be discovered and stopped.

Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

Plagued by the contradiction between the two choices, Wang Zhenchuan finally chose the riskier part of Xiao Qi's family. He firmly believed that Xiao Qi's prudence and bravery would definitely be able to find a way to avoid the enemy's sight and send this important information out safely.

That night, Wang Zhenchuan entrusted the content of the intelligence to Xiao Qi, and instructed him to send a report tonight, time is life! Xiao Qi nodded, indicating that he would do his best.

In this way, with a dull radio code, this thrilling battle of life and death began.

3. Wang Zhenchuan's key mistakes

By the time the Kuomintang intelligence telecommunications vehicle began to hover around Xiao Qi's home, the smell of danger had gradually spread. Once it is discovered, the consequences are unimaginable. However, at this time, Wang Zhenchuan, as the leader, made a key mistake.

First, he underestimated the danger of intelligence dissemination. Although the location of Xiao Qi's Xiaobailou is hidden, it has long been surrounded by the Kuomintang military commanders. Once a signal is detected, the entire underground party network in Chongqing will be devastated. However, Wang Zhenchuan was a little careless, thinking that as long as Xiao Qi was cautious enough, he would definitely be able to get rid of the encirclement of the military commander.

Secondly, when arranging this extremely dangerous mission, he completely ignored the safety of Xiao Qi's wife, Zhenzhen. According to Wang Zhenchuan's original intention, Xiao Qi should act alone to send a report, and Zhenzhen, as a pregnant expectant mother, should be sent to safety. However, at that time, he was completely unaware of this, and he did not even send a man to escort Zhenzhen to escape from Chongqing.

Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

Finally, he also appears negligent in the arrangement of informants. Such critical military intelligence should be reported by the most reliable and experienced personnel. But Wang Zhenchuan handed it over to the young and inexperienced Xiao Qi couple, which obviously had a certain inappropriateness. What's more, at that time, he didn't have any backup plan at all, and once Xiao Qi's family failed in the middle, the whole operation would fall into passivity.

4. The misfortunes of Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Qi

It was on that dangerous night that Xiao Qi and his wife began their last battle of doomed tragedy.

In order to complete the task of sending the report, and also to protect his pregnant wife Zhenzhen, Xiao Qi devised a bold plan. He decided to go alone to the outskirts of the city, where he sent radio messages to distract the Kuomintang military commanders; At the same time, Zhenzhen took advantage of the situation and secretly sent a report at home.

Although he knew that this plan was extremely dangerous, Xiao Qi had no choice in the face of the interests of the party and the safety of his family. So in the moonlit and starry night, he embarked on the escape road to the outside of the city, and went alone to the pre-agreed place of the message.

Just as Xiao Qi attracted firepower, Zhenzhen began to act. She carefully took out the radio hidden in the basement and quickly turned it on and debugged. As the last string of radio code was sent, the information was successfully transmitted. However, at this moment, the footsteps of a group of Kuomintang spies came from far and near, and they had already noticed something unusual!

After Xiao Qi learned the news that his wife was in distress, he hurriedly packed his bags and decided to rush back to Xiaobailou to rescue Zhenzhen. But when he returned, it was a mess, and there was no trace of Zhenzhen.

After careful questioning, Xiao Qi learned that his wife decided to retreat alone in order to get rid of the pursuit at that time. After she finished sending the report, she carried a heavy suitcase and ran alone through the hazy field paths at night. Gradually, she left the city and came to a remote riverside path.

At this moment, Fu Xianru, a group of Kuomintang spies hidden in the dark, led everyone to pounce and surrounded Zhenzhen! In the face of a sudden crisis, she was pregnant and powerless to resist, and was eventually killed by a bullet.

Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

When the news came, Xiao Qi was already depressed. After the information was transmitted back to Yan'an, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was also furious and denounced the underground party leader Wang Zhenchuan's misjudgment, which led to the tragedy of Xiao Qi and his wife. This avoidable tragedy became ironclad proof of Wang Zhenchuan's incompetent leadership, and it also completely changed his fate.

5. Retribution for mistakes

The misfortune of Xiao Qi and his wife caused a great shock in the underground party in Chongqing. For a while, everyone pointed the finger at Wang Zhenchuan, and they wanted to take full responsibility for him, an incompetent leader whose head could be broken and things could be removed.

The whole incident soon spread to Yan'an, causing great concern to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. After repeated verification and weighing the pros and cons, the central authorities finally made a decision: immediately remove Wang Zhenchuan from all his posts in Chongqing and isolate him completely.

This verdict is undoubtedly the most severe punishment for Wang Zhenchuan. As a veteran party member with many years of party experience, he has always had strict party discipline and a tough style. But who would have thought that at the critical moment of this Central Plains Campaign, he made such a major mistake. The central government had to make a painful decision to remove him from all power in Chongqing in order to reduce the losses.

Wang Zhenchuan in "Faith": A general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Xiao Qi and his wife died in vain

Soon, Wang Zhenchuan was recalled to Yan'an, and under the full supervision of the central special review team, he began his life of "isolation and review" in the cave. Since then, this former famous anti-Japanese general and important leader of the underground party has been ruined and has become a complete prisoner.

At the same time, Chongqing's underground party network was almost completely dismantled due to the failure of the report. Linda was arrested, Dong Xi's whereabouts are unknown, and Zhu Zi was injured and fled...... This once thriving revolutionary force was swept away by the Kuomintang's "suppression of bandits" and retreated one after another. In the end, only Wang Zhenchuan's right-hand man Wu Ping and a few small characters were left who could survive.

This is undoubtedly a major setback. But just when the power of the underground party was getting worse, an unexpected turn for the better happened.

It turned out that at the precious moment before Xiao Qi and his wife were arrested, Zhenzhen successfully sent the information out. This detailed Central Plains campaign plan was finally sent to Yan'an by radio waves. Under the direct command of the Party Central Committee, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army decided to launch a general offensive in the near future!

That's how it all happened. It's just that, regrettably, Xiao Qi and his wife, ordinary and great revolutionaries, can no longer see the dawn of this victory. With their blood and lives, they made the greatest sacrifice for it.