
"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

author:Chen Chen said history

In the revolutionary years, how many heroes gave up their family and lives for the sake of ideals and beliefs? Zheng Qun, a well-educated young lady, joined the Chinese Communist Party and lurked in the enemy's base camp for 12 years as a servant. In the past 12 years, she and her husband and daughter have not been able to recognize each other, and they have left their hometown and lost news from their families. However, such hardships and hardships could not defeat her firm belief in the revolutionary cause. In the end, she died heroically, leaving behind eternal regrets. What is it that sustains her? What made her brave after 12 years of perseverance alone?

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

1. Twelve years of sharpening a sword, the iron bones of the Communist Party of China

Zheng Qun was born in a scholarly family in Guizhou, and has been educated by a good family since he was a child. As he grew older, Zheng Qun had a higher pursuit of book knowledge and devoted himself to learning. In 1930, at the age of 18, she got the opportunity to go to France for further study. No one thought that this beautiful girl with idealistic feelings would form an indissoluble bond with the Communist Party of China in a foreign country.

At that time, China's domestic environment was extremely chaotic, and the artillery fire of foreign powers was destroying their homes, and the people of Chinese were living in deep fire and water. Zheng Qun was deeply tormented by this tragic situation, so she began to reflect on where the country's way out is? After reading Marxist works, her mind was completely moved by the idea of revolution, and she was full of yearning and belief in the bright future of communism. After careful consideration, Zheng Qun resolutely joined the Communist Party of China.

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

As a member of the Communist Party of China, Zheng Qun told his classmates and friends in a clear and unambiguous manner: "I have joined the Communist Party of China, and I will contribute my strength to the independent cause of the party and the country in the future!" From then on, Zheng Qun regarded the revolutionary cause as the highest pursuit of his life.

After graduating and returning to China in 1934, Zheng Qun soon devoted himself to underground intelligence work, cooperating with his brother Zheng Bin. They lurked inside the enemy's important institutions, trying to obtain valuable military intelligence and provide support for the operational deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Red Army. Zheng Qun, under the pseudonym "Seventh Uncle", was responsible for directly leading the underground party organization in Chongqing, and at the same time penetrated into the core forces of the enemy's upper echelons to collect first-hand information within the military command.

Whether it is a mountain of swords and a sea of fire, or a stormy sea, it cannot shake Zheng Qun's firm belief in communism. She interpreted the integrity of a party member with practical actions, and forged the great endurance that has been honed for 12 years with a fearless revolutionary spirit. Even if he was separated from life and death, Zheng Qun never wavered, and with his iron-clad loyalty, he established a glorious image of the Communists of "giving up their small family to take care of everyone".

2. Twelve years of lovesickness, family affection can only be hidden deep in the heart

During his underground intelligence work in Chongqing, Zheng Qun had to be separated from his relatives and had no contact with his family for 12 years. Out of prudence, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the enemy, she had to give up her family affection and devote herself to the revolutionary cause.

In 1937, Zheng Qun was sent to Chongqing, posing as a peasant woman trafficked by human traffickers, and was rescued by the wife of a high-ranking enemy general. In this way, she became a servant of the Gao family, a penniless domestic laborer externally, but a core member of the underground party internally. In order to hide her identity, she had to disguise herself as an illiterate person who didn't know anything, and worked day and night to do all the housework.

At the same time, Zheng Qun's husband Wang Zhenchuan was also ordered to come to Chongqing and opened a department store serving the Gao family, mainly as a station for sending and receiving intelligence. Since then, Wang Zhenchuan and Zheng Qun can only meet in department stores every once in a while. Each time, they could only pretend to be strangers they didn't know, and pretend to exchange a few words as a cover. As husband and wife, they are forced to see each other but cannot recognize each other; As parents, they can't greet their children in front of them.

In the past three years, Zheng Qun and Wang Zhenchuan often met in department stores, but they could only call each other "Boss Wang" and "Sister-in-law Wu" across the counter. Every time they met, their eyes were full of lovesickness and steadfast belief in the revolutionary cause. They know very well that as underground party members, family affection can only be buried deep in their hearts, and only in this way can they avoid their relatives from suffering and complete the heavy tasks assigned by the party.

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

In this way, three years passed like a white horse, and Wang Zhenchuan and Zheng Qun never gave up their loyalty to the revolution or their concern for their families. Until 1940, Zheng Qun was arrested and escorted back to his hometown in Guizhou. With this farewell, there will be no chance of reunion, and the only meeting can only be a glimpse of the execution scene.

After 12 years of hard work, Zheng Qun and Wang Zhenchuan have always interpreted the unyielding ethics that revolutionaries should have. They treated the revolutionary cause with deep affection, but they could only treat each other's love and affection with silence. The couple nurtured the hope of the revolution with their blood and lives in a dark environment, watering the seeds of faith with the tears of lovesickness. And this lovesickness is the source of their ability to stick to it for twelve years.

3. What thrilling events have happened in these 12 years?

In the 12 years that Zheng Qun played the role of "Sister-in-law Wu" and lurked in Chongqing, she walked a road full of thorns and was almost covered with bruises. As an underground party member, she is always in danger of being identified by the enemy at any time, and her life hangs by a thread. However, she never wavered in the revolutionary cause.

In early 1937, Zheng Qun was sent to Chongqing to carry out a dangerous bitter meat plan. She was trafficked by traffickers to a large local family, posing as an abducted peasant woman. There, she was rescued by Mrs. Gao's family, and thus entered the Gao family as a servant. Since then, she has played the identity of "Sister-in-law Wu" and has lived in the enemy camp for 12 years.

Although the identity of "Sister-in-law Wu" allows Zheng Qun to keep abreast of the enemy's movements, it also brings great danger to her life. As long as there is a slight sloppiness, the identity may be recognized, and the consequences are unimaginable. Once, the enemy sent Red Fox No. 24, an ace agent, to spy on Zheng Qun's details, but fortunately, she was in danger and dealt with it in time.

In addition, Zheng Qun also needs to pay attention to his words and deeds at all times, for fear of revealing his identity. She didn't even dare to show a trace of exhaustion when she was in extreme fatigue, lest she be suspected by the enemy. She worked hard in the Gao family every day, did all the housework, played it vividly, and deceived everyone.

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

And whenever she worked in the Gao family, she had to endure the pain of longing. Especially every time she saw her daughter Lingling, she had to pretend to be strange and resist the urge to hug her daughter. In addition, the couple have been separated for a long time and it is difficult to meet, and her heart is often filled with infinite lovesickness.

Despite this, Zheng Qun never complained about it. On the contrary, she even found a source of strength that she had never seen before. Yes, it was this kind of arduous tempering and suffering that tempered her will, strengthened her convictions, and made her more persistent in the road of revolution. In the past twelve years, she has risked her life countless times, fought against the enemy, and struggled with death, but she still coped with it calmly and never flinched.

4. After 12 years away from home, what is the blood thicker than water?

In 1940, Zheng Qun played the role of "Wu Sister-in-law" in Chongqing for 12 years. In the past 12 years, she had to stay away from her hometown and relatives for the cause of the party, and her innate family love was suppressed in the depths of her heart. However, when she was finally arrested and escorted back to her hometown in Guizhou, she was unexpectedly reunited with her family.

On that day, the escort team came to Duyun City, Guizhou, and when passing by the Zheng family's mansion, Zheng Qun's family inadvertently met her on the road. At this moment, the scene of their mother and daughter meeting moved everyone present.

It turned out that Zheng Qun's mother was already old, but she still looked forward to her daughter's safe return day and night. When she saw Zheng Qun who was tied up with a rope, her mother's tears rolled down like rain, and she jumped up to hug her daughter. However, Zheng Qun shook his head resolutely and coldly refused his mother's hug.

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

In the face of his mother's love, Zheng Qun was also half shaken for a while. However, in the end, she gritted her teeth and persevered. She understood that although she had been arrested, as a Communist, she still could not reveal the identity of her revolutionary comrades. She could not afford to suffer a serious blow to the party organization if her words did.

Therefore, under the many hurdles, Zheng Qun had to never mention his own details to his closest mother. She resisted her mother's concern with silence, but silently shed tears. This scene brought tears to everyone's eyes, and they could feel her dedication to the revolutionary cause and her abandonment of family affection.

In addition to Zheng Qun's mother and daughter, the reunion of Zheng Qun and her husband Wang Zhenchuan is even more worrying. This parting lasted for twelve years. At that time, Wang Zhenchuan was already imprisoned in Chongqing, waiting for the fate of his execution. At the scene of the execution, Wang Zhenchuan caught a glimpse of Zheng Qun who was tied up from a distance, and the eyes of the two met at that moment.

In twelve years, they never imagined that they would meet again in such a situation. The vicissitudes of time have left a deep imprint on their faces, and the pride of the past is long gone. However, in that short glance, the two seemed to see the warmth and sweetness of the past, and suddenly returned to the era of love.

Since then, they have both been righteous and have written a revolutionary epic with blood and life that is thicker than water. After 12 years of suffering away from home, Zheng Qun and Wang Zhenchuan finally did not waver in their loyalty to the revolution because of the ties of family affection. On the contrary, with unprecedented determination and courage, they completely abandoned their worldly attachments and sprinkled their blood into the raging flames of the revolution, adding the most precious oil paint to it.

5. The last journey of his life witnessed Zheng Qun's dedication to the revolution

On December 19, 1940, Zheng Qun was inaugurated in Guiyang at the age of 28. This is the last footnote of her revolutionary career, and it is also the best interpretation of her unswerving loyalty to the revolutionary cause.

On the morning of the same day, Duyun County, Guizhou Province was full of lights and lively. It turned out that the local reactionaries were preparing to parade Zheng Qun and others who had been arrested in a vain attempt to undermine the people's fighting spirit. So, they escorted Zheng Qun and others from prison to the execution site, tied them to a donkey cart along the way, and let the audience point fingers, beat and abuse.

On this long "road of iniquity", Zheng Qun and other revolutionaries suffered humiliation and torture along the way. However, in the face of the threats and temptations of the enemy, they remained steadfast and fearless. When the enemy tried to make them defect, Zheng Qun looked the other party in the eye and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "I am a glorious Communist Party member, and dying on the road of revolution is the greatest glory!" You never want me to betray the Order!"

At the scene of the execution, the enemy once again gave Zheng Qun one last chance, as long as she honestly confided party secrets, she could be spared death. However, Zheng Qun turned a deaf ear to this, and she did not hesitate to wave to the firing squad and signal for the execution.

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

When the gunshots rang out and Zheng Qun shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", he was shot by the enemy again. From joining the Communist Party of China as a girl to becoming righteous in the prime of life, Zheng Qun unswervingly followed the ideals of the revolution throughout his life. She would rather sacrifice her life than betray the organization and turn away from her beliefs.

At that time, Wang Zhenchuan was also escorted to Xicha Town, Guiyang. When he saw Zheng Qun's figure from a distance at the execution site, the eyes of the two met in that sky-like gap. This is the only "reunion" they have had in 12 years.

Wang Zhenchuan stared at his wife tightly, as if conveying his last thoughts with his eyes. And Zheng Qun may be the same, because at that moment, she nodded lightly in her husband's direction, her expression resolute and lofty.

"Faith" serial: What made Zheng Qun stand alone for 12 years and bravely go to justice?

In this way, the two died heroically under each other's gaze, and condensed an eternal love poem with blood. At the end of their lives, they all swayed their love for their faith to the enemy with the indomitable spirit of revolutionaries.

On the day Zheng Qun was inaugurated, Guiyang City was shrouded in an atmosphere of slaughter all day long. The reactionaries thought that by doing so, they would deter the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses. However, it backfired, and instead planted an even more inextinguishable revolutionary fire in the hearts of the masses.

Since then, Zheng Qun and Wang Zhenchuan have turned into a fighting banner that will never be extinguished in the minds of the people. Their heroic deeds have become a precious spiritual wealth that inspires future generations to forge ahead, and it has also shown our generation how powerful the power of faith is. It was this indomitable devotion to the revolutionary cause that guided them to shine brightly in the dark ages.