
"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

author:Chen Chen said history

Xu Xiao, once known as "human slaughter" and "one of the three devils", is known and ruthless in the world. However, this general, who came from a humble background and showed extraordinary determination to kill at a young age, finally became the king of Beiliang who swept Liuhe and called for wind and rain with his unique strategy and skill. What earth-shattering strategy did Xu Xiao use to defeat the crowd in the troubled times and achieve a hegemony? How did he create the terrifying strength that not only has guards like clouds and strategists like rain, but also has millions of heroes and makes the world fearful? How did he make those heroes and powerful ministers who were originally incompatible with each other willing to work for him?

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

1. Iron-blooded killing with military orders – From childhood murder to unified army conquest, Xu Xiao's life of killing and decisiveness

Xu Xiao has been decisive since he was a child, and he went out with the army at the age of ten, and made many military exploits on the northeast front, and repeatedly led the army to fight the Huns. When he was young, he was invincible in the southern and northern expeditions. When Xu Xiao was stationed in Jinzhou in the early days, he infiltrated the Xiongnu camp alone and won the leader of the Xiongnu with the strength of one person, which boosted morale. After that, he led the elite division to break through several fortified cities, cut off the strong spirit of the Xiongnu invasion, and won a long-term peace for the northeastern border.

After Xu Xiao first showed his ambitions, he was recruited by Shangfeng to go south to suppress the melee of the six countries south of the Yangtze River. The iron cavalry under his command was as light as a swallow, and the horses were lightning, and in a short period of time, they defeated Taiyuan, Xiaxia, Xiaqiu, Zhou, Jun, and Teng one by one. Xu Xiao was extremely brave, and when he attacked the city, he took the lead and conquered everything. Everywhere he went, he bravely attacked the city, and took it as quickly as he could. In his hands, the fortified cities of Juzhen, which had been regarded as invincible, were lost, and he slaughtered the city, and the city was reduced to ruins.

After pacifying Jiangnan, Xu Xiao was sent to the southwest to suppress the sixteen barbarians there. The geographical environment in the southwest is difficult and dangerous, the sixteen tribes are fierce and good at fighting, and Xu Xiao was injured here and fell permanently lame. But even so, he was still full of pride, and struck the barbarians with a thunderous force, and finally all of them were eliminated under the Beiliang Iron Cavalry. During the war in the southwest, Xu Xiao conquered the world-famous town of Yiyang and other important fortresses, and suppressed all the peerless martial arts such as Bear Fist and White Elephant.

Xu Xiao is eloquent, decisive in killing, invincible and fierce, and swept away with iron horses. It was this unbeatable ruthlessness that made him quickly conquer the territory of the Beiliang side, return to the Quartet, and be crowned king. This soldier, who was born in cloth clothes at the beginning, conquered 800 miles up and down Beiliang in less than ten years, surrendered to more than 20 Xiaojiang heroes, and finally unified the troubled times and became the king.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

2. Layout of marriage and increase power – How Xu Xiao expanded his power and influence by carefully arranging his marriage plan

Xu Xiao has been aware of the general situation since he was a child, and understands that the marriage bond can not only enhance the relationship, but also an important political means. He was arranged to marry the Wu family as early as he was an infant, thus forming an indissoluble bond with the Wu family. His wife, Wu Sunai, is the eldest granddaughter of the Wu family, a prominent man, who has read poetry and books since she was a child, and is a very resourceful woman. This marriage not only injected rich resources into Xu Xiao, but also allowed him to get acquainted with a large number of capable people.

After Xu Xiao bravely crowned the three armies, he even conspired to infiltrate the power into the entire Beiliang through the overall situation of marriage. He first let his three sons marry the daughters of wealthy families, and deeply rooted his territory among the upper-class elites of Beiliang. He set a family affair for his eldest son Xu Fengnian, and made him marry the only sister of the crown prince of the dynasty, so that the marriage gradually touched the imperial power. He married his second son Xu Fengxiong to a stunning daughter of a martial arts family, and further strengthened the military force. He took the only daughter of a wealthy businessman as his wife for his third son Xu Fengxiang, and controlled all the business routes.

The most clever of Xu Xiao's many strategies is that he never let his sons' marriage alliance stop there. He instead ordered the three sons to each accept a few more beautiful concubines to expand their influence. Xu Fengnian once accepted sixteen concubines in one go, including the sister of the crown princess and the daughter of the prime minister. Xu Fengxiong also accepted fourteen concubines, most of whom were the only daughters of martial arts masters. Although Xu Fengxiang was the youngest, he married twenty-four concubines, including almost all the daughters of the wealthy families on the Beiliang Trade Road.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

In this way, the harem of Xu Xiao's third son is almost all over the upper layer of Beiliang, and all kinds of forces are included in his command. Xu Xiao not only deeply rooted his power, but also fundamentally cut off the possibility of the powerful of the family forcing the palace. This thrilling marriage layout has really laid a solid foundation for Xu Xiao.

But Xu Xiao's intentions for marriage layout are not only that. He even arranged for his cronies to wipe out the Tianxiang Building on Qingliang Mountain. On that day, Qingliang Mountain was an important place for Buddhism and Zen Buddhism, and Tianxianglou gathered stunning beauties from all walks of life. Xu Xiao's cronies kidnapped hundreds of stunning people in Tianxianglou in one fell swoop, and became the female musician in the Beiliang Forbidden Army. This act of God blocking and killing God and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha made Xu Xiao cut off the foundation of tens of thousands of monks and martial arts.

Xu Xiao's marriage layout almost covers the entire upper echelons of Beiliang, firmly controlling the center of power. He was cunning and composed, thoughtful and terrifying, and through a series of careful arrangements, he finally made Bei Liang surrender to his majesty from top to bottom. This kind of meticulous planning operation is also one of the important reasons why he was able to unify Beiliang later.

3. Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots of the martial arts - Xu Xiao's unique secret to suppressing the martial arts of the rivers and lakes, as well as the reform of the martial arts

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

Xu Xiao has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he knows the fierceness and unruliness of the martial arts gate. Once they obstruct the rule of the Northern Liang Dynasty, it will be a disaster of endless trouble. Therefore, after Xu Xiao unified Liuhe, the first task was to completely eliminate the martial arts gate valve and cut off the foundation of its power.

Xu Xiao was the first to start with the wealthy and powerful families who were once respected as the "Nine Great Families of Beiliang". These nine martial arts families have been in the sky for generations, and their people are all over Beiliang, and they were once regarded as important towns. After Xu Xiao ascended to the throne, he expelled all the nine major families from the territory of Beiliang in the name of "protecting the Jiangshan Sheji". Subsequently, he waved his army to the south, and wiped out the hundreds of years of martial arts relics such as Yanyun Eighteen Fans and Dali Qimen in one fell swoop.

After the martial arts town was uprooted, Xu Xiao immediately set his sights on the temples and Taoist temples in Beiliang. He understands that these places are not only the distribution centers of martial arts masters, but also the hotbeds for cultivating generations of heroes and heroes. Wudang, Shaolin, Emei, Jiuhua and many famous authentic families, none of them were spared. Xu Xiao ordered the temple to be completely burned down, and all the monks were beheaded. Even some of the most unborn martial arts masters in the world, Xu Xiao also killed them one after another, and he was not merciless.

After severely attacking the orthodoxy of martial arts, Xu Xiao did not relax, and pointed the finger at some powerful families in the rivers and lakes. Some martial arts families scattered in the rivers and lakes led by the Tang Tu Green Forest Army were also completely slaughtered. Xu Xiao not only sent iron cavalry to drive them out of Beiliang, but also killed all the family members. Since then, there has been no trace of any martial arts gate valves in Beiliang.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

When all threats were gradually cleared, Xu Xiao still did not relax. In order to prevent trouble before it happens, he ordered his general Huben to secretly check the martial arts in the entire Beiliang territory, and once he found any master with outstanding martial arts, regardless of the level of the door, men, women and children, he would kill them all without mercy. Even Yan Qing, the incognito prodigal son on the rivers and lakes, was ruthlessly slaughtered.

Xu Xiao not only achieved the complete elimination of the martial arts family, but even all the indiscriminate branches in the martial arts and the signs of breaking through the encirclement, he also fundamentally prevented the development. Since then, there is no longer any martial arts family in the entire Beiliang, and even some night owl martial artists have nowhere to hide.

After suppressing the martial arts, Xu Xiao also made a series of reforms to the Jianghu martial arts. He promulgated a strict ban on martial arts, and all those who practiced martial arts in the rivers and lakes must be re-registered in the palace. The martial arts cheats were also tampered with after the martial arts master was killed. All residents were forbidden to practice martial arts without permission, and if they violated the order, they were severely fined or even executed.

In addition, Xu Xiao also gradually implemented the rule of warlords in Beiliang, and transformed all the usual martial arts disciples into the royal forbidden army. The implementation of these changes directly led to the survival and extinction of the entire martial arts culture in Beiliang, and the strong men and families who were once the mainstay of the martial arts were also forced to disappear and had to think twice. Since then, no warrior in the Beiliang River and Lake has dared to be arrogant, and Xu Xiao's iron-fisted rule has established an unshakable position for 10,000 years.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

Fourth, the golden cicada shelled and recast armaments – how Xu Xiao got rid of the control of the Liyang Dynasty and independently rearmament

After conquering the territory of Beiliang and unifying the troubled times, Xu Xiao realized that in order to be completely independent, he must get rid of the constraints of the Liyang Dynasty. Only in this way can he be crowned king and truly dominate the country. For this reason, he had to regard the control of the Liyang Dynasty as a top priority.

Previously, although Xu Xiao had laid down eight hundred miles of land up and down Beiliang, he still belonged to the Liyang Dynasty after all. Although the Liyang Dynasty was declining, it still strictly controlled Xu Xiao's army equipment and material supply. They limited the maximum size of Xu Xiao's army, and also demanded that Xu Xiao surrender all prisoners and booty to the imperial court. This made Xu Xiao unable to completely expand his strength, and he was trapped in a small and unchanged pattern.

People of insight have already told Xu Xiao that if he wants to completely establish a state independently, he must get rid of this fetters. As a result, Xu Xiao began to secretly deploy, seeking to completely cut off the control of the Liyang Dynasty.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

Xu Xiao first ordered his generals to secretly camp troops in important towns and transfer a large number of arms and ammunition to various places in Beiliang. He also ordered a large amount of armament to be secretly recast, and concealed all the loot and valuable materials he had obtained. Subsequently, Xu Xiao sent a large number of cronies to other countries to buy the needed arms and materials. In just a few years, Beiliang has amassed an extremely considerable arsenal reserve.

After everything was ready, Xu Xiao personally left the camp in the dark and led the crowd to a remote corner of Beiliang. When the spies of the Liyang Dynasty came to check the armament, they immediately exclaimed that the army had disappeared. They searched for hundreds of miles, but they couldn't find the whereabouts of Xu Xiao's army no matter what. At the same time, Xu Xiao announced the decision to cut off the Liyang Dynasty in another important town in Beiliang, calling on his subjects to go to the national fortune and swear to go north to fight back against the Liyang Dynasty.

Subsequently, Xu Xiao personally led the army secretly assembled to advance into the Central Plains and launched a huge offensive. At the same time, he also secretly instigated the army of the Liyang Dynasty to launch a rebellion. For a time, strife broke out in various places, and the Liyang Dynasty almost fell into the crisis of full-scale civil war. Xu Xiao's army was as invincible as a tiger descending from a mountain, and it was overwhelming.

The first to be captured was Chang'an, an important town of the Liyang Dynasty. The Chang'an defenders were forced to surrender after the city was completely surrounded, completely losing this pivotal place. Subsequently, Xu Xiao's army was like a crazy horse, blooming everywhere and capturing important towns everywhere. The Liyang Dynasty sent King Qin's army to suppress it many times, but it was repeatedly defeated by Xu Xiao's elite army. In the end, the Liyang Dynasty was broken, and the court was in chaos, so he had to watch the wind and catch the shadows.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

When the war was about to break out, Xu Xiao suddenly ordered the withdrawal of the army and returned to Beiliang. When leaving, he helped all the prisoners in Chang'an and other places into the vehicle and brought them back to Beiliang. Subsequently, Xu Xiao announced the establishment of a dynasty in Beiliang and was officially crowned emperor. He rearmament in a big way, and incorporated the soldiers of the original Liyang Dynasty into his command. Since then, Beiliang has an unprecedentedly powerful military strength, which is unique for a while, enough to challenge any force in the world. Xu Xiao finally got rid of the control of the Liyang Dynasty, and was independent, above 10,000 people under one person.

5. The King's Landing and the Creation of a Dynasty – How Xu Xiao established a dynastic regime in the Beiliang region and consolidated his rule

After getting rid of the control of the Liyang Dynasty and reorganizing the army independently, Xu Xiao could finally give it a go and establish his own dynastic regime. He realized that it was not easy to take root in the barren land of Beiliang. He had to plan carefully to finally sit on the throne.

First of all, Xu Xiao set his sights on the Chang'an area. It was not only the capital of the Liyang Dynasty in the past, but also half of the rivers and mountains, with advantages in population and materials. Xu Xiao ordered the army to establish an important military fortress in Chang'an and began to gradually advance inland. He ordered his generals to conquer the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River and completely cut off the grain and grass transportation lines of the Liyang Dynasty. This move was a complete victory, and the Liyang Imperial Court soon fell into a dilemma of shortage of grain and grass.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

After cutting off the opponent's supplies, Xu Xiao pointed the finger at the foundation of the Liyang Dynasty - the Luoyang region. He personally led a large army to Luoyang, and at the same time ordered his troops to surround Luoyang. The Battle of Luoyang lasted for more than three years, and finally fell under Xu Xiao's strong attack. The Imperial Forest Army had to jump like thunder, and once again reorganized King Qin's division to counterattack, but it was still defeated by Xu Xiao's elite army. Gradually, Luoyang's grain, grass and material support were completely cut off, and the city fell into a desperate situation.

After the fall of Luoyang, Xu Xiao did not wait for the Liyang Dynasty to have the strength to return to heaven, and went straight to strike while the iron was hot, and attacked the hinterland of the Central Plains in one go. Seeing that the general trend had gone, the Liyang royal family had to remotely control the border town to block it. But Xu Xiao's army was invincible and almost invincible. The backbone of the Liyang Dynasty was captured one after another, so that all the great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains fell into the hands of Xu Xiao.

From then on, Xu Xiao not only encircled the ministers and generals of the original Liyang Dynasty, but also began to redeploy in Beiliang to rule. He re-established the capital in Luoyang, recruited talents from all walks of life, and continued to expand his momentum. For a time, all sides were full of admiration and wind, and they all surrendered to Xu Xiao's feet. Xu Xiao solemnly held a grand canonization ceremony, officially crowned the king and established a new dynasty, the imperial era name and issued an edict to Ling Sihai.

After the establishment of the dynasty, Xu Xiao continued to spare no effort to consolidate his rule. He ordered his men to rebuild the Great Wall defense line and strengthen the border. He implemented the provincial system in Beiliang and redivided the administrative territory. He recruited talents and promoted the virtuous. He attached great importance to the production of agriculture and animal husbandry and greatly promoted water conservancy construction. Under his governance, Beiliang seems to have changed a world and earth, the people's will is wanted, and the order is in order.

"Sword in the Snow" Xu Xiao's earth-shattering strategies

In order to avoid brothers competing for succession, Xu Xiao has established a strict crown prince system. He designated his eldest son Xu Fengnian as the heir, his second son Xu Fengxiong as the deputy heir, and his third son Xu Fengxiang as the protector of the capital, specializing in border defense. This series of plans has all made favorable arrangements for the long-term stability of the dynasty. Xu Xiao's strategy and skill have made Beiliang truly embark on a prosperous and everlasting road.

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